Blue Bonnets, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-12


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BLUE BONNETS IThe Daily Double on the Winners of the Third and Fourth Races at Blue Bonnets Monday Paid 8565 for 2 MONTREAL QUE MONDAY JUNE 11 1934 Blue Bonnets 118 miles Eighth day Montreal Jockey Club Summer meeting of 14 days Starts from barrier Weather cloudy Stewards E C St Pere A Laberge E R Decary Hon D Raymond and J G Reeder representing the Province of Quebec Racing Association Judges E W Ferguson W J Morrison and L A Larivee Starter W Richey Racing Secretary J G Reeder Racing starts at 245 p m Chicago time 145 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 34 Mile Kopeck Sept 1 1930 111 4 116 Purse 5400 3year Junell34BB i olds and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Net value to winner 5310 second 50 third 530 fourth 510 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 94319SWEEPVALE WB 3 96 9 2 2 2k ° k 2l 14 I4 PcdenH H C Hatch 2571100 96909 JUG OF GOLD w 7 112 4 1 1 14 24 24 LaurinL P Gorman 1540100 96909 RUBY STONE WB 4 107 65 44 44 3 34 SulloveyM Mrs C Graves 895100 96826 EASTER DANDY w 5 112 5 10 64 5 44 44 GibsonH Mrs R Punshon 120100 87208 FERRY OF FATE w 9 114 24 51 71 64 5k KennedyJ Mrs G Cooksey 1980100 96908 CORSINAX WB 4 112 10 7 7l 64 71 64 MooreR Mrs J E Stillman 3415400 96909SOLILOQUY 341540096909SOLILOQUY w 5 107 8 3 34 31 54 74 MitchellM Mrs J E Hughes 985100 96742 WEE MACGREGOR w4112 3 8 8 82 84 81 BarberE A A Sea ton 5165100 96744 BAUNBOY w 4 112 1 6 10 94 94 9JO HallibnW A E Brodie 4220100 96826 ANOKA WB 5 112 7 9 9s 10 10 10 PeakeH N A Bender 1320100 1320100Time Time 26 51 11 8 Track heavy 2 MUirELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SWEEPVALE 100JUG 715 510 385 257J 100 155 100 92J 100 JUG OF GOLD 1500 1190 100RUBY 650 100 495 100 RUBY STONE 645 222J 100 Winner 100Winner Br f by Sweepster Gold vale bv Watcrvale trained by W H Bringloe bred by Mr H C Hatch Winner entered to be claimed for 600 WENT TO POST 247 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow for all but Easter Dandy Won easily second and third driving SWEEPVALE always close up took the lead in the stretch and drawing away in the drive won in hand JUG OF GOLD set the pace for half a mile but could not keep pace when challenged RUBY STONE raced evenly EASTER DANDY fractious at the post and away slowly closed a big gap SOLILOQUY tired badly in the final quarter quarterScratched Scratched 96742 Fatal Gift 107 968232Echo Bay 101 96826 Maggie Love 107 Soultan Girl 96 96909 Hard Up 106 QJTAfiQ SECOND RACE 1 18 Miles William T June 22 1929 152 4 108 Purse 400 3 June1134BB Avr yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 third 30 fourthf 10 Index Horses EqtAWtPPst Str Fin Jockeys Kquir Odds Strt 96744 DUG IN WB 4 111 1 5 5s 44 21 I1 14 HornG P F Stoltz 120100 96991 MAKE BELIEVE w 7 115 2 4 3l 24 I1 24 24 HorvathK H Mason 205100 96829 WASHINGTON ROSE w 7 107 3 1 41 3k 44 3lk 31 StaszukT H Warbrick 455 100 96913 BOLD BENDIGO w 6 107 5 6 6 6 5 51 4l PeakeH Mrs J McElroy 1990100 96913 FRANK GROSSMAN WB 5 110 6 3 14 I1 3l 44 5 DovetW Mrs L Jenkins 695100 96913 JACK DOR w9109 3625100Time 4 2 24 54 6 6 6 BarberE MrsFDowd 3625100 Time 26 33 122 149 203 Track fast J2 MUTUELS 2AID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100MAKE DUG IN 440 280 265 120 100 40 100 32J 100 MAKE 100WASHINGTON BELIEVE 310 280 55 100 40 100 WASHINGTON ROSE 290 45 100 100Winner Winner B g by Pompey Dugout by Under Fire trained by 0 E Pons bred by Mr W R Coe Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 321 AT POST 3J minutes minutesStart Start drivingDUG good and slow Won handily second and third driving DUG IN slow to get going improved his position on the outside on the back stretch and going around the leaders entering the stretch drew away MAKE BELIEVE raced close up but was overmatched WASHINGTON ROSE showed good form BOLD BENDIGO closed gamely FRANK GROSSMAN tired badly after threequarters JACK DOR quit quitScratched Scratched 96993 Kaffa 110 110Overweight Overweight Washington Rose 5 pounds Frank Grossman 3 Jack DOr 2 QTHftQ THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs French Lass Aug 29 1930 105 2 108 Purse J I vFOtJ 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 June1134BB third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 94464 SNOOPS WB3107 65 3l 1414 I1 StaszukT J F OBrien OBrienw 420100 96907CHIPMUNK w 3 108 10 4 4l 2k 32 21 HornG C Bisculca BisculcaWB 425100 96740DRESS CIRCLE WB 3 109 9 6 54 44 44 34 HorvathK G Patterson Pattersonw 605100 87126 ABITIBI w 6 109 82 lk 3k 21 44 PasseroJ H A Griswold Griswoldw5108 975100 96907 CHARLIES GIRL w5108 21 21 74 51 5 CaseF F Paquette Paquettew 1195100 88884 IMAGALE w 4 110 4 3 84 5l 61 64 GibsonH L Giroux GirouxWB 575100 89442 LITTLE POSSUM WB 4 113 1 8 10 10 84 7 PeakeH W J Skenc Skencw5108 4220100 96827 FAIR CHARTER w5108 5 9 9461 7l 81 ParkerW Mrs J McElroy McElroyw 4260100 86029 DUSKY ROSE w 3 105 3 7 61 8l 9 92 DugganR Mrs G Cooksey CookseyWB3106 1055100 94849VICKI WB3106 710 71 9110 10 HallibnW W C Weant 400100 Time 25 51 112 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SNOOPS 100CHIPMUNK 1040 510 420 420 100 155 100 110 100 CHIPMUNK 100DRESS 485 350 142J 100 75 100 DRESS CIRCLE 450 125 100 Winner 100Winner Ch f by Happy Argo Bright Lady by Uncle trained by J F OBrien bred by Messrs T G C G Herring Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 358 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start drivingSNOOPS good and slow Won easily second and third driving SNOOPS close to the pace for an eighth took command entering the stretch and drew away CHIP ¬ MUNK closed gamely but did not menace the winner DRESS CIRCLE closed a gap ABITIBI showed early speed CHARLIES GIRL dropped back on the turn IMAGALE could not reach contention VICKI was away slowly slowlyScratched Scratched 96825JHogarty 113 96825 Authority 108 87461 Talky 113 96913 Dunrode 113 79960 Jolly Gal 103 96827 Tricycle 113 96078 Backstep 113 113Overweight Overweight Snoops 2 pounds Dress Circle 1 Abitibi 1 Imagale 2 Dusky Rose 2 Vicki 1 QTflTO FOURTH RACE 1 Mile out of chute Marine Aug 31 1929 136 3 118 Hotel June1134BB 7 4 J 4 f La Salle Trophy Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to win ner 310 second 50 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA WtPPst Vi i Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 96824SORCERY WB 4 112 3 4 3k 41 24 2J 14 HorvthK C N LSHey 2971100 96912LEAROYD 297110096912LEAROYD w 4 112 1 1 I1 1 1s 1 24 LaurinL C M Stable 455100 96654 SIR MICHAEL WB 4 107 6 2 24 21 31 3l 3 MitchellM E Bowie 875100 94639ARSON 87510094639ARSON w 3 106 5 6 54 51 54 54 44 MarshioB J D Rolland 595100 59510096480tNIGGERTOE 96480tNIGGERTOE wa304 4 3 44 31 44 41 5 FellowsF E C Gray 190100 94352 DAUDET w 4 114 595100Time 2 5 6 6 6 6 6 WilsonT T J Martell 595100 Time 25 51 119 147 Track heavy S2 M0TUEL8 PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SORCERY 100LEAROYD 795 430 305 297J 100 115 100 52 100 LEAROYD 100SIR 585 370 192J 100 85 100 SIR MICHAEL 340 70 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Black Servant Fairyland by Somme Kiss trained by C E Myatt bred by Mr K N Gilpin Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 433 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving SORCERY unruly at the start and placed on the outside broke slowly steadily improved his position on the outside moved up with a rush entering the stretch raced LEAROYD into defeat and was going away in the concluding strides LEAROYD away fast was rated along in front hung on gamely and tired badly at the end SIR MICHAEL forced the early pace and weakened in the closing quarter mile ARSON made up ground in the stretch run NIGGERTOE quit DAUDET was always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 968242Black Jacket 103 103Overweight Overweight Sir Michael 4 pounds Arson 3 Niggertoe 2 QTAT FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs French Lass Aug 29 1930 105 2 108 Purse 400 thirdJune1134BB J JVf 4 L 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 third June1134BB 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 96828 35510096827MINTMAGI DON CARLOS wB4113 15 242411 14 HorvathK C N LSHey 355100 96827MINTMAGI WB 6 113 6 2 I1 1 24 2l RallsC C J Wensley 155100 96907 GOLDEN STORM w 5 113 23 34 42 34 3lk LaurinL G Bridwell 215100 96576 CHILE GOLD w 5 113 5 1 64 34 4l 41 HallibnW F Choquette 1195100 AVANT w 3 103 4 4 421 54 5J 5 WilsonT F Stanley 3440 100 96827 STEP PRETTY WB 4 112 9 9 84 8J 7lk 6s BenhamE Mrs E Amant 1965100 96577 SWEET JEAN WB 4 112 3 8 9 9 81 74 SulloveyM A G Dunlap 2220100 98383 GOLDEN GWYN we 3 103 7 6 546 61 8J BalztteW R C Utz 2660100 96741 MATTY w 5 103 4525100Time 8 7 7 7 9 9 ParkerW Mrs C Graves 4525100 Time 25 31 111 Track heavy 12 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB DON CARLOS 910 370 235 355 100 85 100 174 100 100MINTMAGI MINTMAGI 300 235 50 100 17f100 17f100GOLDEN GOLDEN 100Winner STORM 215 7 100 Winner B c by Master Charlie Donna Roma by Light Brigade trained by C E Myatt bred by Keeneland Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 600 WENT TO POST 507 AT POST 6 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving i DON CARLOS rated close to the pace wore dowa tlNTMAGI after straightening away in the stretch and drew out in the final eighth MINTMAGI fractious at the start set the pace and hung on well wellunder under punishment GOLDEN STORM well placed throughout had nQ excuses CHILE GOLD saved ground groundall all the way AVANT raced green STEP PRETTY made up ground after a stow beginning MATTY could never neverfCaC fCaC Scratched 96827Hey There 113 96829 Secular 108 91160 Inarage 113 96825 Hey Kelly 108 96577 Happy Lady 103 84033 Dusky 108 96911 Glory B 108 96827 Eleusagon 108 96825 Migratory 108 Overweight Step Pretty 4 pounds Sweet Jean 4 Golden Gwyn 5 Continued on twentyfirst page BLUE BONNETS BONNETSContinued Continued from thirteenth page QrYATQ SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs French Lass Aug 29 1930 105 2 103 Purse 530June1134BB 7 4 J 4 4 400 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 310 second 50 third 530 June1134BB fourth S10 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt 14 Str Fia Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 96653MARYLITCH w 112 32 I2 I1 I1 rBenhamE Mrs L A Daly 110100 96653 SILENT DON WB 109 23 2k 32 21 2 GuerraJ C Bisculca 1035100 96653 DICTATORIAL WB 107 76 41 41 41 3 HburnW F Agncllo 1095100 93735 NILREBO w 108 4 4 3h 2 = 31 421 MitchellM L K Crist 210100 94289 JUST MARIE WB 108 1 1 54 54 54 53 HanauerC P F Stoltz 1870100 96653 DARK DREAMER WB 109 5 5 61 62 64 64 HorvthK P Gcnnaro 855100 96462 SEXTON WB 107 6 7 777 7 JellyE G K Allen 3445100 3445100Time Time 26 51 114 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKIKG ODDS MARYLITCH 5420 335 5 280 110 100 67 100 40 100 100SILENT SILENT DON 590 350 195 100 To 100 100DICTATORIAL DICTATORIAL 455 127 100 100Winner Winner Gr f by Royal Canopy Gallops by Wrack trained by L A Daly bred by Messrs Byers Bros Winner entered to be claimed for 51000 51000WENT WENT TO POST 546 AT POST 5J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMARYLITCH MARYLITCH hustled into an early lead set a good pace after disposing of SILENT DON and won in a drive SILENT DON away fast dropped back on the turn but came again the stretch drive DICTA ¬ TORIAL slow to start closed with a rush NILREBO moved up menacingly entering the stretch DARK DREAMER and SEXTON tired tiredScratched Scratched 966532Unlawful 115 115Overweight Overweight Dark Dreamer 1 pound QrTATQ SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile out of chute Marine Aug 31 1929 136 3 118 secondJune1134BB I i O Purse 400 3yearolds and upvard Claiming Net value to winner 310 second June1134BB 59 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtAWtlPst Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 96575DORSAYS w 4 102 4 3 I1 1 1J1 I1 I1 WatsonG R Robertson Robertson96910LITTLE 810100 96910LITTLE JAY WB 5 112 5 2 24 25 25 24 2i SulyeyM A G Dunlap Dunlap96743HARLEM 160100 96743HARLEM WB 6 106 3 4 54 54 51 4 = 1 36 HornG A L Taylor 330400 96824 CUPBOARD WB 7 112 1 5 41 41 31 31 42 PeakeH W J Skene 1170100 96988 CANMAS WB 3 110 888 6rt 62 52 53 GuerraJ G Patterson 4985100 96912 MASKED JESTER w 3 106 2 1 31 31 41 61 61 HburnW Mrs B M Baird 2145100 96743 SQUEEZE PLAY w 6 111 7 7 7l 8 7k 71 72 LaurinL C M Stable 320100 969072PEACE TREATY w3103 6 6 65 71 8 8 8 JellyE J U Gratton 1905100 Time 25 51 117 146 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID f OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DORSAYS 1820 710 440 810 100 255 100 120 100 100LITTLE LITTLE JAY 325 290 62 100 45 100 100HARLEM HARLEM 325 62J 100 100Winner Winner B g by Donnacona My Boots by Granite trained by R Robertson bred by Himyar Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700WENT WENT TO POST 623 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingDORSAYS DORSAYS away fast was rated along in front drew away entering the stretch and was under mild urging when LITTLE JAY again challenged in the concluding sixteenth The latter forced the pace from the start dropped back entering the stretch but came again HARLEM outrun early closed with a rush through the stretch CUPBOARD weakened when the real test came MASKED JESTER had early speed but tired badly CANMAS and SQUEEZE PLAY were away slowly slowlyScratched Scratched 96738 Cousin George 110 96655Investor 115 115Overweight Overweight Cupboard 1 pound Canmas 5 Peace Treaty 2

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Local Identifier: drf1934061201_13_1
Library of Congress Record: