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DALLAS TURF NOTES Jockey E T Moore left Monday for Co ¬ lumbus Ohio OhioHorace Horace Wade publicity director at Alamo Downs and Michael Hawkins who handled the public address system at San Antonio stopped off on their way to Detroit DetroitE E Eslick unloaded Forget Not and Pauls Valley Sunday morning coming from Alamo Downs Others to come from San Antonio were E P Letellier L C Boud and H Ruth chick The large stable R O Higdon unloaded for the Eskay Stable included Just Imagine Running Water Courland Empress Star and others othersv v Another to ship from Alamo Downs was M F Keller KellerEight Eight jockeys coming from Sari Antonio swelled the already large list competing here They are J W Frye J Boucher J Day G Courtney D Edwards J Dyer M Parke and E Willhite WillhiteTuesday Tuesday will be Fort Worth day at Fair Park and George Fair Trace city manager will be here to represent the city and pre ¬ sent a trophy to the winner of the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Purse fea ¬ ture on the eight race card cardBud Bud Burmeister director of publicity for the Texas Jockey Club which operates Ar ¬ lington Downs is making arrangements to have a large crowd come from Fort Worth and winners of each race will be presented with a trophy