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- ; e - - ! Key: B Breezing. D Driving. E Easily. II Handily. 0 All out. TT Eased up. 108 AURORA, III., April 18. Todays training gallops included the following: AURORA. Weather cloudy; track muddy 3-8 MILE. 54 Ballot Girl... :15Vf,b 103 Hannah K... :40b Button :19b 105 Jimys Pride :43d 71 Billable :45b 100 Knockabout . :38tf,h 103 Caleite ..... :41 b 105 Ramoiu S.... :41b 102 Geo. Groom.. :4ib 102 Simon Legrce :40b 1-2 MILE. 103 Bumpsie Kayl:00b 7-8 MILE. 103 Bridegroom ..l:40Vib 1 MILE. 102 Fire King... 1:57 b Adverse weather conditions kept training activities down this morning. LEXINGTON, Ky., April 18. Todays training gallops included the following: LEXINGTON. Weather cloudy; track good 3-8 MILE. 105 Bunana :37b Lightning Bolt :39b 10G Busy :38b Little Sing :37 Burnt Copper. :38 b Little Paris . :40 b G4 Corsiean .... :40 b 105 Lt. Manstld. :40b Darpat :39b 107 Miss Bess :37b 101 Directly :38 b 105 Night Cry :37h- Fly. Cherokee :38 b 105 Participate .. :38 b 105 Gold Stei :37b 105 Red Ilider . . . :38 h 105 Cradiset .... :38b 105 Sandy, Shore. :39 b Howtiz :38b 10G Shining :39b Havriila ..... :38b 104 Scotland ... :40 b His Honor... :40 b Sis Esther .. :38 b Intruder .... :40 b 104 Silver Foot.. :37b Instructor ... :38 b True Guess .. :37 b lOGJaphern :40b The "Widower :40 b 105 Kitty Mullally :38 b 105 Tennessee Gal :3Sandb Kindness .... :3S"-f,b 1-2 MILE. Back Log... :49b Lady Sweet.. :50b Bellicent ... :50h 105 Long Kun... toOsb 107 Cps Dgher :53b Little Scout. :53andb 100 Fonde :51b Modern Times :50h Georgine K... :50b 105 Itoyal Tryst. :50b Galaday :5h Swift Pal... :52b Gentle Maid. :50b 107 Stimulant .. :50b 10G Hiram Kelly. :54b Spancie :53h 101 Jack Hprgaii. :54 li Westys Brii :52 b 5-8 MILE. 101 Anna Beall..l:03h Lady Consul. l:0Gb Aye Beady ..1:07 b 101 Nevermore ..l:0Gh SG Bad Ns Bob.l:0Gb Span Flow. . .l:02h 104 Elstar 1:07 b 10G Sancho l:07b 105 Honi Soit l:03b 54 Sour Mash. .l.f03h 79 Irritation ..1:10 b 105 Thistle Fyrn.l:03ib Kate Geary .1:05 b 81 Wingo 1:0G h 105 Lincoln PIaut.l:03b "Wildolive ...l:07b 3-4 MILE. 107 Aspirin l:2lb Lucky Dream. 1:19 b Billie Birck..l:18 b Little Club.. 1:19 b Bee Hive ...1:23 b 105 Mont icello ...l:20b Caroline S....l:18 b Overboard ...l:20J5h Clog Dance.. l:lSSb 105 Outpost 1:22 b 105 Double 0 1:21 b 105 Prince Sport. 1:21 b Everlasting ..1:21 b Bushing 1:22 b 101 Facility l:18b 101 Iteenie 1:21 b 105 Gold h Begulus 1:20 h 105 Gibs Choice.l:20 h 101 Sporting Ladyl:20b Hon. Locust.. 1:20 b Stop Gap 1:20 h Ilieover .....1:18 b SomJer 1:21 -Jab 103 Illustrious ...1:171 10G San. Hamptonl:21 h John Silver.. 1:2S b . Whisp 1:17 jib Jos. Sabbath. 1:21 b 1 MILE. 107 Gen. Clinton. .1:50 b 103 Racketeer ..l:50h 105 Geo. MCrannl:30b 107 Reigh 01ga..l:4Sb 72 Happy Hanly.l:50 b Rayon 1:39 b 105 Lion Heart... l:53b Sue Barker .l:49b 105 Onup 1:30 b Aalence . l:49b 105 Plumbago ...l:49b 105 Whiskery ..l:4Gh LOUISVILLE, Ky., April 18. Todays training gallops were as follows : CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast 3-8 MILE. Dolly Polly. . :40 e 100 Machete :39 h Irene T :3G h Titnour :37 h Karl Eitel... :41 e Toman :41 e 10G La Sport :38 h The Senator. :37 h Make Haste.. :3ih "Who AVin :41 e 1-2 MILE. 107 Prince Athg :30 ii Retort :51 li 5-8 MILE. Gl Agitator ...l:03h 9G Hogs Alley. 1:05 b Sis Agnes. ..1:03 li Pcess Vginial:03andh 74 Billy Basil.. 1:04 h 83 Southld Bollel:03 h 03 Blessefield ..1:04 h Zoom l:03h 3-4 MILE. 72 Bezonian ,...l:13andh 88 Old Cally 1:20 b 10G Cayuga 1:10 h 02 Tantivy 1:15 gli Chicago 1:18 b Tyrol 1:18 b Laddie l:17h 1 MILE. Thotos Star.l:51 b Most trainers were resting their oars today. Roguish Eye, looking like a locomotive and going sound, is galloping only. Audley Farm two-year-olds are attractive. HAVRE DE GRACE, Md.. April 18. Todays training gallops included the following: HAVBE DE GRACE. Weather rainy ; track sloppy 3-8 MILE. 93 Fair Lark :38 h 105 Vander Pool. . :3Gh 100 Mad Hattie.. :42 b 99 Wild Fowl... :37 h 105 Mud :38b "Walter W.. .. :37d 100 Patti Louise. :39 d 101 Young Kitty. :38 e 10G Solace :38 h 1-2 MILE. 104 Beacon Hill. :49 d 105 Kwen Lun... :51h 10G Blanco :52 h 104 Malolo :53 b 101 Equipoise . . . :34 b 105 Naylor :53 e 98 Hyess Chcc :55 h 105 Smear :54 b 100 Jimmy Moran :54 b 104 Zalin :51h 5-8 MILE. Cabcllsdale, .1:09 e 80 Mordrom 1:07 b 91 Gagliardo Jnl:09 h 93 Miss Pat 1:05 h 10G Joshua 1:07 h 101 Stupendous .1:0G u 3-4 MILE. 105 Fair Thorn.. 1:24 b Memoria 1:25 h 102Fst Mission. l:173d 104 St. Prisca. . .1:23 h 1 MILE. 83 Ruhan Rouge. 1:51 e 104 Xostaw 1:50 h Gerard 1:53 e Beacon Hill went well in the going. Equipoise and Smear were breezing together. Vander Pool went easily in the going. Nostaw went handily. Ruban Rouge went handily. Gerard was hard held. NEW YORK, N. Y.. April 18. Todays training gallops over the local courses were as follows: JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track muddy 1-2 MILE. 44Atiptoe :54b 105 Cornish Lad. . :53 b 100 Bright Steel.. :32h 105 Euclid :53 b 5-8 MILE. 9G Dim Ray 1:14 b 3-4 MILE. 10G Anger .......1:29 b 10G Fantad l:2C,b 100 Brocal Ii21h 100 Okaybee 1:2075b 10." Bcslcy 1:25 b 10K Ramoneur ...1:29 b 104 Brown Trap. .l:25o 10G Sunny Star.. .l:21b 101 Dunrock l:25b Vim 1:19 h 1 MILE. 77 Force 1:51 b 10G Torpointer ..1:30 b AQUEBUCT. Weather clear; track slopry 1-2 MILE. 105 Sportress ... :34 h 102 Virgilla :51 b 3-4 MILF. 105 Grey Gull. . .l:18h 100 Lagrange ...1:23 h 10G Hazel L 1:22 h 100 Ladv Alloy. .1:30 h 10G Irish l:18h lOlTriskette ...1:28 h Owing to track conditions, no work of importance was attempted. BELMOT PARK. A heavy fog enveloped the track and no horses could be timed. Most of the trainers confined their charges to slow gallops, the track being deep in mud. WHEELING, W. Va., April IS. Todays training gallops were as follows : WHEELING. Weather clear; track heavy "dogs up." 1-4 MILE. SG Best Balance. :27 b 74 Vladimir :2Gh Dr. Hickman. :25f.b 102 Wee Gentlen :2G"7b Royal Tent.. :257r.b 3-8 MILE. Basha :42h 100 Max Brick... :42b 100 Lancer :44 h 102 Tetra Glass.. :42b 105 Miss Ramsey. :41 b 105 White Xose.. :41 b 1-2 MILE. 103 J. Wilm II. :34-7f.b 102 Woody Long. :34Sb 5-8 MILE. Beruad Bee.. 1:09 b 3-4 MILE. 100 Favorit II 1:21 b 1 MILE. Lady Viola. . .1:33 b