5th Beulah Park, Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-15

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5th Beulah Park William H Hennick Purse Purse 400 4Year 5l2 Furlongs Olds and uPward Claiming ClaimingNOTE NOTE Claiming price 800 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 500 Weight 119 Ibs Nonwinners since February 1 allowed 3 Ibs this year 5 Ibs Index Post rBest at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToda Price 944072 1 Ease In 4 112 700 94090 9 Merry Caroline 4 114 800 94405 8Hanburger Jim 6 108X 500 94406 3 Trying V 7 113X 500 94409 7 Tollie Young 8 115X 600 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 77843 4 Sand Fiddler 7 114X 800 94024 2 Camp Lady 8103 500 5 Bottyfire M 5103 500 6 Mayctta f 5109 800 Ease In 119 SweepJ B ft 4i by Donnacona Squeeze In by Sweep J J 1 Trainer C Adams Owner S Adams AdamsDate Date Trk Dis Time Con Odds Wt St i Str FinJoctey PPClPceSts Best Companr CompanrMaj12343Beu Maj12343Beu 3 114 ft 2310 109 2i MajesticJ 700 10 BobUp 108 Cheronap 104 Polisher 116 116May May 734cHO 6 f 123 ft 2 112 I4 MajesticJ 800 4 Theronl06JustinallOiMReynlds 112 112My My 3345HO 6i f 122 ft 3110 109 31 MajesticJ 1200 7 JknifellOCfulKittyll2MMasca 108 108Apt28342H06ifl23ft Apt28342H06ifl23ft 5 108 I1 MajesticJ 800 8 MieBindrll3MyCarell3Pangf 114i 114iOct31337Spt Oct31337Spt I70 146 ft 27 101 2 5 611 7 MajesticJ1 1000 9 Limbusll2 Ultramarinel02 Baboo 112 Oct SSS pt 6i f 123 ft 15 105 3 3 3s 6J MajesticJ 1500 8 BtyFarrel 108PrcePIatoll8Mecatll2 OcUSSSSpt 6ifl53sl 21 107 3 2 2 221 MajesticJ 1200 7 MChatterlOS PcssVal 105WaitNotl07 SlnrtB 1st 2nd 3rdV Won Starfi 1st 2nd 3rd WonN 1933 record 15 341 1070 1934 record 4 2 1 1 465 Merry Caroline 111 111Mav Ch f 4 by Carlaris Merry Time by High Time Mav 2HO12 55ft l Trainer H Torriente Owner Mrs H Torriente May 7344HO 6 f 123 ft 185 112 1 MilJ 800 7 MsGohi 108 Bonnet 107 Carnival 117 May 5345HO 1 1 0 ft 17 108 6 DewainS Hdcp 7 PangIosslllMaraboul04TwoBrms 112 May 4344HO 6p 153 ft 2110 U5 21 HayH 800 7 BobUp HO HOakrMaid akrMaid 107SuffoIk U7 U73iHayH Apt2834sHO 6 f 123 ft 9 113 3iHayH 800 8 EaselnlOSMieBder 113Panglos 114i Man 8334Hav 3 118 hy 5 107 1 1 2 24 OMalleyJ1 800 8 MsBoon lllVoItesta lOOAdorland 103 Fcb26333Hav 3 112 ft 65 107 6 5 4 j 4 MattioliJ1 1200 6 PantalslOSMostAls U5WIyWest 115 1933 record 4 0 1 0 115 1934 record 4 1 1 1 200 Hambnrer Jim X 1 OS Ch 9 6 Whiskaway Glory of the Seas II by Argosy ArgosyMay May 11 Beu 38 42sl JIJ J Trainer J J Brumage Owner J J Brumaqe i234lBeu 5 f 108 ft 51115 5 ButcherM 600 9 FgerTipsll HellDivrinHySugr 115 Mar3134OP 3 113 ft 5i 111 322 11 RollinsC1 600 8 Toltec 106 Indian Boy 111 Nutlet 109 109Mac20347OP Mac20347OP I70 144 ft 195 111 3 1 31 421 StuIIcrDR1 600 7 MSpacel06LdyDeVerlllAurebon 111 111Mad4347OP Mad4347OP 1 143 ft 11 1085 3 32 21 StulIerDR5 800 7 Harkyll3LottaAirs 103DuskyBoy 110 110Mac Mac 8343OP 5 f l09 m 2710 111 4 2 2 1 StulIerDR4 600 8 ButchlloYoungBill lllWhizzingD113 lllWhizzingD113Man Man 6344OP 3 114 ft 3 116 4 5 24 24 WatsonR4 600 10 Carnival 116YBilI 116TheNiIe 111 1933 record 23 714 J 2468 1934 record 12 2 3 1 820 820Tryinp Tryinp X 1 1 Q B g 7 by Tryster Wavering by Marta Santa SantaMav Mav 10 Beu 38 37ft JL Trainer T McGrath Owner T R McGrath McGrathMa Ma 12342Bcu 5 f 108 ft 5 113 44 KlcinR 500 10 Whitharral HlNickD108BckWstll5 HlNickD108BckWstll5May May 4342HO a 1 100 ft 85 115 I1 KleinR 600 8 L yM nifeellOBrdmrl20CheronP 115 115May May 234HO a 1 100 ft 4 115 41 KleinR 600 8 LittIeTurtIell5NickD 120Justina 110 110Apr2834 Apr2834 HO a f 101 ft 135 115 21 KlcinR 600 8 All Play HOLittleJay 115Ivaa W 115 115Oct20338Day Oct20338Day 6i f 152 ft 8i 115 23 McMillanF 600 10 Bcleveitnotll5AJAminel09Mynhrll2 Bcleveitnotll5AJAminel09Mynhrll2Oct Oct 333Bcu 5ff 109 ft 3710 UO I1 MooreET 400 10 Myldea 104RoundUpllOPrinsElsie 107 1933 record 8 1 2 0 325 1934 record 4 1 1 0 290 Tollie Yonng X 1 1 K B g I by Angon Jennie Ar by Theo Cook CookMav Mav 10 Beu 12 50ft A Trainer F E Turner Owner F E Turner TurnerMayl234Beu Mayl234Beu 3 115 ft 12 112i 74i BurleyF Hdcp 10 Diaquril09TheKingll4MedPrince 105 105May May 534HO a 59 ft 195 120 22 MillsJ 1000 7 Diaquri 115 Pal Johnll4 Perkins 118 118May May 3342HO a 9 ft 1110 117 I1 MillsJ 600 7 OShadyllliMPIatell4CheronaP 111 May2344HO a SI 00 ft 215 115 61 DewainS 600 8 LittleTurtlellSNickD 120Justina 110 31 ReevesR 600 8 BobUplOSLitTurtle 115MRnolds 113 Man30344OP 3113 ft 1310 1088 5 6 5 LoweW1 600 10 CraiecollSLkyProsperollSCarniM 118 1933 record 28 952 2460 1934 record 22 2 3 3 795 795Sand Sand Fiddler X AlvescotJJ 1 1 A B 7 by Dunlin Etowah by Alvescot JJ fc Trainer L V Bellew Jr Owner Mrs M Bradfield BradfieldNo No 432Lat li 215 hy 11 114 3 2 32 4 BagurH 1000 12 Orchstnll4SthsBlotll2BLHills 112 112Oct2932Lat Oct2932Lat 1 154 hy 2910 115 5 4 4T 441 MeyerJ 1000 12 StrPIayll2Tommyll2RoxWcidel 109 109Oct2632sLat Oct2632sLat 1 158 sy 3710 109 1 5 6s 67i CantrellL1 1200 8 Duelistll4WrigleyFieldl06LiveOne 114 114Octl932Lat Octl932Lat li 157 hy 3 1113 2 I1 I2 CantrellL 1500 8 Kuvera 106 Noelwood 106 Chum 111 111Octl4328Laf Octl4328Laf 1 148 ft 61 110 6 5 47 32J CantrellL1 1500 9 LiveOne 115 Kuvera 111 Needles 108 108Oct7324FP Oct7324FP 14155 ft 3710 11711 4 6s 6i JonesL1 1500 6 TBrcakl09HappyLadl09 Vagabond 114 114Camp Camp Lady 10 1 m y Campfire Lady Hampstead by Fatherless FatherlessMav Mav 3 H 0 12 51ft J Trainer L Grieves Owner L Grieves GrievesMay May 5343HO ab f 125 ft 19 191041 1041 64i PayneC 600 8 KraneIlal02BobsPlay 112Chldair 107 107Apc30342HO Apc30342HO a allKlft i 1K1 ft 36 112 5s MillsJ 600 8 8BobUpl08LitTurtlell5rieYoung BobUpl08LitTurtlell5Tie Young 118 OcL9331Day 6 f 130 m 97 108 541 Bernard J 300 10 FmrTipsl09BullFrogl05CastIeCnff 111 Oct 3333Day 6i f 155 ft 10 107 107SepSOSSDay 2s AlbertsA 300 7 WaterLad llOSeaBowslOSLibrettollO SepSOSSDay 6i f 134 hy 123 110 8 AlbertsA 400 10 Rn orSnellSWtrLadllSFrArwll JuL 8334Beu 3 114 ft 30 110 58 CoffmanA 400 10 Rl LsiellOMyDesirell3PVsDare 105 1933 record 401 401Bettyfire 0 45 1934 record 2 2Ch Bettyfire QS QSOct Ch m 5 M by Campfire Betty B B by Peter Quince Trainer W H Timmons Owner W H Timmons Oct 7336Beu 3 116 ft 31 110 109 TryonA 500 10 MIssDollyllODwnPatrol 113AtIas 113 Oct 533cBeu 6i f 123 ft 50 108 S7 TryonA 600 8 KilIash 114PfeathcrllOBroJson 114 Oct 2334Beu 6i f 154 ft 24111 7 RoderickT 500 8 Jayee lllThistIeMarty 109 Fulfill 111 1119MyresB Sep21334Beu i3J5hy 88 111 111JuL1933JBeu 9MyresB 500 9 WFIowcrlllShiftlllFalmthBelle 111 JuL1933JBeu 5ifl08ft 138 104 104JuL18333Beu 7 MeadowsF 600 8 RunOnlllSkyHighlllCrsetnVirs 111 JuL18333Beu 5ifl 7ft 132 107 9 MajesticJ 700 10 Toltec 117 OddStar 112 RoyalSee 107 107B 1933 record 8 8Mayetta Mayetta X 109 109M3yl2342Beu B m 5 by Blind Play Maryora by Isidor Trainer J Money Owner J Oran M3yl2342Beu 5 f 108 ft 42 108 891 FisherW 500 10 Whitharral HlNickD108BckWstll5 Oca333FP 1 147 ft 19 106 5 6 4 i 3s FisherW1 500 12 Rave 109Bit oWrry99TrinityG5rl 107 Octll3FP 3 103 ft 7flll 5 7 6 4 1 FisherW11 500 12 Wigrose 111 EarFull 109 RiverLee 114 Oct 7332FP 3 114 ft lOf 105 8 9 8i 710 JacobsJ 500 12 DentalCream 108 Solus 113 Monde 110 Oct 533sFP I79 145 ft 26 105 8 9 9 918 HankaW4 500 10 Stabilizerl03Donupll3StageStruck 108 Oct 233FP 5 f 108 ft 16f 110 7 6 591 4J FisherW2 600 12 YvetteV106JospheD105 Mntalityl09 Sepi27333FP 3 118 hy 16 103 7 6 6 512 HankaW4 500 12 WiIdWestl08Stspherel09SenSeth 114 1933 record 17 0 1 1 S 110 1934 record 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934051501/drf1934051501_14_2
Local Identifier: drf1934051501_14_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800