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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES j 1 CHURCHILL DOWNS j TUESDAY, MAY 3 WG~ Percentage of Winning: Favorites in 1931 — .26 *»■ Starts from Bahr Stall Gate Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau and as at press time indicated: WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST Racing starts at 2:00 p. in. Chicago time, 3:00 p. in. 1st Churchill Gardenia Purse. Purse ,000. 2-Year-Olds. Maidens. ... „ , Fillies. Special Weights. Miss Joy, May 21, 1921 — 4y2 Furlongs :523/5_2— 1 1 o. Index Post /-Best at Distance— Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 698922 17 Stimoway 116.. 15 Good Scout.... 116.. 5 Cyvarre 116.. 68877 8 Just Umber... 116.. 70172 1 Go Easy. . .Lex 116 :56% 116. . 69044 3 Ezella 116.. 2 Cynara 116., 68005 4 Fannie Brice... 116.. 69240 6 Nervous Lady.. 116.. 68747 7 Sorotto 116.. 70068 9 Czycle ....Lex 116 :59 116.. Index Post — Best at Distance-* Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 10 Rose Bowl 116.. 70040 11 Miss Cameron. Lex 115 :59sy 116.. 12 St. Jessica 116.. 70172 13 Bubbling" O.... Lex 109 :59 116.. 14 Ocean Flight... 116.. 16 Bettina H 116.. 70172 18 Bimini ....CD 116 :59% 116.. 19 Sue Terry 116.. 68027 20 Soeur Blanche. 116.. Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. :1c Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. Scratches are shown in Past Performances, but In all cases only the latest withdrawal being indicated. Only 12 horses allowed to start. * Preceding horses name indicates entry for Kentucky Derby. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr Cdds Wt. St. %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Eest Company StiinOWav 1 1 Ct Ch. f, 2 M, by Stimulus — Stornoway Girl, by Stornoway. J lO Trainer, W. Z. Martin. Owner, Yours; Bros. Apr27-32Lex 4£ f :55%sl 112 SCRATCHED. Post P. 15 Maid 12 Boiling 115, Sunlow 115, Mi Cara 112 Apr.19 324.ex £ :49 ft 3 116 6 4 2s 24 BurlevF10 Maid 12J.Bogsll6.Absolutnll6.SpartanLyll6 Aptl6 325Lex £ :49 gd El 116 4 5 54 4" BurleyF5 Maid 12 Whirling 116,Prestige 116,BlueFace 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1932 record.. 2 0 1 0 $ 100 Good Scout 1 1 ft Br. f. 2 M, by Phalaros — Gir! Scout, by Hand Grenade. llO Trainer. J. F. Schorr. Owner. Three Ds Stock Farm Stable. Apr30-32C.D 4£! £8% hy 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 18 Maid 10 TwoSlipperll6,DskyLass 116,Elegy 116 , -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Ciiarre 1 "I £J B. f, 2 K, by Cyclops — Grace Navarre, by Henry of Navarre. J- i- O Trainer, C. Hunt. Owner, H. Massey. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-i Just Umber 1 1 £i B. f, 2 M, by Justice F.— Umber, by Tryster. Work vt 30 1-2 -51%sy Trainer, J. J. Troxler. Owner, Mrs. J. J. Troxler. Feb24 323F.G 1 :35% gd 37-10 113 7 5 31 41 FinnertyR4 2500 12 Gloritonell3,LaContsa 113,C.Squarell3 Feb. 3 32F.G g :36% ft 19 10 116 4 2 3s! 34 GarnerW4 Maid 12 Cru.Testll6,CySquarell6,M.Delit 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1932 record.. 2 0 0 1 J 100 Go Easy 1 1 £ B. f, 2 M, by Apprehension — Miss Valena, by Valens. JLJ-O Trainer, G. R. Allen. Owner, Mrs. D. Levy. Apr.30 32C.D 4£ f :58% hy 18 5 116 10 7 7* 4* LandoltC* Maid 10 TvoSlipperll6,DskyLass 116,Elegy 116 Apr21-322Lex 4£ :56% gd 15 116 1 2 24 23 I.andoltC* 2000 10 Irestieell6,Waucelall6,CaptsLady 116 Apr.18-324.ex £ :49% ft 14 111 5 4 3* 4* DupuyM4 2000 8 L.Clayl06,MomsPollyl06,GonDeeds 113 Aprl6-322Lex £ :49 gd 16 116 12 11 ll14 ll15 LauchH7 Maid 12 Whirling 116,Prestige 116,BlueFace 116 Feh29-323F.G 1 £5% ft 43f 111 8 5 54 44 Morrison R1 250011 M. Careful 121.B. Waters 119,CTest 115 Feb. 8 32F.G § :35% ft 14f 110 8 10 8" 84 McCoyJ* Allw 12 MsCareful 116,JeLoganll9.Nitumall6 Jan25-32F.G | :36% si 24 11310 5 5" 64 RileyHR* Allw 12 MsCful 113,JceLognll9,Msr ing 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1932 record.. 7 0 1 0 $ 150 Ezella 1 1 £1 Br* f M by Axenstein — Anabaena, by Alvescot. J. J. O TraineT, W. lewis. Owner. W. F. Axton. Mar.l2-32JHav | :54 hy 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 8 150010 Fly. Votell5,Pncipalityll8,H.Light 115 Mar. 1 32Hav £ :49 ft 4 115 3 2 24 54 JoncsJM4 150012 Sporo 115,Brownell 118,Adelaide A. 115 Feh25 32Hav £ -.52% hy 2 115 2 8 83 85 Currai.W2 150012 BtyTerryll5,Principityll8,Ch.Maid 115 Febl6 32Hav g :35 ft 8 5 115 1 1 23 MooreG3 Allw 9 G?iaLilyll5,Principty 118,Dorsavs 118 Fcbll 32Hav g :34% ft 4 115 2 24 2 SeaboG3 Allw 8 WlyWestll8,Dorsaysll8,CeoKirby 118 Feb. 1 32Hav g :36 si 2 118 9 84 4* NealE* 1500 9 YvetteV. ]18,Baigneuse 118,Flitsoell8 Jao28 32Hav g :35% ft 3 115 9 44 3* NealE1 1500 9 FlyingGirl 115,FlyingVotell5,Spero 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1932 record.. 10 0 2 2 $ 350 CjUara 1 1 £ Bfc.-f.-i M. by Mad Hatter— Sky Blue, by All Gold. Work- Mav 1—1-2 -51isl *Av Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, C. V. Whitney. Apc30 32C.D 4i f :58% hy 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 6 Maid 10 TwoSlipperll6,DskyLass 116,Elegy 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wou.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Fannie Brice 1 1 Ct Ch. f, 2 M, by Monks Way — Glide, by Manager Waite. Work- Mav 2 3 8 . . -37%ft " «*•*" Trainer, J. Lowenstein. Owner, A. Sabath. Jan.19 32Hav :24 si 6 116 8 10" II FryeJW* Maid 12 LcyM,nifeell6,Spero 116,GrgiaLily 116 Jan.14 32Hav i :23 ft 4 116 10 104 104 FryeJW1 Maid 12 LyMoonll6,MyJonell3,GgiaLily 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1932 record.. 2 IferTOUS Lady 1 1 R B. i, 2 M. by Ladkin— Hysteria, by Transvaal. Work- Mav 2—3 8 36ft ■*- * " Trainer, F. P. Letellier. Owner, A. J. Stalling. Mac 9-32*F.G g :35% ft 437 116 9 8 8" 84 CavensJ8 Maid 12 GirGatell6,MissDht 116.MaonT. 116 Feb24-323F.G g :35% gd 32f 113 11 11 11* 11" GuerraJ* 2500 12 GJoritonell3,LaContsall3,C.Squarell3 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 2 Serette 1 1 Z B. f, 2 M, by Serapis— Nanette, by Ivan the Terrible. Work- Feb 15—3 8 -36" ■»-■*-" Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. Feb.l8-32=HiB g 35% ft 33 114 9 15" 144 SniderA1 2500 18 Modestoll7,ViaAppialll,DkyDame 117 Fetxl6 322Hia g :354 ft 6 f 117 8 74 74 ElstonH" 250018 M,sBroomll7,JnBrwnll7.NunsW,yll7 Feb. 8-323 2£ f :28% ft 441 119 3 34 54 ElstonH* Maid 18 Mintwina 119,Modestoll9.Fretvork 119 Jan.29 SHia i :22% ft 47 115 11 ll13 84 ElstonH11 Maid 18 OhBabyll5,Mintwinall5,MsBroom 115 Jan.26-32»Hia i :23% ft 27-10f 115 17 1210 12»i ElstonH" Maid 18 Jesemolall5,R.Purchasell5,Sw4Va 115 t Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-N , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1932 record.. 5 Czjcle 1 1 K B. f, 2 M, by Hire aux Larmes— Czegled, by Cylgad. -J- 1- U Trainer, H. Wells. Owner, H. Oots. AprSOC.D 4£ f :582s hy 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 2 Maid 10 TwoSlipperll6.DskyLass 116,Ele"y 116 Apr26-324Lex 4£ f :59M m 7 108 3 6 6U 6° RoseM1 2000 7 BlkNoselOS.MyBlaze 112£,Chica]M 110 Apr.21-322Lex 4£ :56% gd 18 116 9 7 8U 7" RoseM* 2000 10 Prestige 116, GoEasv 116, Waucela 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Marts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 2 Rose Bowl 1 1 C B. f. 2 M, by Macaw — Sun Caris, by Sun Briar. Work: Apr. 23—12.. :52"sft A •* ° Trainer, C. Z. Gross. Owner, C. H. Knebelkamp. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won MISS Cameron 1 1 £ B. f. 2 M, by Macaw— Lina Clark, by Delhi. Work: Apr. 30—1-2.. :52%m *XV Trainer. J. P. Sallee. Owner, T. Piatt. Apn25-325Lex 4£ f :57% sy 10 115 2 5 54 54 FronkW3 Maid 7 DorisB.llS.Osw.PncssllS.TryLass 115 Apr21-323Lex 4£ :56% gd 21 116 7 10 1014 914 Jame E7 2000 10 Prestige 116, GoEasy 116, Waucela lib / Starts. 1st. nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 2 St. Jessica 1 1 Z Ch. f. 2 M. by 8t. Henry— Jessie Benton, by Wrack. Work- Apr 28—3 8 36%ft -*--*- Trainer, H. D. Simpson. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Ape30-32C.d" 4J f :58"s hy 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 20 Maid 10 TwoSlipperlDskyLass 116,Elegy 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Bubbling O. 1 1 I B. f, 2 M, by Bubbling Over— Menthol, by Grand Parade. _L ± J Trainer, E. Kaiser. Owner, J. F. ONeill. Apn30 32C.D Ai f :58=s hy 49 116 4 6 84 6 MoranW2 Maid 10 TwoSlippcrll6,DskyLass 116,Elegy 116 Apr.22-324Lex 4£ f :55% ft 35 109 2 4 412 5" KernW1 Allw 5 GIGduatellO.WhirlingllO.SnUdy 108 Aprl9 322Lex £ :49 ft 19 116 3 8 9" 10" McLalirE3 Maid 12 J.Boggsll6.Stimowyil6,Absolutionll6 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 3 Ocean Flight 11C Ch. f, 2 M, by Flight of Time— Ocean Swell, by Sea Sick. llv Trainer, H. H. Battle. Owner, F. L. B. Stable. r- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Bettina H. 1 1 £ Blk- f- 2 *• by Nocturnal— Our Betsy, by Huon. Work: Apr. 27—12 . :49cd ± X U Trainer, C H. Ferguson. Owner, A. L. Ferguson. Apn30-32C.D 4£ f :58*5 hy 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 15 Maid 10 TwoSlipperll6,DskyLass 116,Elegy 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. «rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Bimilli 1 1 C Blk. f. 2 MJ, by Actuary— Myrtle Caldwell, by Boots and Work: Apr. 27-1 2. . :51ed * X U Saddle. Trainer, J. H. Moody. Owner, Shady Brook Farm Stable. -Apr.30 32C.D 4£ f :58?5 hy 12 116 9 8 64 5 CorbetlC Maid 10 TwoSlipperll6,DskyLass 116,Elegy 116 , Stails. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 1 1 Sne Terry 1 1 £J Br" *• 2 M* *y Terry — Zennotta, by Vulcain. Work: Mav 1 3-8. . :37%hv Trainer, D. B. Biddle. Owner, M. M. Riddle. « -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Soeur Blanche 1 1 fi Ch. f, 2 M, by Wildair — La Beligieuse, by Polymelus. Work: Apr. 30 — 1-2.. l/im t* Trainer, J. 8. Middleton. Owner, Greentree Stable. Jan.20 322Hia i :23 m 136 115 7 7» 74 KsingerC* Maid 17 WiseAnnell5,Mintwinall5,Transen 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— » , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 1 2nd Churchill Purse ,000. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Don % Mile Leon MaY 19 1931—1:11—3—105. NOTE — Claiming price, ,500; if for more, 1 pound extra for each 50 to ,000. Weight, 116 pounds. Non-winners of two races since April 1 or one race since April 29 allowed 3 pounds. Index Post -Bcst at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70146 10 Dedicate . .Hia 111 1:11% 5 113X1500 70007 17 Aqua Vitae.F.G 112 1:13% 4 113.. 1500 69920 16 Valdosta ..CD 118 1:13% 5 115X 2000 701473 12 Sis Agnes .CD 112 1:12% 5 110X 2000 70030 3 Best Man..A.P 110 1:10% 5 115X 2000 70147 8 Hamilton ..Hia 112 1:11% 5 115X 2000 70173 1 Deemster ...LP 110 1:14% 4 114X 1750 69226 2Old Tuck..Hav 106 1:13% 4 108X 1500 65225 4 Peter DixonD.P 116 1:14 6 113X 1500 66624 5*Black Dust.Lat 109 1:13% 4 105X 2000 66623 6 Town LimitL.F 104 1:13% 4 110X 2000 61975 7 Jessie Carey... CD 107 1:12% 6 110X 2000 Index Post /-Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70146 9 Uforme ....Lat 100 1:13% 4 108X 1500 11 Anson M... A 113.. 1500 70065 13 Nonas ...Dev 103 1:12% 4 113X1500 69419s 14 Princess Zelda. Bbg 108 1:13% 6110.. 2000 506203 15*The Widower M 4 108.. 1500 68380 18 Homer L...C.D 107 1:12% 4 115X 2000 69949 19*Sporting Lady. 6 103X 1500 70070 20 Hamburger Jim Lat 106il:13% 4 113. . 1500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Brackets , won last start; figures * or *. 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. cFair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DJs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P CI Pee Sts. Best Company Dedicate X 11 Br. jr. 6, by Dodge — On Time, by High Time. Work- Apr 27—1-2 *51%t *•** Trainer, S. W. Ward. Owner, Everglade Stable. Apc29-323CD | 1:14% ft 2740 120 2 2 64 6«1 FronkW" 1500 12 Twill 115,StarPlay 120,T.Spaniard 120 Marl5-323Trp 3 1:13% ft 4 112* 2 4 21 34 McLlinEM* 1500 8 TheHhenll7,Zegora 102, Hieover 112 Marl2 32JTrp 5i f 1 :05% ft 21 112*1 6 64i 4i PrainA6 150012 J. Howell7,T Heathen 117,Princeton 114 Mar 9-324Trp j 1:12% ft 13 108 5 7 5" 612 MgomeryR3 2000 9 Calg.Kavl08,MaeSwp96.H. Hieover 113 Man4 322Trp 5ifl:06%ft 13-5 106*1 1 1* Vi LewisM" 1500 13 Bosan 114, Princeton 111, Spunky 98 Feb29-32,Trp a 1:13 ft 19 20 113 6 2 2* 54 FronkW1* 1500 14 Light Nun 108, Estin 118, Timour 113 Feh26 323Hia $ 1:15 hy 13 5 105* 2 1 2* 23 LewisM8 2500 8 Fervid 113.ParnellBound 113, Tom 100 Febl7-326Hia 1 1:40% ft 7J 116 2 1 11 433 FronkW" 2000 9 Matadi 111, Sir Byron lll,Rocktor 105 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— . St.irts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 17 3 3 4 ,600 1932 record. .12 1 1 1 $ 825 Aqua Vitae "1 1 Q B. g, 4, by Eternal— Flutter, by Pennant. Work- Apr 30 5-8 104%m Trainer, J. J. Greely. Owner, Shandon FaTm Stable. Apr23-321Lex" fc 1:11% ft 37° 10 117 910 54 lk GarnerW* 1500 12 Twill 116, Aristocrat 115, Bonnet 105 Apr21321Lex fc 1:11% gd 8 113 8 3 36 25 GarnerW 1200 9 PllBoundll6,Th.Vicll3,SnSpinner 113 Feb26 32F.G 1 1:13% ft 2-5 112*9 4 4i 11 ElstonG1* 250012 UlteVotell7,A.Sorel 112,L.MarceI!el00 Febl9 32F.G 1:15% m 17-5 117 1 3 441 461 GarneW,, 3000 12 BillOrge 112,HfDayll2,TwdThds 110 Fchl6 323F.G 21:14 ft 58 116 1 2 431 64 GarnerW5 300012 Burgooll6,O.Harbor 116,Pmetheus 116 May25 31*Was g 1:14% gd 51 110 8 11 11" 11" GevineL* 2500 12 OvrboardllS.CanflilOS.HambgrJimlOS Mayl4-318C.D 1 1:15 hy 71 105* 6 3 4« 4" MeadeD1 4000 8 AlIHail 110,GinEvenll0,SilvrLake 110 Nov. 6 30Lat 21:13% ft 7 1071 3 1 VI l1 YeltonR* Allw 12 Squall lOO.Bunama 103, Shoestring 113 OctlSCPLat 2M4% ft 10 115 6 2 7»! S8! McCoyJ" Allw 12 Malaita 115,Po!IysBoy 115,BIighter 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 2 1932 record .. 5 2 1 0 $ 900 Valdosta X 1 1 P Ch. h, 5, by Upset — Ednaris, by Ednam. Work- Apr 29 1-2 49%ft -*--*■*- Trainer, J. P. Sallee. Owner, T, Piatt, Apn20-32Lex fc 1:10" ft 4 120 3 2 1» l3 JamesE1 1000 12 Twill 120, Adrian 103, InfernoLad 120 May21 312C.r3 I 1:26 gd 21 11312 6 4" VI YeltonR* 2000 12 Witch Way 102,Mucker 113,Dorita 108 May4 31CD | 1:12% ft 11 118 9 9 9*i 6s YeltonR 2500 11 Justinall3,Timon 113.KentuckyAce 113 Nov.l7 303lHF r°l:53 si 5 114 3 2 V 14 YeltonR1 3500 6 Telal06.PerjurylO2,CnptnsDau,tr 107 Nov.l0 30Lat 21:13 ft 33 10 106 7 8 4i 11 JamesE3 2200 12 StBrigadell6,B.o,Bbyl05,Molerito 105 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» ■ Starts 1st. 2nd Srd. Won.- 1931 record.. 2 0 0 1 $ 100 1932 record .. 1 10 0 50 SlS Agnes X 110 " ** m • y SuPremus or Hephaistos — Little Polly, by Frizzle. Work- Anr 27 3-4 118%ed **■ Trainer, T. Sanford. Owner Brown Hotel Stable. Apn29-32CD" 2 1:13 ft 81 115 1 2 J 3s GarnerW3 2000 6 GinEvenl22,D.Monisl20,Hamilton 121 Kov. 2-31Lat 21:13 ft 11-5 109 2 9 7 67 RoseM1 250012 An. Reell3,L.Menifeel00.KryGreen 111 Oct29-3rLat 2 1:15% si 16-5 103*3 4 34 2J TinkerH3 2500 12 CzyCootl04,Hamiltonll3,Brmshot 109 Octl3 3PLat 2 1:12% ft 5 106 6 6 5* 33 RoseM* 2750 11 SunnyPal 105, Broomshot 107,Nifty 101 Aug31 3PD.P 2 1:1- ft 12 112 2 8 84 7*3 RoseM 2500 8 GcsGiftll2,Cabama HO.JackHowe 117 Aug24-312D.P 2 1-13% ft 1 112 2 4 54 2 RoseM3 2300 8 S.OSweepllO.LkyPal 105,J.GorhamlOO Augl7 31D.P 2 1:14% gd 27-10 110 5 3 34 21 RoseM3 2500 8 MyHobby 112,JackHove 115,Dorita 105 JuL21 314Lat 21:16 m 10 110 2 7 7*1 7" RoseM* 2500 7 UncleMtt HO.Estin lll.Overboard 110 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 12 2 3 2 ,400 1932 record .. 1 0 0 1 $ 75 Best Man X 11 Blkl b 8 by Mad Hatter_ Bridesmaid, by Chicle. Work: Apr 22—1-2.. 48%ft -*--*-*- Trainer, B. A. Jones. Owner, H. M. Woolf. Apr25-322HdG 2 112% ft 6 117 2 9 913 9" AllenCE13 3000 12 BrightBird 110, Blimp 112, Babble 112 Apr22-32JHdG 2 1:12% ft 91 117 3 4 54 54 AllenCE3 4000 6 S.Daldsonli7.Avalonll7,Uncovrd 115 Aprl6-322HdG 2 1:14% ft 32f 117 9 6 6» 54 AllenCE* 4000 12 Voltagrnl07,Reg.BaddunllO.Fiddlerll7 Mar.21324St.J 2 1:13% ft 12 98 6 8 74 10" ClancyM1 Hdcp 10 JazAgell6,Fl.BearerllO,StrtSinger 106 Mar 3 324Trp 5J f 1:04% ft 20 100 2 6 6 74 MontgyR Hdcp 7 Panetianl20,Vacillatel20,FgBearer 110 Aug 3-314f,aw 2 1:12% ft 61 114 810 94 9" AUenCE* Stks 10 K.Comderll2.Sirdalell9.B.Wisdni 113 JuLl5 314A.P 21:13%gd 8-5 105 1 1 14 14 MoranW* AJlw 6 NoMorel05,S.Memoryl05,St.Prisca 100 Stnrta 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s 1931 record.. 12 4 4 2 ,466 1932 record .. 5 Hamilton X 1 1 i Ch. g, 6, by Tryster — Handy Hamilton, by John o Gaunt. Work- Apr 27—3 8 -37%ed ■*--*- •* TraineT, J. T. Taylor. Owner, Mrs. E. L. Swikard. Apr29 324CD 2 1:13 ft 16-5 121 2 4 43 410 MeverC* 2500 6 GinEven 122,D.Morrisl20,SisAgnes 115 Febl7-323Hia 1 1:38% ft 22-5 109*3 2 l1 14 MilisH* 2500 9 CPlayll4,TeaCrker 109,BobsPlay 112 Febl2-324Hia 2 1:11% ft 16-5 113* 4 6 5* 5* TurnerC* 2500 8 Jaffa 94,Traitor 114,MemoriesDear 107 Feb 8-32Hia j 1:11% ft 51 112 4 4 31 23 MontgyR 2500 8 Salisbury HO.Traitor 115,Hieover 114 Feb. 1-32Hia | 1:25 ft 8-5 116 2 1 11 1* MillsH1 2500 7 Please 121,BobsPIayll9,SanPresto 114 Jaa25-32Hia 2 1:12% ft 13 111 2 3 2* li TurnerC1 2500 8 PneilBndlll,CaI.Kayll6,B. Watch 111 Jan.19 323Hia 2 1:13% sy 6 5 110* 12 2* 21 LewisM* 2500 5 P.Bndlll.Whileaway lll.Bdsman 103 Jan.l2-324Trp 31:11 ft 24 112 16 5" 64 TurnerC* 2500 7 GavBdl09,SgIeStarl07,CelticPrce 112 Jan.9 324Trp 2 1:12% ft 25 110 15 5 fl TurnerC* 2750 6 JazAgellO,Tombereaull2,SigIeStar 109 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . _ ■ — Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — , 1931 record.. 18 4 3 3 ,325 1932 record .. 9 3 2 0 ,642 Deemster X 1 1 A Br. o, 4, by Tryster— Deeming, by Spanish Prince II. Work: Feb. 5— lm l:46Kd ± ± ** Trainer, H. Van. Owner, Mrs. C. Gregory. Apr30-322CD 2 1:16% hy29-10 115 2 1 14 24 EdwardsC7 1500 10 J.Pacdl07£,PssCruderl03.F.Bilvsl08 Feb 8-32Hia 3 1:11% ft 153 115 7 8 64 6" CarrollW1 2500 8 Salisbury llO.Hamilton 112.Traitor 115 Jan. 7-323Trp 11:41 ft 9-5 113*1 1 14 3* McLaIinE3 1500 8 Chancellorll2.GoldMintll5,CkPlay 102 Jan 5-32Trp 5j f 1K6% ft 3-10 118 2 2 1" U HornF* 1500 7 P.Carhanll3,TnKnitl08.bnSupt 102 Jan4 323Trp 5 f 1:06% ft 21 115 4 2 2* 21 HornF* 1500 6 Whlwayll2,Lawyerl08,CrckPry 105 Jan 2-324Trp 2 1:14% gd 9-20 116 4 1 l1 14 HornF3 1500 8 BrnDncel08.BkStckgslll.Orkin 111 Decl5 314J.P 3 1:13% ff 13 110 2 4 2* 2* GevingL* 2000 7 K.Ch,rokeel07,CCootl07,Pretheus 116 DeclO-31sJ.P 3 1:18% si 10 111 7 7 44 33 ArnoldG* 2000 7 E.BollallO.MsOninelOg.K.Chokee 111 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8M Won.-. Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -, 1931 record.. 18 3 13 ,538 1932 record.. 6 2 2 1 ,925 Old Tuck X 1 OR B. g, 4, by Ormont— Sister Susie, by GalvestOB. Work: Mav 2—5-8. . .107%ft ±JO Trainer. W. Lewis. Owner. W. F. Axton. Mar8 325Hav IjV 1:47 ft 8 112 5 2 54 8" CurranW 80010 Eveline F. 109.A11 Told 110,Mozart 109 Man l-32eHav la 1:46% ft 4 105*9 5 54 54 VailS 80010 AlLivtonl04,S.CanopyT10.C Parole 106 Feb28 32Hav 11:46% ft 4 113* 5 2 3 43 VailS* 800 8 Pan 115, Al Livingston 110, Lane 107 Feb25-324iav 1and 1:47% si 5 108 7 3 4* 9" NealE10 100011 PolarSea 112,NitTearsl06,EvelineF.lll Feb20 32«Hav la 1:46 ft 10 107 4 2 1** 3* NealE11 90011 DealOO.ChfsWarrior lll.NitTears 101 Feb.l6-325Hav 1 1:46% ft 2 108* 1 2 23 23 RodcrickT1 800 8 Popcnl06,UnionW.109.BakedAppl« 112 Febl4 327Hav 11:46 ft 3 104 1 3 7°J 7" MattioliJ1 1000 8 CfsTbdrl02,Bagl 114,GdenPlay 110 Feb. 6-32*Hav 11:46 ft 2 111*2 3 31 24 McLarenJ1 800 8 Dea 112,FloONeill ]13,PolarSea 118 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — 1931 record.. 17 1 0 4 $ 870 1932 record. .13 2 2 2 ,575 Peter Dixon X 1 1 *-£ Ch * 6 by Peter Pan_ Blume, by Broomstick. Work: Apr. 30— 3-4. .l:20%sy •*••*-*-» Trainer, A. Thomas. Owner, G. Doyle. Sep26 31L.F 1A 1:51% hy 18 112 6 7 713 6" SchutteH3 1500 7 Watergap 115,B.Powers 115.Aregal 115 Sep213rL.F ljV 1:45% ft 49 113 6 4 7" 9" SchutteH* 2000 11 B.Cloudll3,M.Crolynel05,RiffRaff 113 5ep5 312D.P 11:39% It 15 11411 3 64 74 RoseM* 120012OurPal 109, Privately 114, Peter 109 Sep 3-31D.P 1 1:44 hy 21 5 110*10 7 74 84 MontgyR11 1200 12 HappyHanIyll0,Peterll0,LightMint 108 Aug28 31D.P ll:46%m 61 111*1 1 l3 21 MontgyR1 1500 8 Typhoonll9,BigSandyll6,Dontados 111 Aug25 313D.P 2 1:12% ft 28 116 10 9 74 7* CollinsG* 1200 12 Lanier HO.PhiDelta lll.BcttyAnn 109 Aug22 31*D.P 21:14%gd 29 1101110 94 74 ArnoldG* 1200 12 B.Annl00,LightAirl05,JudgeDirzo 108 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1931 record. .16 1 1 0 $ 600 Black Dust X 10 B. f, 4, by Black Servant— Dust Flower, by Peter Quince. Work- Mav 1—3-4 l:20sl •*-* t Trainer, H. Goose. Owner, R. Goose. Nov.ll 31SIHF fc 1:10% ft 4 5 117 3 1 14 14 ElstonG1 Allw 10 OregonCitizenl21,Jorettal06,Surely 104 Octl4-314Lat 2 1:15 m 17-10 105 5 4 7° 7" TinkerH* Maid 8 GayDonn 108,DarkDawn 108,Loop 110 Oct6 313Lat 3 1:13% ft 33-10 109 3 2 1 21 ElstonG* Allw 12 BiBi 112,EagleBird 112, Diaquri 109 Sep 4-31D.P 3 1:15% si 9-10 104*3 5 34 2* ElstonG3 2300 12 JuneBushl04,Elephantl07,DerbyT. 112 ,- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1931 record.. 4 1 2 0 $ 1,000 Town Limit X 110 B. f, 4, by Chilhowee— Gossip Avenue, by Bulse. Work: Mav 2—3-8 -37ft ■*--*-" Trainer. W. Crump, Owner. J. W. Pamsh. Nov.ll-31IHF fc 1:09% ft 20 102 9 10 101S 101* ElstonG* 1700 10 DkMorrisllO,Unc.Mattll2.JysEnd 107 Oct27-31»Lat 1" 1:45% ft 11-5 103* 2 2 21 2 TurnerC* 2000 8 Squall 103.Miss Chilla 109£, Belen 108 Oct21-315Lat 1A1:47 ft 4 107*1 1 31 34 TurnerC 2500 12 Majel 110. Claret 107, Squall 102 OcLl2-31!Lat ? 1:13% ft 61 109 6 6 74 84 NealE* 2500 11 Glardial07,SnMaskll5.HyHieovr 112 Oct 9-31Lat 2 1:16% hy 6 106* 2 3 3*1 4*1 MontgvR* 3000 8 DkMorrisll6,UleHenrvll4.Brshot 110 Oct 5-31*Lat 21:13 ft 21-10 102*4 5 54 34 ElstonG 250012 JysEndl07.Hamiltonll0.H.Hieover 110 Sepl9-315L.F 2 1:13% ft 17 5 104*3 2 21 11 NeelJ 2500 12 MarysToyl08,St.Agnesl05,AlfayeB. 105 1 Start*, let 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 19 2 2 5 ,725 Jessie CareT X 1 1 C Ch m, 6, by Chatterton — Bachelors Blend, by Tredennis. Work- A» r 27 — 1-2 -50%m * * V Trainer. W. C. Weant. Ownei. Oakland Farm Stable. JuL25-3iA.P* 1 1:38% ft 23-10 109 1 5 6* 7*1 DyerP* 2800 7 Albazano 109,RiverForest HO.Chip 109 -JuL18-31*A.P 11:38% ft 6 105 8 3 2" 1* DverP* 2000 14 SweepPast97,GdPrincellO,P.Edith 108 JuL 1-31A.P 3 1:12% ft 16f 112 10 8 44 44 DyerP1* 250013 Copperndll7,OHarborll7,G.Prince 117 May23 31?CD 6£fl:20%sl 27 11110 9 84 6" McAffeD* 2500 12 Sis Agnes 108. Perkins 113, Beige 105 Mayl8 31*CD 2 1:11% ft 44 107*5 4 441 5* NealE* 250012 WeeDropl05,Bag.Maidl05,SisAgnes 112 Mar.26 31JSt.J 5i f 1:09 30 108 7 5 4=1 4*3 HanfordB" 1500 10 Poincianal08,BoldRobin HO.Guffle 110 Mar.24-31=St J 21:15 ft 22 5f 1061 5 3 31 6*3 HanfordB1* 1500 12 SaratogaMajellO, Valley 109,Donau 105 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .12 1 0 0 $ 1.220 Uforme -I AO B. f, 4, by For Fair — Melus, by Polymelus, Work- Mav 2 3 8 "35it *VO Trainer, I.. Johnson. Owner. W. H. Whitehouss. Apn29 32C.D 2 1:14% ft 7 115 3 1 2» 4=1 McCovJ7 1500 12 Twill 115,StarPlay 120,T.Spaniard 120 Oct26-31;Lat 2 1:13% gd 7 107 5 3 6Ti 74 McCovJ8 2500 12 KyGreenllO,AieReell2,BillMorris 105 Octl9-31!Lat 3 1:14 ft 21 106 2 1 V 31 McCoy J » 2500 12 Bwdsman 109.Talane 109,Abstelyl07 OctlO-31Lat 2 1:14 si 11-5 108 3 2 4* 4*1 McCovJ* 2500 8 Hamilt,nll5,FloridaGoldllO,Trlane 106 Oct 7-31*Lat 31:13% sy27-10 107 5 2 54 5s McCovJ* 2500 10 WodlotllO.Hamiltonll5,AnnaBeall 107 Jul.30-314Lat 3 1:13% ft 51 104*1 1 11 2 ElstonG* 2500 8 MsOninel.MkeyShinelOS.Hover 119 Jul.29-31:Lat 3 1:13% ft 51 110 2 3 34 54 CorbettC* 2500 12 HgerJimllS.JneysEndllO.TyBoy 110 3 1:12% ft 32 100 6 2 44 6*1 RoderickT* Allw 7 Fairy Ringl08,Skirl 112,BigBusiness 115 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won.— 1931 record. .14 3 2 1 $ 3,132 1932 record. . 1 A II Mill 1 1 Q Br. g. 4 M, by Eire aux Larmes — Resistance, by Iron Work: Mav 1—3 8... :36%sl ■*■ 1 O Cross II. Trainer, II. Rieser. Owner, Mrs. M. Bieser. Apr.23 32Lex fc 1:11% ft 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 6 1000 12 AquaVitae 117,Twill 116,Aristocrat 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-,, Norias X 1 1 *3 C*1 f" *• by Swee* 0n — Blddy McGee, by McGee. Work- Anr 30 3-4 l-19%m Trainer, T. P. Hayes. Owner, Kenton Farm Stable. Apt29 32C.D" 21:14" ft 120 SCRATCHED. Post P. 13 1500 12 M.ofHonorll0,SthS«asll5,Etiwandall3 Apr26-321Lex fc 1:14% m 39 115 5 3 3 551 EllswthW8 100010 Esntial 110,LghgBoyll7,M.Materl08 Octl431=F.P a*l:19%hy 18 114 8 4 54 54 ArnoldG11 1000 11 Chcklingllb,Wtahorsell4,Brimsey 109 Octl3-31*FP ll:48%m• 8 108 3 5 543 619 GreenbgS* 1000 10 LleCtrylO6,GnTitlel01,Rw,yKid 101 OctlO -ZlF.P 2 1:14% ft 27 108 8 3 541 5*1 ArnoldG* 1000 12 NinottellO,W.CardllO,CaptainJ.S. 108 Oct 7-31F.P 1 1:40 ft 17 106 2 2 3 5* ArnoldG1 1000 11 Sedgie 107, Carilina 97, Mvldeal 106 Sep.29-317F.P 3 1:13% ft 18 109 10 9 4"! 74 DavW6 1000 11 JazAee 113, Absolutely 104, Monde 109 Sepi23 31»F.P 1 1:43% si 23 107 4 2 21 4=1 DavW1 1250 8 Chub 108, Lucky Pal 108, Shonna 101 Sep.22-31:F.P | 1:14% ft 30 105 9 5 54 551 DayW* 1000 12 O.L.HopllO.R.EmDonllO.Maraboulll Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won — . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .24 1 0 5 50 1932 record. . 1 Princess Zelda 110 B. m, 6, by Chatterton — Zelda, by Pentecost. Work- Mav 2 1-2 -49%ft " -*--*- Trainer, E. J. Heed. Owner, E. J. Beed. Mar.l6-32frp 1 1:39% ft 61 109 5 2 21 2» EnsorL* 1500 10 RedFace 113,Lawverl06,Haramzada 110 Fetx29-325Trp |1:26 ft 11-5 109 1 4 4* 44 HornF1 2000 8 CalyKavl06,BtrgOnll2,BbsPlay 106 Feb22-325Hia U 1:53% ft 33-10 104 2 11* 1 RilevG* 2000 9 Silvery 104,LnHearted 104,Outpost 109 Jan.29-325Hav 1M1:41 ft 6-5 108 3 2 l1 1* CurranW1 1200 7 JnMill 109,Reproducel05,GnSweep 111 Jan.24-32«Hav 1 1:45% ft 10 110 4 7 671 4» RvanJ4 1500 8 Bagiel 104, Hold 113, Letalone 111 Oct 2-317HdG 11:53% ft 13 107* 3 2 la 2 RoussellV1 1500 12 Putterl02,Tazewell 115,DaddyNelsonll5 Sep. 1-31D.P 1 1:38% ft 16 -5 112 4 3 1" 11 DupuvM* 1200 12 Fairymanll5,Shonnal03,MyL.Honeyll2 Aug24-31D.P 11:39% ft 51 108 910 8n 811 Meyer.M5 1200 12 Dorital00,B.Tincupll0,MyL*tHney 100 Starts, ltt 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .14 5 2 2 ,425 1932 record. . 5 2 10 ,550 The Widower 108 Blk * *■ ty Hildur — The wid°w Cutting, by Smoke House. JLv/O Trainer, C. H. Trotter. Owner. J. B. Respess. Jul.18 30Lat 5 f 1:08% ft 43-10 115 3 2 2* 34 GooIerW2 Maid 12 JoevBibbll5,BobsPyll5,Rip t Rip 115 Jul.12 30Lat 5£ f 1:08% ft 5 116 2 4 32 3s GoolerW1 Maid 12 LaWild 113,JoyBibbll6,Gaillardia 116 Jul. 8 30Lat 5f 1:09% ft 27-10 115 6 4 21 34 GooIerW10 2000 12 TheDuke 115, Kings 110, Gulliver 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Homer L. X 1 1 B. g, 4, by Sun Flag— Wildwood, by Master Bobert. Work- Mav 1 3-4 l-18%sl ■*■-*-*- Trainer, P. Beuter. Owner. J. Maisch. Febd6-323F.G 3 1:14" ft 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 17 300012 Burgooll6,O.Harbor 116,Pmetheus 116 Feb, 3-32F.G 3 1:14 ft 3 111*10 8 54 54 LewisM" 3500 12 Twill lll.Tantivy lll.Honevman 111 Jan.29-32F.G 3 1:13% gd 9-5 114 10 8 611 5" CorbettC" 3500 12 Rusty 109, Blighter 114, J. George 114 Jan. 2-325J.P 2 1:13% ft 71 111 5 5 451 57 LewisM1 3500 8 ChvSwP105.ErbhBlIal04,W.Sel,r 103 Nov.26-31J.P 31:15 gd37-10 116 6 6 551 461 RobleH3 5000 7 GsGiftl07.Eliz.BolIal01.P,methcus 109 Oct26 314Haw 2 1:12% ft 8 108 2 6 67i 571 RobleH* Allw 8 S.Sweetl08,Tanneryll4,B.Medows 108 Octl7-31*Haw 6ifl:23 si 13-5 111 5 4 31 l5 LewisM1 4750 6 Prometheus 114,W.Fieldi07,Sc,goat 102 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. ftnn.-, 1931 record. .19 5 11 ,625 1932 record .. 3 Sporting Lady X 10 Ch. m. 6, by Sporting Blood— Lady Mildred, by Dick Welles. Work: ADr. 30— 3 4. .l:20%m J-Ut Trainer. J. M. HukiU. Owner. W. F. 8trauss. Apr25-32!Lex fc 1:13% sy 108 SCRATCHED. Post P. 1 1200 7 ForgetNotll3,SatinSprll3,Dnpour 113 Apr21-32Lex fc 1:11% gd 20 108 7 9 921 920 HardvDO* 1200 9 PalBoundll6,Aq.Vitaell3,ThleVic 113 Aprl9-32:Lex fc 1:11% ft 9 115 4 4 581 4* HardvDO1 2000 10 EllenD.109,Mrs.Foster HO.RitaAnn 103 Sep4 30;D.P 31:13% ft 21 109 8 5 41 3 ReevesR3 1800 8 SandvHatch 112,Wingo llO.TakeOff 111 Sep SD.P 3 1:12% ft 24 109 7 7 67 5 HardyDO8 2600 7 LadyWittll5,Mrs.Fosterl02,Genuine 114 , Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 2 Hamburger Jim 1 1 Q Ch. g, 4, by Whiskaway — Glory of the Seas II., by Argosy. Work- Mav 1 3 4 .. l-23hv -*--*-"-* Trainer. W. E. Suggs. Owner. J. W. Brackman. Apt26 32:LeK fcl:i3"m 19 115 4 5 5" 5" Herndez.J* 3500 7 GoldStepll6,ParnellBoundll8,Zean 108 Aug29-31SD.P 2 1:15% si 13-10 110*2 3 31 1" MartinR1 2000 9 MissChillallO.LhtMint 110,Ournan 105 A115 l-317Lat li 1:53% ft 11 110 3 1 127 12* RoseM10 2000 12 SanPresto 110, Clipsetta 102, Skrip 107 Jul.29-31!Lat 3 1:13% ft 15 115 6 11" 1* MorsonR* 2500 12 JevsEndllO.TmyBoyllO.SunMask 110 Jul.l5-3PLat 3 1:12% ft 6 108 6 3 3*1 47J SmithJ7 Allw 11 B.Businessll5,Empirel08.S.Pcival 108 JuL 4-31!Lat 3 1:15% gd 3 110 1 3 lk l1! RoseM12 2500 12 UncleM?tt 116,Fudge HO.BestAce 110 JuL l-31*Lat 3 1=12% ft 28f 1061 2 1 1» 4i FischerR10 2500 12 SisAgnesl07,Perkins 112,DonAlvaro 105 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , , — Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 11 3 12 ,715 1932 record .. 1 3rd Churchill Highland Park Purse. Purse ,000. 2-Year-Olds. ... „ . Claiming. Miss Joy, May 21, 1921— :523/5_2— 4y2rurlong* 110. NOTE— Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 to ,000. Weight, 118 pounds. Maidens allowed 3 pounds. Index Post r-BestatDistance-N Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70069 10 Adelaide A.. Lex 119 :54% 113 X 4000 69952* 15 Dry Ridge.. Lex 112 :55% 116.. 4000 70098* 1 Boston Waters. Lex 112 :55% 115X 3500 70012 5 Chuck B... Lex 112 :54% 118X5000 70174 16 Old Judge M CD 110 :58%h 111.. 3000 70174 3 Flashing Thru. Lex 116 :55 116.. 4000 70145* 2 Fountain M.. CD 107 :55% 108.. 3000 4 Active American M.... 111.. 3000 70116 6 Flving Fleet... M HdG 118 :58 111.. 3000 Index Post Best atDistance-* Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70145 7 Mike Revnolds. CD 115 :55% 115X 3500 700082 8 Bedight M... Lex 116 :55% 111.. 3000 9 Head Pray M 115.. 5000 69308 11 Hopulikit 114.. 3000 12*Robin Adair... M 110.. 5000 70039 13 Prestige ...Lex 116 :56% 111X 3000 14*Simon M.... 106.. 3000 70145 17 Cyclopic M.. CD 110 :58 111.. 3000 18 Big Cloud M. 111.. 3000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. |:Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or », 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. *;Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Adelaide A. X "J 1 Q B, f, 2. by Coventry— ftu een Errant, by Ballot. Work- Mav 1—5 8 106%hv •*--»-*- Trainer. J. Howard. Owner, J. Howard. Apr26-32:iLex 41, f :58% m 7 115 5 4 421 V CorbettC4 Allw 6 SpnLadyH2,B.Orphanll5,D.Dame 115 Apr23-326Lex 4£ f :54% ft 20 109 5 5 l1 1" CorbettC Allw 6 HtvPeterll5.GgiaLilyl09,ChuckB. 115 Apr20 327Lex i :48% ft 8 110 4 4 41B 3* CorbettC* Allw 6 B.OrphnllO.G.GradtellO.Infinette 112 Mar.2432*St.J i :48% si 138 107 1110 9*1 10*3 CorbettC4 Allw 12 Modesto 108.Mean HO.StraitJacket 108 Marll-32Hav ± :51% hy 5 109 8 8 451 2 EilsworthW* Allw 8 Victoriousl09,Hopulikitll5,MissHeell4 Mar 5-32Hav i :48% ft 8 5 112 4 5 31 l1 AllenCE4 1500 8 Vtoriousl20,MissHeel20 ColnRhfll5 Mar 1-32Hav i :49 ft 3 115 6 7 6*3 3*1 Fis.herR" 150012 Spero 115,Brownell 118,ChilIvMaid 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-x , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 7 3 1 2 $ 2,025 Dry Ridge 1 1 Z fc ft "f. by Peter Hastings— Playwell, by Atwell. Work: Anr. 29-12.... :50ft ■*" "*■ U Trainer. H. Wells. Owner. H. Oots. Apn21-324Lex 4£ f :55 gdl3-10 112 4 2 21! 2"1 RoseM4 Allw 5 RedWhiskllO.M.Chanl09,W.DoodIe 109 Aprl6 32°Lex t :48% gd 31 112 4 3 21! 2- RoseM» Allw 9 ChuckB. 112,Sunlow HO.Chatwink 110 Mar 4-32,Trp :36 ft 9 121 4 31 3" FrorkW* Allw 12 Helios 124, Ipra 121, Mintogee 107 Feb.27-324Hia | :34% ft 17 125 5 5]3 5* McGinnisP* Allw 9 Helios 125. Meany 128, Maeantic 125 Fetx20-325Hia g :34% ft 19 122 8 43 541 McGinnisP Stksl6 Okapil22,Meanyl22,JohnDavenport 122 | :35%ft 2 122 6 1 2* MannJ11 3000 16 Ipral 122,SwaggerStick 122,Dorrfe 122 :Hia 2i f :29% ft 21 122 8 21 21 MannJ* Allw 16 Meany 122,ChiItenny 122,GayAttire 117 / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, SHia 1932 record. .11 14 3$ 1,490 IOSton Waters X 1 1 K B. c, 2, by Bostonian— Great Waters, by Great Britain. Work- Apr 14 3-8 -40hv ■*--*■* Trainer. W. Z. Martin. Owner, Young Bros. Apn27-32!Lex" 4$ f :56%sl 7-5e 116 3 3 31! 31! TildenR* Stks 6 Jus.Loganll9,HtyPeter 116,R.Boot 116 Apr23 32*Lex 4 f :54% ft 61 112 13 5 5*1 BurleyF* Allw 6 AdlaideA.109,HyPeterll5,GaLily 109 Aprl9 324Lex ft :49% ft 13-10 115 2 3 1 l1 BurleyF* 4000 6 Chatwinkll3,SymJackll2.SwtFlag 113 Aprl6 32"Lex i :48% gd 13-5 112 2 5 54 51 BurleyF» Allw 9 ChuckB. 112,DryRidge 112,Sunlov 110 Marl9-322F.G § :35% ft 39-10 117 12 2*? BurleyF1 Allw 11 M Brirtll4,M.Bntingll7,HaroldJr. 117 Marl7-325F.G § :34% ft 21-10e 123 10 9 91 7* MorrisonR1 Stks 13 Jus.Loganl26,Nitumal20,M.Careful 123 Manl2 32:lF.G g :35 m 3e 122 6 6 6lt 610 MorrisonR Allw 9 Jus.Loganl22Nitumall9,MsCarefull22 Mar 7 32F.G | i36 gd29-10 121 2 3 2 l" BurleyF* 300012 Mod.Acel21,HaroldJr.l21,Gloritone 118 FebgSF.G g :35% ft 81 119 4 4 3 23 BurleyF* 275011 M.Careful 121,CrulTestll5,GoEasy 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1932 record.. 16 3 4 2 ,075 CllOCk B. X 118 B. c. 2, by Cherokee — Mamie OJane, by Watervale. Work- Mav 1 1-2 -51%sl Trainer, L. C. Veatch. Owner, Serena ta Farm Stable. Apr.30-323CD 4£f -.57% hy 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 14 Allw 10 Otherwise HO.Levaal 112,OIdJudge 110 Apr23-328Lex 4 f :54% ft 19-5 115 2 1 21 41 ClellandO* Allw 6 AdlaideA.109,HyPeterll5,GaLily 109 Aprl6 326Lex % :48% gd 31-10 112 1 1 14 1» ClellandO1 Allw 9 DrvRidge 112,Sunl.w 110,Chatwink 110 Mar.l7-324Trp :48% ft 11 113 7 4 44 44 ClellandO10 Hdcp 11 Slapstick 107, Meany 119, Ipral 119 Jan.21 32*Hia 4 :23 ft 19-10 118 6 l1 11 ClellandO* 3000 14 Revonhm.St.JacketllS.ReVennie 113 Jan-8 32Trp ai :21% ft 4-5 118 3 14 14 ClellandO* Maid 13 T.Townll6,L.Bracadalell5,H. Rock 118 Jaa 4 321? a i :21 ft 7-5 118 1 2 2 ClellandO4 Maid 8 LucilleK.llS.HurRcklia.PcsVal 115 Jan. lTrp ajj :21% si 18-5 116 3 2* 24 ClellandO* Maid 13 DkyDamell3,BeSiPtll3,Hild.nock 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 7 3 2 0 $ 2,275 Old Judge 111 Ch. o, 2 M by Prince of Bourbon— Rosina II., by Sun* Work: Apr. 29—1-2.... :52ft -*--1--»■ flower II. Trainer. E. Hayward. Owner, Peconic Stable. Apr.30 323CD 42l f :57% hy 26 110 4 4 4 34 ChiavettaF Allw 10 Otherwise 110, Levaal 112, Daudet 112 Mac 4-323F.G 1 :35% si 42 113 8 9 8" 84 ChiavettaF12 Allw 12 Jus.Loganll5,M.Careful 119,Sp.Wayll5 Man 1 323F.G | :36 ft 7 118 2 2 24 24 ChvettaF1* Maid 12 SirMichl 118,SymJackll8,FrdJohnll8 Feb.23-322Hia g :35% ft 12 122 9 64 54 ChiavettaF11 Allw 13 LeByerel22,MyCllorl22,FngDgon 122 Feb.l7-322Hia g :35% ft 51 11715 144 9» ChvettaF14 2500 18 J.Dav,ptll7.BlyCastlell7.Revonahll,i Feb. 9-32sHia 2 f :29 ft 35 113 6 64 2* ChvettaF1* 2500 18 SwgrStkll3,SttJktll3,Pstpmtll3 Feb. 5-322Hia 2 f :28% ft 21 122 14 12* 9" ChiavettaF* Maid 18 Levaal 122. Maeantic 122, Pa ..oast 122 Feb. 1 32!Hia 2£ f :28% ft 6f 117 10 94 74 ChiavtaF1 Maid 18 Meany 117, Levaal 117,Gay Attire 117 4 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.~» 1932 record.. 11 0 2 1 $ 325 Flashing Thru 1 "I Ct Cn" S. 2, by High Time — Bandymo, by TJncle. J. X U Trainer, C. Van Busen. Owner, Dixiana. APe30-32*CD 4f :57%hy 3 112 5 2 3 81 McCrosnC* Allw 10 Otherwise HO.Levaal 112,OIdJudge 110 Apr23-32-Lex 4i f :55 ft 9-5 116 3 11* 1* McCrosnC Maid 12 Bedight 116,MiCara 113,BigMoment 116 Aprl8-32:;Lex i :49% ft 3 116 10 4 2 Zll McCrsnC10 Maid 12 RedBoot 116,Catwalk 116,Aurebon 116 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 3 1 0 1 $ 500 Fountain "J AO B. f. 2 M, by Black Servant— Lightning Sweep, by Sweep. Work: Apr. 27—1-2 -51%ed iUO Tramrr, W. Sims. Owner. R. C. Thatcher. Apr29-32=CD q f :55 ft 56 107 10 2 24 2* BakerFJ* Allw 12 LeBruverellS.StarE.klll.M.ReynsllS Marl6-323F.G g :35% ft 168 106 5 6 64 74 TinkerH* 2000 12 M.Careful 122,HaroldJr.lll,Almadelel09 Man 3-323F.G g :35% ft 17 112 0 5 4 54 TildenR* 200011 HaroIdJr.ll5,F.Imagell2,MissBrilt 112 Feb.12 32F.G g :35% ft 51 1111 7 4 5 54 MorrisonR* 2500 12 BtonWtersllS.PtBoxllS.CrlTest 113 Feb. 1-32T.G g :36% ft 81f 109 7 5 5 54 MorsonH* 3000 12 CnqstlOg.NrmnP.lBTnWVrs 112 Jan.l9 324.l.P 4 :?4 ft 12 115 1 2* 6» ThomasH* Allw 12 MarnE.llS.M.HtchesnllS FdJhn 118 Jan.5 324J.P i :24%sjr 8 115 4 7i 121 PoolE Maid 12 Tivertonll5.BostonWatersll8.Steel 118 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.— . , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — 1932 record.. 7 0 1 0 $ 125 Active American 111 Ch. g, 2 M, by Busy American— Susan Rebecca, by Colonel •111 Vennie. Trainer, L. Johnson. Owner, W. H. Whitehouse. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Flying Fleet 111 Blk *• 2 M* by Apprehension— Air Fleet, by Hainault. Work: Apr. 22—1-2.. :49%ft HI Trainer. D. A. Headley. Owner, Beaumont Stable. Apr28 32HdG 4£ f :55 ft 37 118 3 9 ll14 ll15 SmithJ4 2500 12 StroIlAlong 118,Keltwick 114,Gallic 114 Aprl6-321HdG 4J f :54% ft 7 118 6 10 10" 101S BejshakJ* Maid 12 WeddeRing 118,Lei 118,LoughPort 118 Ape 6-32Bow 4 :49 ft 28 113 7 8 7l* 54 MorsonR* 2600 12 SergtHill 108,Catinoll5.SinggHeartllC , Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 3 Mike Reynolds X 11 B. c, 2, by Hildur— Mary Rose, by luke Mcluke. Work: Mav 2—1-2 :55ed -l-l-*-, Trainer, A. Meeker. Owner, Mrs. J. D. Meeker. Ape29-32"CD 44 f :55 ft 51 115 5 4 54 44 RoseM10 Allw 12 LeBruyerell5,Fountnl07.StarBrooklll Marl8-321Trp 4 :49 gd 10 116 1 2 24 l1 ElstonH 2500 12 SmokeCloud 110,AllPlayl07,Romac 112 Mar 9-32JTrp 4 :49 gd 14 118 1 3 51 UF ClellandO Allw 12 Fretwkll5, Whirling 107,.Jackknife 110 Feb.26-32;Hia g :34% hy 30 118 7 74 91 FronkW3 3000 15 BilliesOrphanll5,Ipral 118,Modesto 117 Feb. 9-32Hia 24 f :29 ft 16 118 4 74 154 FronkW* 2500 18 SwgrStkll3,OIdJgell3,StrtJkt 113 Feb. 3-32sHia 24 f :29% ft 76 122 9 74 94 FronkW1* Allw 16 Meany 122,DryRidge 122,Chiltenny 122 Jan.30 32Hia | :23% ft fit 118 10 84 910 FronkW1* Allw 17 Okapi 113. HoJios 118. Dry Ridge 118 Jan.27 32lHia :23 ft 18 118 5 21 34 FronkW1* 300012 DyRidgell04,StJcketl09,SkeClY 109 / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 14 2 11 ,600 Bedight 111 Ch, c, 2 M, by Dress Parade— Elaine, by Galatine. Work: Apr. 16—1-2.. :49%ft *** Trainer, C. C. Van Meter. Owner. C. C. Van Meter. Apc23-32::Lex 44 f :55 ft 19-10 116 4 2 2* 22 FisherH1 Maid 12 FrgThrull6,MiCarall3.BigMoment 116 Apt20-32:Lex 4 :49 ft 23-10 116 3 2 5* 34 FisherH* Maid 12 HtyPeterll6,Sunlowll6,B.Moment 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — 1932 record.. 2 0 1 1 $ 150 Head Play 11 Ch. c, 2 M, by My Play— Red Head, by King Gorin. Work: Apr. 15—3-8 :37ft * X M Trainer, W. Crump. Owner, Mrs. W. Crump. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Hopulikit 1 1 A B- c, 2, by Paicines— Lizzie Carneal, by Sea King. Work: Aor. 25—3 8 :40m l-*- Trainer, J. Lowenstein. Owner, A. Sabath. Marll-321Hav 4 :51% hy 5 115 1 3 34 34 CurranW1 Allw 8 Vtoriousl09,AdeldeA.109 MissHee 114 FelOHav g 35% ft 10 122 3 64 64 FischerR* Allw 7 Lerack 122,WalterH. 122NewsreeI 126 Febl3-321Hav g :34% ft 4 122 4 54 4* FischerR* Allw 7 Newsreel 119,YvetteV.116,WalterH 122 Feb.lO-321Hav g :37 ft 4 119 4 3* 34 FischerR4 Allw 6 LdyMoonll6,YvetteV.116,Newsreel 116 Jan.30 32,Hav | :35% ft 2 110 3 34 3" DupuyM5 Allw 8 Newsreel 124,LvMoonll6,WalterH 119 Jan.21-321Hav i :23% gd 3 118 2 14 14 McCrsnC* Allw 8 WoolyWestll8,Benedictll8,ByBob 118 Jan.15 SHav * :23% ft 3 115 11 8* 54 CurranW" Allw 11 Lerack 118, Benedict 118, Dorsays 118 , 1 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1932 record.. 8 1 0 3 $ 800 Sobin Adair 110 Ch. g, 2 M, by Busy American— Rose Mist, by St. Rock. ■*■ J-V Trainer, C. H. Trotter. Owner, J. B. Respess. Apr.30 32C.D 44 f :57% hy 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 8 Allw 10 Otherwise HO.Levaal 112,01dJudge 110 1 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Prestige X 111 Of*, f, 2, by Purchase— Pinta, by Johren. Work: Mav 1—3-8 :39sl HI Trainer. J. F. Patterson. Owner, J. F. Patterson. Apt25-324Lex 44 f :56% sy 27-10 110 5 3 3* 14 McCrosnC10 200010 MomsPlvl054,Kayvan 106 LraCIav 106 Apr21-32*Lex 44 :56% gd 9-10 116 4 1 14 1 ClellandO 200010 GoEasyll6,Waucelall6.CapnsLady 116 Apr.l6 322Lex 4 :49 gd 28 116 7 2 2 2 HshsonM10 Maid 12 Whirling 116,BlueFace 116,Stimowayllf. Mar3 321Trp g :36 ft 34 11312 34 34 BejshakJ* Maid 12 Adorland 113,NunsWayll3,FlagViewlie Feb22-32;Hia g :36 ft 36 119 » 7» 94 BejshakJ1 Maidl8 BunD.lig.Shavingslig.RIPurchasc 119 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -, 1932 record.. 5 2 1 1 $ 1,050 Simon 1 flZ B. c, 2 M, by Broomstick— Wiggle Waggle, by Chicle. Work: Mav 1—12... :51%sl J-v,- Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, C. V. Whitney. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, CjClopic 111 Br. c, 2 M, by Cyclops— Grudge, by Ballot. Work: Mav 2—3-8 :36ft XH Trainer. C. Hunt. Owner, H. Massey. Apt29 32"CD 44 f :55 ft 27 110 12 11 ll18 ll15 FischerR Allw 12 LeBruyerell5,Fountnl07,StarBrooklll , Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — 1932 record.. 1 " Big Cloud 111 B. g. 2 M, by Flying Cloud— Fannie Shropshire, by Faraday. Work: Apr. 20—1-2 :51ft X±J- Trainer, J. McGee. Owner, L. C. Young. / , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 4th Churchill Coral Ridg© Purse. Purse ,000. 3-Year-Olds and Up-o/ --., ward. Allowances. Don Leon, May 19, 1931 — 1:11 % Mile —3—105. Index Post /-Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70148 1 Playtime .CD 115 1:12% 5 118X 70148 2 Don Leon .Hia 116 1:11 4 118X 63537* 4 The Nut 6 115X Index Post r-Best at Distance-. Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 61837 5 Va Carriendo . Lat 117 1:14 3 108X 3 Most Wise M 3 108.. Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. #Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ©Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or . 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. »4Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Playtime X 118 B. m, 5, by My Play— Nell Wilder, by Broomstick. Work: Mav 2— 1-2... :49*gd "*- "■■ ** Trainer. J. Daniels. Owner, Southland Stable. Apt29-325CD 1 1:12% ft 8 115 6 4 24 ll JamesE Allw 6 D.Leonll5,Pr.Athelg 115,Ch.Sweep 115 Apr.l6 325Lex fc 1:10% gd 5 109 8 8 7* 5* JamesE* Hdcp 10 Tannery 112,JoeyBibb 110,BtyDerrl08 Mar.19 32F.G 1 1:39% ft 6 104 3 1 1* 24 HerndezJ* Allw 7 P.Athelingl04,BrHunterl07,Brgoo 105 Mar 9-32F.G 1 1:39% ft 3 5 106 1 1 21 2* JamesE Allw 6 BarHunterl08,Abdel 103,Cry.Princel04 Fetx20 325F.G 1 1:38% gd 2.-5 106 6 6 6»J 6" JamesE* Stks 6 SPshPlayl20,Wotan 114,LuckyTom 110 Feb.l6 325FG 1 1:38% ft 47-10 1045 2 1 14 2" JamesE* Allw 6 Sp.Playll5,Br.Mdowsl06 Glast,by 105 Feb.9 32"F.G 1A 1:46% ft 52 104 7 2 1* 24 JamesE* Stks 9 Wotan 108,SpanishP;ayll6,BargeIloll3 Feb. 6-324F.G 1 1:39% ft 13 106 4 5 54 54 ElstonG Allw 5 BdMdowsl06,SilvordalellO,Wotan 108 Jan.30 32F.G 1 1:48% si 17 104 5 6 61* 4*i LewisM* Stks 6 JyMoranllS.SphPlayO.Glastory 108 r- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , _ — Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .16 4 3 * 1,173 1932 record. .10 14 1 ,725 Don Leon X lift Ch. e, 4, by Xee 0. Cotner— Water Willow, by Rapid Water. Work: Am. 27—3 8.. :35%cd ±-LO Trainer. B. W. CoUins. Owner. R. W. Collina. - Apr29 324:.D 3 1:12% ft 4 5 115 1 1 14 21 McCrosnC1 Allw 6 Playtimell5,P.Atherg115,Ch.Sweep 115 Mar.10 324Trp J 1:12% ft 7-5 112 3 3 4 31 ClellandO Hdcp 8 Panctian 120, Martis 101, Vacillate 115 Mar3-324Trp 5 f 1:04% ft 3-2 117 5 4 4* 44 PolIardJ1 Hdcp 7 Panetianl20,VacilIatel20,FgBeaTer 110 Fetx23-32!Hia 21:12% ft 11-5 115 2 2 2 2,k PolIardJ1 Hdcp 4 Panetian 117, Mabla 107, Marplot 98 Feb.l8-325Hia 3 1:11% ft 3 113 1 1 l1 11 Pollard.!1 Hdcp 4 Panetianll7,VderPool 126,FrhLass 104 Feb.ll-32"Hia 3 1:11% ft 51 115 3 3 34 31 PolIardJ* Hdcp 6 Van. Pool 124,Panetianll6,MyDandyll5 Feb 4-32«Hia 1 1:10% ft 15-20 116 1 2 24 2 PolIardJ1 Hdrp 4 Panetianlll,Hehanthusll3,BackLo5 113 Jan.30 325Hia £ 1:23% ft 6 124 2 2 2a 2* PollardR1 Stks 9 Eveningl05,LightgBoltl26,Kcsen 120 Starta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .24 6 6 4 0,047 1932 record. .11 2 5 2 ,125 The Nnt X 10 Br. h, e, by Mad Hatter— Afternoon, by Prince Palatine. Work: Mav 2—3 8... :34%ft ■i-Jf-f Trainer, T. P. Hayes. Owner, Warm Stable. Aug29-3PL.F li 2:05 gd 35 109 3 5 24 34 FinnertyR1 Stks 8 SunBeaul20,PckyPl*yll4,K.Comr 111 Aug22-315Haw 11:43% ft 12 109 7 7 711 74 FinnertyR4 Stks 7 Btleshiplll.KlEitel 109,B.Wisdoml05 Augl8-314lav 1A1:45 ft 13-10 114 3 3 3 24 FinnertyR1 Allw 4 BrovnWomll4,Eskimolll,WhoWinlll Aug 8-31Haw li 1:49% ft 19 112 7 7 44 44 FinnertyR4 Stks 7 PlkyPlayl06,SnBeaul31,P.Bunyan 107 Aug 3-31BHaw 1 1:47% ft 11-10 10813 1 2 34 SmithJ* Allw 5 CfJohnl04,Ironsides 105,CalfRoper 109 JuL16-314A.P 1 1:35% ft 29 10 115 6 6 5" 44 FinnertyR4 Allw 7 K.Comnder 104,DkSea 104,Nostaw 108 JuL 4-31A.P 11 1:50% ft 12 114 6 5 2* 3i FinnertyR Stks 10 PkyPlayl05,MikeHall l.SGrantllO* Jun.30-314A.P 1 1:37% ft 22 112 3 4 31 2* FinnertyR4 Allw 7 DarkSoa 106. Nostaw 107. Sunvir 112 Aug 9-30*Haw 1A 1:45 gd 7 115 11 10 1012 10" ODonellS Stks 13 BrnWdomll7,L.Bdcstl03,MyDdyll6 f— Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.--. 1931 record. .8023$ 5,850 Va Carriendo X 1 OS B. g, S, by Bunting— Phonecia, by Troutbeck. Work: Mav 1— 5-8. . .1:04 %hv iUO Trainer, W. W. Taylor. Owner, Mrs. F. A. Carreaud. Apr.30-32*C.D 6 f 1:21% hy 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 7 Allw 7 BngBlazell8,Sazerac 115,B.Angon 115 5£ f 1:12 hy 19-10 115 3 11* 1* CorbettC1 Allw 8 AbeFstll5,AnthyWynell5,Scream 115 JuL16-31 Lat 5i f 1:06 ft 9 5 111 4 4 34 44 FronkW1 Allw 8 OurFancyll5,OhDavel09,Blkstrap 109 JuL11314,at 3 1:12% ft 17-10 117 1 1 21 4* CorbettC1* Stks 14 CdChckll7,0rFncyll9,G.ChWn 117 JuL1315A.P 5£fl:06 ft 19 5 114 10 5 54 54 CorbettC11 Stks 17 Pirbypairll4,T.Bull 114,PmLegion 114 JuiL27 314Was 5ifl:05%ft 22-5 110 2 1 l4 1* JonesR1 Allw 8 AdobePostll3,Bertjohn 113, Hygro 110 JuiL24 31,Was 5ifl:09%sl 10 108 4 4 44 44 CorbettC1 Allw 6 P.Camelia 113,N.Queen 108i,M.F.rst 108 r— -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .11 2 1 1 $ 2,675 Most Wise 1 Oft Blk * 8 M by High Time— Saracity, by Macdonald II. Work: Mav 2—1-2 :53sd J-0 Trainer, F. Morris. Owner, Le Mar Stock Farm Stable. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 5th Churchill Preparation Purse. Purse ,200. 3-Year-Olds. Allow-, «*., ances. Twenty Grand, Oct. 16, 1930 — 1:36 — 2 — 1 Mile 122. Index Post /-Best atDistance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Pric* 694791 5 Prince Hotspur F.G 106 1:40% 115X 699821 6 Cee Tee. . ..Lat 1081:43% 115X 69512 9 Cabezo 115.. 69846 4 Gallant Sir..Lrl 112 1:42s 115X 70177 2 Adobe Post. „. 115X 66627 8 Cold Check.... 115X Index Post /-BestatDistance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Prict 70177 1 Crystal Prince. J.P 110 1:39 115X 69982 3 Our Fancy. Lat 116 1:41% 115X 701771 7 Sazerac .. .F.G 100 1:39% 115X 700131 10 I Pass M.... 108.. 70031s 11 Indian Runner. 115 X Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. 3: Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures ■ or a, 2nd or 3rd last start; ♦apprentice allowance. The past performances of the norses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. »iStr. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company *PrInce Hotspur X 1 1 B. c, 3, by Dunlin — Lady Emmeline, by Xing James. Work- Mav 1 lm l-47sl ■"--*-*- Trainer, N. K. Beal. Owner, J. Leiter Estate. Marl9-325F.G 14 1:53% ft 17-5e 116 6 3 34 34 AnersonA1 Stks 9 LyToml20,OnHearth 116,Brtjohn 116 Mari5-325F.G 1 1:40% ft 9-5e 106 5 5 3a 1* AndersonA4 Allw 7 Rensancell2,Sprgsteel 107,Sazeracll5 Mar,ll-32*F.G 3 1:13% syl3-10e 109 3 4 4 44 AndersonA1 Allw 6 SongHitl08,P.Camelia 107,Sarietta 105i Aug29-31*Sar 3 1:13 hy 20 118 5 9 5" 34 JamesE1 Stks 10 LuckyTom 122,Osculator 127,Tovee 122 Augl9 313Sar 3 1:13 gd 30 112 9 8 74 54 JamesE* Stks 10 Curacao 114,Larranaga 112,Despoil 119 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . StnrU. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 17 2 2 4 ,475 1932 record. . 3 10 1 ,775 *C*?6 Tee X 1 1 P **■ *• y Bolymelian — La Belle Helene, by Sardanapale. Work: Apr. 30—118.. 2:00m ■*--*- Trainer, C. Van Dusen. Owner, Dixiana. Apr.22-324.ex l70 1:44 ft 19 110 1 2 24 34 McCrosnC5 Allw 6 BrrJoell0,BgooKingll0.AdobePt 112 Oct31-314Lat 1 1:41 ft 33e 108113 9 919 911 McCrosnC10 Stks 15 Delivered 110,Semaphore 113,Lejoy 109 l70 1:45 ft 71e 110 6 3 ? 34 McCrnC* Allw 10 LateDatellO,UncberedllO,Parfait 107 Oct20-31*Lat 31:13 ft 48 109 9 6 74 74 DyerP1 Allw 12 Predict 109,G.Champnll2,CineFoxl06 OctPLat 1 1:13 ft 19 1121010 8" 84 MeyerC* Allw 11 Pompusll2,GnWaven2,TsKnight 112 Sepl8-31*L.F 3 1:14 si 12 109 8 7 74 813 CorbettC1 Allw 11 S.MeItonl09,MrseRobertl09,Pendg 109 SepllSPL.F 3 1:13% ft 7 113 4 5 54 74 MeyerC Allw 8 Br.a.Bold 113,ChrQunll0,Marmn 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. nr.n.-, , Starts. Jst. 2nd. 3rd. w.- _ 1931 record.. 18 114 ,650 1932 record .. 1 0 0 1 $ 50 *CabeZO 1 1 PC B. g, 3, by Carlaris — Regatta, by Pennant. Work- Mav 1 lm l47hv -*--*•*- Trainer, L. O. Lee. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Anderson. Mar.20-321SA.C li 2:02% ft 61e 100 5 10 ll25 ll39 FischerA11 Stks 11 PharLapl29,RevleBoyll8,Scimitar 100 Marl3-32*A.C li 1:50% ft 21e 102 1 1 14 l1 FischerA1 HdcplO Gd and Hotl04.Rev.Bovll5,Marine 111 Mar 6-32*A.C 1A 1:45% ft le 112 2 2 21 2l FischerA5 Stks 5 Bahamas 115, Nacho 112, JoeFlores 115 Feb.28-32*A.C 14 1:51% ft 27-10 102 1 1 Is 1" FischerA1 Stks b Durangol09,SethsHope 106,Marine 111 Feb21-32A.C 3 1:12 ft 2-5 115 5 3 31 34 FischerA1 Hdcp 6 Bahamas 110,ShpThotsll5,Bcroftl07 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 11 5 10 ,000 1932 record .. 6 3 1 1 ,770 Gallant Sir X 11 B. c, 3, by Sir Gallahad III. — Sun Spot, by Omar Khayyam. Work- Apr 30 118 204%m -*--*-*- Trainer, E. L. Fitzgerald. Owner, Northway Stable. AprSTan 1** 1:42% ft 108 7 4 2" l1 PolIardJ" Cl-Hcp 11 JoeFloresl02,Sid.Grntll5,Bahamas 105 Apr 9-32eTan 1A1:46 ft 108 9 1 53 51 PollrdJ11 Cl-Allw 13 ScimitarllO,Sid.Grantll4,JoeFlores 105 Mar.31-32cTan 1" 1:44% ft 107 9 4 44 34 MoranW* ClHdcp 9 Bahamasl06,Scimit,rlll,W.G.Bmanl09 Dec26-31*Tan 3 1:16% m 122 8 6 64 6" PolIardJ" Hdcp 10 WhizzJamesl09,Bahmasll5,Chzan 110 Decl-SlTan sc 1:13% sy 115 5 3 21 l5 CunhamJ* C1SW 8 Waiemi 115,LasPlmas 112,Sedreg 112 Now 7-314Pim 1A 1:44% ft 64 122 10 8 94 9" McAuliffeD5 Stks 12 TopFlightll9,TickOnll9,BrgoKing 119 „ Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wod. 1931 record. .8120$ 1,300 1932 record. .3101$ 1,730 * Adobe Post X 11 Ch g 3 ty c*ierokee — Ruth s-- by Iron cross n. Work- Aor 28 5-8 1-03% ft Trainer. C. E. Gross. Owner, Knebelkamp and Morris. Apr.30-32*C.D"6if 1:21% hy 12 115 6 5 5 44 LandoltC1 Allw 7 BngBlazell8,Sazerac 115,B.Angon 115 Apr.22-32Lex 1" 1:44 ft 2 112 4 1 31 4*1 LandoltC2 Allw 6 Bro.JoellO,BurgooKingllO,CeeTee 110 Aprl9-325Lex fc 1:10% ft 7 111 9 5 l1 14 LandoltC* Allw 10 BerJoe 113,WalterD.lil,P.Lmann 106 Jua27-314Was 5i f 1:05% ft 31-10 113 6 4 2* 2s MeyerC Alhv 8 VaCarriendollO.Bertjohn 113,Hygro 110 JualSPWas 5i f 1K6% ft 21-5 110 4 5 31! 41 LandoltC* Allw 9 Marcasitel07,Proteus 118,P.Hotspur 110 Jun.15 SWas 5i f 1*6% ft 3-5 115 7 4 31 45] PoolE Mlw 8 Bryonial09,BalIyhool08,PcessIvre 112 May25-31»Was g 1:00% gd 7-20 115 6 2 21! 21 LandoltC* Allw 7 EterTimelOS.P.SweeplOS.UslTime 111A Ma -20 31.0 glKl m 6 12212 7 7" 7* AllenCEn Stks 13 Proteus 125,LU Limited 122,TeIlico 122 Mayl6-31*C.D g £9% ft 18 5 115 6 5 lu l1 AllenCE Allw 8 Proteusll8,rexasKhtl08,Dr.Happy US MaylSC.D g 1:01% si 8-5 114 6 5 5* 34 FronkW1 5000 9 PceFoxll2,Lit.Cousinl03,Manners 112 Way 2-31,C.D 4i f £3% ft 9-5 115 7 5 4* 3 LandoltC* Allw 12 Frederickll3,Starnancerll3,Tellico 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .21 4 4 5 ,475 1932 -ecord.. 3 1 0 0 $ 475 *Cold Check X 11 Ch. c, 3, by High Time— La Blanche de Briante, by Negofol. Work: Apr. 27— 1 1-8.1 :59%edJ" -1 ° Trainer. W. Crump. Owner, J. W. Parrish. Nov.ll-314HF fclK9 ft 23-5 125 5 5 4 45 SmithJ1 Stks 7 Mintonll9,O.Fancyl22,Unencbered 116 Q*22-a*Ut 3 1:13 ft 9-10e 118 3 2 l1 lrt LandoltC1 Hdcp 7 Depression 105,Cathop 109,Scream 107 OctlO-314Lat 3 1:14% si 27-10 120 7 6 7 54 RoseM* Stks 10 Kakapo 112, Scream 105, Cathop 110 Oct 3-314Lat fc 1:09% ft 10 12710 6 44 44 LandoltC Stks 12 TheBull 122,AirPilot 122,Kakapo 119 Sep25-311L.F 31:14 sy 9-10 118 1 4 44 411 AllenCE1 Allw 5 Cry.Pncell2,L.Date 103,Sh.Thghts 109 i Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- , 1 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.-s 1931 record.. 15 4 3 0 6,890 •Crystal Prince X 11 B. g, 3. by Prince of Bourbon— Crystal Maid, by Pirate of ±-LO Work: Apr. 29—3 8.. :36%ft Penzance. Trainer, R. White. Owner, P. C. Thompson. APe30 32C.D 6£fl:21%hy 76 115 5 6 611 612 AllenCE5 Allw 7 BngBIazell8,Sazerac 115,B.Angon 115 Marl9-325F.G li 1:53% ft 16 116 9 7 64 64 PichonL Stks 9 LyToml20,OnHrth 116,P.Hotspur 116 Marl5-32F.G 1 1:40% ft 19 106 3 6 64 65 ArnoldG1 Allw 7 P.Hotspurl06,Rensancell2,Sprstl 107 Mar.l2-32eF.G 1 1:42% m 29-10 106 2 3 311 41 ArnoldG1 Allw 5 Renaiscell2,Hoopsll2,Batter.Ram 106 Mac 9-325F.G 11:39% ft 19 104 6 5 44 44 ArnoldG5 Allw 6 BarHunter 108,Playtime 106,Abdel 103 Fch27-32F.G 1 1:39% ft 9 110 5 4 44 31! ArnoldG5 Stks 7 Sazeracll8,Bertjohn 108,Springsteel 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 30 3 18 ,863 1932 record. .16 2 0 3 ,000 *Our Fancy X 11 Elk* * 3 ty Bu,y American — Ja*t Fancy, by Colin. Work- Mav 1 5-8 1 02%sl -*--*-- Trainer, C. H. Trotter. Owner. J. B. Respess. Apr.22-325Lex 1T0 1:44" ft 41 112 6 6 611 65 ElstonG4 Allw 6 Bro.Joell0,BurgooKin!;110.CeeTee 110 Nov.ll-314HF fclK9 ft 23-10 122 1 1 11 2 RileyG4 Stks 7 Mintonll9.Unencberedllb,C.Check 126 Oct31-314Lat 1 1:41 ft 61 116 1111 41 RileyG1 Stks 15 Delivered HO.Semaphore 113,Lejoy 109 Sep26-31BHdG 3 1:12% sy 27 114 3 5 814 911 MeyerC5 Stks 13 Burn.BIazel20,Hygro 125,Sunmelus 108 Sep22-314HdG 5ifl:06%ft 7 115 3 3 44 21 MeyerC4 Allw 12 BngBrzel22,CapacityllO,W .Count 110 Aug22-314Haw 3 1:11 ft 14a 120 6 10 84 5» MeyerC1 Stks 16 Hygrol06,LibyLimit,dl20,OsciIlatn 111 Aug 8-315Tdn tdc 1*4 ft 8 5e 122 2 3 2"* l1 MeyerC1 Stks 10 Tempusll8.SwtBudl06,BterBeans 118 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won . . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1931 record.. 13 4 5 1 1,300 1932 record. . 1 * SazeraC X 1 T B. c, 3, by Westy Hogan — Resistance, by Iron Cross II. Work- ADr 29—3-8 -36ft *••*•* Trainer, J. McNamara. Owner, A. B. Letellier. Apn30-32*C.D"6i fl:21%hy 47-10 115 1 3 3s 24 ElstonG5 Allw 7 Burn.Blazell8,B.Angonll5,Ad.Post 115 Marl5-32SF.G 1 1:40% ft 17-10 115 7 2 2" 44 BurkeJH7 Allw 7 P.Hotspurl06,Rensancell2,Sprstl 107 Ftb27-32«F.G 1 1:39% ft 43-10 118 3 2 l1 lrt LandoltC1 Stks 7 Bertj hnlOS.CIPrincellO.Springstel 115 Fcb20-324F.G 1 1:39% gd.29-10 110 1 1 l1! 11 LandoltC1 Allw 5 Bertjohnl08,Espinacal06,Cry.Prce 110 Fcb.l6-324F.G 3 1:13% ft 7-10 110 3 2 Tl 14 LandoltC6 Allw 8 Espinacal06,NsPride 104,Panshala 100 Feb. 6 32"F.G 3 1:14% ft 31 115 3 6 64 44 MeyerC1 Stks 6 Rensncell6,Spgsteel 116,P.Fthingl02 -— Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Ftarta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1931 record.. 4 2 11 ,575 1932 record. . 8 3 3 0 ,540 I *1 Pass 1 AO Ch. c, 3 M, by Thunderer— Two No Trumps, by Ballot. Work- Apr 14 lm llhv *VO Trainer, J. G. Chinn. Owner, Plunkett 4c Chinn. Apr23-32:Lex fc 1: 09% ft 27-10 108 3 2 34 3=1 McCrosnC* Allw 8 PyLehmann 110,WalterD.115.Easy 115 Aprl9 32,Lex fc 1:10% ft 11-10 110-7 3 21 21 KernW Maid 12 BnyMaureenl05.Votanll0,GeorgeJr.llC r— Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record,. 2 0 1 1 $ 150 Indian Rnnner I I F Br. g, 3, by Dis Done — Indian Maiden, by Whisk Broom II. Work- Apr- 20—3-4 116%ft *** Trainer, D. A. Headley. Owner, H. P. Headley. Apr25 32sHdG 1 103% ft 10 108 1 2 31 34 SmithJ Allw 8 Ladfipldll2,Vishnull2,Barcr,aPete 115 Aprl9-324HdG V 1:45% ft 18 5e 102 3 6 54 610 RenickJ1 Allw 7 OverTime 107,OpcnHthl09,Sncbful 102 Apdl-324Bow 5i f 1:07% m 27-10 115 2 4 44 4R1 MorsonR1 Allw 7 Ladino 113.Br.andBold lC6.Ladticld 113 Apt2 324Bow g 1:01 ft 9-5 110 1 6 74 74 MorsonR1 Allw 9 AirPilotllO.PtomLegionllO.Mcxico 110 Augl5 314Sar ? 1:12 ft 30 122 2 6 34 2i RenickJ1 Stks 7 TopFIightll9,Curacaol22,SwgLight 122 Jul.29 314A.P 3 1:12% ft 29 10 110 4 6 44 l"" RenickJ1 Allw 6 AtSrisell4,WyJuniorll2,SunsSon 110 JuI.25 312A.P 5i f 1:05% ft 18 5 113 5 2 33 34 AllenCE Allw 9 Etceterall3,W.Juniorll2,BngBlaze 110 JuL18 31A.P 54 f 1:05% ft 49-10 116 4 5 4" 2" JonesR5 Allw 7 PsCameIiall3,Frederickl09,D Sun 109 4 2 2 ,375 • Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 4 0 0 1 $ 150 6th Churchill Purse 0oo. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 1 1-16 Miles LadY Madcap, May 24, 1922—1:44—4—113. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500. Weight, 115 pounds. Winners since April 29, 3 pounds extra. Index Post /—Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 69837 3*BRASS MONKEY F.G 100 1:46% 4 108X 2500 70178 7*Stop Gap .F.G 111 1:47 5 111X 2500 661991 5 Sambo Brown.. Lat 110 1:46% 5 113X 2500 Index Post /-Best at Distance-* Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Prio* 694I21 1 Reverberate.L.F 111 1:45% 4 108 X 2500 687861 6*Blot Lat 112 1:45% 5 108X2500 65925 2 King Pin...L.F 113 1:45% 5 113X 2500 69946 4 Niato ... .HdG 113 1:51 5 108X2500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. cFair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or *, 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with Ktest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. *iStr. Fin. Jockey P.P.C1 Pce.8ts. Best Company Brass Monkey X 1 OS Br *• *• by riBbt Bri**de— Iwin« by Dr- J*°- Work- Apr 28 5 8 1 01ft "* " Trainer, E. Haughton. Owner. E. Haughton. AprlbLex ltVl:47%cd" 1 114*4 3 2* Tl WendlingR4 2500 5 JnneWachs 109,Claret 109,LaFeria 109 Apt 5-32Bow U 1:56% ft 7-5 113 8 4 51 31 SmithJ1 2000 9 G.JmperllS.NnKaylOS.E.ofWwk 105 Feb29-328F.G 1 A 1:47% ft 4-5 108* 5 5 44 34 NeelJ1 3000 6Chene 1024, Finnic 108, Come On 113 Feh25-32"F.G IJklM ft 6-5 110 6 2 21 24 BurkeJH1 3000 7 Chokoloskeell2,Finnic 108,WhoWin 114 Fehl6-32,FG 1A 1:46% U 4-5 110 3 2 1 l4 SmithJ1 3000 5 Downpour 113,Morsnuff HO.Titus 112 Febl3 326FG 11:47 ft 15 110 3 4 2 21 SmithJ1 3000 5 ChkoIoskeel07,Chenel07,StoneMn 116 Feb. 9-32«F.G 1A 1:47% ft 5 112 7 7 b1* 5* SmithJ* 3000 7 Chloskeel07,WtH.Youl07,BillLey 114 Feb. 3-32»F.G 1 1:47% ft 2 110 8 7 7n 64 SmithJ* 3250 8 P.a.Ptrvll9,Engwdl08.GetnEven 110 Jan.25-32«F.G 11=51 si 18 107*7 7 6 34 CraigM1 3250 7 PrcePestll4.BillLooneylll,Morsnf 112 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . 1931 record.. 14 3 12 ,650 1932 record. . 9 2 2 3 ,500 Stop Gap X 111 B. g, 6, by Sidereal — Chesny Lass, by Oiambaia. ill Trainer, G. R. Allen. Owner. Mrs. D. Levy. Apr.30 327C.D 1£ 1:51% hy 18-5 110*2 1 l4 14 LauchH* 2000 9 JournevsEnd 105,Roy 115.BenBlair 115 Mar 7-324F.G 1J 1:54% gd 12-5 107 1111 l1 LajchH8 1500 9 Traumel 107,Tig.Flowersll2,LaFerial07 Mar 3-327F.G 1 1:55 sy 19-5 112* 1 2 3 34 LauchH1 2000 9 Essare 113, KenKling 110,LaFeria 112 Feb28 324G 1 1:48% ft 12 107*4 5 44 54 LauchH4 2250 7 StoneMartinl09,BestAcel06,Lena M.100 Febl2-32,F.G 11:47% ft 39-10 108 5 4 41 44 LauchH 2000 6 Finnic 108, Titus 113, BerniceVan 103 Feb 8-32«F.G 1| 1:54% ft 41-10 108 3 2 l1 Ti RoussellV* 2000 9 Be aWeel09,B.Mammyl09,PyBird 103 Feb. 4-32*F.G 1 1:48 ft 37-10 106* 1 7 74 54 BattistaJ1 2500 7 JeysEndl06,ComeOnllO,Delmonico 111 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Wnn _ Starts. 1st. 2nd. trd. Won.-, 1931 record. .26 4 5 5 ,795 1932 record. .12 6 11 ,575 Sambo Brown X "1 %St B. g, 8, by Lucky Hour— Begina, by Broomstick. Work: Mav 2 — lm .147%ft -*--*-"-* Trainer, T. Sanford. Owner. Brown Hotel Stable. Ocf20-317Lat 11:59 ft 18-5 112 4 1 31 34 RoseM* 2000 9 Gdman 107,WirtG.Bnl03 H torm 107 Octl3-315Lat lg 1:49 sy 17-10 113 1 1 14 l* RoseM11 2000 12 StarPlayll3.LcolnPltl08,Ken.Ace 113 Sep 7-314D.P 1 1:38 ft 9-5 115 4 4 21 21 RoseM1 2500 8 Racketeerll5.JceDirenzollO.Belen 102 Aug24-314D.P I 1:12% ft 14-f 116 4 3 34 551 RoseM1 3000 6 JackHowe 116.JAVachs 111. Coady 116 Aug.15 314D.P 11:38% ft 3-2 112 5 3 31 21 RoseM* Allw 6 Low Gear 112,Racketeer 112 Surly 100 1A 1:45% ft 14-5 110 5 2 14 321 RoseM1 4000 6 LowGear 110, Blot 109, Mucker 110 Jul.l8-31JLat 1 1:13 gd 16-5 116 5 5 44 3i RoseM* 4000 6 Fiddler 110, Islam 110, FairyRine 100 3 1:12% ft 91 118 12 10 2l 14 RoseM* 3500 12 J.Wachs lll.FairyRinglll.Plumage 105 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won-, 1931 record.. 10 3 2 3 ,184 Reverberate X 1 OR Ch" f * by Thnnderer— Tl0Tl McFlimsey, by Ballot. Work: Mav 1—5-8. . .l:03%sl lijO Trainer. W. Sims. Owner. R. C. Thatcher. Marl6-32!F.G 1A 1:47% ft 39-10 107 4 4 4* 34 HerndezJ4 Allw 7 LckyDanl05.Frumperl07 Get Even 109 MarlO 32-T.G 1 1:40% ft 23-10 109 1 2 14 l4 LandoltC3 Allw 6 Chene 105, Claret 105 Engleuood 105 Mar 2-32F.G li 1:53% ft 27-10 107 4 2 l1 2* HernandezJ1 2750 6 Claret 103,Englewood 109 Titus 112 Feh20-32eF.G lg 1:47% gd23-10 103*2 4 44 4 LewisM1 3500 6 W.HeYoullO.StoneMartin 108 Blot 110 Febill-324F.G 1 A 1:47 ft 8-5 110*4 3 l1 1* LewisM 2750 8 W.Child 108,J.Wachs 116 DnaDear 108 Feb.5 32,F.G 1and 1:48% ft 9 5 11340 4 21 1" LewisM" 2800 12 Andral04,M.N.Conlanl07 Trsftion 109 Feb. 1-arr.G l 148% ft 17-5 KB I 3 a 31 NmU* 2750 7 Claret 107,JeWachsll4 Bide a Wee 113 ] Start*. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won -, Starts. 1st. 2nd. «rd. Wnn - 1931 record. .25 6 5 2 ,800 1932 record. .10 3 12 ,275 Blot X 1 OR Ch. g, 8, by Peter Pan— Stigma, by Johren. Work: Apr. 28— lm. .l:45%ft ±yjO Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner. C. V. Whitney. Feb20-326F.G 1,j 1:47% pMMO 110 5 3 34 34 PoolE5 3500 6 W.HeYoullO,S.Martinl08,Revbatel03 Feb 9-32*F.G 1A 1:47% ft 12-5 109* 5 5 5 4* ElstonG 3250 7 Chloskeel07,WtH Youl07 BillLev 114 Feb. 6 -32*F.G 1A 1:47% ft 19-5 105*1 6 610 54 ElstonG 3500 7 MeSwerl09,SteMtinll2 GnEvn 113 Oct30 31*Lat 1A1:46 ft 2 110*5 2 24 21 ElstonG* 4000 5 Gaillardia 110,Sunfire 115 Plumage 103 Oct20 315Lat l70 1:43% ft 41 109 7 4 21 li PoolE2 Allw 7 RoyalRulfinl08,P.Marianlb6 Revv 101 Octl2 3PLat 1A 1:45% ft 91 113 8 5 41 31 RussellK4 3000 8 LuckyDan 108, Willa 105,KingPin 113 , Stsrta. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won -. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won _ 1931 record.. 12 3 5 2 ,151 1932 record .. 3 0 0 1 $ 75 King Pin X 1 1 *3 B. g, 8, by Nefofol— Susan Lenox, by Handsel. ■*--*-*-* Trainer. H. H. Battle. Owner. F. L. B. Stable 0ctl2-314at 1A 1:45% ft 19 113 4 3 31 4* NealE 3000 8 Lucky Dan 108, Willa 105 Blot 113 Oct 7-31«Lat 1A 1:48% sy 3 US 1 2 24 2* NealE1 2500 6 Wotan 103,EarlofWarwk 113 Rov 113 Sep21-31«L.F 1A 1:45% ft 61 113 4 2 21 14 CorbettC* 2000 12 EdLarkll3,DraticDeltl08 Cesare 113 Sepll-317L.F 141:53 ft 7 110 4 2 31 4a NealE1 1800 8 Dunmorell5.LadronellO.SaSophia 107 SeP8 316L.F 11:54 ft 39-10 112 2 2 31 21 SmithJ1 2000 12 SanPrestol07,BlueCloud 115 Gotoit 104 Sep 5-317L.F 1*1:54 gd 91 108 1 3 54 44 NealE1 2000 9 Annan 108, Brush 107, Griffin 110 Aug31-317L.F I* 1:52% ft 14 112 5 3 34 31 NealE* 1800 9 Watergapll2,Annanll2,N.Rhymes 112 Aug29 31*L.F 141:54 gd 11 115 8 4 4 4 NealE* 2000 11 Timourll5,T.Flowrsll5,LyBnville 105 7S7ct8 I8* 27d- lTd- ? • Starts- l8t- --nO. 3rd. Won. 1W 1931 record. .35 5 7 6 • $ 6,557 JfiatO X 1 OS B. m, 6, by Chantej-— Miniato. by Querido. Work: Aor. 18— lm. .. .1:49ft -LUO Trainer. D. A. Headley. Owner, H. P. Headley. Apc21-325HdG 1A 1:47% ft 90 113 6 10 101* 1018 MorrisonR* 250010 Gen. LejeunelOl.FervidllO IPmeWk 110 Aptl3-32!Bow I 1:13% ft 47 11211 7 94 94 MorsonR1 250012 Fervor 117, Paddock 117, Lampoon 110 SeplC30«L.F J 1:24% ft 13 107 4 4 41 5* RussellK1 Allw 5 Tanneryll2,Cullodenll7,RovileBoy 117 Scp3 305L.F ll:47%hy 28 10413 4 54 511 RussellK4 Allw 6 Calomel08,HnevLocustllO Tannery 113 / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 2 7th Churchill Purse ,000. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 1 1-16 Miles LadY Madcap, May 24, 1922— 1:44 4 113. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500. Weight, 113 pounds. Winners since April 29, 3 pounds extra. Index Post /—Best at Distance-* Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 69458s 2J,Horendecn .J.P 104 1:45 7 108X 1500 169377 Pollywog ..F.G 110 1:47 7 108X 1500 70043 13 Agapanthus Lex 113 1:48 7 113X 1500 701503 9 Gibbys Choice Trp 111 1:47% 5 113X 1500 68032 14 Duelist ...Trp 112 1:47% 8 113X1500 701442 15South Seas Lat 110 1:47 4 108X 1500 69457 1 Mai San... Lat 105 1:48% 4 103X 1500 66087 3 Harvest Sun .. M Tdn 109 1:46% 4 113.. 1500 Index Post Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Tima. AgeToday Prica 70150 4 Southland Tov. Bbg 112 1:46% 5 113X1500 69488 5 Tea Cracker . . Trp 112 1:47 5 113X 1500 70178 6 Royal Sport F.G 110 1:48% 5 113X 1500 70144 7 Clcla 4 108.. 1500 70150 8Infcrno LadBow 108 1:47 4 108.. 1500 70173 10 My Sis Lrl 102 1:47 6 108X 1500 69482 ll*Peace Lady .. J.P 109 1:48% 4 103X1500 69840 12 Apple Cart. F.G 113 1:49% 5 113.. 1500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. f:Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or s, 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Cra. Dla. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Bta. Best Company Horendeen X 1 AQ **. r. 7, by — Tin n., by p-.audit. Work: Apr. 30— 3-4. .l:19%m 1UO Trainer, E. L. Snyder. Owner. E. I. Snyder. Marl8-32*F.G 14 1:56% ft 23 10 11612 7 3i 2. BurkeJH12 1500 12 NoersFtll6.MakcBeevell4 Orloff 109 Mar 7-327F.G 14 1:55% gd 6 5 112 2 4 2l 11 BurkeJH1 1500 8 KenKlinel07,BlueLavll3!!,LcnaM 107 Feb23-324G 14 1:55% gd41-10 113 5 2 1* 1* BurkeJH 1000 12 JkMphvll0,Agapthusll6,Galahad 110 Feb.l6-322F.G 14 1:54% ft 9-5 108 10 8 916 10" GarnerW5 100012 Sq.PlayllO.Albazano 105, JackBerry 107 Feb, 9-32;F.G 14 1:55% ft 7-5 107*10 5 7s! 6" ElstonG1 2000 10 SpgBluesll2,BrdAxell2,BereVan 110 Feb.5 322F.G 14 1:54% ft 22-5 11012 6 51 34 RileyHR10 2000 12 B.aWeel03,Flo.Dolanl05.Vagabond 108 Feh 1-32F.G 1A 1:47 ft 51 112 8 7 5" 64 GarnerW* 2000 9 StopGaplll,MrOgdenl07,Vanquish UtM| . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wonjfl 1 1931 record.. 18 7 2 3 ,100 1S32 record. . 8 2 11 1 Polly TVOJ? X 1 fiand B. g, 7, by Whisk Broom XI Polly Flinders, by Burgomaster. # Work: Mav 1— lm l:46sl *»"0 Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner, M. Goldblatt. Apr30-32TC.D ll:51%hy 108 SCRATCHED. Post P. 3 1500 9 Stop Gap 110,JourneysEnd 105,Roy 115 Mad4-32*F.G lg 1:55% ft 2310 110 8 11* 1* ElstonG8 100012 Kimbaltonl05.W. River llO.B.fool 110 Mar5 32*FG 14,1=58 sy 11-5 112 I 6 41 41 ElstonG1 1000 8 Orloff 106,PssDarel07,PrinceReno 106 Feb28 32*FG 1| 155% ft 7-10 107*5 2 34 2J ElstonG* 150011 LouisvilIell2,HpyLad 112.EdReese 112 FeblO-32*F.G lg 1:56% ft 27-10 112 2 1 14 3i ElstonG 2000 12 LillianT. 110,KenKlgll2.Agapthus 112 Oct27-31*Lat 1B 154 ft 14 107* 3 4 51 61 ElstonG* 200011 TheSouthr 112.BrdAxell2,SrPlay 107 Octl3-31*Lat 1and1:49 ty 31 108*6 7 9U 9" MontgyR* 2000 12 SboBrownll3,StarPlay 113,L.Plaut 108 i , Start*. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won.-, , Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record 6 0 1 0 $ 118 1932 rec-rd . . 4 1 1 1 $ 600 AeapantilllS X 11* Ch. h, 7, by Campfire — Scarab, by Wrack. Work: Aor. 11— lm 158m -*--1 *- Trainer. O. Viao. Owner. O. Viau. Apr.25-32*Lex 1T,1:50 sy 6 118 6 3 21 11 RoseM* 1000 9 GibbysChoicell8,Sharkll5,Quando 108 Aptl6-32Lex 1-1:48 gd 3 113 5 2 1* l1 RoseM5 1000 7 ThistleDeell3.TeaGreenl08.LenaM. 108 Mar.l6-327F.G l 1:48% ft 10 115 7 6 4 51 ElstonG1 150012 BlkPatciallO.Troll 115,Tig.Flowersll5 Mar.l2-32*F.G 1£ 1:58% m 14 112 6 2 3 4s PrimroseW1 1000 11 H.Stormll2,Cr.Headll2,PssCsaderl01 Mar 5-32F.G lg 157 sy 7 112 2 3 41 41 MagnerWJ1 1000 9 Lsvillel.BkPatriciallO.FeuFollet 112 Feb.23-32*F.G ls 1:55% gd 12 110 9 4 3T 3° MagnerWJ1* 1000 12 Herendeenll3,JkMphyllO,Galahad 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , .Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 6 0 1 1 * 200 1932 record. .10 3 0 1 $ 1,350 Gibby8 Choice X 1 1 *3 Bl *• 5* by Bancher— Sevigne, by George Smith. Work- Aor 22 3-4 l-14%ft Trainer, F. C. McAtee. Owner, F. C. McAtee. Apr29-327C.D 11:48% ft 16-5 115 6 3 34 31 ClellandO* 1500 9 Geo.Webrell5,Disturbll5.Upsweep 115 Apr25-328Lex l70 1:50 sy 9-5 118 2 11$ 24 ClellandO* 1000 9 Agapanthus 118,Shark 115,Quando 108 Aprl6 32*Lex l1J5l:49%gd 9-5 113 2 1 14 14 EllswthW» 1000 9 HyLad lOS.AlgrettollS.L.atLMian 108 Mar.26-32St.J 12:04 ft 4 109 6 2 1 21 ClellandO11 1000 14 TopHattie 107,EvelineF 99,WinnieJo 97 Mar.23-32«St.J 1 1:50% sy 19-10 116 4 1 li l1 ClellandO10 100010 Dr. Billy 104,Big Bo 111, Nose Gay 108 Mari9-32=Trp l 1:46% ft 4i 111* 111* 31 MgomyR1 1500 9 CrhelStonelll,PrceToyl06,Putter 101 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record.. 18 14 2 f 1.682 1932 record. .14 3 4 3 ,250 D delist X 1 1 *3 B. h, 8, by War Cloud — Little Flower, by Star Kuby. Work- nr 27 lm l-47ec -*--*-" Trainer. 3. T. Taylor. Owner, Mrs. E. L. Bwikard. Apr2-32C.D" lf 1:48% ft 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 9 1500 9 G.Webrell5,Disturbll5,GysChoice 115 Jan.20-327Hia lg 154 si 7-5 109* 1 4 54 6U LewisM- 2000 8 OutDostl09,R.Anlopell2.L.Heartd 113 Jaal2-327Trp 1 1:46% ft 6i 112 4 1 2* 31 TurnerC9 1500 9 BenBlairl09,TeaCrackerll2,P.Cloud 109 Jan. 7-325Trp 11:41 ft 23 109 4 4 54 64 TurnerC* 1500 8 Chancellorll2,GoldMintli5.Dmster 113 Oct24-317Lat 1and 1:49% m 5 105* 1 1 l1 21 TurnerC10 2500 11 Bide a Wee 109,Wdlotll2,Luxury 1G8£ OcLl7-3rLat 14, 1:59 hy 37-10 108* 1 6 T* T* TurnerC* 2000 9 Alyssuml02.StarPlayll3.Allegretto 103 Octl5-3rLat lfa 1:50% m 14-5 108* 12 2* 3* TurnerC* 2000 11 ReWeidl 113,Chatsnll3,Kenshv 106 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1931 record. .20 5 3 4 J 5.275 1932 record. . 3 0 0 1 $ 75 Sonth Seas X 1 AJ B. g, 4, by Donnacona — Irish Sweep, by Sweep. Work- Anr. 27— 5 8. .1:04% ed * VV Trainer, K. Goose. Owner. E. M. May. Apr.29-32C.D 2 1:14 ft 27 115*5 5 41 2 HauptJ1 1500 12 M.ofHonorllO,Etiwandall3,Madelonll5 Octl7-31sLat J 1:17% hy 17 111 5 9 91" 918 SchutteH* 2500 9 UncleHenrvlll,Fudgel06.JffONeil 110 Aug24-31TD.P la 1:53% ft 21-10 110* 3 4 54 64 ElstonG1 1700 7 Blast 110, DandyDan 115, Best Ace 105 AUand22 314D.P 1 1:42 si 6 105* 1 1 34 4* ElstonG* 2800 6 Host 116,DixieKingl05,E.ofWwick 113 Augl7-317D.P 14,1:55% ft 13-10 105*3 1 1* 14 ElstonG2 1500 8 Fortunel05,Gen.Keepsll3,L.Carter 110 Aug 1 317Lat la 1:53% ft 6i 107* 4 6 54 74 ElstonG11 2000 12 SanPresto 110, Clipsetta 102, Skrip 107 JuL25 31TLat 1 1:47% gd 7-5 108* 3 3 3* 34 ElstonG1 2000 11 Spud 105, LuckyCarter 110, BigBo 113 Start*. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record. .13 2 3 2 ,425 1932 record .. 1 0 1 0 $ 125 Blal San X I AO Br. f, 4, by Maintenant — Fiittersan, by Flittergold. Work: Aor. 30— 3-4. .l:21%sv *VO Trainer. J. J. Troxler. Owner, V. B. Young. Apr.29-327C.D 11:48% ft 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 13 1500 9 G.Webrell5,Disturbll5,GVsChoke 115 Matl3-32TF.G 1A150 ft 6 10412 7 64 54 RobleH11 1000 12 W.Childll2.MsMacl04.P,sCrusader 105 MarlO 327F.G 11:48% ft 16-5 11211 8 64 34 Burke J H* 1000 12 Runar.LyBienvillel.Wh.Toes 105 Mar4 32=F.G 13 156% si 61 10712 3 3* 3* ArnoldG1* 1000 12 Tig.Frwrsl.BbyPwrsl.EdRsel Feb26 32TF.G 1 1:48% ft 81 108 12 9 9W 54 Am 6G* 1500 12 BkPatricial08,GoIfIexll3,Wayrrer 113 Fcb.lO-32F.G 13 1:56% ft 15 107 12 8 7* 610 ArnoldG* 2000 12 LillianT. 110,KenKlingll2.Pollywog 112 Dec25-31M.P 1and 2:01% hy 14 107 8 7 71* 7" QnbushG* 1250 8 Vagabqndl09,Underdunl02,Fortune 107 . StarU. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , 1 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .20 13 1 ,745 1932 record. . 5 0 0 2 $ 100 Harvest Son 1 1 Q B, c, 4 M, by Sun Pal — La Becolte, by Meddler. Work- Mav 2 lm 1 -45ft Trainer, J. McShane. Owner, J. McShane. Oct.l6-3] Lat 1152% 35 112 9 8 818 8" RoseM7 2000 9 Deemsterll2,DdyDanl07,This.Dee 107 Oct 5-317Lat 15 1:47 ft 43 112 10 8 64 6* RoseM* 2000 10 Skrip 107, Marsala 104, Cabama 112 Sepl2-31*Bbg a* 1:12% ft 65 109 10 10 1010 84 PalumboS1 1250 11 MissJoan lOO.Mavro lOO.OneCent 116 Auts25 31«Tdn 1*° 1:46% m 43-10f 104 10 9 9" 9* PalumboS* 1600 10 J.Cavanagh 105,MySis 105,D.Mden 102 : AugJO 31»Tdn 1*° 1:46% sy 7 108 10 8 8*° 720P,rgrassA 1600 10 HighrdFlgl06,Er Full 105,PsDare 104 Aug l-3rTdn li 2:06% ft 51 105 5 7 7" 711 CritchfdC* 2000 7 LinPlautl06,G.Jumper99,P,sIsabel 1L2 JuL25 31Tdn 1t 1:45% ft 17-5 109 8 4 4* 34 Carroll W* 2000 8 Tack 110, Bumam 104, Squall 97 Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record. .14 0 1 2 $ 380 Southland TOT X 1 1 Q B. g, 5, by Sporting Blood — Mollie B., by Spanish Prince TL J- i- O Trainer, J. M. Hubbard. Owner, L. C. Ewald. Apr29-327C.D 1and 1:48% ft 93 115 5 4 84 811 GlennJ1 -1500 9 G.Webrell5,Disturbll5,GysChoice 115 Oct30-317Lat l 1:48 ft 18f 113 12 11 101* 101* FerminA" 2000 12 SUvrylOS.JffONeil lOS.Sc.Brig-de 113 Oct27-31TLat ls 1 53% ft 16f 112 4 8 1011 1012 FerminA* 2000 12 Ken.Acell2,Sc.Brigadel07,H,pyLad 112 Oct22-31*Lat li 1:54% ft 21 113 5 6 74 84 FerminA* 2000 11 G.Webrel08,FIdaGoldl08,Sarcastic 108 I Octl7-317Lat l£l:59 hy 20 108*4 9 9* 9*° MartinR3 2000 9 Alyssuml02,StarPlavll3.Allegretto 103 Sep21-315Crd T° 1:47% ft 11 119 3i FrogtteDE 600 6 Linmarll3,Smoldgll6,AdvanceAgt 113 I , Stnrta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record. .23 4 11 ,880 1932 record. . 1 Tea Cracker X 1 1 *3 B. g, 5, by Tea Caddy — Belle Terre, by Russell. Work- Mav 1 lm 1 -45sl Trainer, G. E, lewis. Owner. Bidwill and Lewis. Apr30327C.D ljV l:5i%hv 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 7 2000 9 Stop Gap HO.JoumeysEnd 105,Roy 115 Mar.l9-32eTrp 11:39 ft 59 106 4 7 74 84 FowlerG2 2000 9 CnPlav 109,SbdLightl08.Sisbury 107 MarlO-32Trp a li 2KB ft 18 112 3 4 54 51* FowlerG* 2500 5 R.Antelopell2,Star.Liehtlll,Garlic 109 Mar 7-32«Trp 11:40 ft lOf 114 11 10 84 44 FowlerG6 2000 11 Star.Lightl09,PIeasel09,SunShadow 114 Feb27-32=Hia 1 1:37% ft 20 108* 7 3 44 4» MontgvR* 2000 7 Polvgamsll3,Sc.Freel08,KnowIton 111 Feb20-322Hia 1 1:39% ft 11-5 112* 4 3 611 71S StudleyW* 2300 7 Fetish 111, Tack 106. Torealong 111 Febl7-324Iia 1 1:38% ft 91 109* 6 3 34 34 MontgyR* 2500 9 Hamiltonl09,CnPlay 114,BobsPlay 112 , , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- 1931 record. . 1 0 1 0 $ 200 1932 record. .14 2 3 1 ,075 JJoyal Sport X 11*- B, h, 5, by Sporting Blood — la Royale, by Alcantara II. Work- Aor 29 lm 151ft *** *• Trainsr, F. P. letellier. Owner, A, J. Stallings. AprSO-SC.DlxVliSlhv 32 113 5 4 3* 615 LandoltC* 1500 9 Stop Gap HO.JournevsEnd 105, Roy 115 • 1 JuL 7-317Lat 1A 1:46% ft 81 11210 8 8s 811 ColvinCM* 2000 12 HappyLadll2,LightMint 107,Crash 115 JuL 4-317Lat lft 2:02% gd 44 105*4 4 81* ."ColvinCM10 200012 Trentonian 110,Banset 100,Sarcasticll0 JuL l-31TLat li 1:52% ft 50 105 7 8 71* 71* ColvinCM* 2000 9 R.RaffllO.E.ofWwickllO.KingPin 110 Feb.14 31F.G 11 2:23 ft 12 5 110 8 6 5* 5s JudyJ5 1500 8 Spurrier 107,Aucilla HO.ReighOlga 110 I Feb. 3-31*F.G 18 1:53% ft 8 105 5 5 54 5" WellsL* 1750 7 Torch 114, Alto 112, Volt Meter 105 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record. .11 0 2 0 $ 350 1932 record .. 1 flela 1 Q B. f, 4, by Prince Pal — Ola Lee, by Assagai. Work- Aor 27 5-8 l-06%ed r™ Trainer. W. C. Weant. Owner, Oakland Farm Stable. Apr29-32C.D 31:14* ft 36f 110*12 12 12s* 12u TerberrvE* 1500 12 M.ofHonorllO,SthSeasll5.Etiwandall3 Mar26-31St.J i 1:16 ft 10 106 3 9 94 1012 MadeleyF1 1000 11 Extnal 113,A,oiLassl05,MnOrmnt 110 Mar25-318St.J 11:44 ft 101 106 310 91* 9** HanfordB* 1000 12 DnaVivnlOl.Rave 106,Mischvous 106 Feb27-31*Mia i 1:12% ft 50 10U 6 8 8" 821 MadelevF1 2500 8 F.CherokeellO.Mortime 115,Mix,Tea 110 Jan.20-31Mia 31:12 ft 75 110 9 9 810 817 MadeleyF Allw 9 HalfDay 115, Gosling 113, Noajoyce 115 5 Jaal2-315St.J J 1:16 ft 20 105 2 5 54 54 RoseF1 1250 6 BrnGold 110,Wolverinel09,Bounder 107 I , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record.. 7 1 0 0 $ 520 1932 record.. 1 Inferno Lad 1 fiR Ch* g 4 by Dunlin — Infern° Queen, by Star Shoot. Work: ADr. 28— 5-8. . . .1:03ft J-O Trainer. J. F. Patterson. Owner. A. C. Jones. Apr29-327C.D 1ft 1:48% ft 33-10 115 7 2 4* 74 McCrosnC8 1500 9 G.Webrell5,Disturbll5,GysChoice 115 5 Apr20-321Lex fc 1:10 ft 21 120 2 4 44 4" McCrosnC* 1000 12 Valdosta 120, Twill 120, Adrian 108 a Macl6-327Trp a li 2:03% ft 71 103 2 5 618 6" RenickS* 2000 6FairBill 104,WarSaint 113, Garlic 99 I Marl2-32*Trp 1 1:40% ft, 5f 108 1 1 1* 14 RenickS11 150012 M.Chillalll,Francockl08,Wan.Gold 111 1 fPurse taken awav. Mac 9-324Trp 3 1:12% ft 51 110 2 4 6* 510 ClellandO* 2000 9 Calg.Kayl08,MaeSwp96,H.Hieover 113 5 Mac 4-324Trp 1 126 ft 43f 106 2 2 54 84 HershsonM* 275011 Traitor 107,Fervid HO.Silver Lake 106 3 Start!. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .14 114 ,700 1932 record. . 9 0 0 1 $ 100 My Sis X 1 OS Ch. m, 6, by Tryster— Gurgling Water, by Eapid Water. Work- Aor. 29— 7-8..1:31%ft ■*•"« Trainer. J. J. Conway. Owner, J. P. Musgrave. Apr30-32=C.D 31:16%hy 31f 110 6 8 81* 8ia FowlerG10 1500 10 J.Pacdl07i,Dmsterll5.PssCruderl03 , • Marl5-327Trp 1ft 1:46% ft 30 102* 4 2 44 54 ClancyM* 1500 8 Chicsu 111, Corbeau 111, Tack 107 Marl4-328Trp 1 1:39% ft 5 96* 1 4 44 4* MgomyR* 1500 7 Prsell2.BattlingOnl04.Pass in Rw 112 P Mar 8-324Trp 1 1:40% ft 16 106* 1 1 2" 32 MgomeryR1 1500 7 Grffin 111, Morocco 113,Bird ofPy 107 j L Mar 4-325Trp J 1:26% ft 69 111 9 9 1012 104 RoseM11 150012 WarSaintlll.WngGoldl03J,,Lawver 107 j Feb27-324lu 11:37% ft 20 103*2 6 61* 7M SmithD2 2000 7 Polygamsll3,Sc.Freel08,Knowlton 111 Feb20-32*Hia 1 1:38% ft 16 107 2 2 2* 44 HooperC1 2000 8 WarSntl04,NlonKayl04,Star.Light 116 J Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record. .22 7 4 2 $ 5.657 1932 record. .13 2 0 2 $ 1,675 Peace Lady X 1 fiQ B. f, 4, by Peace Pennants — Lamp Post, by Sweep. LJO Trainer, W. F. Poison. Owner, C. H. Voskoetter. Marl9-32F.G ls 157% ft 12f 109 4 1 24 44 CooperRG1* 1500 13 L.B*nvillel06,E.G.Br,ghlll,Ttwood 106 3 Mac 9-32*F.G 1ft 1:47% ft 18 108*7 6 6U 612 HerndezJ11 150012 Rave 105,ByProductl05,PantMaid 105 5 Mar 5-32F.G 1ft 1:50% sy 35 107 4 6 61* 815 TinkerH* 150010 Albazanoll2.B.Chltonll2,DaDear 106 b Mac 1-32F.G 1ft 1:47% ft 14 110 2 7 84 810 AndersonA* 150010 B.Orangel07,Sq.Play 107,J.Murphy 110 3 Feb26 32*F.G 3 1:13% ft 176 100 6 5 6* 54 MartinTP* Allw 7 Weidelnl04. Harlem 101£,MySweets 104 Feb.l9 32*F.G 3 1:14 m 50 105 6 7 7" I" McCoyJ* Allw 7 Weidelnl05£,Plumagel06,MySweets 106 t ■■ Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. . 8 1 3 1 $ 800 1932 record. .15 2 12 ,125 Apple Cart 11*""". h h 8* y TI set — Bupicola, by Advance Guard. Work- Adc 29 lm l46tJ-ft " Trainer, J. S. Middleton. Owner, Greentree Stable. Aprl6 32*Lex lft 1:49% gd 9 108* 7 5 61* 61J ElstonG* 1000 9 GbysChcell3,HvLadl08,Agretto 113 Marll-327F.G lft 150 sy 71f 113 7 9 810 8n LandoltC1 200010 SunFriar 118,BrkPatricia 107,Rave 105 Mar 2-32*F.G 14 1:53% ft 34 114 6 6 6" 625 RileyHR* 2750 6 Claretl03,Reverberatel07,Englewd 109 Feb26 327F.G lft 1:48% ft 18 113 4 8 8* 84 RilevHR* 150012 BkPatricial08,Golflexll3,Wayfrer 113 Feb. 3-327Hia 1 1:38% ft 44 110 8 12 12M 122* SmithV1* 2500 14 Glenside 117,Braggadocio HO.Batty 107 i.Jaa29 32Hla 11:39 ft 16 117 11 9 94 101* KsingerC1 2S00 14 WarSaint 112,Partisan 112,Mr.Dick 112 ■v , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. V ou.— , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. Ord. Won.- U:i record. . 1 1932 record. . 9