Hagerstown Opens Today: Ten Days of Racing to Be Staged at Popular Maryland Half-Mile Course--Plenty Horses Available., Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-15


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HAGERSTOWN OPENS TODAY Ten Days of Racing to Be Staged at Popular Maryland Half Mile Course Plenty Horses Available HAGERSTOWN Md May 14 The ten days of racing conducted by the Hagers town Fair gets under way Tuesday with a program of seven races All are well filled and contain a promise of keen competition That there is no dearth of horses at the popular course is very evident by the num ¬ ber of entries in all of the races Every available stall on the grounds has its occu ¬ pant while the overflow of horses is being taken care of at the plant of the Shenan doah Valley Jockey Club at Charles Town W Va with vanning facilities between the two courses Many of the prominent stables that raced at Pimlico are on the grounds groundsThere There will be a break in the racing on Monday May 21 when the plant will be idle resuming the sport again Tuesday May 22 and continuing through until Saturday May 26 In previous years it had been the custom to operate two fiveday meetings in spring and fall but the innovation of the prac ¬ tically continuous racing is being received with enthusiasm by horsemen and towns ¬ people alike alikeFollowing Following is the list of officials who will govern the sport Racing secretary Ed ¬ ward J Brennan Stewards Al G Weston H W Blunt Jr and James T Wolf Pad ¬ dock and patrol judge John Brennan Plac ¬ ing judges George Snow J D Dobson M G Shea William Doyle Veterinaries Dr H J McCarthy Dr J W Sullivan Director of mutuels Mortimer M Mahoney Clerk of scales William Doyle Starter R Freund Timer William M Shewbridge

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934051501/drf1934051501_21_6
Local Identifier: drf1934051501_21_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800