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lt Pimlico Made at Home Purse Purse 800 2 YearOlds Maid ens Foaled in Maryland Special Weights Dig 4l2 Dig4l2 Furlongs nus May 13 1926 53 2 111 Index Post H3 statDistance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse Track Wt Time AgcToday Price 93813 12 Nervy Nella HdG 113 55 113 93919 10 Gay Blade HdG 110 56 116X 93919 7 Gunwale HdG 110 55 116X 93919 6 Orthoprism 116 93763 4 Little Wackie HdG 110 55 116 93763 11 Truly Yours HdG 110 55 116 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 1 Lone Miss 113 93978 2 La Yaga Pirn 110 59 113 93919 3 Be There 116 5 Canimar 116 8 Happy Tom 116 93919 9 Toolbox 116 116A A H Morris entry Canimar Orthoprism S W Labrot entry Happy Tom Toolbox Gay Blade J W Y Martin entry Truly Yours Nervy Nclla Best times shown above are from Jan 1 1933 1933jfcFair jfcFair mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner runnerBrackets Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown in Past Performances but in all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year Nervy Nella 1 1 Q Ch f 2 M by Canter Elsbeth by Jim Gaffney GaffneyApr Apr 30 Pirn 38 37ft 110 Trainer A Hutchins Owner J W Y Martin Date Trk Dii Time Con Oddi Wt St 4 Str FinJockey PPCIPceSts Best Company CompanyMay May 2342Pim 4J f 55 ft 4110 10410 8 8 87i JacobsJ 2500 12 JstaJonesll4Oglel04SunTeaparty 109 Apt26341HdG 4i f 53 ft ll5e 110 223 4i GarnerM 2000 9 MantadosllOBeauGovansllOPokin 114 Apr2334HdG 4 f 54 ft 75 113 2 2 34 4 GarnerM1 2500 13 Evangelistll6Cterboyll6BkFencell5 Htarti lit 2nd Srd Wons Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1934 record 3 0 0 0 51 51Gay Gay Blade X 1 1 Br c M by Happy Time Annie Kendal by Tredennis LJU Trainer W Irvine Owner S W Labrot May 434Pim i 49 tl 6e 116 A 2 21 31 KsingerC Maid 9 BGovansll6Gunwalell6OrthoPm 116 Apr2434HdG 4i f 54 ft 65 110 10 10 1010 10 BurkeJH4 Maid 13 LSablel07BarbarianllOMePrince 110 1934 record 2 0 0 1 50 50Gunwale Gunwale X 1 NassovianJJ 1 fi B 2 by Constitution Castilla by Nassovian JJ Trainer H Baker Owner E K Bryson BrysonMay May 434Pim i 49 il 23 116 3 1 11 2k JkcobsJ Maid 9 BuGVnsll6GBIadell6Orthopm 116 May l34JPim 4 f 55 ft 15 114 7 5 61 5 1 WkmanR10 1500 12 BcarolIell3FRdupl09Bkbirder 109 Apr2634HdG 4i f 53 ft 84 110 8 3 71 710 DougrtyF 2000 9 MantadosllOBeauGovansllOPekm 114 1934 record 3 0 1 0 J 125 125Orthoprism Orthoprism 1 TransvaalJJV1 1 fi Ch e 2 M by Bucellas Prismatic by Transvaal JJV1 Trainer R J Walden Owner A H Morris MorrisMay May 434Pim i 49 si 15 116 7 6 4i 41 HainesR5 Maid 9 BuGovansll6Gunwalell6GBlade 116 1934 record 1 0 0 0 Little Wackie 1 1 fi B 3 2 M by Bucellas Nella R by The Manager ManagerApr Apr 16 HdG 12 50ft JJV Trainer M Chavis Owner S G Bailey May BaileyMay l34 = Pim 44 f 55 ft 54 114 4 4 5 6J OMalleyJ1 1500 12 Bcarollell3FRdupl09Bkbirder 109 Apt2634HdG 4 f 53 ft 79 110 6 9 8 5Ti OMalleyJ 2000 9 MantadosllOBeauGovansllOPekin 114 Apr20341HdG 4i f 56 m 20 115 7 7 8 8 PorterE 3000 8 WhoaBackll2H51ise 117Lguorous 112 1934 record 3 Truly Yours 1 1 fi B e 2 M by Canter Love Girl by Black Toney ToneyMay May 8 Pirn 58 l08ft 1 a u Trainer A Hutchins Owner J W Y Martin MartinMay May l342Pim 4 f 55 ft 38 114 12 12 9 771 BejshakJ 1500 12 BcarolIell3FRdupl09Bkbirder 109 Apr27341HdG 4 f 54 sy 64 110 9 6 6T 61 KsingerC1 2000 11 GnDreamlO BkFcellOBcarolIe 110 Aprl7341HdG4if 55 m 17 114 7 7 71 71 RobtsonA4 Alhv 7 KPIeasurell7Marioll4BuGovans 114 1934 record 3 Lone Miss 1 1 Q Ch f 2 M by Trojan Limited by Stimulus JJJ Trainer J P Jones Owner J P Jones First start La Yaga 11 B f 2 M by Constitution La Marsa by Ecouen J Trainer W Weaver Owner Mrs K Basehorse May 534Pim 4J f 55 ft 217 110 2 7 11 1220 RcnickJ1 Allw 12 Evgelist 118Cterboy 113TenLaw 113 1934 record 1 Be There 1 1 fi Ch c 2 M by Rustic Be Still by Dozer DozerMav Mav 9 Pirn 38 36ft JLV Trainer J Carmody Owner B S Cutler CutlerMay May 434Pim i 49 si 1710 116 5 5 6T 61 WkmanR1 Maid 9 BuGovansll6Gumvalell6GBlade 116 Fehl934Hia g 36 hy 77 113110 61 5i PetzJ Maid 13 Prosecutor HOLaird HOFraidyCat 110 1934 record 2 Canimar 1 mCh 1 fi Ch c 2 M by Bucellas Fair Cuba by Rire aux Larmes Trainer R J Walden Owner A H Morris May 734Pim 4Jf 55 ft 115 SCRATCHED Post P 18 3000 12 HImagell5StrolMissl07Cdimate 115 115Happy Happy Tom 1 SupermanJAU 1 C Ch g 2 M by Happy Time Thomasine by Superman JJV Trainer W Irvine Owner S W Labrot First start startToolhoi Toolhoi 1 1 fi Gr 9 2 M by sir Greysteel Tpyshelf by Fair Play 1 JU Trainer W Irvine Owner S W Labrot LabrotMay May 4341Pim 49 si 6ell6 9 9 920 9 BurkeJH Maid 9 BuGovansll6Gumvalell6GBIade 116 1934 record 1