untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-01-05


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C. C. Curtis YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: OUR GRIEF 7.20, WON VOLE $ 6.20, WON A NEW YEARS RESOLUTION Not to guess at another mans game, but to spend and get. these TWO HORSES TODAY that people on the inside are betting on. BOTH HORSES are the MEDIUM OF A GIGANTIC CLEANUP. LIMIT ODDS ARE ASSURED. TERMS, DAILY Located Opposite Hotel Sherman CALL IN PERSON or phone DEARBORN 1489 and we will send messenger with parlay. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS wire Western Union or Postal Telegraph. 155 N. Clark St. Suite 513 Chica, 111. Price, 35c On Sale Everywhere Price, 35c TODAYS TUESDAYS FREE CODE: JEFFERSON: September-Pittsburgh-Chicago-Rockford. Road Parofnllu Chance of a lifetime! If ncdU UdlClUIIJf you play the races I will put you next to a little secret that will place you above want as long as you live. Write T. SECOR Box B Aurora, Illinois T. M. FERGUSON RELEASING BONA FIDE, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION Strictly Two Horses a Day Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers No Waiting 5Wr DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY-IK! The two horses you receive are the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two hordes. YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: KAY FRANCES LOST ANNAPOLITAN LOST: WTN OR LOSE, PRICES BIG OR SMALL, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY. Everybody positively receives the same two horses the very same day they subscribe. No waiting. No delay. SWT TWO GOOD THINGS TODAY -B 8W DO NOT MISS TODAYS BIG LIMIT WIN PARLAY W We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-town subscriber! receive the advertised two horses the very same day their money is received. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day yov miss is the day you lose. W WIRE IMMEDIATELY FOR TODAYS TWO HORSES r SUBSCRIBE FOR TODAYS BIG PARLAY 0 to Dont Let Stop You from Winning a Big Bet Today -TRi Out-of-town clients, remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive the advertised parlay within an hour. No waiting T. M, Ferguson 1452 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N. Y, DAiLV TtLEGIUPH The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents BIG STUFF 0.00, WON This horse has been twice pointed out by Daily Telegraph selectors, and both times he came across at big odds. Saturday he was given by REGREN, the man who in 1931 gave his followers 2,254 WINNERS ON THE IMPORTANT TRACKS. There were many good winners like Big Stuff among Regrens 1931 pickings, and he has begun the New Year by picking several winners at fancy odds. FAVORITES OR NOT, THEYRE LIVE HORSES WHEN REGREN PICKS THEM TUESDAYS FREE CODES: JEFFERSON PARK Rob-8-22-22. JEFFERSON PARK Pat-10-26-6. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail E. C. FOSTER Eastern Clubhouse Commissioner NO BUNK NO SUBTERFUGES NO FALSE STATEMENTS I ADVERTISE MY DAILY TWO, WIN OR LOSE YESTERDAYS PARLAY: WHILEAWAY .2.60, WON ENTRAP Ran Second CtO A A PAYS FOR ONE DAYS fcO A A PJJJ PARLAY SERVICE Jjj When you deal with me you are dealing with a ma n who has been on the turf ever since I was knee high to a duck. I know every source of real information, every angle to the betting side of the game. I know every spot where the big commissions are placed. I get every live horse every racing day of the year. Three minutes on the pbone will give me the live horse and the one the cleanup will be made with. I take my hat off to no man in this game when it comes to getting the winners. Wire Subscription Via Western Union or Postal Telegraph NO WAITING SERVICE IMMEDIATELY FOR PERSONAL SERVICE 0 UT-0F-T0WN-CLIENTS MAY TELEPHONE BRYANT 9-8936 E. C. FOSTER Room 706, 155 West 42nd Street New York City The Thunderbolt SOLD ON ALL STANDS 50 CENTS WEEKLY NEW ISSUE OUT If your newsdealer doesnt handle The Thunderbolt, wire or mail for seven issues. You will also receive, absolutely free, three Paddock Flashes. PARLAY SERVICE DAILY TODAYS FREE CODE: TROPICAL Our-60-4-8-25. TODAYS EDITORS CODE: JEFFERSON Jan.-7-30-61-58. For Editors Code, See Page 6. TODAYS EDITORS PRIVATE CODE PARLAY: JEFFERSON Garner-35-73-14-8. TR 0 PI CAL San de-92-80-44-2. For Editors Private Code Parlays, See Page 14. CITY CLIENTS, CALL IN PERSON THE THUNDERBOLT 145 W. 41st Street 4th Floor New York City GOOD NEWS FOR EVERY PLAYER! Price Maker Method Uonth In, month out, I make a comfortable living playing the races. You can do the same. New angle. Write. Free details. Zenfred E. -White. 616 West 113th St.. New York City. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form THE BUGLE CALL 158 West 42nd St. Suite 808 New York City At All Newsstands, Copy All clients subscribing for seven issues of the Bugle Call will receive FREE! FREE! FREE! EDITOR WILLIAMS CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX DAYS SUBSCRIBE NOW EVERY SERVICE A WINNER PARLAY SERVICE S3 DAILY TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: TR 0 PICAL PA R K Features-26-6-1 0-3. TROPICAL PARK Code-26-15-3-7. For Consensus Parlay, See Page 11. TODAYS FREE CODES: JEFFERSON Quality-26-17-31-34. TROPICAL PARK Bugle-30-38-32-28. TODAYS EDITORS CODE: JEFFERSON Call-14-86-21-73. For Editors Code, See Page 5. BUGLE CALL 153 WEST 42ND STREET NEW YORK CITY CLOCKERS REVIEW Todays Free Code: JEFFERSON Black-12-28. TODAYS BRADY SPECIAL: JEFFERSON Feed-3-6. Advertise in Daily Racing Form The New York Press 145 WEST 45th STREET BRYANT 2761 NEW YORK CTY WINNERS! WINNERS! WINNERS! NEW ILLUSTRATED 16-PAGE EDITION COMING WINNERS ALL STANDS TODAYPRICE, 15 CENTS, ALL OVER THE WORLD Contains the famous LAWTON RATINGS, supreme for 28 years. Biggest success eve scored by a racing weekly. A sell-out in the tig cities of the United States and Canada Now in its eighth big successful year. Are you reading it? GO TO NEAREST STAND AND BUY IT NOW! RACING EDITOR J. HAYNES SPECIALS TERMS DAILY BY TELEGRAM OR IN PERSON THE NEW YORK PRESS RACING EDITORS SPECIALS are the last word in RELIABLE TURF INFORMATION. THEY CONSIST OF STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY, at the very nominal cost of PER DAY. EWrSUCCESS IS YOURSM if you but heed the advice of a successful counsellor. J. Haynes, racing editor of the New York Press, knows his onions. -There is only one road to "beating the races." That is through "inside track information." And this is where J. Haynes, racing editor of "The Greatest Racing and Financial Weekly in America," stands in a class by himself WHATEVER YOU DO, DONT MISS J. HAYNES. H8TTWO BIG SPECIALS TODAYPi Both horses are as fit as hands can mak e them. Early morning trials have been bordering close on to the sensational. Everything humanly possible has been done by their respective trainers in an EFFORT TO INSURE SUCCESS. YESTERDAYS JANUARY 4TH J. HAYNES SPECIALS: OUR GRIEF 7.20, WON VOLE ...$ 6.20, WON ALL BUSINESS IN THE TURF DEPARTMENT STRICTLY CONDUCTED BY , TELEGRAPH. Telegraph your subscriptio n via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Address: J, HAYNES, Racing Editor THE NEW YORK PRESS 145 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK CITY, N. Y, "THE MOST RECOGNIZED TURF INFORMANT IN AMERICA" S.R.KING j YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: WHILEAWAY 2.60, WON RUSHING .See 7th Jefferson 11 Ffc 1 THE OFFICE WHERE YOU ftrt IV ! H 1 DHlV RECEIVE COURTEOUS TREAT- Hk I V tJJ llUIj MENT FROM REAL HORSEMEN UClllJ JUST A DAY TWO HORSES A DAY HORSES RELEASED IMMEDIATELY NO DELAY Am certain that I can prove conclusively the true value of my service over a period of time. Anybody can pick a winner now and then, but the real bona fide test is a profit after several days. LET ME CON VINCE YOU SUBSCRIBE IMMEDIATELY! All those desiring to get in on the smartest information available may wire money via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. CITY CLIENTS UNABLE TO CALL IN PERSON MAY PHONE BRYANT 9-7952-8078 im and one of our messengers will deliver horses to you in a plain sealed envelope. Address all communications to S. R. KING 1480 BROADWAY Cor. 42nd St., Rooms 1021-22 - NEW YORK CITY

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932010501/drf1932010501_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1932010501_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800