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ALAMO DOWNS SAN ANTONIO TEXAS WEDNESDAY MAY 91934 Alamo Downs 1 mile Fifteenth day Alamo Downs Inc Inaugural jneeting of 18 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Presiding Steward J A Murphy Associate Stewards S C Nuckols and H Brownlee Judges J Carey C F Kenry and S S Brown Starter Hi Morrissey Racing Secretary E W Bury Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of ofeach each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried indicates apprentice allowance of 5 poundst7 pounds 10 pounds Q jQ A FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Bulstrode April 28 1934 53 2 110 Purse 500 2 T f 7 yearolds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third 40 May934Ala fourth 20 Index Uorses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Strt 93735MSIR HAROLD w 110 7 4 I2 I1 25 1 CourtneyG Eskay Stable 1B31UU 1B31UULEONARD LEONARD LEE w 115 2 5 35 34 1 25 WebsterO Mrs N W Hunter 3345100 334510093942BRILLIANT 93942BRILLIANT MISS w 107 8 7 7 61 4k 3 TaylorD W J Potter Jr 210100 93735 WATERFRONT w 115 42 55 45 52 4 LegcreE W C Goodloe 415100 93885 FAIR ROMANCE w 114 3 1 8 71 6 52 RicordW H H Doherty 4190100 419010094073SWEET 94073SWEET THING w 107 5 6 4 52 35 6s EdwardsD E Lutz 1270100 1270100MISS MISS SPITEFUL w 107 1 3 2l 21 71 74 PetrellaP Running W Ranch Stable 765100 76510093885SALLY 93885SALLY KEYSTONE w 107 68 6 8 8 8 SenaT Mrs H G Hyde 10970100 10970100Time Time 23 48 54 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID r OFFICIAL BOOKINQ ODD SIR HAROLD 570 470 310 185 100 135 100 So lOO lOOLEONARD LEONARD LEE 2220 990 1010 100 395 100 100BRILLIANT BRILLIANT MISS 270 35 100 100Winner Winner Ch c by Hephaistos Bessie Leighton by Wormleighton trained by R 0 Higdon bred by Mr L A Lyne Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 233 AT POST 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SIR HAROLD took the lead at once and bearing out badly on the stretch turn recovered quickly and outgamed LEONARD LEE The latter came through on the inside on the final turn took a short lead and held on gamely BRILLIANT MISS worked her way up fast in the stretch WATERFONT raced gamely and would have been more formidable with better racing luck FAIR ROMANCE closed a gap SWEET THING tired badly as did MISS SPITEFUL Scratched 93885 Fair Lela 107 107Overweight Overweight Fair Romance 2 pounds Qzt A SECOND RACE 34 Mile out of chute lago May 7 1934 111 7 112 Purse 500 J HV 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third 40 fourth 20 Indei Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 93738JMEDALLION w 101 9 9 61 44 41 1 SenaT D L Hickcox f350100 f350100940133WIND 940133WIND SONG WB 101 8 3 I1 1 14 25 CourtneyG Eskay Stabla f 93889 ERRANT LADY w 106 3 11 II1 95 65 32 DyerJ R Robertson 535100 53510093678WHEELER 93678WHEELER G WB 106 47 5k 35 25 4 TaylorD Mrs M A Collins 490100 490100939443ESCOBA 939443ESCOBA LASS W 101 710 g lli 75 55 WillhiteE H Brownlee f 93738 NONA w08 6 6 83 61 3k 68 LaidleyO Mrs J D Wilson 305100 30510093841CHINESE 93841CHINESE CUSTOM w 106 18 7k 8l 92 7 MartinezP P Sanford 860100 86010093066RUTH 93066RUTH LANDOLT WB 101 11 2 25 2 55 81 MoritrA W J Hubbel 1870100 187010094074BUCKS 94074BUCKS BOY WB 107121 3k5x 8l 9 PetrellaP F Gross 705100 94074 DOT DASH w 107 5 12 12 12 102 101 FerminA Morales Bros 6030100 93543 SYLVIAN w 111 2 5 4 7k II2 11 WebsterO C H Duresky 5905400 93944 LITTLE V w 111 10 4 10h 105 12 12 ParkeM C D Downey 12430100 12430100tField tField Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKINQ ODDS MEDALLION Field 900 790 450 350 100 295 100 125 100 100WIND WIND SONG Field 790 450 295 100 125 100 100ERRANT ERRANT LADY 570 185 100 Winner Br f by Gonfalon War Medal by McKinley trained by D L Hickox bred by Mr and Mrs A L Haskell Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 308J AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same MEDALLION gained fast on the last turn and won in the final stride WIND SONG saved ground on onthe the turns held on stubbornly when challenged and just failed to last ERRANT LAPY finished with a rush rushWHEELER WHEELER G challenged midway of the tretch then tired ESCOBA LASS closed a gap in the stretch NONA quit badly CHINESE CUSTOM met early interference interferenceOverweight Overweight Nona 2 pounds Bucks Boy 1 Dot Dash 1 Q APflA THIRD RACE 34 Mile out of chute lago May 7 1934 111 7 112 Purse 500 thirdMay934Ala f x 64y x 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third May934Ala 40 fourth 20 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Strt 93889CLOSING EVENT B 3 99 1 5 6 4 3 1 TaylorD Mrs E Davis 355100 93642 ESPA S w3105 9 1 24 21 1 21 WebsterO H Brownlee 4290100 93837 FIREFLASH w 5 110 4 2 72 8k 71 3 BoucherJ C Howell 1325100 1325100938372BEIGE 938372BEIGE WB 6 115 63 3 32 25 42 SykesD D Christian 190100 19010094076ARBITRATE 94076ARBITRATE WB 4 105 2 4 lk lk 4i 54 PetrellaP Gallagher Ritchison 525100 52510093944NOBLE 93944NOBLE TILLER WB 4 110 89 91 75 51 64 WillhiteE C B Daniels 2060100 206010094076MEMORIAL 94076MEMORIAL DAY w 6 115 10 7 5k 61 81 7 ODayJ S Jewell Son 780100 94076 COME ALONG w 12 118 78 82 9 65 82 DyerJ J W Tiller 1090100 109010093587FATES 93587FATES FANCY WB4105 36 44 55 9 9 CourtneyG W V Booth 2905100 2905100POLYGRET POLYGRET w5115 510 10 10 Pul up PenceV R R Russell Jr 4510100 Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKINQ ODDS ODDSCLOSING CLOSING EVENT 910 650 430 355 100 225 100 115 ESPA S 2790 1790 1295 100 795 100 100FIREFLASH FIREFLASH 770 285 100 100Winner Winner B f by For Fair Layol by Whisk Broom H trained by J Schilling bred by Mr J L Cleve ¬ land Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 343 AT POST i minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCLOSING CLOSING EVENT under good handling moved up on the last turn and overtaking ESPA S won in the final stride ESPA S disposed of ARBITRATE and lield on gamely when challenged but was not quite quitegood good enough FIREFLASH raced wide on the turns BEIGE tired in the stretch ARBITRATE was hard hardurged urged and quit badly when overtaken Scratched 94008 Gleaming Star 115 90428 Candy King 110 110Overweight Overweight Closing Event 2 pounds Corrected weight Espa S 105 Fireflash 110 QJ O FOURTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute lago May T 1934 111 7 112 Purse 500 thirdMay934Ala T n nV V 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third May934Ala 40 fourthf 20 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqniT Odds Strt 94079UNCLE LESS w4113 91 21 141 15 ODayJ R McDonald 560100 94008 LITTLE MARCELLE w 5 108 10 3 35 24 2k 2k EdwardsD A Bellegardi 755100 75510093841CLOIDO 93841CLOIDO WB 5 113 2 10 10 7 55 3 WebsterO Mrs T Marshall 1330100 93838 INFANTA w 9 108 1 4 44 4 3k 4 PetrellaP T Davis 1255100 94076 DONATE w 5UO 52 71 fi4 7i 55 BoucherJ W C Thurgood 1230100 123010093944LADY 93944LADY DeVER w5108 7 8 9 9 82 62 CourtneyG J A Blackwell 655100 91182PANOUT 65510091182PANOUT WB 4 110 39 8 10 S5 71 ParkeM G HiggUs 6920100 94008FORGET 692010094008FORGET NOT w 6 113 65 lk 35 45 81 LegereE Mrs M Thompson 175100 93887PRINCESS 17510093887PRINCESS ZELDA w 8 108 4 7 65 5l 6k 9s MartinezP E Robinowitz 2320100 93857 DIXIE BINDER WB 4 108 1180100Time 8 6 5 81 10 10 DyerJ F W Fitch 1180100 Time 2346 g 112 Track fast 52 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKINQ ODDS UNCLE LESS 1320 620 460 560 100 210 100 130 100 170r100CLOJDO LITTLE MARCELLE t 960 540 380 100 170r100 CLOJDO 640 220 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by Donnacona GipsyGold II by Bridge of Earn trained by R McDonald bred by Messrs A E Hundley Son Winner entered to be claimed for 700 WENT TO POST 413 AT f9ST 6 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same v UNCLE LESS responded well after taking the lead and outlasted LITTLE MARCELLE The later promi ¬ nent throughout held on gamely and was fast overtaking the winner CLOIDO began slowly but gained fast in the stretch and closed fastest INFANTA was always in close quarters on the inside DONATE moyed up gamely LADY DeVER was not a factor FORGET NOT quit Q J Aft FIFTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute lago May 7 1934 111 7 112 Purse 600 y tJJ9 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 425 second 100 third May934Ala 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqniT Odds Strt 93378LIQUEUR WB 4 114 8 1 I2 I1 15 llk MarnezP H C Rumage RumageWB4111 275100 93679AMAZING WB4111 74 7 6s 55 24 EdwrdsD Mrs A Wallin Wallinw 620100 937942NYACK w 6 108 6 2 25 35 35 3k CrtheyG H Leider LeiderWB 2840400 93839SCYTHE WB 3 102 15 31 24 2k 4 PetrellaP B J Thuring Thuringw 1870100 93679PLAYING ON w 4 111 3 3 44 42 45 52 LegereE Miss M West Westw 410100 93738CHAUVINISM w 3 99 2 8 5l 5l 6 610 TaylorD Mrs D Hum 305100 93278 STAKED PLAINS w3107 4 6 111 WebsterO H E Lee 3260100 94009JBLACK PETER WB 3 99 5 7 65 L rider WillhiteE Mrs A Van den Ende 550400 46 110 new track record Track fast r CERTIFICATES PAIB OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LIQUEUR 750 480 370 275 100 140 100 85 100 1 AMAZING NYACK 760 470 280 100 135 1M Winner B g by Supremus Triple Sec by Zeltinger trained 790 by W M Emerson bred by Mr 295 HP 100 Headley Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 WENT TO POST 448 AT POST 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same LIQUEUR began fast from the outside and shaking off challenges held AMAZING safe to the finish The latter outrun early finished with a rush on the outside NYACK was blocked when through on the inside in the closing threesixteenths SCYTHE was used trying to get up forcing the pace of the winner PLAYING ON lost ground CHAUVINISM tinL BLACK PETER lost his rider near the far turn Overweight Chauvinism 2 pounds Corrected weight Playing On 111 Staked Plains 107 t yiv Continued on fifteenth page y ALAMO DOWNS DOWNSContinued Continued from eleventh page Btjt A Wt IPSt Str Fin ockeys EqulT Odds Strt 93889LEN HELKER w05 578 8 71 51 1 TaylorD Mrs D Richards 175100 175100wllO 94009DIAN wllO 2 2 15 1 I2 I1 2Z CourtneyG C E Smith 300100 300100w 93643 SIR KOSTER w 110 8 5 y 2Bk 25 25 3l ODayJ Mrs A Van den Ende 2150100 93947 ARSON ARSON938893BOSTONIAN w 110 3 8 7l 75 8 8 41 BoucherJ J D Rolland 1585100 1585100938893BOSTONIAN 938893BOSTONIAN GAL GAL94007FOREST w 101 7 6 64 41 31 4 5 PetrellaP R R Grecnlec 785100 78510094007FOREST 94007FOREST AVENUE AVENUE93889GETALONG w 102 43 5k 51 5h 71 62 EdwardsD W C Goodloe 1935100 193510093889GETALONG 93889GETALONG w 110 6 4 21 32 4l 3 71 Martinez J A Blackwell 1210100 121010094013WRACIA 93889GETALONG94013WRACIA 94013WRACIA WB 103 1 1 44 62 6l 61 8 WebsterO M F Keller 520100 520100Time Time 24 47 113 138 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LEN HELKER 550 340 310 175 100 70 100 55 100 100DIAN DIAN 400 350 100 100 75 100 100SIR SIR KOSTER 940 370 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Bagcnbaggage Far Over by Over There trained by M J Ansen bred by Messrs McFarland McCarthy Winner entered to be claimed for 900 900WENT WENT TO POST 522 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLEN LEN HELKER appeared to sulk early gained rapldly when put to punishment in the final quarter and wore down the leaders in rapid succession DIAN saved all possible ground and held on stubbornly only to falter in the final drive SIR KOSTER a keen factor the entire trip loomed up dangerously midway of the stretch but appeared short ARSON made up good ground BOSTONIAN GAL tired WRACIA was forced back slightly going to the first turn turnOverweight Overweight Dian 2 pounds Sir Koster lj Bostonian Gal lj ljCorrected Corrected weight Sir Koster 109 Wracia 102 Q f AC SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Making Bubbles May 5 1934 145 5 111 Purse 80May934Ala O 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 May934Ala third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Bqt A V IPSt Vt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners FJrinlT Odds Strt 93790PLUCKY LADY w 6 99 4 3 lk 15 lk lk 11 CurtneyG P T Chinn 93948MOROCCO w 9 104 3 4 6 6 6 4h 2 MartinezP E Robinowitz 215100 215100938402JOHNNY 938402JOHNNY SHAW WB 4 108 5 6 42 42 2r 21 31 PetrellaP Gormley White 330100 330100940122FLYING 940122FLYING THOR WB 4 108 2 2 31 3 34 32 4k TaylorD A C Barry 365100 36510093890SAM 93890SAM PASS WB 7 112 1 1 52 54 51 55 5l ° ODayJ S Hesseltinc 515100 51510094078ADRIAN 94078ADRIAN WB 5 104 6 5 22 2l 4 6 6 EdwardsD I Seybold 910100 910100Time Time 23 47 112 13854 145 Track fast 52 CEHTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PLUCKY LADY 2190 840 660 995 100 320 100 230 100 100MOROCCO MOROCCO 390 290 95 100 45 100 100JOHNNY JOHNNY SHAW 400 100 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by Pot au Feu Plucky by Broomstick trained by A B Jessop bred by Coldstroam Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 553 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same 1 PLUCKY LADY saved all possible ground while under restraint shook off JOHNNY SHAW and had enough left to withstand the rush of MOROCCO The latter far back for threequarters and forced to the outside closed with good burst of speed JOHNNY SHAW made a determined bid for the lead approach ¬ ing the stretch turn then weakened when put to a drive FLYING THOR finished lame SAM PASS raced