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KENILWORTH FINANCIAL LOSER Meeting However Successful From FromSporting Sporting ViewpointrrFayorites Make Brilliant Showing WINDSOR Ont May 14 While the race meeting staged by the Keriilworth Jockey Club last week failed in its customary finan cial success artistically it was all that could have been desired The sport was of the exciting fashion and the results in the main were Unusually formful Sixtyfive per cent of the events were captured by first or sec ¬ ond choices thirtytwo of the fortynine races scheduled falling to the lot of the public choices choicesThe The horsemen had their charges in excel ¬ lent racing condition considering the earliest start ever made in the history of Canadian racing Three of the handicaps failed to fill and three overnight purses were substituted thus affording the owners no particular financial inconvenience as the announced 35000 purse distribution was made to the successful horsemen during the seven days sport sportHalf Half an hour after the last race was de ¬ cided Saturday afternoon all checks had been drawn and the last dollar of indebted ¬ ness incurred during the meeting which was far from profitable was paid paidIn In guaranteeing the minimum value of any purse at 700 Kenilworth proved more generous to the horsemen last week than any other of the eight jockey clubs operat ¬ ing save one oneIt It will be recalled that fifteen minutes after that memorable struggle between Man o War and Sir Barton at Kenilworth in October 1920 A M Orpen called Samuel Riddle owner of Man o War into his office and gave him two certified checks one for 75000 and the other for 5000 payable in American money The latter check was made payable to Mrs Riddle as a souvenir of the occasion of Man o Wars last race