untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-15


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DAILY RACING FOEMi VOLUME XXXX NUMBER 116 FOUKDED IX 1894 1894Entered Entered as second class matter April 2 1806 at the post office at Chicago Illinois under Act of March 3 1879 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY A daily reflection of the America turf by telegraph Published ty DAEC RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 41 PITKOUTH COUET CHICAGO ILL 112 TOUKTH AVENUE NEW XOEK CITY N Y 10 MCHMOND STREET EAST TORONTO OUT 95347 DSCATXTR STREET NEW ORLEANS IA 135 TIBST AYE N W MIAMI FtA 1145 HARBISON ST SAS FRANCISCO CALIF TELEPHONE HAHR1SON 7508 7508Eor Eor business and circulation purposes only onlyThifc Thifc telephone lias DO connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to communi ¬ cate with them themFor For tfrea Phone Results Call Wauash 7000 SUBSCRIPTION BY F1KST CLASS MAIL 850 PER MONTH 200 EXTRA FOU SPECIAL DE ¬ LIVER 1950 PER MONTH BY AIR MAIL 2GO EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY DELIVERYPAYABLE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL 23 CENTS EACH Address all communications make all remittances and andsend send all manuscripts to toDAILY DAILY RACING TORM PUBLISHING CO 441 Plymouth Court Chicago HI To be considered and answered all queries to Daily Racine Form must be sent orer tlie full name and with the address of writer The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test 91105 is First Index of 1934 AURORA RACING TODAY TODAYPOST POST TIME 215 Grandstand 1 Clubhouse 150 Tax Incl 7 RACES DAILY 8 SATURDAY 10000 ILLINOIS DERBY MAY 23 23HOW HOW TO GET THERE THEREBurlington Burlington Lvs Union depot 100 P M daylight time Stops Western and Cicero Aves Saturday two trains 1240 and 1 P M HOUND TRIP 90c 0 A E Electric Lv Wells St station 1105 1205 1250 105 and 205 daylight time Round Trip Including Bus to Track 1 1AUTO AUTO ROUTES OgderuAve Roosevelt Rd or North Ave

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934051501/drf1934051501_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1934051501_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800