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Two Owners •y A/[ PprllSOH Two Horses Daily, 0 Weekly 5 1 f " I ■ %. , I CT JL %J V/ JL I • T»-" YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: mm W W kkW B - —■ BATHER, Ran Third V-/ THUNDERTONE, 8.22, Lost RELEASING BONA FIDE, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION ThLntMon?sTfea°tftraek c°nditi°ns *** P"1 h Strictly Two Horses a Day— Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers— No Waiting SATURDAYS TWO HORSES: SPf* TERMS DAILY Vfl !wwm w!ii #!ijV« K"?1 The two horses you are to receive are positively the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two horses the very earn* A#nM r ITTSBURGHtR, $ 7./0, WON flay they subscribe. No exceptions. No partiality. playtimTAVS "" H°:48, won ■** BIG 0 TO WIN PARLAY GOES TODAY— SUBSCRIBE "«■ TWILL 3.64 WON Subscribe today and receive this big Win Parlay. Positively wired all out-of-town clients immediately. No waiting for service. No delay. THURSDAYS TWO HORSES: _ _ WON yesterdays strictly two horses: „ STROLL ALONG, 1.70, WAR SAINT, $ 4.90, WON _# - - - WE MAKE GOOD! I lI7A|«f fT *k I / llX W OTI Although we did not guranatee Mondays two horses JL A W i tvl M.% %IJ JL • fVMA T ¥ vll to win, we are willing to make good to all clients who J • , w purchased these releases at newsstands by giving _ _ _ W Jk±. v A K W 7 Tuesdays regular releases FREE. All clients who re- 1J W j fl* MM M.W Ju 11/ turn their Monday release sheets to the newsstands il 1 lr*!1 1 Y _ £Y I I k 1 I *£mL *tff kWk where they bought them will receive Tuesdays re- MJKJLK 111112 frt M *" %J %%JE% ¥ V Vll WIN OR JW SE, PRICES BIG OR SMALL, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY. Everybody positively re- nr»MT IUIIQQ TIIFQnAVQ i-IODQPQ UUIM I IVlloo I UtoUAY o MUKoto ceives the same two horses the very same day they subscribe. No waiting. No delay. Tuesdays horses look exceptionally good and the _. price should be right on both of them. We are We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-town subscribers i_.i_ re making no mistakes on these. ceive the advertised two horses the very same day their money Is received. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. orfcUIAL UUto I UUAY • KLMIUiyi Out-of-town subscribers wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Positive service every single day. No missing days. New Today is the last day to take advantage of our York ffi ey d from g and m tQ 5 m Prompt and courteous service to everybody. big Premium Special Offer to weekly subscribers. Sub- scribeJ0/rone weekV«rv£c« i 0cand;ve "lSS T. M. FERGUSON, 1452 Broadway, ■* New York, N. Y. i FREE Premium addition you a guaranteed Special in to the regular Tuesday releases. THIS SPECIAL 111— i— — i— ■■■■mmmi—— — i— — — — MUST WIN or another weeks service will be sent free. Wire sio to . RACING BASEBALL BOXING BAGLEY NEWS CO. OF CHICAGO urtUEEKL«*iiH -TVJ?Tl_ _-4§8» JSS«ri*ClHIClAI«0 s7C? -Jfrf* "Wrrv 3%* ROOM 1004. 10 NORTH CLARK ST. CHICAGO TMP?fcWIMT IflrXr fc Nf/ jfcin, rTf— fZ. JjiLj ■VI ■ frl , HJ. _ —J— Phone FRAnklin 5340-5341 Sv MU IIM Vftl WL *Y t B W Jk ■ ■ m,/ I PI I Jf 1 I A ■■■ CHICAGO PLAYERS, CALL AT OFFICE JjmW* "wT] I l/ml I f H m4 ■ lH I • II /% I f H ;- - ~ ~ Everything in Sports for the Sport MLAwkMi MLJ m m JU IJ lU# AITjM A A llJf • i /l 25c-AT ALL NEWSSTANDS-25c The Pink Sheet 15 Cents nflAfrittl Jkv I «¥7 for the player Price, ITldAl ~ SL lldV N0T THE LAYER THEY WIN FIRST STARTS J Sp°aiticet 3"5 Ttif JS »* PITTSBURGHER, Weekly Winner Forecast, .76, WON "Players f«nwho know win receive GALLANT KNIGHT, Weekly Winner Forecast, 4.60, WON ■•Neither of these horses had heen to the in months. FREE! FREE! FREE! post Daily Telegraph pointed II? A rVTrVTIT WT fUQ. J fcj /YIN IN lli W AVxJrliJ rrxjoirir TmrvMiv*« ixnTiirsi them out in tne Weekly Winner forecasts, written from our docker reports, as READY I HQT Tnmww lKAturaafl » wij*.r.a TO WIN Last Friday»g report on "There is every sign that he will LXJtJ I Free code and trackmans advice will be wired 1m show his best stuff early in the season." The Gallant Knight report read: "We can tell ITAPPH mediately upon receipt of your subscription of ?3. you that so far as workouts are concerned he has done everything asked of him." BE P * AlVVn YESTERDAYS TRACKMANS WIRE: PREPARED FOR THE NEW AND FRESH STARTERS by getting the advance dope .20, WON TIVERTON, 7.02, WON I* the "Pink Sheet." We advertise our LOSERS as well as WINNERS. OUR FREE CODES SENSATIONAL! ———----——————«-— ——__—_ Always the TRUTH. TUESDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: !-.:„ Yrmr I avPrd Pav Roll JOm Y0Ur LaYer S KaY K0,, SATURDAYS PARLAY: AURORA-Lee-22-3-2. LADY EBONY, 1.90, WON Don1 let our bankroll dwindle. Play our FREE PIMLICO— Dick-21-15-19. PITTSBURGHER, $ 7.76, WON CODES and get the sensation of playing WINNING . LE BRUYERE, .46, WON You owe 4 to yourself to get the best for the TO DECLPHER FREE CODES BUT A TELEGRAPH CATHERINE FOX, !eo| WON smallest fee! Dont wait. Go to your newsdealer, CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH THURSDAYS PARLAY: slip him two bits and get the weekly SPORTS CRITIC. 14! PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. ESSARE, .90, WON _ . YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: per Month by First Class Mall per Month by Air Mail VOLTAGREEN, .50, WON ROYAL RUFFIN, .50, WON _ ____ ___ Week Before—* Parlays Won, 2 Lost SATURDAYS FREE CODE: "REMEMBER," PARLAYS PAY SBIG MONEYS BURNLNG BLAZE, $ 3.38, WON •_- ._■ A ._. IF YOU CAN DO BETTER, you dont need US— FRIDAYS FREE CODE: ■ ■ - .--_ A. . ■ BUT CAN YOU? ? ? FINNIC, 3.10, WON I I £k fTf __„ Alf /A fYl OO I "f O wuthcsa,"Rw;n S °pTo,day3 sabk, THURSDArs FREE CODi Wwon iiaivcy riiics , xnu. T*.1!:,S ?„" TwlXlmTS, how often have you cashed 1674 Broadway, Corner 52nd St., New York, N. Y. * 9 ■ A WIN PARLAY? today and pay the "LIMIT." ■Br" Terms, a Day "THE critic parlays are the talk from coast W CHICAGO PLAYERS. "NOTICE" *•■ ™ "f* -w-% T r rwlWT A A. ¥1k.T If you cant come to our office phone RANDOLPH PARLAY SERVICE VC3N A.GA.IN 8781-8701 and we will send you todays parlay in DQ !""» A ¥1 "V and*£ *eal»d envelope with messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN fyO L/ AIL. Y «p«3 •■■■■■ —— • PLAYERS, telegraph and will wire it. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: Above was the result of Saturdays "Harvey Transaction" and. of course, the only MAXIM and GAY DRUGGIST, LOST horse advised. Fridays "Harvey Transaction" also won at a good price. No publicity 64 W. Randolph St., Suite 1010 Chicago. 111. STARCH, .20, WON Was given these events to Protect the odds. SSI lllllllMM ■■■!!■ mollis mekryman? PARLAV 8.90, won DO YOU WANT A WINNER TODAY? BimfiHMrTJUB LIQUEUK» nan Second IF SO, WIRE S100 EARLY Piry"|ijWI3P S"flN EVEN, fiiSJ; WON Wager heaviIy is our advice to those subscribing. # *«r SLZlT voltagreen, $ 6.50, won TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Columbus 5-2428, 5-2422, 5-2415, 5-6760, 5-0995 j| TntMANWnOKNOWSI squeeze play, $ 5.30, won __________«______._«_._„_,_«,_«_______1__»_____-_-—. " "STRICTLY LEGITIMATE INFORMATION" ..„„„ WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: COL. C. ROY BREWSTER D|lS.iEMDRDAYS AUR0£VA!iL:,. ARGOSLE $ Ke WON and »ALLY STRICTLY TWO HORSES EACH DAY BURNING UP, 9.94, WON TUESDAYS PARLAY- Everybody Receives the Advertised Parlay Daily. No Exceptions. No Partiality TENNYWOOD, $ 6.98, WON hagerstown, 8.90, won YESTERDAYS PARLAY LOST SATURDAYS SPECIAL: MAGNA MATER, Ran Third MONDAY— 50-1 LIMIT WIN PARLAY— MONDAY W STOP GAP, .22, WON ~m* Come on, you players, do vourself justice. Look at WIRE YOUR IMMEDIATELY FOR MONDAYS ADVERTISED TWO HORSES BV-L00K, LOOK, WON OVER 50 LAST WEEK-W the above record. Wire immediately. Service COL. C. ROY BREWSTER, 1476 Broadway, NeW York City That is what my clients WON on my information, starts as soon as subscription is received. , One weeks trial will convince you how easy it is to A TTFWTIOW " make money when 30U are doing business with "ONE UtJl mHP A 1 1 M-*lH 1 IwlN 3W Pjiiil r-~- — ~ 7 igScmffiregjjiflTOTii WHO KNOWS." WESTERN AND CHICAGO PLAYERS, _ _ _ _ - fSWKllPcSmSafSSSA Free! Free! Free! Free! take notice j J mmm I • 1 W% _ J • j WmMtandMMmBmm Todays Kentucky Parlay will be given absolutely Tor your convenience we have opened an office in 1 M 1 MT **V;*W MM M MM M MM M FREE all Chicaeo. • K M M £, M MJ LjLl,M to subscribing to toda s Aurora Parlav. "* 9 ****** ~~ • ** • * 35 k Cents rPnt ; I a rnnv_ ;nIH at All All Newsstands. Wpw«i,„h "YOU CAN WIN SEVERAL HUNDRED TODAY" Office Open 9 A. M. tO 4 P. M. j JW~«jMat No mistakes. Just follow my advice and be con- -IQ NORTH CLARK STREET » •» »-»-- -»---»-» - -~--»-»- - -»- - -»n ESTABLISHED 1910 vinced. ATTENTION, CHICAGO PLAYERS, DONT TODAYS FREE CODE: xnnAV T0DAY-AN0THER anothfr frff FREE rnnr CODE wtnnfr WINNER GO TO THE TRACK UNLESS YOU SEE ME. If you DIRECT CONNECTIONS AT ALL TRACKS CHURCHILL-White-12-63. , Don t miss it. Here it is. bet SPORTS LK11IC, cannot come, phone t. nriDDAnu DEARBORN r on-7 9297 and -r I will ••■ send j wn tQ « decipher and you have todays winner. WON AGAIN For key to code, see page 2, Clockers Review. STUm? S n /""f P« OLT-OF-TOWN - T0DAYS FREE CODE: TODAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: PLAYERS, .send money order for and you will re- PlMLICO-Represent-2hB65-19-9. HORSFS ,vf PIMLICO-Feed-7-20. MM today s «ri*jfJ*£pA||v TODAYS CODE PARLAY: -tSiV-JSi BURNING » UP For Col. Matt Brady Special, see page 11, Clockers WM. BRADY PIMLICO-Harry-47-6-9211. *iigA TS1U Review. 36 W. RANDOLPH ST., RM. 404 CHICAGO. ILL. AURORA-Sam-16-38-27-4. 9.94, WON P. S.— I also handle very live stuff at Sportsmans SPORTS CRITIC ESTERDAVS PARLAY: F""1 TRINCHERA WON tO NORTH CLARK ST., ROOM 804 CHICAGO TENNYWOOD. .98, THIS PAYS YOUR RENT! ____ 0.40, WON THUNDlTmF!tThE. L°ST _ - Players, Notice! another limit win parlay „ „. SgSLZZ „ imm.. 0 Honnir »xl" Chance of a lifetime If you play the TO ALL SUBSCRI BERS TODAY diately. Make all remittances payable to PARLAY ildUPV OCOl races I will put you next to a ittle secret YESTERDAYS WIN PARLAY was the RESULT of SERVICE- MT MT •/ that will place /ou above want as long as PLENTY OF MONEY spent by this office. ANOTHER CLOCKERS REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. you live. Write for free description of my HUGE SUM has been spent to make TODAYS TRANS 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City l r»» ■• i- 5th PimllCO N9ui Discovery. It will open your eyes. ACTION A SUCCESS. BOTH HORSES have been ====;=—— ——=-———-— T- SFCOR ESPECIALLY PREPARED for TODAYS RACES, odds Tur ,..„,. « ...r.„. .. , A"* " SS* " " T° l °R BmER " *» VA%l"Llt™ LIMIT PARLAY TOMORROW LIMII KAKLAY IUIV1UKKUW TERMS, DAILY Price. 88e-On Bale Every where-Price S*o MOST LIBERAL TERMS TO ALL THE BOGLE CALL CA,L arasa, „ ™„SE HARRBON « „d R.oTOtSK,. m.r--rrr TODAY b FKRH CODES: I will send messenger. OLT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS, I MtlKO Aurora— Joe-18-2-7-11. Churchill— Harry-2-15-18-7. 53 ~J % Commission Broter jiiidico-Main4T5-l2-l8«.ODtpiicoAll.l9-l0.28-12. 20 W. JACKSON BLVD. Room 1414, CHICAGO, ILL. Advertise l Daily Racing ForiT At