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5f CHICAG ffi NOW ONLY 10 CENTS REGREN AT HIS OLD TRICK OF OFKNOCKING KNOCKING THEM DEAD AGAIN AGAINThis This supreme handicapper came through again Tuesday in his accustomed fashion of forecasting in advance what is to take place in the afternoon When you follow this fellow you do not get into hot water but you manage to make an enemy of your friendly enemies Hop along with Regren and have no regrets Pink Sheet selectors are 100 per cent sincere Tuesday was a typical day such as this thisNO NO SAINT 470 Was Regrens Special SpecialPOMPOUS POMPOUS GENIE 398 Was Regrens One Best Bet AGA RAY 480 Was Regrens Standout MC MCDANIEL DANIEL SOOT 630 Was Regrens PayOff Horse JANE PACKARD 432 Was Bassetts Special r rAT AT PIMLICO SUNNY TOM 1250 was one of the FOUR WINNERS Regren handed you for the full days card cardAT AT KENILWORTH This supreme selector sizzled with THREE WINNERS at choice prices Cruising 800 Canny Scot 985 and Arrowswift 440 Youve got to follow Regren for second guessing will not get the bucks THURSDAYS TWO FREE CODES CODESCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS Purple465447 Purple465447AURORA PLIUS AURORA Yellow51 5440 PLIUS To Decipher Above Codes Buy a Pink Sheet SheetCHICAGO CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ELL 350 per Month bj First Class Mall 700 per Month by Air Mall