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CLOCKERS REVIEW IP ■ # __[ V H Nl 35 Cents— Sold on All Newsstands W ■ f B Jl ■ * For to "GOOD THING" _J_L_ A __L. T ____. A ___L __ M J k - W LW B. M " * ~ ■■ "™" "-** ~ I CLOCKERS REVIEW, sold at all newsstands, 35 cents M the copy. TODAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: RELEASING REAL TURF INFORMATION— STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY— PROMPT SERVICE TO ALL PIMLICO— Rye-16-3. For Col. Matt Bradys Special see page 11, Clockers OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS Review. clockers review pub co. 5W DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES— D AILYPG 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City Thg twQ horseg you receive are the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two horses. WIN OR LOSE, PRICES BIG OR SMALL, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY SUPREME FLASH YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: TURF WEEKLY f 11 _* f_ O /? 1X7 35 Cents-10 Weeks, Foi Sale on All Newsstands 1 *. I lll X VI 1"% II flft TODAYS FREE CODE IVClllIlCo U*%JJj ▼ Y UI1 CHURCHILL— Jan.-19-13-11-13. For cipher code see page 2. SUPREME FLASH, sold *J • ■ • At * mlkT tveiu ve natio n* tbo.i/u* w on W »** *»*-% M. Y -w_fcm TODAYS SUPREME PARLAY: "J%,m MJ / "Z™ «Lso cT™ ™o "Z S»-DO NOT MISS TODAYS BIG LIMIT WIN PARLAY-*B this parlay see page 8, Supreme Flash Turf Weekly. We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, assuring prompt and immediate attention. Out-of- SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. town subscribers receive the advertised two horses the very same day their money is received. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomor- 799 Broadway, Suite 407 New York City row. The day you miss is the day you lose. ===================== = 2PTWIRE IMMEDIATELY FOR TODAYS TWO HORSESpSS CHAMPION NEWSIES Out-of-town clients, remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive the advertised parlay within an hour. No waiting. 50 Cents Daily at All Newsstands JkM Hp |7jjjiif ■ lfttflfl YESTERDAYS CHAMPION PARLAY: M • LW Mm A %K UOvlli IRONCLAD 2.10, WON 1476 BROADWAY, ROOM 1105 NEW YORK, N. Y. HOMER 1. 5.08, WON — *- For these parlays, see daily card. NO TELEGRAMS. _ TODAYS CHAMPION PARLAY: j | ■ ■ 1 11 ¥• ■ 1 W T I ™ ■"■ I m p,M™fpSzor9-,,a- uCttic Witii Us Lvcry lcn usys 1452 BROADWAY, SUITE 407 NEW YORK W W Our business is turf speculation on a large scale. We operate at a tremendous expense in order to safeguard our own turf investments. We maintain a thoroughly equipped organization, including confidential men who do nothing else but make and main- ANDYS BREAKERS tain connections for us at all tracks at all times. Naturally, the information obtained costs us big money. 50 Cents Dalv at Ne W sstands During the past few years we have been releasing information to the public daily, with the strict understanding that no money ., , " is to be played at the tracks. We will accept more clients only on the same basis. If all clients place away from the tracks no harm YESTERDAY S DIRECTORS PARLAY: can e one. As our own investment is the big end of our business, we could not afford to jeopardize our track connections. HOMER L 5.08, WON gv distributing information it increases our income. That is why we do it. We will accept only reliable people, who are only IRONCLAD 2.10, WON too glad to pay for Dona fide information. This is strictly business with us. For these parlays, see coded daily card. POSITIVELY WE WANt 00 OF YOUR PROFITS EACH WEEK. All we ask you to play is a win parlay each day for ten days on the NO WIRES. two horses we wire you at 8:30 a. m. YOU MUST BE AHEAD AT LEAST 00 AT THE END OF TEN DAYS OR YOU OWE US TODAYS DIRECTORS PARLAY: NOTHING. JIM— 13-25 and ED 2-21. Remember, you must live up to your agreement, as we dont want any welching. We have had that experience before. TODAYS CODED BREAKERS: Wire your name and address, with 0 for your share of the expenses and to show you mean business. You deduct this 0 from our share at the end of ten daYs- Fast rush telegrams will be sent every subscriber immediately. No delays whatsoever. PIMLICO— Hoof-23-11-17 LOUISVILLE— So rs 15-16-8 YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES RELEASED TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER: 4NDY 145 West 41st Street, Suite 512 New York City HOMER L 5.00, WON ™™ RELLINE. ....... $ 9.36, 7 WON KEYSTONE .-w™ SERVICE S10 FOR A WINNER Mondays Strictly Two Horses: Saturdays Strictly Two Horses: Not a daily service but often enough to satisfy MAILLIW 2.80, WON MOZART 1 .98, WON .ensibie payers. JACKBIENER 4.92, WON PRIVATELY 5.94, WON Honest Service— No Hokum— Sent Code in Only THE ABOVE HORSES WERE POSITIVELY THE ONLY HORSES RELEASED TO OUR CLIENTS Room 1007-109WNREDe Chicago TODAYS PARLAY SHOULD WIN AND PAY 50 TO ===—=——=—===—===—=====■==———=?——=—— Western Subscribers: Go to your nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph office and remit 0, and we will wire you each ____ _« _____ _ _ —__—1B-1„ day for ten days. All wires will be sent by fast rush telegrams. No delays whatsoever. Address • 00 parlay system Reliable Turf Svnclicate A qniik money getter: picks host horse at a * V*»AC*P»*V* M Ut M. KS J liVtlvUtV/ glance; get yours at once; start winning I Its and secorompaW, 152 West 42nd Street, Suite 1125 New York City *o fox st.. Aurora, * _______ __ _______ ____ OFFICE OPEN DAILY FROM 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M. Hoi*SLCG ArV Sides Fir.twuhP».tperfor---w. CHICAGO 5*J55SS555 NEWEST AND BEST RACING STORY I J All Y I F I FCIR APH "YANKEE DOODLE COMES TO TOWN" ££££££• pcCs ce"s Begins in This Weeks Issue of . * WEEKLY RACING GUIDE - .. tuesm— mm. cow* LIOLELE .54, WON don-t miss it! Horace Wade needs no introduction to readers of Weekly Racing Guide and S 1 EP ENFETCHIT .30, 2ND to those who have read his current popular novel: "To Hell With Hollywood." This famous young author is at his best when writing racing stories. He is an The Code Horses are FREE with every issue of the "Pink Sheet." ardent turf follower and loves to write about racing. TUESDAY REGREN POINTED OUT* "YANKEE DOODLE COMES TO TOWN" THREE WINNERS AT AURORA Begins in This Weeks Issue of WEEKLY RACING GUIDE THREE WINNERS AT JAMAICA THREE WINNERS AT COLUMBUS TWO FREE CODE SERVICES THAT WIN YOU NEED A ttplNK SHEET., IF YOU PLAY THE RACES CAR MAC Americas Greatest Expert ___— r~— I Carmacs Release for Thursday: CHURCHrLL— Four-7-27. ,g — ■ ■*■ J*-"*-jjk ASA POWELL / ml - The Man Who Catches Them Out of Line IP tA Hr- w p mi Asa Powells Release for Thursday: CHURCHILL— One-1 3-23. Iw/- Hfi • Z — £ *and c S* 4y J I FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF MAY 2 °° it *l6 /__k*-JKfc____S"f7 ARTHUR MILES RELEASES APPEAR EXCLUSIVELY IN X_B_3C- / vV//o S; //// WEEKLY RACING GUIDE W% *Sand II Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly 4 4| |l*ii //// 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ELL. ,_, "S //// On Sale at All Newsstands — Price, Twenty-Five Cents "______H____HH_____|__ft___7 // N J I H I SI jy I V J LJ V f N V_ t_ ! TO DECLPHER ABOVE BUY A "PINK SHEET" JUST BET ON OUR PARLAY DAILY FOR US u CENTS EACH «4 PER month by first class mail YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: BOURBON MAID Ran 2nd MODERN TIMES WON Start with Past f_,m CHIP A HO tSmTwSmTmlSSSm Please Remit Promptly All Money Due Us m**mm**m*~*mmm*mm~~m*mm V * XI VrTLVlVf ■■»----»-*"■■•■ -"•"-■~ JUST WIRE YOUR CORRECT NAME AND ADDRESS f . TTr1 „ v ¥ lir. A nil All those wishing a more personal service, send your phone number or call I I / I 1 JF r4 r* I ~ B_! — — wr H BRYANT 9-6463 M*rflL* A M, ll_jl_4_irViukl A A Dayton Publishing Co., 147 W. 42cl St. Suite 1016 New York City wi Plymouth court Chicago, ill.