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BEULAH PARK TURF NOTES Jockey G Daniels was an arrival and com ¬ menced riding this afternoon afternoonAfter After breaking down badly in his race here Saturday Hippias was later destroyed destroyedJockey Jockey J Sylvester cancelled his mounts Monday and departed for his home in New burgh following receipt of word that his father is ill illJohn John A Tobin today reserved stalls for ten horses which he is shipping here from Chicago Jockey T Everett the stable rider came CityThe in today from the Windy City The stabling accommodations at Beulah Park are now exhausted and any more late comers will be forced to secure quarters out ¬ side of the track trackJockeys Jockeys W Fisher and B Myers were set down for three days each by starter George Palmer for disobedience while at the post for SaturdayAn the second race Saturday An innovation which seems likely to be ¬ come popular here a three dollar combina ¬ tion ticket straight place and show has been introduced and will be continued throughout the meeting The Daily Dou ¬ ble has been dispensed with