7th Blue Bonnets, Daily Racing Form, 1931-06-15

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3 ■ 2 7 2 0 5 5 3 I ; • • 1 f . | i | I , 1 1 1 1 I I l * , J ! 7th Blue Bonnets Purse 00- 3.Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. ys Miles William T., June 22, 1929— 1:52— 4— 108. NOTE— Claiming price, 00. Non-winners in 1931. 3-year-olds, 105 pounds; older, 115 pounds. No apprentice allowance. Index Post Best at Distance— Wt. Claim Index Post Best at Distance— Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AjreTodav Prii-e No. Pos. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AyeToday Price 59568 3 Confab 5 112X 800 59939 7 Fair Ltgion Bbg 102 1:54% 6 112.. 800 59938 1 Lawless 9 112X 800 59697 2 Gold Dust. .Bbg 104 1:56 6 110X 800 59988 8 S. J. Gillfillan 4 112X 800 59757 4 Emplette . .Bbg 98 1:54 5 110X 800 59470 9 Sue Barker Lex 108 1:55 7 110.. 800 59940 5 Signola . . .HdG 110 1:56% 7 110X 800 59989 10 Alloy Aur 103 1:54% 9 112X 900 599393 6 Collington M S 112* 800 Best times snown above are from Jan 1, 1930. *Fair mud runner. *Good mud runner. ®S-tuerior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures 2 or 3, 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past peiformances of the horses entered in this race, together with latent workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Str Fin Jockey P.P CI Pee Sts. Best Company Confal X 110 Br- *• • y Chatterton — Cadeau, hy Golden Maxim. X 1 Ci Trainer, H. Dryden. Owner. H. Walker. May30-317Del 1 2:42% ft 20 104 725 MooreR 800 8 AlLivingston 118.Span lOT.Coquina 107 May26 31°Del ljV 2:02% m 2710 110 3° MooreR 700 6 Coquina 110, Ardmore 113. Floss 110 May23 314Del | 1:34% sy 6 106 712 MooreR 800 8 IrishSphere 104,Trappy 109,KauIana 108 Octl4-307Duf 111„1:56% ft 27 108 8 8 818 821 TavlorW7 1500 8 LuckvPlayl08,Uppity 106.MoonPh-selll Sepl7-30:DeI 1 2:02% hy 3 5 115 1FinleyA 500 6 Ore iOWdergTimslOO.MgansSonlOO , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— Last year.. 16 5 2 0 ,105 1931 record.. 3 0 0 1 $ 25 Lawless X 119 h- e~ • y Peter Pan — Rnth Law. by Broomstick. Last work- 164—12 53ft X X U Trainer, P. Delaney. Owner, P. Delaney. Jua9 31°C.P 1-,V1:52 m 8 103 8 5 6" 616 CraverL8 1000 8 Elizabethl05.MgrEversl07.G.Dust 105 Jua4 312C.P I 1:14% ft 29 107 9 11 103 109i CraverL* 1000 12 SgaMajel09.SnyStarl07.PrincePeter98 Octl4-308Duf 1A 1:57% ft 11 111 7 6 571 410 TaylorW" 1250 8 HlandFlingl07,RmonaS.U2,P.Dler 111 Sep.20 304Del 1:38 si 1 112 U TaylorW 500 8 Fateful 112,Povvder 112, Littlelmp 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— Last year.. 15 2 3 2 $ 1,255 1931 record . 2 S. J. Gillfillan X 110 Ch. g. 4, by Manager Waite — Florence W., by Watervale. Last work- 136—3 4 117ft XXL* Trainer, G. K. Allen. Owner, G. K. Allen. Jual0 316C.P r°l:48%m 7 97 8 7 5s 3si CooperR3 1000 9 TomboyllO.ImaHat 99,GranitcDust 110 Jua6 312C.P 5 f 1:07% ft 31 108 5 2 23 2* DaintyF3 1000 8 GnPatchl08,CdyManl03.SirStanlevl08 Jua4 313C.P | 1:14% ft 5Jf 107 7 3 2T 2 DaintyF1 1000 12 Marchrl00i.Pndorusl09.Observatnl05 May29 31Del | 1:03% ft 81 112 44i HornG 800 8 Damoclesl07,BalaiDOrll2,Torrence 110 Ma 23 31Del | 1:06% sy 71 113 351 PerniaO 800 8 Iraq 113,Domineer 113,Nine Sixty 113 , Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— Last year.. 9 1 0 1 $ 700 1931 record .9 0 2 2 $ 225 Sue Barker 1 1 H Blk" m *• y Torchbearer — Furieuse. by Ethelbert. ■11U Trainer. A. Smitha. Owner, A. Smitha. May28-312Del % 1:03% ft 36 113 T BentleyR 800 8 Winsomell2.AliceAminell2.Moroverll3 Jua25 302Tdn I 1:13% ft 18 105 9 7 V 58 BentleyB7 900 12 BombayllO,SlorMaid 105,Rghburn 110 JualO 307Tdn 1,g 1:51% m 55 105 6 10 102 918 BentleyR2 1100 11 BlleFronk98,Dontadosl06,Ro,!Sadie 110 Jun. 3-30«Tdn 1 01:44 ft 30 10". 4 5 3" 4H BentleyR* 7 RallotGirll07,KblaiKrrnllO,Mj Wd 110 0 Maj30-304Tdn V« l:4.j%sl 11 113 8 8 88i 8U RcddingJ* 10 C.LeBus 113.BlleFrk 108.MnP.iyne 108 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, . Suirts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd Won — Last year.. 13 0 0 1 $ 50 1931 record.. 1 Alloy X 110 B. g, 9, by Jim Gaffney — Golding, by Flint Bock. X x£i Trainer, J. F. Shilling. Owner. L. Mascia. JualO 31C.P 1 1:53 m 15 10610 9 721 6i RomanoT9 500 11 Benda 97, Sanction 112, My Lava 104 Jua4 315C.P Its 1:49 ft 5 107 7 7 8,s V* PerdomoA* 500 9 RedTaml03,RkCrusherl09.Tomboy 102 May30 316Del 1and 1:51% ft 13 107 56 PerniaO 800 8 Snctionll3.V.Pointll3.McrEvers 110 May29-317Del 1and 1:54% ft 4 113 21 PerniaO 500 8 Willrain 111, Sonata 113, Kalani 113 Mav25-31cDel 1-A2:01%hy 12 110 221 PerniaO 800 8 Sanctionll3,ForestLorellO,HighSkip 110 Mayl3 317Beu l 1:58% m 31 103* 61 MontgeryR 20010 LkyDriftllO,Sunsetl07i.FceC ream 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— Last year.. 37 4 3 10 ,215 1931 record .15 0 2 0 $ 100 Fair Legion 110 B. g, 6, by Fair Gain — Laura, by Woolsthorpe. X X Li Trainer. H. D. Walker. Owner, H. D. Walker. Jua9 31cC.P lT0l:51%m 8 109 2 4 45 45 DrakeV4 600 9 Torrito 107,PhilFoto 107.Collington 107 Jua 6 317C.P Li 1:54% ft 15 105 6 6 71* 716 LaurinL1 1000 7 Elizabethl03.HighPlayerllO,Vimont 113 Jua3 316C.P l70 1:46% ft 21 103*5 5 47 451 LaurinL8 1000 12 AgnesSorel 101.Tryonl03.JuneMoon 97 May30 313Del l70 1:49% ft 48 111 3 PerdomoA 800 8 S.Lacrusell5.Rosinte 115,MyBetty 105 Ma 28 315Del 6 f 1:25 ft 16 109 61 ComptonC Allw 6 Crittl 106.IrishSpherel01,AlLivstonl09 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year. .30 4 2 5 ? 2,515 1931 record .. 5 0 0 1 $ 25 Gold DllSt X 110 Ch. m, 6, by Golden Guinea— Sheila Byve, by Golden Sun. 11" Trainer. C. Middleton. Owner, Mrs. C. Middleton. Jua 3 313C.P 1 1:42% ft 50 102* 7 9 810 812 LauchH7 600 12 MissChiniquy HO.Star 112.IkeMann 100 May26 314Bbg Lj,l:53%gd 16f 104* 7 8 6" 82 LonchH" 1000 12 Icarusl07.Bonaire lll.PrcessDare 106 May23 31sBbg 11:54 m 67 106*1 8 819 821 WoodH3 1000 8 TwelveSixty lll,KingLolll,TinHat 111 Mayl3 317Beu lg 1:58% m 15 106* 105 FrogtteDE 20010 LkyDriftll0,Sunsetl07i,FceCream 108 May 8 31aBeu Its 2:00% hy 22 101* 71 LonchH 300 10 TinHatl09.Hobcawl06. TueheSixty 104 May 5 316Beu la 2:03% ft 8 100* 5" LonchH 400 8 Smperl04, EvelineF.103.JimmyFinn 98 Apr28 316Beu 11:54 si 8 100 21 LonchH 500 7 PaulineH 101,Ardmore 106,JimBell 99 Apt25 316Beu li6 2:09% si 13 106 45 OMalleyJ 500 10 TysNcklOO.JtaFprlOS.PsDare 105 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd Wnn — Last -ear.. 23 0 2 1 $ 190 1931 record .. 9 0 1 1 $ 100 Emplette X 110 Ch. m. 6, by Purchase— La Mode II., hy Ajax. Last work- 160 — lm 154hv H" Trainer, C. Garri?an. Owner, Mrs. C. Garrigan. Jua 4 317C.P IjV 1:49% ft 5f 107 12 12 ll39 ll37 MooreR10 600 12 MrEversll2.MyLaval07.Domineer 110 May29 31;Del l 1:54% ft 12 111 66i MooreR 600 8 Willrain 111, Alloy 113. Sonata 113 Mar.26 31cSt.J 1,V 1:51% ft 3f 108 9 6 421 52 CooperR12 1000 12 WrgNberl03.Fly.Exprsll0.H-bcawl05 Mar.21 317St.J 1A 2:06 gd 10 106 12 12 12C8 1245 HanfordB5 1000 12 WinnieJolOl.JamesM.lll.EvelineF 101 Marl8-315St.J 11:59 ft 15 106 5 9 9U 451 CooperR7 100010 Enthticl08.EvelineF.102.LyC!arce 103 Marl6 31cSt.J r»l:49 ft 42 109 8 7 919 691 CooperR8 1000 12 Folamile 110,Wloracl06,CabelIsdaIell5 Man 9 313St.J 1 1:45 ft 70 106 8 10 101 78 CooperR4 1000 12 Sunchenlll,NlonKayllO,MnPhase 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. AVon — Last year.. 37 4 7 7 ,810 1931 record .. 8 0 0 0 $ 35 Sigliola X 110 B. m. 7, by Sir Martin— Morsetto, by Masetto. Last work: 157— 5 8 ... 1 :06ft X X Trainer, C. H. Kobinson. Owner, C. H. Robinson. Jua9 3rC.P r°l:51%m 20 112 8 8 81 57 SmithYV3 600 8 Coquinal05,Woolorac 112,HndChief 112 Jua 3 31C.P 1 1:42% ft 6f 110 9 12 128 11" JacksonC1 600 12 MissChiniquy HO.Star 112.IkeMann 100 Ma 12 31cHa, al;0 1:52% si 11 110 5° BrooksN 50O 7 Humdingerll9,BigTeell6 Hed"efencell6 Ma -4 317Pim lig2:01 ft 34f 100*11 12 12" 1228 TildenR9 1500 12 RlChargell2.Sil.Scepterl09,Guilfd 109 Apr25-31HdG 1 2:37 ft 46 104* 6 5 6s 61 MartinezE5 1500 8 RubanRgel05,P.Coatesl08.D Nelsonl05 Apr22 317HdG li 2:10 ft 8f 103*10 9 9- 93 SimpsonR" 150012 Tazewell 112,RbanRougell2,P Peterll2 Apnl6 317HdG 111:55% ft llf 100*10 12 12" 1210 StudleyW11 150012 Mainstl04,N.RhymesllOL.BienvlelOO , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — Last year.. 21 0 0 4 $ 340 1931 record. . 7 Collington fc 11? Ch. g. 6 M, by Chatterton— Blue Teal, by Wrack. » XXLi Trainer, R. Paradise. Owner, M. Maranarco. Jua9 31cC.P l70 1:51% m 31-10 107 8 5 3 3" DaintvF7 500 9 Torritol07,PhilFoto 107,FairLe-ion 109 Jua5 317C.P 11:43% ft 2 11210 4 71 712 DaintyF* 500 11 IkeMannl07,Kv.Ladll2.SugarHeart 105 May29 313Del J 1.32% ft 6 113 31 PerniaO 700 8 AtoiLasslll.Jonah 113.Fla=hgGem 116 May28 314Del I 1:32% ft 13 109 2s PerniaO 800 8 RedTaml05,Silenus 109,R.Finnegan 104 May25 3rDel 61 f 1:31% hy 11 113 6°1 PerdomoA 600 8 G.Ptc hin.A.B.Bsgerll3 C A Rosel09 ,- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts lst. 2nd. 3r1- Won year-- 4 1931 record.. 17 0 1 4 $ 225

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1931061501/drf1931061501_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1931061501_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800