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CHURCHILL DOWNS The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races t Churchill Downs Wednesday Paid 1240 for 2 LOUISVILLE KY WEDNESDAY MAY 9 1934 Churchill Downs 1 mile Tenthday Churchill Downs Inc Spring meeting of 19 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Stewards C F Price T C Bradley CB Head and E Hogg Judges W H Shelley S H McMeekin and S Goodpaster Starter W Hamiltorf Racing Secretary W H Shelley j Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and andweight weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds Qt 53ffc FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Miss Joy May 21 1921 52 2 1100 Silver Hills a r Purse Purse 600 2yearolds Maidens Colts and geldings Special weights Net May934CD value to winner 450 second 100 third 35 fourth 15 Index Horses EqtA WtCPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odd Slrt 93871 RIFF vV115 8 2 2sll5 1 I1 I8 FfnnertyR Shady Brook Farm Stable 800100 93727 CELEBRANT sll5 73 73wl5 35 21 21 HumphsL Mrs V Crane 4080100 93871 JOHN MARCUM wl5 9 6 6wl5 21 32 3 KernW W F Knebelkamp 7100100 93871 SULA SULAHIGH wl5 2 7 7wl5 41 44 42 MeadeD Shandon Farm Stable 320100 3201006s HIGH MONGUL wl5 5 8 8wl5 6s 54 54 RothM W L Johnson 19860100 EPERNAY wl5 4 4 4wl5 T 19860100T 7 65 GarnerW J Marsch 50100 SOUTH GALLANT wl5 1 1 1wll5 8 8 T PoolE Milky Way Farms Stable 3220100 32201005s GOLD RESERVE wll5 6 5 5wll5 5s 61 85 ScurlockH H W Steele 11450100 KNEE ACTION vv wll5 115 3 9 999 ElstonG A C Cowan 4520100 Time 23 48 55J Track fast 52 HUTTTELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100CELEBRANT RIFF 1800 680 540 800 100 240 100 170 100 CELEBRANT 4540 1220 2170 100JOHN 100 510 100 JOHN MARCUM 1760 780 100 Winner 100Winner Br g by Actuary Myrtle Caldwell by Boots and Saddle trained by J H Moody bred by Mr T M Mueller WENT TO POST 202 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driving RIFF drew away fast near the stretch andwas ridden out CELEBRANT forced over sharply soon after the start recovered quickly and blocking JOHN MARCUM in the stretch outlasted him JOHN MARCUM went over abruptly soon after the start causing a bad jam and was cut off by CELEBRANT in the stretch and appeared in hand near the finish SULA away slowly and cut off onthe stretch turn tired HIGH MONGUL missed the crowding EPERNAY was close up when forced to pull up to almost a walk walkas as JOHN MARCUM and CELEBRANT came over soon after the start SOUTH GALLANT went to his knees in the crowding J Qkil Jy tAOJL l SECOND RACE 78 Mile out of chute Distinction May 21 1921 123 4 110 Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 450 May934CD second 100 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed 3 Ibs Inder Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Slrt Widerier83384BIBBIES BELLE GRIER w 3 105 3 1 24 I1 4s 2J I1 PichonL J E Widerier 140100 83384BIBBIES CHOICE w3105 5 7 65 5k 21 1 2 FcwIerG TUrs B Frarizheim 390100 93933 BUNTING STAR w 3 108 2 3 lk 2l lk 44 3 JudyJ Charlie Stable 1510100 93927 CAROLINE H w 3 105 12 6 31 35 32 3 41 HankaW P Opts tl830100 Opts913770MEL 913770MEL WB3112 61112 10 92 61 52 PpolE J T Looney 3050100 91 652 BETTY MARIE w 3 102 7 5 82 1 I1 74 62 MeadeD Collins Hardy 590100 93933 WINDS CHANT w 3 106 i 8 12 9k 94 811 8s 72 CorbettC B 0 Hickman 2240100 93771 MOJINING FAIR WB 3 105 1 4 4 445 55 84 RaineyC W F Knebelkamp 2070100 61 614 OLD NAN w 6 110 9 10 11 12 II1 10 9 K chick J BF Clark t 94054 KATHRYN WATTLE w 3 106 4 2 51 6s 64 92 104 MurphyM H Weiner t 94054MERE WAVE w 3 102 10 9 103 11J 104 II4 II5 MayerJ F P Letellier 790100 88485 DONCARA WB 3 105 11 8 75 8412 12 12 SchutteH 0 W Lehmann 9900100 tMutuel 9900100tMutuel field Time 23 47 113 126 Track fast 52 MUTTIELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKINQ ODDS BELLE 100BIBBIES GRIER 480 420 300 140 100 110 100 50 100 BIBBIES 100BUNTING CHOICE 760 600 280 100 200 100 BUNTING STAR 680 240 100 Winner 100Winner Ch f by John P Grier Mirabelle by Fair Play trained by P Coyne bred by Mr J E Widoner Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 232 AT P9ST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same BELLE sameBELLE GRIER much the best ran out badly on the turn but overtook the leaders in the stretch and bearing over impeded BIBBIES CHOICE near the finish The latter moved up with a rush on the stretch turn shook off BUNTING STAR near the last eighth BUNTING STAR tired in the drive CAROLINE H close up throughout tired OMEL began slowly BETTY MARIE was jostled about early MORNING FAIR showed early speed MERE WAVE was outrun outrunScratched Scratched 93875 Cousin Bess 105 93826 Celiba 105 94054 Left Wing 100 Thegither 105 68704 Foolish One 112 93823 Whare 107 107Overweight Overweight Bunting Star 3 pounds Omel 5 Winds Chant 1 Kathryn Wattle 1 QJI tFrtAOA 55 THIRD RACE 78 Mile out of chute Distinction May 21 1921 1S3 4 110 Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 450 May934CD second 100 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed 3 Ibs Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 93822 BLACK JOE WB 3 110 10 1 3k 3k 2s I1 1 CorbettC Rookwood Farm Stable 93985 SPANISH RED w 4 112 3 6 24 21 3 21 2 FowlerG A J Ruckman 11930100 93985 SANDY JOE WB 3 110 11 2 4i li lk 3 3 FinnrtyR Greenbriar Stud Stable 2020100 93823NIGHTINGALE WB 3 105 12 3 54 44 41 51 A1 PichonL K Daingerfield 480100 Daingerfield89216LANADLER 89216LANADLER w 3 1022 7 lk 51 54 41 5 RaineyC M McGonSgle 5830100 93773 RETTEF w3107 4 8 65 62 71 65 65 CavensJ W L Brown 5000100 93776KENTUCKY Brown93776KENTUCKY HELEN w 3 100 5 11 10 10 8 7J 74 GarrettL Calumet Farm Stable 720100 93823 LADY MARY WB 3 103 7 4 85 84 6 8J 84 SchutteH J W Parrish 920100 93773 QUEEN GERMAINE WB 3 106 9 10 II4 IIs 11 11G104 G104 9 SmithG D Lehan 19740100 B2958 KITTY LEE WB3102 6 5 72 7 9s 94 102 MayerJ J Friedberg t 77773 EXCLUSIVE WB 4 112 8 9 91 9k 105 11 11 RichardA Long Run Stabla t LUCKY BELLE WB 5 111 1 12 12 12 12 12 12 KernW Niles Edgar 4060100 tMuluel 4060100tMuluel field Time 23 46 112 126 Track fast 2 MUTUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKINQ ODDS 100SPANISH BLACK JOE 340 280 220 70 100 40 100 10 100 SPANISH 100SANDY RED Field 820 380 310 100 90 100 SANDY JOE i 460 130 100 Winner 100Winner Blk g by Bostonian Princess Errant by Pennant trained by J Howard bred by Mr J Howard Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 308 AT POST 5 J minutes Start drivingBLACK good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving BLACK JOE rated off the pace and forced wide at the stretch turn took command quickly but was ridden out SPANISH RED a keen factor throughout swerved out at the stretch turn and stood a long drive gamely SANDY JOE near the center of the track early went to the front under snug restraint but faltered when hard ridden in the stretch NIGHTINGALE lost ground throughout LANADLER taken back when in close quarters at the far turn made a mild bid in the stretch then weakened RETTEF could not get up LADY MARY was outrun LUCKY BELLE rank at the post started from outside the stalls Scratched stallsScratched 93823Pharamaid 105 930882Bert Lahr 107 Leora Linville 100 93822 Dorothy Dale 102 93826 Mary Francine 105 Overweight Lanadler 2 pounds Lady Mary l Queen Gefmaine 4 Lucky Belle 4 yearolds Maidens Colts and gefdingsSpecial weights Net May934CD value Netvalue to winner 450 second 100 third 35 fourth 15 Inder Horses EqtAWtPPSt ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 93871 WESTON WESTONFIRST wl5 8 6 6wl5 4M1 I1 CorbettC Braodalbane Stable 1050100 FIRST ENTRY ENTRY937272STAY wl5 7 8 8wl5 51 45 2 KernW G S Morris 5730100 937272STAY wl5 33 33wl5 3 52 3k SmithG C C Van Meter 180400 ROMAN SOLDIER wl5 6 7 7wl5 1 f 44 HumphsL M Hirsch 1460100 93984 LE LARIOUS LARIOUS938712ELWAWA wl5 2 2 2wl5 2k 14601002k 2 5 MeadeD Milky Way Farms Stable 780100 938712ELWAWA 938712ELWAWABLACK wl5 Il Ilwl5 1 35 62 McCrsnC Cattell Stable 880100 BLACK RIVER wl5 5 5 5w15 8 74 7 GarnerV J Marsch 180100 94051 SORA w15 4950100Time 4 44 4 6 8 8 MillerG WE1 Smith 4950100 Time 23 48 545 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKINQ ODDS WESTON 2300 1360 460 1050 100 580 100 130 100 100STAY FIRST 100FIRST ENTRY 3280 1160 1540 100 480 100 STAY r 260 30 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Nocturnal or Sun Flag Madcap Princess by Under Fire trained by T B Young bred by Messrs Brcckinridge and Shouse ShouseWENT WENT TO POST 340 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start drivingWESTON good and slow Won easily second and third driving WESTON overcoming a big loss of ground worked his way to the front and blocking FIRST ENTRY in the last sixteenth drew away The latter away slowly came through on the inside in the stretch and blocked by the winner was restrained near the finish STAY lost ground ROMAN SOLDIER closed fast LEELARIOUS tired badly ELWAWA saved ground and showed speed but quit badly in the final eighth BLACK RIVER was timidly ridden SORA delayed the start and bore out badly on the turn Scratched turnScratched 93930 Templeton 115 Q41 St FIFTH RACE1 Mile ° ut of chute peace Chance May 1 1934 135 3 1051 SJS34CD 1051SJS34CD T8r PUrSe P Pnn 3 arfds anti Pward Claiming Net value to May334CD wmner 5450 second 100 nn third u 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed 2 Ibs Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners BqnlT Odds Strt 939293LITTLE CONNELLY WB 4 110 24 31 3l 2 lk 1 HumphsL R L Stivers Stivers938202RALLY 938202RALLY ROUND WB 4 110 7 2 I1 4J 24 25 PichonL H H Temple Jr 93728 SIMON WB 4 110 6 5 444 31 34 32 MeadeD C V Whitney 939341CATINO Whitney939341CATINO WB 4 110 1 6 5k 5k 5k 4 41 KnapckJ BF Clark = 94 52LADYKIN w4106 4 1 6 6 6e 51 5 SmithG Elmtree Stable Continued on fifteentK pagej CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSContinued Continued from eleventh page 94052 UPSETS LASSIE WE 4 103 5 3 2i 2 41 6 6 MillcrG Dixiana 3080100 308010093820BALDERDASH 93820BALDERDASH WB 5 108 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 FowlerG P H Krick Son 380 100 100Time Time 23 46 111 137 Track fast 2 MUTTJEL8 PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LITTLE CONNELLY 680 420 320 240 100 110 100 60 100 100RALLY RALLY ROUND 440 320 120 100 60 100 100SIMON SIMON 360 80 100 100Winner Winner Br f by Hcphaisios Polly Connelly by Disguise trained by R L Stivers bred by Mr L A Lync Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 413J AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLITTLE LITTLE CONNELLY under snug restraint for fiveeighths moved up gradually under strong hand riiling and was tiring badly when bumped by RALLY ROUND near the end The latter sent to the front and we rated sloxvly gave way to the winner SIMON had no mishaps GATING dropped out of it on the stretch tuin LADYKIN lost ground throughout UPSETS LASSIE quit Overweight quitOverweight Little Connelly 2 pounds Ladykin 1 Q4I X SIXTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Don Leon May 19 1931 111 3 105 Purse 100Mayg34CD T S600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 Mayg34CD tnird 535 fourthj 15 claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA VVtPlSt tr Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 93929 DOUBLE DATE w 4 107 1 3 2l 2 2 15 PichonL Mrs J Heupel 100100 10010093822SDUSKY 93822SDUSKY DAME WB 4 102 51 I1 I1 I1 25i GarrettL H C Ragan 190100 94052 SCORE w4U2 24 43 31 3i 3 PoolE 0 Reed 1020100 93372 HEIRESS WB 4 110 3 5 554 4 HumphsL Albert Sabath 630100 92695 THUNDER LOU WB 3 1035 42 3 45 5 5 SchutteH J J Ashe 1510100 1510100Time Time 23 46 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DOUBLE DATE 400 260 220 100 100 30 100 10 100 100DUSKY DUSKY DAME 280 220 40 100 10 100 100SCORE SCORE 240 20 100 100Winner Winner B f by Supremus Family Frost by SoninLaw trained by W L Hoag bred by Mr H P Headley Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 440 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameDOUBLE DOUBLE DATE restrained to the final quarter responded to urging and wearing down DUSKY DAME was ready to draw out The latter showed good speed and was weakly handled when tiring in the closing eighth threeeighthsScratched SCORE finished well HEIRESS held on gamely THUNDER LOU was done after threeeighths Scratched 93821 Betty Rejoice 100 93729 Traggat 105 Overweight Heiress 3 pounds Thunder Lou 3 INTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Don Leon May 19 1931 111 3 1051 secondMayg34CD Purse 5600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second Mayg34CD 100 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 Index Horse EqtA Wt IMSt Str Fin Jockeys Equlr Odds Strt 33820 LITTLE VALLEY WB 3 105 5 7 31 2 32 15 SchutteH B W Stivers 300 100 33771 ROULADE w 3 100 4 1 I1 I1 14 2 CanfieldL Moseley Crump 660100 66010093870DANCING 93870DANCING BOY w 5 107 14 4k54 45 31 RbthM W L Johnson 940100 93772 LADY PAL w 3 105 7 2 2J 3s 21 41 FowIerD Darnaby Thompson 1130100 93929 ON SIR WB 5 112 3 6 6 4 55 5 McDmtL Peconic Stable 90100 91888 PRINCESS TORE WB 4 110 2 5 5k 64 64 6s HumphsL C Van Dusen 4300100 430010093870BUCK 93870BUCK SUMNER WB 3 102 J 6 3 7777 RaineyC Cunningham Ott 6850100 6850100Time Time 22 46 112 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID r OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LITTLE VALLEY 800 440 300 300 100 120 100 50 100 100ROULADE ROULADE 720 740 260 100 270 100 100DANCING DANCING BOY 360 80 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Sun Flag Clarabell Atkin by Cylba trained by R L Stivers bred by Messrs Judy Anderson Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 510 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same LITTLE VALLEY moved up fast after impeding ON SIR and PRINCESS TOKE in the first sixteenth was taken back slightly and to the outside after failing to get through on the inside on the stretch turn then withstood strong hand riding and won in the last fifty yards ROULADE saved ground throughout and although not good enough for the winner fought it out gamely DANCING BOY saved ground on the turn was forced to the outside in the closing eighth and closed strongly LADY PAL was hard urged after a quarter ON SIR impeded soon after the start and sore went to the extreme outside in the stretch and closed a gap PRINCESS TOKE met interference interferenceOverweight Overweight Lady Pal 5 pounds Princess Toke 3 Buck Sumnor 2 HTH RACE 1 18 Miles Dr Clark Oct 20 1921 149 4 119 Purse 600 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 35 May934CL fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 liiilnx Horsps Bcit A WtlPSt V Tj Str Kin lookpyy Owners Bqulv Odds Strt 93872SPUD WB115 6 4 42 4s 43 1 Pi CorbettC F L B Stable 320100 93991 BRING BACK w 4 110 5 5 52 52 55 34 2J HphriesL Mrs A Gay 2270100 227010093934MAD 93934MAD CAREER WB 6 117 2 1 lji I1 I1 2l 34 McDottL Peconic Stable 480100 480100937733HIT 937733HIT AND RUN WB 3 105 3 3 2V 2i 2k 45 4 MeadeD A B Letellier 480100 48010093876PHAELDALE 93876PHAELDALE w 5 107 1 2 32 3J 31 55 5k HankaW R L Stivers 110100 94058 ELCIDIO WB 6 115 466 6 6 6 6 SmithG Elmtree Stable 4320100 time 4320100time 24 492 11344 140 153 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SPUD = 840 480 400 320 100 140 100 100 100 100BRING BRING BACK 1720 740 760 100 270 100 100MAD MAD CAREER 500 150 100 100Winner Winner B g by Ormont Lady Luxury by tony Bohero trained by H H Battle bred by Mr y B Campbell Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 534 AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good arid slow Won driving second and third the same sameSPUD SPUD remained out of contention for threequarters then moved up when racing wide on the stretch lurn and disposing of MAD CAREER continued boldly and held BRING BACK safe The latter far back for seveneighths closed with a rush MAD CAREER was much used racing HIT AND RUN into defeat and tired alter a mile The latter swerved badly when quitting in the drive PHAELDALE saved much ground and was going well when HIT AND RUN careened into her in the stretch and failed to rally when clear ELCIDIO was outrun outrunScratched Scratched 94058 = BIast 115 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT CHURCHILL DOWNS Wednesday 3 Races 16280 5 Races 27640 8 Races 37300