untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1931-06-15


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T. M. Fergusoii ] 3»" Daily— Strictly Two Horses— Dailypfi EPP Do Not Miss Mondays Big Win Parlay ~WR Subscribe for Mondays big win parlay at Washington Park. Two big priced winners 1 positively wired all out-of-town clients the minute they subscribe. Remit promptly. Do it now. SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: LAHOR .00, WON BOB ROGERS See 6th Washington WIN OR LOSE, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY 2S8 Subscribe for Mondays Big Parlay 1K2 We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, assuring prompt and immediate attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive the advertised two horses the very same day their money is received. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. Out-of-Town Clients, Remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and Receive Service. No Waiting. T. M. FERGUSON 1476 BROADWAY, ROOM 1105 NEW YORK, N. Y. « SUPREME FLASH 35 TURF WEEKLY 35 Cents— Sold on All Newsstands— 10 Weeks, NEW ISSUE OUT Do you know. MR. PLAYER, that 75 per cent of E turf followers throughout the country use SUPREME FLASH as a GUIDE to "WINNING INFORMATION?" This is the only turf weekly in America that has the guaranteed approval of recognized to t turfmen. f for MONDAYS 00 FREE CODE: * WASHINGTON PARK— May-3-1-6-11. This horse goes for a group of the "sharpest speculators" in the country. Only through our high standing in turf circles were we given the word on this q "Special." This information would not be obtainable to you for any amount of money, but all that is necessary for ycu to get the name of this horse is to go to your nearest newsstand, get a copy of SUPREME FLASH, 35 cents, and see page 2 for cipher code. LAST WEEKS BOOK WINNERS: NOT GUILTY 5.00, WON HIPPIAS 24.60, WON PHANTASIME 10.62, WON I ETONARDO 10.20, WON I DONNY JOHNNY 10.15, WON And many other winners too numerous to mention. C FOR BIG WINNINGS IN THE NEXT SIX DAYS C FOLLOW SUPREME FLASH PARLAYS 1 We contracted with the "SMARTEST TURFMEN" in t: the business for our next six parlays and make no mistake about it, when SUPREME PAYS ,500 FOB SIX PARLAYS we are doing business with people who have produced for us in the past. These same horsemen four weeks ago cave out h 9 STRAIGHT WIN PARLAYS ■ and it would not surprise us in the least if they put c THESE SIX STRAIGHT PARLAYS over. GET ME? For SUPREME PARLAYS slip your newsdealer 35 j cents for a copy of SUPREME FLASH and see page 8. , FIRST OF THESE PARLAYS GOES i MONDAY— 00 FOR Is just what you will get on these two specials. Our advice to you is to have a real good wager on this "PARLAY" MONDAY. HERE IT IS. DONT MISS IT— MONDAYS SUPREME PARLAY: WASH.— Gun-37-14. BLUE BONNETS— Gas-14-10. You cannot go wrong Monday. Get a copy of SUPREME FLASH and see page 8. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway. Suite 407 New York City I J AGAIN WE WON , SATURDAYS WINNING PARLAY: I TOP CLOUD 0.50, WON BUBOLA $ 8.20, WON I -W PARLAYS PAY BIG MONEY -»■ Subscribe for Mondays Washington Parlay — Get Mori- | days "30 to 1" Parlay— for Winning Parlay Today I bave the word on two Kood things that : should never leave the result in doubt and should pav " . the LIMIT. 1 ■•T NOTICE, CHICAGO PLAYERS -»* Phone and I will send messenger with information. Out -of -town clieuts wire ?3. lhone Handolph 2749. "OLD" BOB 64 W. Randolph St., Room 919 Chicago, Illinois innsiiii 75 PAGES— SYSTEMS— RATINGS— ARTICLES Sold at All Newsstands — 25 Cents Mondays Free Code: WASH.— Auburn-6-18-23-6. Mondays Royal Codogram: WASH.— Cap-16-10-16-12. ROYAL PUBLICATIONS, INC. 542 S. DEARBORN STREET CHICAGO. ILL. J Mail me this ad and you will be I H rewarded with a free copy of H ■ "THE SECRET OF BEATING I H THE RACES" ■■ M J. K. WILLIS BB ■ 5122 N.W. 18th Ave., Miami, Fla. | MONDAYS FREE CODES: BLUE BONNETS: Dayton-Hasty-Hedge-Fold-Canal. WASHINGTON: Dayton-Hedge-Petard-Canal-Flow. FREE— 100 TO 1 I prove it to you. Beat the mutnels every day. Mention Mogul "key." Let me show you what I have found. Its new! 1. C. WOODS Dept. 866 TJrbana, 111. MONTHLY FORM BOOK NOW ON SALE 35 E to t f for * q I I C C 1 t: h ■ c j , i I J , I I | : * CLOCKERS REVIEW Cents a Copy — Sold at All Newsstands — Established 1910—21 Years in Front of the Racing Public. ] THE PLAYERS FRIEND * DO YOU WANT TO WIN A "REAL GOOD j a WAGER?" WHO DONT— WELL, HERE IS YOUR 0PP0R- ] TUNITY MONDAY ] win yourself a bet that you will "REMEMBER" a long time. For we have a "special" that has received a "secret prep" for this spot and will win today in a "common gallop" — goes as MONDAYS FREE CODE: WASHINGTON PARK— Orange-33-31. For cipher code on this long shot see page 2, Clockers Review, sold at all newsstands, 35 cents the [ copy. SATURDAYS FREE CODE: PROTEUS 0.22, WON LAST WEEKS TWO FREE CODE WINNERS: FLIMSY $ 6.68, WON BETTY DERR .94, WON For FREE CODE WINNERS you must get a copy of CLOCKERS REVIEW. We give you SIX DAYS CODE SERVICE as ADVERTISED IN OUR ADVER- i TISEMENTS DAILY for the small sum of 35 cents, J the cost of CLOCKERS REVIEW. A REAL KENTUCKY HORSEMAN COL. MATT BRADY— ACE OF THEM ALL Col. Matt Brady is to the TURF WORLD what "BABE RUTH" is to "BASEBALL." He is the [ highest paid turf informant in the country. His infor- . mation is obtainable from CLOCKERS REVIEW ex- . clusively. LAST WEEKS COL. MATT BRADY WINNERS: FAIRDALE .85, WON « AYMOND $ 4.70, WON MORDEN 8-5, WON and MONDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: WASHINGTON PARK— Corn-17-20. For Col. Matt Bradys Specials, see page 11, CLOCKERS REVIEW. 00 FOR PARLAY MONDAY YOU ARE NOT "GAMBLING" I tell you, our parlay "info" is the best money can obtain. You can have a big bet on this parlay today. Just cannot miss. When you play this parlay today you are investing your money and, I assure you, Mr. Reader, if you knew what we know of this parlay today you would obligate yourself to bet on it. Nuff sed. Wire for this parlay Monday. City clients, call. Make all re ! mittances direct to CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. 1674 BROADWAY Suite 914 NEW YORK CITY . 1 Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE WORLDS GREATEST RACING WEEKLY Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Expert CARMACS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: WASHINGTON— Two-17-19. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: WASHINGTON— One-17-4. ASA POWELLS SATURDAY RELEASE: NOSTAW Scratched FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JUNE 13 SATURDAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL RAN SECOND ANOTHER SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL SOON 44 Out of the Last 83 Have Won WATCH FOR IT Arthur Miles Releases Appear Exclusively in WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. ■ • ANDYS BREAKERS 50c DAILY— ALL STANDS MONDAYS CODED BREAKERS: WASH.— Whip-13-22-16. WASH.— Hoof-1-2-26. . CLOCKER N. ROGERS TURF WEEKLY 35 CENTS, ALL STANDS Mondays Free Code: WASH.— Hangar-42-17. MONDAYS STABLE SECRET: WASHINGTON PARK— Tail-75-60. - Subscribe for Dally Racing Form I ] 1 « * ] * j a ] ] [ RACE HORSE NEWS THE BLUE BOOK OF THE TURF TELEPHONE BRYANT 2764 145 West 45th Street, Suite 1103 New York City PRICE, 60 CENTS A COPY— ALL STANDS EVERYWHERE TURF EDITORS RACING SERVICE STANDS ON ITS RECORD WrONE HORSE DAILY-IK TERMS, DAILY, BY TELEGRAPH OR IN PERSON SATURDAY, JUNE 13TH, RELEASE: Labor .OO, Won Friday, June 12th, Release: DARK ENTRY 3.98, WON Thursday, June 11th, Release: Wednesday, June 10th, Release: LAURA NEGLEY . . . .0.34, WON DARK SEA $ 6.28, WON RACE HORSE NEWS, with its ramifications reaching to all major tracks, is in a position from time to time to intelligently advise the speculatively inclined. If it is "live ones" you are seeking, not favorites, you will get them from this office; but even then they do not always win. Remember, that regardless of the fact that many persons make good living following the ponies-there is nothing sure in horse-racing. If you are seeking honest, inside, genuine turf information — DIRECT FROM THE FEED-BOX, content to take the bad with the good, at times— TELEGRAPH IMMEDIATELY FOR ONE HORSE DAILY. THE COMING WEEK PROMISES BIG. All business in the turf department by telegraph strictly, or call at office in person* Address TURF EDITOR RACE HORSE NEWS NEW YORK CITY i J [ . . « ! Ttrtt With Past PirformuMi CtAlC* A C1C !■«"•* Wire, to All Truii Daily Telegraph The "Pink Sheet" Price 15 Cents REGRENS FRIDAY SPECIAL: DARK ENTRY 3.98, WON REGRENS ONE BEST BET: AT SUNRISE $ 3.48, WON FRTOAYS FREE CODES: SWEEP ALL $ 4.82, WON NELL KUHLMAN Scratched THURSDAYS FREE CODES: JOEY BIBB 2.84, WON LAURA NEGLEY 0.34, WON TO GET PLAYS LIKE THE ABOVE ALL YOU NEED IS A "PINK SHEET" Only 15 Cents on All Newsstands BUY TODAY AND WIN ON THE RACES MONDAYS EDITION CONTAINS ANOTHER LIST OF HORSES TO WATCH EBLUE BONNETS: H=S=1h|J I WASHINGTON PARK: lMSSk Jim-3-17-23. /%§2nt TO DECIPHER CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail Wtnt VTlth Past Performances I H Al.fl Leased Wlree to AD Tracks Daily Telegraph 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. jriiiE M To Prove THE NEW YORK PRESS H| b the "Greatest Racing Weekly" and that it H guides you lo WINNING LONG-SHOTS, we ■■ will send FOUR WEEKS FREE. Sign blank here* n with and mail immediately or you can buy PRESS at nearest stand, 15c. —————— CUP AND HAIL _ Ore-J-Uo. D*pL. NEW YORK PRESS. 14 J W-r. 45th St. Ita-riM I P1«»« -Mil low wmks hm. Htm*. „ .,.., -,,— - Add.-* „ _ in FREE— 00 Parlay System— FREE A quick money -getter; picks ltest liorse at a glance; Ret yours at once; start winning! Its free! Write the SECOR COMPANY, 34 Fox St., Aurora, Ml. Advertise In Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1931061501/drf1931061501_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1931061501_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800