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KENILWORTH PARK The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Kenilworth Wednesday Paid 12460 for 2 WINDSOR OUT WEDNESDAY MAY 9 1934 Kenilworth Park 1 mile Fourth day Kenilworth Park Racing Association First summer meeting of 7 days Weather cloudy Presiding Steward W R Norvell Associate Stewards J H Evans and L E Marsh Judges P E Callen and D A Boyle Starter T Clark Racing Secretary W R Norvell Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time7230 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Bradleys Choice July 30 1317 105 6 110 Purse n 700 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Net value to winner May934Ken 5500 second 5100 third 70 fourth 30 Claiming price 2000 if for 1500 allowed 5 Ibs Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odda Strt 87694 YOUNG KITTY w 9 108 8 2 11 I3 T I4 WallN E F Seagram Seagramw 2385100 94133 AYMOND w 7 115 11 1 51 3J 2U 21 RemildP Mrs J Badame BadameWB 105100 94068 ROCK CREST CREST89401ACAJOU WB 5 113 2 4 3 42 3 35 OsborneH C J Patchett Patchettw 2115100 89401ACAJOU w 4 103 4 11 12 101 6 41 CochneR D Raymond Raymondw 1105100 89481MISH MASH w 4 110 10 6 6i 5J 5rt 5tk AymersT Mrs W Russell Russellw4105 5990100 90030SUGAR JAR w4105 38 10l 9 82 6 CmpbellF C M Wilkerson Wilkersonw5110 2730100 88519 WENTWORTH w5110 910 9 71 7 72 GwynneJ R R Leslie 2730100 2730100I 94004 CARHAN QUEEN w 4 115 512 II1 II2 92 8lk HIadJ Mrs D S Renaud I 350100 8343 SWEEPVALE w 3 98 17 8lk S11 94 PedenH H C Hatch 600100 86775 CONFECTION w3108 65 41 61 10ll 10 10k ° k VercherT Mayfair Stable 2435100 9399 CHILDISH TALK w 3 100 12 3 21 2k 4 II2 PetersM G W Lucas t 84707 MISS ROSELAND WB 4 103 79 7 12 12 12 HelmM B Irvine t fMuluel field Time 23 45J4 106 Track fast 42 MUTUEZS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS YOUNG KITTY 4970 1120 670 2385 100 460 100 235 100 100AYMOND AYMOND 355 270 77J 100 35 100 100ROCK ROCK CREST 1010 405 100 100Winner Winner Br m by Old Koenig Gallant Kitty by Havoc or Galatine trained by J Thorpe bred by Seagram Stable Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 233 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same sameYOUNG YOUNG KITTY was hustled to the front and drawing away won with speed to spare AYMOND was hard urged to hold a forward position but was unable to menace the winner ROCK CREST saved ground on the stretch turn ACAJOU closed a big gap CARHAN QUEEN closed a gap CHILDISH TALK tired in the closing quarter SWEEPVALE was not a factor factorOverweight Overweight Carhan Queen 2 pounds Confection 5 CM O J SECOND RACE 34 Mile Queen Towton Aug 26 1927 111 5 99 Purse 700 4 GTjrlGmj 70May934Ken yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 5QO second 100 third 70 May934Ken fourth 30 Claiming price 1000 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 800 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jock Jockeys Owner Equiv Odds Strt 94071 BARTER WB 6 113 6 2 Pk 1 I2 ll Horvat HorvathK P S Price 10721100 81461 JOE MACAW w 4 109 3 4 5l 45 31 221 Cowley Mrs J McGraw 670100 88677 DONNY JOHNNY w 6 109 1 1 7 62 51 31 WallN H A Coulson 520100 4070 BLACK DIAMOND WB 8 109 4 5 6 52 4lk 41 VercherT A J Halliwell 180 180100 100 10092937SAND 92937SAND RUNNER WB 6 114 2 6 41 3h 62 54 GroosP S Manero 190100 19010086116STEPHANUS 86116STEPHANUS w 9 104 7 7 2rt 21 2nk 61 DaisJ A Diesbourg 3500100 86278 CAMPDORE WB 4 109 5 3 3l 7 7 7 CritchfldC Mrs G McDermid 2110100 2110100Time Time 23 48 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BARTER 2345 1115 580 1072 100 457 100 190 100 JOE 100JOE MACAW 795 470 297 100 135 100 DONNY 100DONNY JOHNNY 445 122J 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by Purchase Cola by Combourg trained by P S Price bred by Mr H F Sinclair Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 304 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBARTER BARTER away fast raced STEPHANUS into defeat and although tiring in the last eighth had enough left to hold JOE MACAW The latter worked his way up steadily and responding gamely was wearing down the winner DONNY JOHNNY began fast was permitted to drop back when in close quarters leaving the back stretch and finished well BLACK DIAMOND outrun early came wide into the stretch SAND RUNNER was not a serious factor factorScratched Scratched 94071 Flying Fantom 102 102Overweight Overweight Sand Runner 5 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Black Diamond 109 QA1 QT THIRD RACE 34 Mile Queen Towhton Aug 26 1927 111 5 99 Purse 700 4 CrrfcJO 70May934Ken 4 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 500 second 100 third 70 May934Ken fourth 30 Claiming price 1000 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 800 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 94068TIMON w 7 109 3 3 2k 21 1 1 WallN A Brent 280100 28010093093CRAIGCO 93093CRAIGCO w 5 110 6 2 14 I1 2s 21 PruchkiQ L Clous 140100 14010093460DON 93460DON TASKER w 5 107 1 6 4 34 3 3s PetersM W E Snyder 730100 94070 DARKSINI WB 6 109 2 5 6 41 42 4s RemHrdP Mrs J Badame 280100 94068 CORNELIA CLARA w 4 1101 51 5nk 6 54 5s HorvathK Mrs J C Stillman 2770100 89699 TRY COME WB 4 107 44 32 51 6 6 CowleyJ J Bartlett 1670100 Time 23 113 Track fast J2 MUTUELB PAID v OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB TIMON 760 335 290 280 100 67 100 45 100 100CRAIGCO CRAIGCO 305 295 521 100 47J 100 100DON DON TASKER 355 77 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by Pandion Wee Dear by Campfire trained by A Brent bred by Mr D B Knox Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 332 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingTIMON TIMON followed closest to the pace of CRAIGCO and wearing down the latter in the stretch drew out and Won handily CRAIGCO showed early speed but tired under punishment DON TASKER worked his way up steadily but was unable to reach the first two DARKSINI closed a gap The others were outrun Scratched outrunScratched 94068 Athol 109 940061Steel 104 89015 Egad 109 109Overweight Overweight Craigco 1 pound Cornelia Clara 3jt Qztl Qft FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Lieutenant II July 27 1927 124 7 116 Purse 700 4 tTtXJJO yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Net value to winner 500 sec May934Ken secMay934Ken omj 100 third 70 fourth 30 Claiming price 1500 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for allowedfor each 250 to 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt 940722STEP OFF w 6 100 7 1 51 4l 43 32 1 CocheR D Raymond 210100 21010094003CLARRY 94003CLARRY WB 5 109 4 2 3 3 I1 1 21 PedenH J C Fletcher 270100 94003 SEA KALE WB 8 110 2 6 41 22i 22 21 34 RemilrdP Mrs J Badame 275100 27510094003PERTOXICAL 94003PERTOXICAL w 4 105 35 I 1 31 4 44 PetersM R H New 350100 88522 CORSINAX WB 4 1101 677 52 5 52 51 HcrvthK Mrs J C Stillman 6510100 651010089362MILESTONE 89362MILESTONE WB 8 10311 4 6 61 6a 610 6 AtkinsG C S Mitchell 2670100 2670100CROWLAND CROWLAND BESS w 4 100 5 3 2 7 7 7 7 CapbellF C E Furry 11130100 11130100Time Time 24J 49 114 127 Track fast MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS STEP OFF 620 320 240 210 100 0 100 20 100 100CLARRY CLARRY 370 265 85 100 32 100 100SEA SEA KALE 245 22 100 100Winner Winner Gr m by Cudgel Step On by Herodote trained by F Schelke bred by Mr D Raymond Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 359 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSTEP STEP OFF permitted to remain off the pace closed with a rush through the stretch and won near the finish CLARRY close up throughout went to the front under urging but was unable to hold the winner SEA KALE tired in the last sixteenth PERTOXICAL showed speed for half a mile MILESTONE was out ¬ run CROWLAND BESS showed early speed speedOverweight Overweight Corsinax 3 pounds Milestone 1 Qf 1 QQ FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Lieutenant II July 27 1927 124 7 116 Purse S800 3 JrtJLCf JrtJLCftJ tJ yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 575 second 125 third May934Ken thirdMay934Ken eo fourth 40 Claiming price 4000 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 500 to 2500 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 93610HEROWIN WB 3 98 61 2 I1 14 I1 I1 HelmM J E Smallman 120100 12010093030LIVE 93030LIVE ONE WB 6 110 5 2 32 32 21 2 2 PetersM M J Sansone 230100 23010094004SWEEPSTAFF 94004SWEEPSTAFF WB 3 96 3 3 llk 2 3 3 31 PedenH H C Hatch 840100 93309 BROADWAY LIGHTS w 5 117 4 4 41 4 44 41 4 SniderA T McCarthy 400100 90067 BRILLIANT ROSE WB 3 103 2 5 52 52 52 5 510 AtkinsG Spring Valley Stable 1400100 88876 SMALL PLAY WB 3 103 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 CowleyJ Mrs J McGraw 6960100 6960100Time Time 24 47 113 126 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS HEROWIN 440 260 235 120 100 30 100 17J 100 100LIVE LIVE ONE 300 230 50 100 15 100 100SWEEPSTAFF SWEEPSTAFF 255 27J 100 Winner 100Winner Br g by Herodot Sunwina by Sun Briar trained by G Alexandra bred by Mr W S Kilmer Winner entered to be claimed for 3500 WENT TO POST 427i AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving HEROWIN took command when called upon and steadied in front won handily LIVE ONE restrained while close to the pace and hard urged was unable to threaten the winner SWEEPSTAFF held on gamely BROADWAY LIGHTS was not a serious factor The others were outrun Scratched 940022Tullihoo 97 Overweight Brilliant Rose 2 pounds Small Play 2 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Queen Towton Aug 26 1927 111 5 99 Purse 700 4 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 5CO second 100 third 70 May934Ken fourth 30 Claiming price 1500 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 94005 SISS WB4112 6 5 lu I1 I1 P YoungS H C Hatch 620100 94005 FRED ALMY w5114 4 6 694070STYLE 51 42 2J1 23 HorvthK Miss L C Whitq 600100 94070STYLE CORNER WB 4 114 8 8 71 51 4 31 CowleyJ A J Halliwell Halliwell2i 210100 94005 SEEMEGO w4 112 1 2 2w6114 2i 2 3rt 4mkMozcrR Mayfair Stable Stable8s 2750100 94005 SIR BYRON w6114 7 7 7wa4107 8s 72 62 51 FodcnN R E Leslie 4235100 93581ST NICK wa4107 9 1 1w 41 31 51 621 HelmM W Zakoor Zakoor3k 385100 89482STORMER w 4 114 2 3 3w5112 3k 61 7i 7 ParkcrW G W Brown 975100 8944i2EN 89482STORMER8944i2EN AVANT w w5112 5 112 3 4 62 8 82 8 AimersT G Hardy 3365100 92012 HILLSBOROUGH v WB 6 117 59 9999 GroosP Mrs R T Flippen 555100 555100Time Time 23 47 1124 Track fast SsPMUTtELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB s sSISS SISS 1440 595 310 620 100 197 100 55 100 100FRED FRED ALMY 735 470 267f 100 135 100 100STYLE STYLE CORNER 300 50 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Coronach Tattling by Marathon trained by L Gentry bred m England by Mr H4 C Hatch Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 4561 AT POST 8 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingSISS SISS away well disposed of SEEMEGO and drawing clear held FRED ALMY safe The latter moved up boldly near the stretch and finished resolutely STYLE CORNER slow to get going closed fast in tho stretch SEEMEGO tired from trying to keep pace with the winner ST NICK showed speed for half a mile and tired badly HILLSBOROUGH was not a factor STORMER showed early speed speedScratched Scratched 940052A11 Forlorn 112 93550 Lough Port 112 112Corrected Corrected weight Style Corner 114 Ql f f t SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards No Regrets Aug 27 1927 141 3 103 secondMay934Ken J t t JL Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 500 second May934Ken 5100 third 70 fourth 30 Claiming price 2500 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for foreach each 250 to 1750 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 94005BLACK TARGET WB 4 116 5 5 14 I4 I3 I2 I1 AbelA Mrs A J Abel 405100 405100895402FALL 895402FALL APPLE w 5 115 1 1 2l 21 21 21 21 YoungS H Dirks 235100 93659 WAR PLANE WB 5 115 3 3 34 31 34 34 32 GroosP Mrs R T Flippen 345100 34510093537BUTTER 93537BUTTER BEANS WB 5 111 2 2 5 4 44 45 4 HorvalhK Miss M Amirault 740100 74010093051WATERWAY 93051WATERWAY WB6115 4 4 41 5 5 5 5 RemilrdP Mrs J Badame 230100 Time 24 474 113 139 143 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s sBLACK BLACK TARGET 1010 460 345 405 100 130 100 72J 100 100FALL FALL APPLE 375 315 871 100 57 100 100WAR WAR PLANE 345 72J 100 100Winner Winner B g by Black Watch Targeteer by Archery trained by A J Abel bred by Mr W H4 Bowes Winner entered to be claimed for 2250 2250WENT WENT TO POST 53H AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingBLACK BLACK TARGET away well drew into a long lead and continuing gamely through the stretch held FALL APPLE safe The latter followed in closest pursuit of the pace throughout and held on willingly under pressure WAR PLANE well up made a game bid to reach the leaders but was not good enough BUTTER BEANS was never a serious factor WATERWAY was outrun throughout throughoutCorrected Corrected weight Fall Apple 115 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT KENILWORTH Wednesday 3 Races 16485 5 Races 20265 7 Races 26965