untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-15


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TURF WEEKLY For Sale on AU Newsstands Price 35 Cents CentsBUY BUY GOLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY FOR WINNERS WINNERSFREE FREE CODES THAT WIN WINYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS FREE CODE CODEGLAMOROUS GLAMOROUS 1180 300 3rd 3rdSaturdays Saturdays Frc Code STAB PORTER 1790 WON WONFridays Fridays Free Code TIGHT WAD 1030 WON WONThursdays Thursdays Free Code KIEVEX 1510 WON WONWednesdays Wednesdays Free Code DARK HOPE 1300 WON WONTuesdays Tuesdays Free Code ASHEN 762 WON WONMondays Mondays Free Code CodeBIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY GIFT 1372 WON WONFollow Follow these horses every day If you lose one day then dont get discouraged No one is infallible These horses arc out there trying every day and it will pay you to follow them themCONSENSUS CONSENSUS CODE PARLAYS 5 SIX DAYS 5 BIG LIMIT PARLAY TODAY TODAYBoth Both horses come from a source that has always furnished us with longpriced winners and they wont miss today Dont fail to get them Get these horses each and every day and learn how many others have learned how to make money following real live in ¬ formation formationYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY PARLAYOVERSHOES OVERSHOES 360 WON WONON ON DOTT 8th Churchill ChurchillSaturdays Saturdays Consensus Parlay ParlayVERY VERY WISE 1720 WON WONVISHNU VISHNU 5 400 WON WONFridays Fridays Consensus Parlav ParlavSTINGER STINGER 1980 WON WONPASS PASS 570 WON WONThursdays Thursdays Consensus Parlay ParlayGOOD GOOD AIM 1320 WON WONMRi MRi HYDE 620 WON WONWednesdays Wednesdays Consensus Parlay MANAGER BILL 960 WON WONBELLE BELLE GRtER 480 WON WONTuesdays Tuesdays Consensus Parlay ParlayPULIS PULIS 640 WON WONNO NO SAINT 470 WON WONMondays Mondays Consensus Parlay ParlayTHE THE BREAK 1798 WON WONROLANDA ROLANDA 880 2ND 2NDNo No matter whether you are a large or small player you cannot afford to miss these horses Just send along 5 and we will immediately rush you a code card good for six days service If you wish todays horses wired to you then please mention so in your message messageTODAYS TODAYS FREE CODE CHURCHILL DOWNS Gold2281024 Gold2281024TODAYS TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY PARLAYCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS A77201912 A77201912CHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS E1 01 91 264 264Tuesdays Tuesdays Editor Frank Bradys Code CodeAU AU RO R A Bed67874652 Bed67874652SPECIAL SPECIAL TEN WEEKS SUBSCRIP ¬ TION OFFER OFFERWe We will mail you Gold Seal Turf Weekly in plain sealed envelope every week for ten weeks for 3 You cannot afford to be without this sensational turf weekly Send in your subscription NOW NOWGOLD GOLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY 173 W Madison St Suite 1207 Chicago III

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934051501/drf1934051501_23_8
Local Identifier: drf1934051501_23_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800