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HOTE— Number at left of horses name it last previous workout number of horse, letters following time indicate: b— breezing; d— driving; e — easily; h— handily; o— all out; a— eased up. 164 HOMEWOOD, 111., June 13.— Todays 3 training gallops included the following: WASHINGTON PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 162 Bark Los; :38%h 157 1 Say :38%h 159 Bea S :37%h 162 Lady Fingers.. :38h 161 Br. Eyed Mary :38%h 162 Opiopio :38%h 150 Celtic Queen.. :37%h 161 Pearl Grace... :37%h 146 French Honey. :39%b 162 Sweet Scent... :38%h 147 Golden Spray.. :37%h 161 Sabayne :37%h 161 Heilbroun .... :39 h 159 St. Jim :37%h 152Interfire :40yih 152 U forme :37%h One-Half Mile. 159Atcines :50%h 147 Pictover :50%h 155 Camp Douglas :53 h 161 Portden :50 h 161 Excavation . . . :50 h Quaker Ways.. :53 h 154 Frederick :51 h 159 Russcenes . . . :50%h 158 Jap Lac :52%b 163 Scapegoat .... :50 h 162 Lady Va Va. . :50%h 160 Stage Maid... :51 h 161 Nebbie :51 h 163 Thistle Ann... :51 h 156 Our Girl :51 h 152 War Time :52 b 160 Oh Dave :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 158 Bad Minton..l:09 h 144 Lord of Law. .l:03%h 161 Brush Down..l:06%h 156 Love Offoring.l:04 h 161 Broomshot ...1:07 b 162 Little Cup. . . .l:06%h 159 Booster Twist. l:05%h 137 Louie Dear. . .l:0S%b Box Off ice.... 1:05 h 161 Marmion l:03%h 156 Bryonia l:03%h 156 Portmanteau .l:04%h 161 Bull Frog 1:05 h 156 Peal 1:04 h 162 Big Beau l:03%h 155 Real Silk l:08%h 156 Curmudgeon .1.03%h 162 Sir Percival. .l:05%h 163 Dr. Parrish ... 1 :05%h 161 Skiffy 1 :04%h 144Esroba Land.. 1:06 h 142 Sage Fire l:04%h 161 Fairy Lass.. ..1:13 b 135 Sunny World. .l:05%h 160 Flag Time.... l:03%h 161 Tantivy 1:05 h 158Hieover 1:05 h 161 Uma 1:04 h 160 Joan K l:05%h 161 Vestah Clark..l:13 b Three-Quarters Mile. 159 Annie Ree....l:18 h 116 Mai San 1:20 h 159 Allegretto . ...l:17%h 140 Oh Yeah l:17%h 162 By Mistake... l:18%h 163 Outer Harbor..l:19 h 160 Burgoo l:18%h 161 Pollywog l:18%h 156 Cousin Jo 1:15 h 162 Reverberate . .l:22%b 153Canfli l:20%b- 159 Smooth l:19%h 157 Dis Dat l:17%h 161 Sundot l:16%h 159 Dunmore . . . .l:20%h 161 Silverdale . . . .l:16%h 159 Directly l.T7%h 155 Thunwin l:17%h 152 Ever Faithful.. 1:19 h 140 Up Above 1:18 b 159 Gulliver 1:17% h 159 Very Well. . . .l:17%h 152 Lady Ebony. .l:24%b 140 Worldly Lad.. 1:19 h 139 Milyda 1:19 h 157 Wee Drop. . . .l:19%h Marjory Nell. .l:20%h 162 W. G. Bwmanl:17 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 161 Bargollo l:30%h 161 Kadiak l:33%h 122 Cousin Doll... 1:36 h 160 Ladv Brdcast.l:29%h 156 Dress Ship.... 1:34 h 161 Malaita 1:31 h 161 Fudge 1:31 h 159 Retort l:34%h 155 Half Day 1:35 h 161 Skirl l:30#,h 155 Jimmy Moran.l:31%h 163 Vermiculite . .l:29%h 163 Karl Eite!....l:33%h One Mile. 161 Blot 1:44 h 151 Kitty Wilkins.l:50%b 160 Cuddle l:53%b 162 Kathryn l:53%h 155 Duelist l:47%h 161 Pride l:48%b 158 Eleven Sixty.. l:53%b 160 Terrible Turk.l:49%h 155 Gallant Knightl:42%h 163 Who Win l:48%h 163Gotoit l:46V5h 163 Zida 1:48 h 161 Hilee l:46y5h One and One-Eighth Miles. 156 Haram-ada ...2:10%b 163 Lightng Bolt!:56%h Gallant Knight was going very easily. CRETE. 111., June 13.— Todays training gallops were as follows: LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eiqhths Mile. 142 Coady :38%b 161 Kulaman .... :40 b 159 Dark Simon... :38 h 143 La Salle :35%h 162 Epithet :37 h 160 Plumbago .... :37 h Favorite One.. :37 h 163 Surelv :36 h 157 Fort Dearborn :37%h 139 Thunder Call. :45 b 161 High Foot.... :35%h 113 Witeon :36%b 45 Ironsides .... :36%h One-Half Mile. 115 Apt :49%h 161 Mailliw :51%h 150 Balthazar .... :49%h 162 Mopeco :51 h 157 Blameless . . . . :54 b Uprise :48%h 149Caracalla .... :50%h 162 Nick D :49 d 140 Dee John :52 h 163 Prince Hkins :49 h l56Gettin Even.. :52 b 96 Peace Princess :514/f,h 155 Homewood . . . :52 b 162 Westivity . . . :48%h 161 Hasty Prince. . :50%h 141 Whileaway ... :47%h Five-Eighths Mile. 102 Annette B....l:01%d Jenka 1:04 h 152 Bridgeport ...1:05 d 38 Laughing Lad. 1:04 h Campfire Girl. 1:04 h 156 Miss Maryland l:04%h 162 Cagliastro . ...l:02%b 161 Normahal ...1:05 d 161 Dixiana l:04%h 161 Nora 1.04 h 159 Dispatcher ...1:05 d 141 Paris Bound. .l:05%h 161 Dagoba 1:04 #.h 162 Prince Tii Tii. 1:05 b 159 Gold Bet 1 :02%h 142 Vonair 1 :02yr,h 161 Grand Doe 1:03 h Vonnie l:02%h Three-Quarters Mile. 151 Agincourt ...1:15 h 149 Irritation 1:18 h 160 Black Bull....l:16%d 160 Louisville . ...l:16y5h 162 Bup; Hmtor...inVr,h 146 Mat Mahoney.l:17 h 161CorrineD 1:19 h 161 Michigan Girl. 1:18 h 162 Ed Lark 1 :19« h 162 Nusakan 1 :16%h 159Grier of Spainl:19 h 162 Old Boss 1:20 h 139 George MrCnl:21 h 161 Sister Zoe. . . .l:16Vr.h 161 High Pockets. 1:16 d Sole Leather. .1:19 h 156 Ilium 1:19 1, 161Tuckahoe . ...l:16%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 161 Dtic Delight. 1:31 h 151 Flagg Porter. .1:34 h 160 Fortune l:38%b One Mile. 161 B*k Stockings 1:45 h 155 Honevfish ....l:514/,b 159 Beleveitornot .l:50%d 158 Jennifer 1 A8%h 143 Bk Thunder. 1:49 h 163 Longridge . . . .l:48%h 139Chip 1:42 hl53Ral Manager. 1:48 h 161 Faddy 1:45 h 161 Toman 1 :44%d One and One-Eighth Miles. 161 BeL-ian Lass..l:57%h TORONTO. Ont., June 13.— Todays training gallops were as follows: DUFFERIN PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 147 Assail :38 u Silvia Wells... :43 u 123C .llarvictoria. :41 u 149 Tipsv :41 u 160 Doubloon .... :39%h 159 Varsity :43 e lr 3 Milestone .... :44 o 150 Wdering Gold :38 h 162 Plain Dealer. . :39%h One Half Mile. 159 Airdrome :52 h 156 Redbourne . . . :54 h 160Haloft :57 h 154 Uppity :54%h J57 Judge Caver ly :59 e 152 Zambar :54 h 142 Lea Swoao.... :51%e 3 Five-Eighths Mile. 121 Getgoin 1:07 h 155 The Doctor. . .1:15 h Kve of Cluhsl:07%e Uncle Hood . . . 1 :07%e Three-Quarters Mile. Ethel Kenyon.l:23 h 140 Taudlane 1:21 h 155lsostasy 1:21 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 159 Granite Rock.l:36%h 159 Leadgold 1:35 h One Mile. 140 First Edition.. 1:55 h GEAUGA LAKE, Ohio, June 13.— Todays training gallops were as follows: BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 160 Argon :38 h 155 Nevermore . . . :38%h Betsy Jayne... :39 b 160 Rose Lee J.... :38 h 157 Chicon :36 d Wotan :38%b 160 Catch Him.... :41 b 147 White Toes... :40 b , 135 Hula :38%d One-Half Mile. 161 Brown Mary.. :51%h 158 Paquette :53 b 160 Brigand :50 b 161 Starzan :49%d 62Chenenceau ... :52 h Sambo G :52Vsh 157 Ellon D :51%b 161 Single B :49%d 158 Fair Beth :50 h 160 Topsie H :49%d 151 Illustrious :50%h 157 The Khan :49 b 161 Inevitable :50 b 162 Verity Ballot.. :52y3b 160 Mote :49%h 135 Your Flag.... :51 b 161 Pryors Pride.. :51%h Five-Eighths Mile. 156 Backbone l:04%b 160 Modern Maidenl:03 h 162 Bellsmith ....l:03%h 161 Peasant Maid.l:04%h 154 Bud Elder.... l:04%h 159 Pebbles Last.. 1:06 b 153 Bill Lutz 1:05 h 162 Rmry Laycockl:06 b 105Cmpus Capersl:04 h 161 Rockhawk . . . .l:03%h 162Carlino 1:05 h 147 Shasta Chrmrl:03%b 156 Erin Go Braghl:05 h 132 Santerno 1:03 b 153 Extreme l:03%h 160 Tiger Trail. .. .1:03 d 160 Hilda A l:03%h 153 The King l:03%h 150 Jack Murphy.. 1:08 h 153 Verve l:05%b 159 King Lo 1:05 b 155 Wooden Soldierl:03%h Three-Quarters Mile. 159 Beekeeper ....l:17%h 138 Norias 1:17 h 148Corsage 1:17 b 144 Not Guilty. .. .1:20 h 160 Distress Signal. l:15%b 162 Prince Bulbo. .l:20%h 162 Dmon Runyonl:21 h 160 Prig l:19%b 162 First Chance.. 1:20 h 160 Rbe Samuelsnl:18 h 163Gmne ChvTtl:22%b 162 Sen Ruben l:19%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 161 Baritone 1:32 b 155 Rose Hogan. . .l:29%h 155Flamma 1:31 h 161 Southern Cloudl:34 h One Mile. Clay Pigeon... 1:49 b 157 Morocco 1:47 h 157Dunbas l:49%h 161 Mimosa San... 1:45 h I 161 High Fruit.... l:46%b 159 Sorrento 1:45 d 158 Helen F l:47*sh 160 Sweepstakes ..1:52 b MONTREAL, Que., June 13.— Todays training gallops included the following: BLUE BONNETS. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 131 Count Bruno.. :36 d 131 Queensway . . . :36 d Dark Lad.... :37%d 131 Sleepy Belle.. :35%d 161 Kidlet :37%h 138 Snelboc :37 d 131 Kenora :36 d 146 Sullivan Trail. :39 h 157 Prowess :36%d Trifle :38 h 159 Royal Festival :37%d One-Half Mile. 147 Argien :48%h 159 Lawless :53 d 152 Crimsal :51%h 163 Treacle :51 h 161 Lew Black.... :49%h 147 Totrarchal ... :49%b Five-Eighths Mik. Fnces Sraithal:03%h 129 Tuscan Knightl:05 b 162Marlene l:05%b Wega 1:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 156 Aromatic 1:19 h 154 Kitling l:17%b 86Chinkee l:17%h 150 Master Bobbiel:17 d 140 Fire Belle. ...1:17 d 163 Sheaf l:17%d 140 Froth Blower. 1:17 h 156 Vacant l:17%h One Mile. 154 Embankment .l:43%h 160 Wrench 151 h 163 Sun Hatter... l:43y5h NEW YORK, N. Y., June 13.— Todays training gallops over the local courses were as follows: BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. 154 Betty Farrell.. :36 h 145 Metaphor .... :37%h 162 Brdway Light :36 h 163 Osmand :37 h 156 Best Play :36%h 159 Sgt. Dondson :37 h 162 Clock Tower.. :35%h 159 Scuttle :36 h 157 Consummation :37 h 141 Tricvcle :37%h 112 Catty :36 h 156 Well Pkued. . . :36 h Durbado :36 h 160 Wavabout :36 h 157 Integrity :36 h One-Half Mile. 157 Al Nieman :50 b 150 Good Humor.. :48 h 159 Blind Lane... :43%h 156 Irenes Bob... :50 h 163 Black Powder. :51 b 153 Iago :49 h 155 Balko :49%h 159 Lord Johnson. :48 h 159 Brocado :48 h 162 Morfair :48 h 162 Blue Jacket... :48 h 159 Overtime :48 h 154 Boiling Water :52 b 97 Potenate :50 b 155Claremont . . . :48 h 160 Purple Dust.. :49 h 147Craigco :49%h 152 Pas Encore... :47%h 160Diggins :50 b Snap Back... :48 h 157 Dunlins Son.. :51 b 105 Sarazen II.... :51 b 162 Flag Pole :43 h 159 War Hero.... :48 h Five-Eighths Mile. 162 Avenger :59 h 163 Follow On. . . .l:0324b 147 Aegis 1:04 b 150 Pintail :59 h Bottled Groenl:02 h 115 Smile On l:037sb 155 Bubble Up... 1:02 h 139 Sweeping Lightl. 02 h 161 Dubious 1:05 b 148 Trumbrel 1.03%h Three Quarters Mile. 152 Blind Bowboy. 1:13 h 162 Jubilate l:13%h 111 Black Tyrone. 1:17 b Land Boy.... 1:17 b j 163 Bill Kennedy. 1:20 b 163 Mount Holly. .1:16- , Broad A l:16y5b 161 Ned 0 146%b 162 Check Up.... l:17%h 160 Novelist IdSandfc 162 Caruso l:13%h 159 Protractor ...1:15 h * 146 Coin Collector. 1:21 b 156 Panetian l:15%h , 163Dunsany l:16"fih 148 Partisan 1:16 h 162 Follow Thru..l:14%h 162 Priorv 1.16y5b 162 Helianthus ..l:13%h 149 Spice l:16%h Imperial Air. .l:17rsb Seven-Eighths Mile. 156Xonofol 1:30 b One Mile. 154 Black Majesty.l:44 h 162 Masked Ball.. 1:42 h - 163 Beacon Hill.. 1:44 h 156 Mr. Sponge. . .l:43; r b " 160 Backgammon .l:41%h 162 Magnifico lM%h 160 Black Forest.. l:42%h 163 Rip Van Wklel.41 b 161Curate l:41%h 149 Surf Board. ..1:39 h 162 Fervor l:41%h 163 Spinner 1:44 h 142Iollan 1:44 h 157 The Heathen. l:40%h 161 Mowris l:41%h Continued on twenty-first page. LATEST WORKOUTS [ Continued from eleventh page. One and One-Eighth Miles. 162 Mate 1:54 h One and One-Quarter Miles. ■%?■£ 153Losnubus 2:14 h W§ Curate went an easy mile. Mr. Sponge breezed a handy mile. Flag Pole went handily. Irenes Bob showed speed. Masked Ball and Black Majesty went • evenly. The Heathen showed good speed. AQUEDUCT. Three Eighths Mile. i 160 Barn Dance... :39%b 162 Knightness . . . :38 h t 154 Bonnie Prince. :36%h 151 Knights Cap.. :39 h t 160 Chfs Defender :40 b 162 Morgil :36 h ■ 154 Camp Dix :39 b 160 Penchant :38 h I 156ChoIla :36 b Pardee :38 h I 162Chloedair .... :38%h 161 Quick Anne... :40 b » 155 Dunlins Lad.. :37%h 156 Rain or Shine. :37%h 157 Gold Star :38Mib 124 Shasta Grafton :41 b t 156 Her Grace :40 b 160 Tetra Khan... :38 h ■ 161 Jayarbe :40 b 110 The Nile :37%h r One-Half Mile. I 145 By Cracky.... :51 h 161 Lida G :54%b » Cabezo :51 h 162 Opossum :51 h I 141 Dowagiac :51 h 163 Ormesby :48%h ] 162 Flag Maiden... :55 b 162 Scout Master. . :50 h * Friendly Gift.. :51%h 162 Silver Canopy. :51%h * 162 Greek God.... :50%b 163 Sir Ashley :48%h l 162Glendair :51%h 161 Uncanny :49%h 158Jge Schilling. :49%h 162 Wacam :54%b c 162 Kathleen J.... :54%b I Five-Eighths Mile. 157 Affirmative . ..l:04%h 159 Dont Tell 1:05 d * 151 Altmark 1.08%b 151 High Devine. . .l:07%h * 154 Angry Plume. .1:03 h 156 Herkimer l:04%d 158 Brow n Queen .. 1 :05 d 161 Romanesque ..1:04 h 158 Black Lula....l:07%h 162 Trysail l:04%h 1 157 Ch. Commanderl:05%d i Three-Quarters Mile. s 137 Fruit Juice.... 1:18 h 161 Merry Dance. .l:21%b 162 Grey Abbess. .l:18%b 160 Sun Broom. .. .1:25 b 160 Herbie R 1:22 b 162 Wood God l:19%b •" Seven-Eighths Mile. 1 162 Blenheim l:30%h 162 Underdun . ...l:32%d 16lMaccdon l:32%b 154 Zaila 1:35 b 162 Rocky News ... 1 :29%d I One Mile. 1 162 A La Carte... l:44%h 159 Fred Whitham . 1 :49 d i 160 Charmarten ..1:46 h 162 Gay Colors. .. .l:47%b 163 Captain Dick.. 1:47 h 163 Little Pan l:49%b One and One-Eighth Miles. I 161 Impish 2:01%h 1 JAMAICA. 1 Weather cloudy; track fast — Three Eighths Mile. 162Habanero :38 b 158 Lemonade :38%b 1 159Hacky H :40 b 157 Whip r Crackr :40 b 157 Rapid Transit, :40 b 1 One-Half Mile. 1 154.- nan :55 b 154 Croyden :55 b 157Conacher .... :50%b 157 Genius :51%h Five-Eighths Mite. 162Fixit l:02%h 161 Outguess 1:09 b 157 John Patrick. .1:08 b 154 Royal Tree.. .1:05 b » 162Lindy 1:01 d 159 Solar Blaze. ..1:03 h 1 162 Lucky Tom...l:02%h 159 Wise Money. .l:04%h 157 My Cnwl Boyl:052/5b 1 Three-Quarters Mile. 162 Buck Hero....l:17%h 158 Polygamous ..1:14 d 162 Maelstrom ...l:17%h J Seven Eighths Mile. 1 158 Battler l:32%b 162 Leacy l:31%h « 162Janie G l:36%h 163 Wisecrack ...l:33%b I One Mile. i 162 Little Nap.... 1:45 h 163 Salyers 1:44 d One and One-Eighth Miles. 3 154 Grey Coat 2:00%b 1 Grey Coat went evenly all the way. Polygamous went well from the barrier. 1 Lindy showed good speed. i Little Nap was not extended.