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USE CARE SELECTING HORSES Prizes of Hanava-American Jockey Club Worth Striving For. Surprising Number of Nominations Made for 0,000 Cuban Grand National Handicap Fourteen Features. BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 8. James F. .Milton, general manager of the Havana-American Jockey Clubs Oriental Park, ftas taken a definite stand regarding the acceptance of horses for the fifty-day winter season scheduled to begin January 21. He said: "We are hanging up a total of more than 00,000 in fourteen stakes and seven events every day, which means that our daily average is ,000, a big sum for winter racing. Why shouldnt we have useful horses? This explains why care is being exercised in alloting stable room." Milton said the first shipment to Cuba from the Maryland district is to be made from Laurel, November 20, when the stables of S. S. Friedlein, F. C. Travis and W. C. Westmoreland will be forwarded to Key West by rail. The journey will be completed across the Gulf of Mexico to Havana. Fortunate Youth, star performer for Friedlein, who is a wholesale liquor dealer in Havana, is to be entered in several Oriental Park stakes. This son of Lucky Hour was at his best in last seasons Cuban racing. Travis, trainer for Friedlein, will add Miracle to his outfit, for this old-timer, possessor of stake class when he performed on New York tracks, was the champion this season in Oriental Parks summer meeting. He won frequently. Milton and his aides are engaged in an active canvas of leading horsemen for stake entries. As fourteen features are to be decided, including the Cuban Grand National Sweepstakes, at a mile and a quarter, for three-year-olds and upward, unusual success is marking their efforts, Milton states. A surprising number of entries are being made in the Cuban Grand National because of its exceptional value. The association is adding 0,000 for this race, which places it in the forefront of all winter turf events respecting its big prize money and the class of contenders.