untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-15


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CHICAG NOW ONLY 10 CENTS BASSETT GOES ON A RAMPAGE PREAKNESS DAY DAYThis This selector was using keen eyes Saturday when he handed you seven winners out of eight races One of them was disqualified but that still left six out of eight How many experts can turn in six win ¬ ners out of eight races Here are a few of the winners given by Tele ¬ graph selectors on Saturday QUICK MARCH 430 Bassett MR GAIETY 1100 Regren KHAMSEEN 330 Bassett FOUR SPOT 460 McCarty OUR MAE 380 Bassett BELLE GRIER 380 Regren VISHNU 400 Bassett WISE DAUGHTER 360 Reg ¬ BROOKMEADE ENTRY 290 290Bassett ren Bassett and McCarty Bassett BassettOLD LE FLORE 392 Regren OLD DEPOT 630 Bassett GAILLARDIA 458 Regren NIGHT SPRITE 81 McCarty LONGUS 728 Regren BOB UP 1120 Regren BOSTON COMMON 934 Mc ¬ FINGER TIPS 920 Regren Carty CartySLIM MOIRAS BOY 720 Bassett SLIM AWAY 1060 McCarty ANNARITA McCartyBLAST 1120 Bassett TOCAYA 400 McCarty BLAST McCartyBet 480 Regrens One Best DIXIE BINDER 1660 McCarty McCartyYOUNG Bet FORGET NOT 1480 McCarty YOUNG KITTY 540 Bassett DR SYNTAX 975 McCarty McCartyIs Is this a galaxy Youve got to follow Telegraph selectors if you are going to be in the dough These boys know their onions RE ¬ SULTS are what count and you see some of the results above k I TUESDAYS TWO FREE CODES I 11 CHURCHILL DOWNS Green1 061 141 07 I f I CHURCHILL DOWNS Purple1 141 131 17 I PLJU To Decipher Above Codes Buy a Pink Sheet CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILL 860 Monti First Class Mail per bj 700 per Month bj Air Mall

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934051501/drf1934051501_23_5
Local Identifier: drf1934051501_23_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800