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For Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies" Ask Any "Old Timer" Hell Tell You SATURDAYS LINCOLN FIELDS PARLAY: EASY :08, WON MAD CAREER See 7th Lincoln Fields THIS WAS FRIDAYS PARLAY: COME ON, .48, WON STROLL ALONG, .06, WON mrHAVE YOU BEEN ONE OFwm SW THE "LUCKY FIELD" -and FOLLOWERS? -?PE- IF NOT, GET WISE TO YOURSELF AND STOP LOSING GOOD "INFO" IS 1 CHEAP AT ANY PRICE AND MY SERVICE COSTS YOU VERY LITTLE HHP MONDAY "SPECIAL HOLIDAY" OFFER! rWSt TWO LIMIT WIN PARLAYS FOR ONE PRICE ONE AT AURORA ONE AT UNCOLN FIELDS Dont go down to cither track unless you have these "good things" marked on your program. Youll come home with plcritv! DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS DAILY TERMS Chicago Clients, Call in Person or SW Telephone Franklin 0596 "Pd: for messenger service no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Service sent by fast telegram. JACK FIELD 35 South Dearborn, Room 708, Chicago, III. Office Open All Day Monday, Labor Day it u ix IV IX IX DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR MONDAY: LINCOLN FIELDS L-25-7-6-12. AURORA B-16-4-7-2. WM. BURKE KELLY 423 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES Play horses that KIUURD to win. Accnrate handicapping Is simple when you know how. There is no excuBe for nnvnue not knowing bow to handicap. Fall particulars FUEE. no strings attached. Secnre your free copy of "Pick Your Own Winners." Learn to handicap nnd hp a winner. Write today. E.- J. BELL, P. 0. Box 416, Cleveland, Ohio. Dont Say Getting Winning Information Is Hard Until You Have Subscribed to My Service You Have Tried the Rest, Now Try the Best HERES A SERVICE THAT SHOWS A PROFIT WEEK IN AND WEEK OUT FOR THE PAST 14 WEEKS THIS SERVICE WON ,290.00 I advise a flat wager on each horse daily and also a parlay. The figures above show you a total won on a parlay and a flat play on each horse, deducting 0 for the cost of information. TWENTY-SIX YEARS OF ACTUAL TURF EXPERIENCE "DARKY" BOB WILLIAMS f "ACCLAIMED" THE GREATEST TURF ADVISER BY ALL - " k 11th Hour Parlays Sold Direct from the Office Only Terms, Daily, Payable Strictly in Advance NOTE: OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY TODAY LABOR DAY. FOR LEGITIMATE WIN PARLAYS THAT YOU RECEIVE DAILY WITHOUT DELAY YOU MUST TURN TO ME SATURDAYS liTH HOUR PARLAYr CAIUS, See 7th Race Lincoln Fields STAR LASSIE, See 8th Race Lincoln Fields TURF FANS, TAKE NOTICE: Dont go to Lincoln Fields Monday without my ljth Hour Parlay. Both horses go at Lincoln Fields and you will have the oppon tunity to play the Daily Double at the track, because my horses are "entered in the second and third races. It would not surprise me to see Mondays Daily Double paj 00 FOR EVERY WAGERED Monday will be a banner holiday for all Williams followers, for I have the exclusive word on two horses that should win their races easily. These two horsei are going for the "smart money" and you have my word for it that all angles are thoroughly covered and no mistakes will be made. Two of the best money jocks wil have the leg up on these two horses. You can go to this parlay Monday as strong as you like as these two horses should positively win Monday. Never in my lonl turf career have I ever been more certain of two horses being returned the easiest kind of winners. All persons going to Lincoln Fields Monday, wire subscriptions early as this will enable me to relay information giving you ample time to make your play. TERMS FOR MONDAYS PARLAY, , IN ADVANCE, and no other propositions accepted. Upon receipt of your subscription I will wire you my parlay. My information start! at once. No waiting. All out-of-town clients, wire your subscriptions by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. City clients, call in person. Make all communications to . BOB WILLIAMS, 123 West Madison St., Chicago, III. Suite 600 T. RILEY, President J. CANNON, Secretary T. McPHERSON, Treasurer General Turf Agency Authorized Turf Commissioners, Established 1918 - The racing game cannot be beaten by guesswork. You must have legitimate information. Stop being fooled. Protect your money. Dont be misled. We are affiliated with a number of horsemen who are furnishing us with the most sensational turf information ever released to the public Our terms are within the reach of the smallest as well as biggest player. . SPF-: DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY -HB Everybody positively receives the same two horses no exceptions. You receive exactly what you pay for -when you subscribe t6 this office. SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: ADVISING ANNA, 2.68, WON HOOPS, 0.56, WON FRIDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: THURSDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: SPORTING PEARL, 8.24, WON DON TASKER, 3.80, WON GALLANT SIR, 6.62, WON JOHN MILL, 9.72, .10, 2ND; MONDAY TWO WINNERS AT LINCOLN FIELDS BIG PARLAY MONDAY AT LINCOLN TWO BIG-PRICED WINNERS Do Not Miss Them Subscribe Today Office Open All Day Sunday and Monday Mondays two horses have been carefully prepared for these particular spots. Both horses should take the lead at the rise of the barrier and win without the slightest opposition. Neither horse will be given a 1-2-3 chance by any handicapper or selector. Remember that we do not release favorites or public choices. Ei Do Not Fail to Get Mondays Big Labor Day Parlay at Lincoln Fields "PH Subscribe Immediately Subscribe Now Dont Wait Dont Hesitate -Get Started Remit three dollars immediately for Mondays two advertised horses. The minute your three dollars is received a telegram is on its way with the advertised horses. Our office open every day from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. GENERAL TURF AGENCY 145 WEST 41ST STREET, SUITE 509 NEW YORK, N. Y. The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents PRINCE WESTEND, 0.40, WON McCarty Devonshire Park Tip SILVER WAVE, McCarty Bainbridge Park Tip, 3.00, WON LA COMPERE, Regren Bainbridge Park Tip, . 12.00, WON STROLL ALONG, McCarty Hawthorne Tip, 8.06, WON COME ON, Bassett-McCarty Hawthorne Tip, 8.48, WON PLEASE, McCarty Saratoga Tip, 6-1, WON SWEET CHARIOT, McCarty Saratoga Tip, 4i2-1, WON Three Regren Standouts Won Four McCarty Saratoga Tips Won STROLL ALONG, .06, was a Weekly Winner advance forecast. Follow these forecasts at Lincoln Fields and Aurora. PLAY "PINK SHEET" PICKS FOR PRICES AND PROFITS MONDAYS FREE CODES: . LINCOLN FIELDS Chas.-16-l-ll. BELMONT PARK Mike-21-11-24. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail Harvey Ames, Inc. 1674 Broadway, Corner 52nd St., New York, N. Y. It Must Always Be Remembered We Release Only One Horse a Day THURSDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" WON FRIDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" WON ODDS 12 TO 1 SATURDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" WON ODDS 4 TO 1 Several Good Things in Preparation During the Coming Week SUBSCRIPTION, 00, IN ADVANCE, BY TELEGRAPH OR IN PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Columbus 5-2428, 5-2422, 5-2415, 5-6760, 5-0995 REE TO PLAYERS When tiring of losing or you want more winners, Golden Rules of the Turf will put you on the only Toad tc certain success Priced at 0, but now sent absolutely free for this advertisement. , O, BOX 367 ; CHICAGO, DLL. MASTER CLOCKER MONDAYS FREE CODE: LINCOLN Reed-Star-Less-Hard-Bard. Preppcd especially for this race. I lltPAlJif 1 MAN WHO ROUTED TH IWYSTEKlolJm CHICAGO BOOKIES 1 in 3r MWV m - ACQ AIM ED BY EVERY NEWSPAPER IN THE Sll ., , .4 m COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESS C" - - ,U I m m r. SULLIVAN now ready again and bookies dont like it a WATCH MY SMOKE." , , ANOTHER ROLLS WON SATURDAY DID YOU GET YOURS? SATURDAYS AURORA PARLAY: MISS PERFECTION, i $ 9.26, WON SUNIDAY, 2.54, WON AND WE FINISHED ANOTHER "BIG WINNING WEEK," which is NO SURPRISE when you do business with "ONE WHO KNOWS." Give me a trial and I will CONVINCE YOU. W ARE YOU SATISFD3D TO WIN S250 WITH S5 BET EVERY DAY? Remember, PARLAYS PAY BIG MONEY, and 1 always "AVERAGE" SEVERAL WIN PARLAYS every week; DT MONDAYS PARLAY AT LINCOLN FIELDS SHOULD WIN AND PAY 00- "m Never was I so confident of A PARLAY winning as I am Monday. So come and get it. m-AKD "FREE" AURORA PARLAY MONDAY SHOULD WIN AND PAY "LIMIT" ""S Just to prove to you I KNOW SOMETHING Monday at AURORA, I am giving this PARLAY "FREE." TERMS, S3 FOR PARLAY "OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY" - Dont go to Lincoln Fields or Aurora Monday before you see ME. If you cant come, phone me, RANDOLPH 9195-9196 and I will send you PARLAY in sealed envelope with messenger. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOft MESSENGER SERVICE. Out-of-town players, telegraph or mail S3 and you will get my parlay by wire. "Mysterious" MR. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St, Room 1327, Chicago, EL IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! PAXONS INTRODUCTORY OFFER EXTENDED ONE MOREWEEK Due to the fact that so many of my best bets were scratched during the past week, I AM EXTENDING THIS SPECIAL OFFER FOR SIX DAYS. This Positively Will Be the Last Time You Can Subscribe to This Service at This Give Away Price SUBSCRIBE TODAY TWO HORSES DALLY 50 CENTS WEEKLY Letters from my followers in all- parts of the country have poured into my office. Already my mailing list is the largest of any turf expert in the country, and I intend making it even larger by giving out sixty per cent winners during the next twelve days. You can make money on a flat play by playing Faxons two best bets. I dont promise twenty to one shots, but I do give put CONSISTENT WINNERS at good odds. Subscribe to one week of my service and be convinced that I have the goods. After one trial you will be willing to pay ten times the price for it. MONDAYS TWO HORSES: LINCOLN FIELDS Morgofc-10-3-11-9. LINCOLN FIELDS Anne-13-2-21-8. During the summer of 1931 RAY PAXONS BEST BETS led every handicapper in the United States. My followers at that time were limited only to the readers cf the publication for which I was handicapping, and requests from all over the country from persons who had learned of my ability to point out winners were so numerous, I was prompted to sever my connection and enter this private field. Dont miss this special introductory offer. Mail your fifty cents today, and for six days you will receive, in code, RAY PAXONS two BEST BETS selected by his famous mysterious method. MAIL FIFTY CENTS TODAY TO RAY PAXON 320 East Third Street Suite 401 Cincinnati, Ohio And you will receive in return mail a handy sized code card that will fit into your pocketbook or billfold. A code enabling you to .decipher each release will appear in-this paper daily. l y Monthly Form Book Now on Sale Price, .50