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e : 9 .OAIOT RACING FORM and " - - "PIMLICO . 4 TC A Ai IIMLICO, MD., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1930. 1 Mile. Third day. Maryland Jockey Club. Spriug meeting of 12 days. Weather cloudy. Ii I Stewards, A. G. Weston, G. ISrown, Jr., and F. J. Bryan. Judges, F. C. Riggs, J. 15. Campbell and 4G jH. 1. Conkliug. Starter, J. F. Milton. Racing Secretary. F. J. Bryan. 4g . . . . . ,0 I Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs, 15 blinkers. Fig- ! tires in parentheses following 1 distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age o horse ",b and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. 4 4G G - 1 4G tTAOQ FIRST RACE 1-2 Mile. Gavotte, May 4, 1925 :47 2 112. Purse ,300. 2-year- 15 ITti VFOO olds. Maidens. Fillies. Net value to -winner 00; second, 50; third, 50. 4G KApril-SO-30-riin 13 Index Horses AWtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4C 40 ;4G848 ST. AGNES -vv 119 2 2 li li 1 E Ambrse Mrs W M Jeffords 410-100 46648:OVER SHADY w 119 11 1 4l 2- 2 R Morson Nevada! Stock Farm Sta 4C0-100 .4G984:QUEEN HEROD w 119 5 3 21 3i 3 P Walls Mrs H Pulitzer 310-100 SAND PLAY w 119 1 1 3i 4l 4 S ODnell X. E Kciffer 4575-100 M HIGH GO w 119 12 5 5h 5 5h F Colletti S Ross 353-100 KJ SNOOTY w 119 S 9 7s C1 Gi J MeTagt J W Garth 230-100 Bl BAR POTHEEN" wn 119 3 7 Sl 8 71 R AVkman IIP Whitney 820-100 RUTH TIDINGS w 119 G G 6- 71 55 J Eaby 13 P Summcrfield 7560-100 R. R. DAME RUMOR w 119 7 8 9i 91 91 J Mann L Rosenberg 5383-100 4G880 PALM READER iv 119 9 1 0 103 1 05 10J F Slate J Bosley Jr t2915-100 tG507 YPRES ROSE v 119 4 12 12 12 Hi C Carlisle G Lerian 1 st 40981 ENTICE yr 119 10 11 11 Hi 12 P Burgard Rancocas Stablo t wi ; fMuluel field. Time, :23, :48. Track fast. j , MUTUELS PAID N E QUI V AI NT BOOKING 0DDS- j 6T. AGNES 10.20 $ 5.10 3.30 410100 155100 05 100 OVER SHADY 4.80 3.00 140100 50100 QUEEN HEROD 2.90 45100 Winner I!, f, by Golden Broom Bel Agnes, by Ambassador IV. trained by S. P. Harlan; bred by Mr. W. M. Jeffords. i WENT TO POST 2:31. AT POST 3 minutes. A Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ST. AGNES, beginning rapidly, assumed a short lead at once, was shaken up when entering the .retch and, opening up a good lead, continued to bear out all through the final eighth. OVER SHADY, away well and going forwnrdly, finished with good courage. QUEEN HEROD, hard hustled J all the way, was not good enough. "SAND lLAX was uuable to improve her position at any stage. HIGH GO raced evenly throughout. 41 Scratched 4G58 1 Trapstar, 119; 40732 Mina F., 119; Faylin, 119; Redoubtable, 119; Water Tort, ., 119; rickmcup, 119. - I r 4 Ii rTtfQQ SECOND RACE 4 1-2 Furlongs. Dignus, May 13, 1926 :53 2 111. Trojan Purse. 4 Hc VOU Purso ,300. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; , lApril-Sa-SO-rim third, 50. 4i !, 4i j Index Horses AWtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt Ji 1 4G947 GLIDELIA wb 114 5 1 li 1 ll L Fator Rancocas Stablo 270-100 4, 1;4G77G5SPIRIT RIVER w 115 S 4 2s 2 21 J Eaby A G Weston G20-100 4G913 SUMMER DAY iv 112 G 5 5. 5 31 R Wkman H P Whitney 170-100 ,40818 KALEIDOSCOPE w 115 2 2 3k 3" 41 E Ambrse Mrs W M Jefford3 1735-100 H ;i4G98G UTMOST WD 122 4 3 4 4 5J P Walls E M Byers 540-100 S 4GG27 NOBLE SIR w 115 3 G G G1 G F Colletti C T Grayson 3SS3-100 C C. PORTCODINE w 115 7 8 SJ S" 7" J MeTagt E B McLean 7103-100 J. TRAUMAGNE TO 115 1 9 9 9 8 F Stevens K E Hitt 7810-100 MINUS ONE w 113 9 7 7 7i 9 S ODnell L Rosenberg 5120-100 Tims, :23, :48, :54. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVAL NT BOOKING ODDS-, GLIDELIA $ 7.40 $ 3.80 $ 2.50 270100 90100 25 1C0 SPIRIT RIVER : 5.10 3.00 155100 50100 Z SUMMER DAY 2.00 30100 s Winner B. f, by Lucullite Delia, by Sir Martin trained by F. M. Taylor; bred by Mr. H. F. t Sinclair. WENT TO POST 3:05. AT POST 21 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. GLIDELIA, displaying good speed and beginning last, took a good lead early and, saving ground, held SPIRIT RIVER safe in the final drive. The latter offered contention all the way and held on well at t I the end. SUMMER DAY, slow to get into her best stride, came fast in the final stages. KALEIDO- j SCOPE tired in the last quarter mile. UTMOST, under pressure early, tired on the stretch turn. TRAU- JIAGNE had a rough race. Scratched Dealer, 113. 4 iy4 rffh A g THIRD RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Watervale, May 17, 19111:513112. Purse ,300. 4 1 Jb 4 vrTEvr 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, j "April-SO-30-PIin. 50. Claiming price, ,000; if for ,500, 3 pounds additional. . j Index Horses AWtlPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt "4G91GREJUVENATION wb 7 121 2 1 1 1 1 1 li G Qnbush T Coffey 530-100 4 .4G953FAIll ALBERT wis 4 113 3 3 2i 21 25 28 2s W Cannon H G Bedwell 793-100 4 4G711 BLAZING CINCH w 4 12S G 4 G5 4nt 4i il 3 Jt Wkman J Reynolds 570-100 1 4 4 GG53 COMPANION wr. 3 110 7 5 3 3" 3 S" 4i C Carlisle R Pending G23-100 1 4G914COGWHEEL wit 7 118 5 G 4l 5l 5l 5i 55 J Eaby C M Kelly 855-100 1 i4G985JOHN ROBERT w 3 103 1 2 5h 61 G G1 Gi " J Serio J F Bescho 713-100 , 4G990 EUPHRATES wn 7 12G 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 F Doherty C R Fleisclimann 2CO-100 , Time, :24, :49, 1:15, 1:41, 1:55. Track fast. , ?2 MUTUELS PAID , EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS : REJUVENATION 2.60 6.00 $ 4.20 530100 200100 110100 TAIR ALBERT 7.50 4.50 275100 125 ICO I BLAZING CINCH 3.80 90100 , Winner Ii. h, by Hourless Duchess Kathleen, by John o Gaunt trained by T. Coffey; bred by Nursrry Stud. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 3:36.- AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third the same.- REJUVENATION went into an easy lead nt once, was rated along under restraint, resisted FAIR ALBERTS challenge at the final eighth post and came nway fast when shaken up. The latter, prominent and going in good form, made a challenge when approaching the stretch, but tiled at the. end. BLAZING 1 CINCH carried his weight well and finished with good energy to outstay COMPANION. The latter could 1 not keep pace. COGWHEEL was held safe. EUPHRATES showed a very dull effort and can do better. 1 A rytflktH FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Shuffle Along, Nov. 3, 1923 1:42 3 110. ,TC fl "Uy5:JL Purso ,500. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000; ; April-30-30-rim second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 1 4G950 STAR O MORN wn 5 113 3 1 2i 2 li li li G Arnold Black Dot Stablo 130-100 0 4G709 SUNVIR vc 4 113 4 3 3i 31 3 2s 2i R Wkman K E Hitt 4G0-100 0 4G73S3SIIIPMASTER wit 4 113 5 4 4 48 4: 4" 3s J McCoy Glen Riddle Farm Stable 370-100 0 4G950 GERARD - vn 5 113 1 2 lt p 2 3i 45 J Eaby G D Widcner 3S3-100 0 PROM AN DALE wn 4 113 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 F Mann Seagram Stable 1515-100 0 Time, :24, :48, 1:14, 1:40, 1:45. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS-. STAR O MORN $ 5.00 $ 2.70 $ 2.20 150100 35 1C0 10100 0 SUNVIR 3.90 3.00 95100 50100 2 SHIPMASTER 3.10 55100 0 Winner li. h, by Yulcain Dawn Star, by Star Shoot trained by H. G. Woods; bred by Mr. J. . Butler. WENT TO POST 4:11. AT POST 1 minute. Start good out of machine. Won handily; second and third driving. STAR O MORN, forcing a good pace, reached the lead with a rush on the far turn, was kept under r urging and had enough in reserve to withstand SUNVIR. The latter, rated within striking distance of f the leader, made several challenges in the final stages, but tired in the stretch. SHIPMASTER was s unable to threaten the leaders. GEUAKI was hard ridden and tired approaching the stretch. 3 A !7tfhi FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Mainmast, May 6, 1924 1:10 G 116. Eighth Running g Jk 4 VKTbiSsI JENNINGS HANDICAP.,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to o April-SU-uO-Pim winner SG.0C0; second, ,000; third, 00; fourth, 50. Index Horses AWtlPSt Vk Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt t 4GG52;BALKO we 5 117 9 1 2i l1 1 l3 J Bejshak Sagamore Stablo t73-100 4GG52 JOCK wr. G 119 S 7 4i 3i 2nk 2i R Wkman E B McLean 450-100 i4GG52 THE HEATHEN wis G 117 7 2 IV 24 31 3i F Colletti C II Pierce t 4GG52 BATSHIP GRAY ivu 4 111 1 5 3"k 4s 4i 4 J McCoy Glen Riddle Farm Stable 1155-100 4G882 GOOD AS GOLD vr 3 102 4 9 7i 5i 51 5i F Stevens Mrs W M Jeffords 1820-100 40733 MUD ivn 4 10G 2 G 8l 7i G G G Qnbush Justa Farm Stablo 2420-100 4GC52 CHLO BOY w 3 101 G 3 Gi 9 Si 7nk G Arnold Loma Stable 4135-100 42104 sMlNOTAUR wn 4 114 3 8 9 S 7i Si S ODncll J R Thompson Jr 28S0-1O0 4G882 MY SIS w 4 109 5 4 5 Gi 9 9 L Fator W F Scheid 1210-100 tCoupled as Sagainore Stable and C. It. Pierce entry. Time, :22, :47, 1:11. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS SAGAMORE STABLE AND C. H. PIERCE ENTRY $ 3.50 $ 2.30 $ 2.50 75100 15100 25100 JOCK 3.90 3.63 95100 CO 100 Winner BIk. h, by Omar Khayyam Rahu, by Disguise trained by J. II. Stotler; bred by Mr. A. B. Hancockl. WENT TO POST 4:43J. AT POST 1J minutes. Start good out o machine. Won handily; second and third driving. I.ALKO, in splendid condition and never far from THE HEATHEN, displaced the latter turning out of the back stretch, was put under slight punishment when straightened out in the stretch and drew away steadily. JOCK, kept right up with the leaders, responded to punishment, but could not get to the winner. THE HEATHEN had fine speed for a halt mile and tired slowly. BATTLESHIP GRAY was not good enough even under pressure. GOOD AS GOLD began blowly and never reached a contending position. MY SIS quit badly in the final drive. Scratched lG7.3GI!obashela. J12; 41032 Click, 109; 4G087 Guilford, 100. Continued on thirteenth page. PIMLICO Continued from third page. : Q SIXTH RACE l Milo and 70 Yards. Shuffle Along, Nov. 3, 1923 1:42 3 110. 4Tefb3 4 xJTcO Chesapeake Handicap. Purse ,300. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net April-SO-SC-Pim value to winner 1930.sh00; second, 50; third, 50. Claiming price, ,500. Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4GG80STROXC.IIEART wn 5 IIS 4 6 31 3i 3 2" 1" G Qnbush AValuri Farms Stable. 703-100 43211 ERIN QUEEN w 4 105 5 4 1S ll l1 1 21 G Arnold Audley Farm Stablo 450-100 4G9503FAIRY MAIDEN wn G 113 G 5 51 G 5 4 31 W Curran AV Maher 1SO-100 4 0814 FAIR BETH w 4 110 2 3 2i 2i 2nk 3 4 R Morson J E Griffith 250-100 45351 BERBER w 3 100 3 2 6 4h 4"1 5i 5i S Rcnick Mrs J Arthur 4303-100 4G9903BILLYCOCK w 0 112 1 1 41 51 G G 6 F Slate J Bosley Jr 1050-100 Time, :24, :49?,. 1:15, 1:414, 1:46. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS- STRONGHEART 6.10 $ 6.80 $ 5.20 705100 240100 160100 ERIN QUEEN 5.80 3.50 190100 75100 FAIRY MAIDEN 2.70 35100 Winner 1$. g, by Headstrong Anna M.f by Light Brigade trained by W. G. Wilson; bred by Lilane Stable. Winner entered to be claimed for ,300. WENT TO POST 5:16. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving: second and third the same. STRONGHEART, rated in close pursuit of the leaders, made his move approaching the stretch and, coming fast, wore down ERIN QUEEN to get up in the final few yards. ERIN QUEEN displayed good Fpsr-d while setting the pace, saed ground and continued gamely when challenged. FAIRY MAIDEN, allowed to loaf along, went wide and then lost ground in the stretch by racing wide, but finished fastest of all. FAIR RETII offered good contention until entering the stretch, where she began to tire. 15ERI5KR had early speed. BILLYCOCK was outclassed. Scratched 10540 Wcllet, 111. A FffTA A SEVENTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Mainmast, May 6, 1924 l:10i 6 116. Bowling Brook 4s: 4 HJrfl: at Purse. Pursa 51,300. 3-year-olds. Claiming; Net value to -winner C0; second, April-30-3C-Pini 50; third, 50. Claiming price, ,000; if for ,000, allowed 3 pounds; ,500, G pounds. I Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt V 19-18SUNVIEW w 11G 9 1 3 3i 21 1" C rhillips Mrs W C Trover 275-100 4G5G5 FAIR ORB w 103 2 3 4"k 4J 4i 2k F Stevens E M Doumani . 2500-100 43951 NORMAN JEAN w 103 3 2 23 lk lnk 3J G Arnold S Ross 1975-100 43G28 WIG wn 107 14 lh 2i 31 41 J McTagt J P Jones 2015-100 4 0 5 G G TE WSEN E LD A wn 103 S 7 G 5 53 5i R Haines G L Strykcr 1050-100 4G987 BRONZE PRINCE wn 116 5 S S S3 7 6" J Eaby K E Hitt 2350-1C0 4GG7S3IMA QUEEN w 103 G G 71 6" 6 7n C Carlisle R Pending .1020-100 4G948RED BRIAR wn 113 7 9 9 9 8h S5 W CVinon H G Bedwcll 1135-100 4G587ZUBLENA wb 110 4 5 5U 7t 9 9 L I tor Rancocas Stable 150-100 Time, :23, -.48. 1:14. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID . - ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS SUNVIEW $ 7.50 $ 4.30 $ 3.70 275100 115100 85100 FAIR ORB 15.60 10.80 680100 440100 NORMA JEAN 8.50 325100 Winner Ch. c, by Royal Canopy Pyroxene, by Trap Rock trained by W. C. Trover; bred by Mr. P. M. Walker. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,CO0. WENT TO POST 5:51. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good out of machine. AVon driving; second and third the same. SUNAIEW, restrained for the first half, came with good speed when put to a drive, wore the leaders down steadily and in a strong finish just managed to get up in the last fifty yards. FAIR ORB, in a forward position all the way, came to the outside and finished resolutely. NORMA JEAN raced WIG into defeat, saved ground and held to her task in determined fashion. AVIG set a good pace, but was used up early and tired. TEWSENELDA waa held safe. RED BRIAR stumbled directly after the start. ZUliLENA showed a very poor race and was eased up when beaten. Scratched 1G02D Top Kick, 111. Overweights Tewsenelda, 3 pounds; Zublena, 2. The following chart was received too late for yesterdays early edition: A FYfhA 17 SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Watervale. May 17, 19111:513112. Purse ,300. rJc 4 J JL 6 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, Alril-29-:0-lilll . 50. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,500. Index Horses AWtPPSt lit Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4G731 HOMELIKE wb 4 110 3 2 2 21 1 1 ll F Doherty C R Fleischmann 2440-100 4G849 KEYDET vr G 105 7 5 3i 3 2 2 G Qnbush J F Adams 205-100 4 6881 CUDGELLER wn S 109 5 7 5k 4 4s 3i 3 AV Cannon II G Bedwell. COO-100 4G849CELER1TAS w 4 109 2 6 61 G"k 5 6 4 C Carlisle R Pending -420-100 4G885 FOREST LORE wn 10 103 8 4 710 7" Gl 5i 5h V Drake M H Dixon 1720-100 4G919 AOYAGE wn 4 109 1 1 ll 1 2i 41 G R Tilden AV J Owens 533-100 4G527DARIC wb 5 103 G 3 42 5h V 7 73 S Renick J J Connor 31S5-100 4G953 PRAIRIE GIRL wb 4 103 4 8 8 8 S 8 8 E AVattcrs J C Taylor S20-100 Tim3, :25, :50, 1:17, 1:42, 1:56. Track fast. j MUTUELS PAID . r-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-r HOMELIKE 0.80 2.90 $ 6.20 2440100 545100 210100 KEYDET 3.80 2.70 95100 35100 CUDGELLER 4.20 110100 AVinner B. g, by Wrack Hurry Home, by Omar Khayyam trained by T. Bonham; bred by Mr. A. B. Hancock. AAinner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 6:00. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon handily: second and third driving. HOMELIKE, kept within striking distance of AOYAGE, moved up to the latter when reaching the far turn, gained an easy lead and drew out through the final quarter mile. KEYDET, rated off the pace, made up .ground steadily, but could not overtake the winner. CUDGELLER, restrained early, was held safe when the final drive came. CELER1TAS saved ground all the way, was put under punishment, but was unable to threaten the leaders. AOYAGE showed speed for a mile and retired. PRAIRIE GIRL was away slowly and had no chance with the start. Scratched 44432Fire Chief. 110; -1G850 Rockdor, 110; 4C918 Jack nawksley, 118.