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TUESDAYS LAST TWO ALAMO DOWNS CHARTS CHARTSQ Q A t A O SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Ridgeview April 23 1934 137 6 104 Purse 500 4year 40May834Ala nA ° lds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 60 third 40 May834Ala fourth 20 index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Str 93841lMISS N CONLAN w 5 99 5 5 35 4 2 14 Pi WillhiteE W J Palmer 93948 YARROW w 6 111 3 2 42 2k 3 3 2k ODayJ C R Parker 495100 93948 SPECKLE WB 4 109 631 li 14 21 35 DyerJ F P Letellier 415100 4151003888LA 3888LA MANGA w 5 99 4 7 5 51 52 41 45 TaylorD Cisco Stable 210100 4076 ZINITA w 8 108 2 6 7 64 6 51 5 PrivettW San Angelo Stable 600100 94012 ESSIE w 8 1051 1 1 25 32 4 6 6s FerminA Briggs Son 1025100 92994 JEAN NAVELLE w 8 109 7 4 64 7 7 7 7 RicordW H R Doherty 2570100 Time 23 47 112 138 Track fast r2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100YARROW MISS N CONLAN 1230 540 330 515 100 170 100 65 100 YARROW 100SPECKLE 590 340 195 100 70 100 SPECKLE 310 65 100 Winner 100Winner Br m by Dozer DemiTasse by Radiant trained by E Lutz bred by Mrs G B Cox and Mr J E Madden Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 538J AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start drivingMISS good and slow Won easily second and third driving MISS N CONLAN kept fonvardly under restraint responded gamely at the final turn and drew out easily YARROW lost ground while improving his position and closing gamely outgamed SPECKLE The latter Thelatter used up disposing of ESSIE quit badly when put to a drive LA MANAGA closed with the usual burst quitScratched of speed but was too far out of it ZINTA could not keep up ESSIE quit Scratched 94079Uncle Less 104 94079 Miss Hutcheson 99 99Overweight Overweight Yarrow 2 pounds Zinita 4 Essie 1 Jean Navelle 5 5Corrected Corrected weight Speckle 109 CM A9 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Making Bubbles May 5 1934 145 5 111 Purse M nri S500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 May834Ala third 40 fourth 20 93948LUCKY JACK WSB 5 102 1 2 35 43 32 li 11 WillhiteE G T McKinney 420100 93890MISS 42010093890MISS UPSET WSB 5 101 2 7 74 75 51 45 22 EdwardsD A Bellegarde 1765100 94012GOOGIE 176510094012GOOGIE w 5 107 7 3 21 1 15 3k 35 DyerJ G Tiller 480100 9401 35MUST IMAGINE WB 5 100 4 6 6B 55 4l 52 44 CourtneyG Eskay Stable 465100 465100940135ST 940135ST MICA WB 5 100 8 4 15 2l 25 2k 5s TaylorD Mrs H G Hyde 325100 938902INTERIOR 325100938902INTERIOR WB 7 100 5 8 8 8 7 64 6 SenaT Mrs T Marshall 1340100 93791 MARCELLA AGNES WB 8 102 3 1 55 62 8 8 7l WebsterO D Christian 2415100 939482MARY 2415100939482MARY McCARTHY WB 6 97 6 5 41 3 6 75 8 MartinczP I E Burnett 475100 475100Time Time 23 47 112 139 146 Track fast fastr2 r2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LUCKY JACK 1040 540 390 420 100 170 100 95 100 100MISS MISS 100GOOGIE UPSET 1790 790 795 100 295 100 GOOGIE 510 155 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by John P Grier Manicure Maid by Thunderer trained by W A McKinney bred by Meadowview Farms Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 613 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLUCKY LUCKY JACK restrained early moved into contention with a rush and wearing down the leaders was ready to draw out MISS UPSET slow to get going and forced wide on the last turn gained fast in the stretch and finished fastest GOOGIE under pressure after taking the lead tired when urged JUST IMAGINE was blocked midway of the stretch ST MICA and MARY McCARTHY quit Scratched quitScratched 93887 Glen Feu 107 107Overweight Overweight Miss Upset 1 pound Interior 3 Mary McCarthy 5 Corrected weight Marcella Agnes 102