Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-12

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SUNDAY JUNE 10 10WASHINGTON WASHINGTON PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 67 Bedo 35J h 67 Ktky Helen 37b 61 Bally Wise 40fcb 66 Kissie 36 h 66 Blesd Again 36h 524 Norman D 37h Calumet Dick 40b 530 Pcc Splenor 35d 531 Chirac 40 b 62 Red Whisk 37b 37b329Chrysostom 329Chrysostom 36h 66 Shan 35d 35dDusty Dusty Lad 37h 525 Solettc 40b 67 Escobarcss 39b 61 Technocracy 37b 64 Frisco 36 h 67 WccLukic 37 d 66 Cert Lighton 37 h 66 Wise Lee 40 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 67 Aldins Drm 50h 64 Ondott 49b 67 Fairsickle 48J h 530 Sizzling 50 b 530 Irksome 52b 67 Swt Pearlie 50h 63 Mabel Krasa 49h 64 Single Stripe 50h 66 Mighty Atom 49h 63 Vanita 50 h h528Miiitia 528Miiitia 53b 65 Woodlander 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 63 Albert D104 b 65 El Bandido l06b 65 Albuquerquel03b 67 Grand Way l014fcd 67 Aga Ray 106 b 67 Grayback 106 b 66 Ben Bernio lOKSh 67 Laddie Stonel02h Black Helen 101 h 67 Luke Comnl03h 67 Beginrs Baitl02b 63 Pulis 105 b 528 Black Rivcrl03b 531 Sun Captor 102 b 67 Boiling Pointl02b 67 Skip It l02b 69 Doncellita 107 b 67 Wcdidit l06b 525Ddeye Dickl02 h 64 Winder l03h ThreeQuarters Mile 68 Balderdash l17d 63 High Povcrl17 h 67 Be Shy l1545b 69 Isaiah l16b 64 Bag Smasherl17h 63 Kashgar l19b 62 Corroon l17Sd 64 Lady Va Val17b 65 Coldwaler l19b 529 Mucia 114 h 64 Donacare l18b 66 Monks Firstl17 h 68 Dustina 114 h 68 Some Pomp 114 b 66 Erech l1673d 66 Sobicha l16b 66 French Knitl20 b 67 Wise Dautcrl16b SevenEighths Mile 66 Alma S l30d 67 Mt Hoodl29h 66 Homer I l29b 62 Pillage l29h 69 Judge Lcerl30b 66 Try Fair 133 b bOne One Mile 61 Bny Sextonl47h 65 True Today 147 h 66 Chesney 148 b 66 Tiempo l48b 66 Doncara 147 h hIsaiah Isaiah was breezing breezingFairsickle Fairsickle showed speed LINCOLN FIELDS FIELDSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 66 Flag Bearer 36u 68 Span Knight 36h 52 Impel 3675hOne 3675h One Half Mile 68 Carbon 55 b 514 Rouless 49b 66 Fort Worth 52 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 65 Alcorah 104 d 66 Mumsie l03d 66 Brd Mdowsl05 b 67 Try It 102J b bTnreeQuarters TnreeQuarters Mile 66 Cabezo 116 h 66 Edith A 116 d LATONIA LATONIAWeather Weather cloudy track muddy dogs up ThreeEighths Mile 63 Butterfly 40h 67 Miss Marge 37 h 66 Brush Down 40 h 68 Myrt 39h 64 Brave a Bld 41h 62 Ms Machrco 39h 67 Black Babble 43 h 65 Ncrvie 44 h 519Concisus 38h 525 Parr Boy 38 h 66 Captain Bill 38 h 63 Slant Eye 39h 61 Clive 38h 64 Squire Bob 40 h 531 Delma Dunn 39 h 67 Shonna 3S4 h 66 Emil Pasha 41 h 65 Spanish Red 40 h 510 Imelda 43 b 61 Totem 38h 64 Little Valley 38h 66 Trippenny 41 h 524Morley Firth 39h 64 Why Not 42 h 66 Master Beau 42 h 63 Yarnallton 42 h 530 Major Accidt 44 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile530Hildrum 530Hildrum 52h Outcry 55h 62 Listening 53 h 530 Ridge Mor 51h 63 My Blaze 52 h 67 Thistle Bug 55h 55hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 67 Bob Custer 106 d 66 Morlen 107 d 521 Empress Wu 105 h 531 Onside 107 h 66 Fst Regimtl09 h 63 Prince FIuzl10h 61 Flying Joel07h 63 Ramrod 107 b 320 LadyDesta 109 h 67 Weston l06h 67 Lillian Uhll08 h 67 Yantis l09h 61 Miss Curticel0775h Curticel0775hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 64 Busy Jay 118h 68 Left Wing 121 h 67 Exponent 120 h 67 Prinzey 127 h 63 Golden Ray 121 h 528 Pantaloons 12 3 h 67 I Prevail l21h 66 Peter Parleyl23 h 67 Imigert l25h 63 Royal Gold 124 h 63 Leora LinvIel27 h 63 Sabre Slash l22h 67 Landover 124 h 61 Smear 123 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 62 Brimfield 140 h One Mile 531 Brit Melodyl54 h 68 Squall 153 h 66 Brbon Prce146h 67 War PIedgel48h 68 King Cicero l51b l51bBusy Busy Jay Exponent and Bourbon Prince all went well DETROIT DETROITWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 66 Axial 38b 66 Judge Blake 36 h 529 Boy Crazy 39b 67 Kgs Minstl 364fh 527 Brit Bubble 39 h Lan 36h 66 Countess Ann 37b 66 My Blonde 37h 62 Cold Steel 36h 529 Nice Habits 37h f 63 Electric Gaff 39 b Syzygy 38 b 531 Fair Peter 38 b 64 Tarnish 38 h 64 Flo M 39h 67 Wild Reigh 35h 67 Honey Bear 37h 37hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 524 Cruising 49h 65 Midshipman 50b 67 Donna Mine 49h 67 Silent Shot 49h 63 Keen 53 b 527 Sny GreystI 55 h 65 Lovito 48fsh 66 Tremendous 53 b 61 Lucy Dear 49h 67 Yeddo 50sh 67 MrPresidnt 51h 51hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 67 Brindle l04b 67 Monastic 105 h 67 Debs Delightl047sb 66 Miss Wise102h 67 Exhibition 104 h 530 Par Value 107 b 9 Green Lotus l04h 63 Swecperma 67 Little Doggiel04b 68 The Point 103 b ThreeQuarters Mile 515 Curacao l16b 68 Prince Charlol18 h 62 Esseff 115 b 64 Red Roamerl15b 66 Indn Runnorl21 h 63 Star Brook l20h 68 Liberty Oak 119 b 66 Savenay 119 b 66 Thistle Guy l17h 69 Thistle Kay l18h 66 Law Suitl21b Suitl21bOne One Mile 67 l4675h527Catino Captain Ed l48h 63 Jim Robin l4675h 527Catino l46h 65 Rock X 144h 63 Harky 149 b bOne One and OneEighth Miles 529 Thomasville l54h Thomasville did a nice work handily Rock X is not much in the morning but O K in th eafternoon FAIRMOUNT PARK PARKWeather Weather rainy track muddy ThreeEighths Mile 526 AHyata 41 h 66 Dauntls Miss 44 b 520Barbarossa 38 h 68 Gge Maypole 41 h 56 Blow Away 38 h 67 Jack Collins 43 b 66 Broad Smile 41h 65 Radiation 38h 38hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 68 Bad News 54h 67 Nell Kuhlmn 56 b 64 Flyg Pilgrim 53 h 62 Old Bill 55b 68 Jack Murphy 55b 65 Running Star 53 h 522Monnio 53h 67 The Moon 53h 68 Mutl Friend 52h 52hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 66 Nora D 124 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 66 John Mill l36h Heavy rain fell all during training hours DAYTON DAYTONWeather Weather cloudy track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 527 Araline 43h 66 Justa Hurry 43 d 66 Black West 43h 519 Midson 43 h 528 B Walsh 44h 520 Our Nurse 44h 424 Cool Waters 42d 67 Oh Ray 44 h 522 Exceed 43 h 516Quetor 43h 63 Eldred L 41d 41dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 65 Hambr Jim 57d 66 Sharon 58h Just Bud 59h 65 Teddy Bear 59 h 62 Ltle Pindar 58h 58hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 68 Day Letter l14h 510 St Vincent 113d 113dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Uncle Si l29h l29hOne One Mile 529 Beckville 159 h AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 67 Haggerson 37 h 68 Speedmore 38 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 67 Blue Bubble 52 h 520 Phillippi Boy 49 h 519 Choir Girl 52h 66 Renewed 55 h 67 Morpluck 52 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 62 Miss Snow 102 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 68 Bnas SpccIl21 h 67 Occidental 117 h 64 Broadsword 123 h Pat Baldyl21 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 66 Royal Durbrl32 h hOne One Mile 66 Unruly 150 h hBELMONT BELMONT PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 68 Anarchy 35h 68 Evangelist 36 h 66 Black Falcon 38 h 65 Kdred Spirit 37 h 63 Banach Lath 36 h 618 Love Lost 36 h 67 Brht Haven 36 h 67 Slay Boy 36 h 66 Barn Swallw 357h 62 Will Lowe 36 h One Half Mile 64 Allen Z 49h 68 Identify 50h 68 Bubblesome 49 h 63 Luck In 0 h 67 Character 49 h 68 Jolly Saint 47d 62 Chancery 51 h 68 Little Lie 50h 68 Cring Glory 49 h 66 New Pin 49h 528 Dilate 49h 68 Syriac 50 h 66 Dark Law 50 h 65 Sailor Bewre 47d 47dFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 528 Arbitrary l02h 66 Never Chagel01d 526 Active Servel03 h 68 Nice Talk 1OOJ d 68 Cycle l024 h 68 Patient Saintl03h 65 Infinitate l01d 67 Fenway Klh 68 Khamseen 107 b 67 Range Finderl04 h Mayvite 104 h 66 Tool Box 107 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 531 Burgoo King115 h 67 Olamay 122 b 68 Coequel l18h 68 Singing Wodl17 h 68 Cambridgescl18h 68 Somebody l18h 62 Legcnder 118 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 529 Bally Bay 133 h 67 Black Buddyl35h Buddyl35hOne One Mile 426 Cant Remcrl49 b 68 Mad Beth l43h 66 Desert Sandsl42 h 67 Maine Chncel45 h 67 Greyglade 146 h 66 Xandra 142 h hOne One and OneEighth Miles 68 Cavalcade 155 h 64 Inlander l55d l55dJAMAICA JAMAICA Weather clear track fast TnreeEighths Mile 529 Angelic 36h 65 Jessie D M 39 b 68 Gammon 38b 65 Omar Jones 37b 67 High Image 37 h 68 White Flier 38 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 67 Hilise 51h 66 The Hthen 507sb 67 Joe J 50b 67 Universe 48 h 69 Pardise Md 53d 67 Wildale 50 h 529 Pcock Alley 53d FiveEighths Mile 68 Cabouse l04h 67 The Pelican 104b 67 Macadam 107 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 63 Bright Tey115h 64 Star Fire l16b 525 Calgary Kayl19 b 69 Tuffy Gl16 d 67 Herkimer l16h 68 Vested Powrl17 d dOne One Mile 67 Briny Deepl48 b 68 King Hollis143 d 67 Dunfern 151 b 67 Sky Haven l51b BLUE BONNETS BONNETSWeather Weather cloudy track muddy ThreeEighths Mile 68 Basilica 42 b 65 Jug of Gold 38h 66 Dusky Rose 37 d 67 Rockson 40 b 61 Dress Circle 39 h 67 Vicki 40h 52 HeroOlga 36h 68 Wanderoo 38 b OneHalf Mile 69 Arson 52 h 531 Single Star 54 b 510 Dug In 53 h 66 Sweep vale 56 b 66 Echo Bay 53 h 516 William C 51h 316 Pce Wcstend 57 b Witch Bug 56 b 421 Protractor 53 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 68 Ferry of Fatel0775h 68 Maemere 105h 519Justold l06d 59 Snelboc 106 h 517 Julius J Rl08 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 66 Hvly Musicl26 b 210 Wood Riverl26 b 63 Rough Boy 125 d CHARLES TOWN TOWNWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 68 Bachclorette 37h 65 Sand Bell 37 h 67 Running Play 39 d 530 Timber Fire 38 h 51 Specdemup 38 h 530 Water Lad 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Bosafabo 54 h 65 Whirry 50 h hJinnee Jinnee 53 b War General 54 h 62 Lampoon 51h 51hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 65 Ly Clagettl04h Clagettl04hOne One Mile 64 Chatterfol 150 b MONDAY JUNE 11 11WASHINGTON WASHINGTON PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 68 Bd Lights 36 h 530 Long Bit 36h 68 Beech Tree 38 h 67 Marmion 38b 68 Chance Line 3 b 69 Mr Joe 35h 66 Commandant 37h 68 Navanod 39b 66 Chicasha 36 h 65 Napoleon W 36h 530 Dust Girl 38 b 69 Our Rose 38 b 63 Ebony Lady 38b 67 Siskin 36 h 68 Gold Signet 38 b 531 Stt Jacket 35h 68 Hot Flash 39b 66 Toppling 37h 514 Knights Gal 39b 525 Well Built 38b 38bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 69 Bonnie Pan 49d 67 Paul T 53 b 65 Chief Egrn 50h 525 Rosevolt 50b 69 Drole Polly 50b 66 Reelaway 49 h 65 Diane S 51h 68 Rummond 47d 64 Fair Image 48h 66 Sister Tige 48d 68 Gallant Mac 47d 65 Sam Alexr 51h 68 Gallarene 52b 529 Sallie Bland 51b 418 Hhland Rose 52b 63 Trombone 51b 61 Lulalite 48d 67 Truebuck 49d 59 Line Knight 50 h 531 Tearout 48h 528 No No 49 d 68 Wacoche 47 d 68 Pce Pompey 55 b 69 Vhite Legs 507sh 507shFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 65 Blue Day l05b 64 Polly Diskinl04h 530 Bitter Rootl02b 66 Prince Drakel027h 66 Captain Redl02h 66 Reservist l02b 68 Caroline Hl03h 66 Ross 1 6 b 68 Full Fling 104 b 68 Snaplock l04b 529 High Btoml02b 68 Sir Ten 109 b 68 High Divinel05 h 66 Teenya l02h 66 Hermie Roy100 d 527 Vance l027sh 67 Hug Again 101 h 67 Watonga 107 b 515 Infinity l06b l06bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 527 Broomshot l22b 69 Hadagal l157Eib 68 Cloudet l16h 68 Jester B l20b 69 Count Rael15h 64 Regardless 124 b 67 Evergold l16b 68 Signalman l16b 531 Eveline Fl17h 64 Sergeant D 116 h 65 Four Spot 125 b 68 Trahison l16b 66 Frank Dl16h 62 Westire l17h l17hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 68 Cloud DOr 135 b 510 Rl Blunder130 h 68 Lle Arherical30h Arherical30hOne One Mile 68 Charley Ol47 b 68 Miss Patiencel45 b 68 Colonist 144 h 67 Marcella H142 h 67 Jens Son 144 b 514 Tiny Kitty 145 b 68 Late Date 144 b bHermie Hermie Roy worked from the barrier barrierLate Late Date is rounding to good form formHadagal Hadagal and Count Rae were together LINCOLN FIELDS FIELDSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 67 Bedight 39 b Lillian Z 39 b bEpona Epona 41b Terry Rose 40 b 68 Hula 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 68 Transformtn 50 b DETROIT DETROITWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 63 Cherokee Sal 37h 66 Fast Stride 36h 61 Chatterdoo 38 h 65 Gerde Reade 38h 519 Cuirassier 374fb 53 Happy Flag 37h 61 Dokas 37h 531 Manya 38h 66 Don Romiro 3646b 529 Miss Elgance 38 h 65 Dr Syntax 387sh 529 Royal Linge 38 h 63 Flying Flynn 37 b 63 Soeur Blche 37h 37hOne One Half Mile 67 Alaric 49 b 68 Ladino 50 b 64 Athol 50h 68 Marv 51 h 63 Adobe Post 51h 65 Myturn 50 h 68 Betty Wee 51 b 65 Miss Pi Premier 50 h h51h 68 Bataille 51h 524 Our Cc Count 49b 49b51h 68 Black Song 51h 69 On Lea Leave lb 67 Bahamas 49 b 65 Polish Beau 49b 61 Fly Guy 53 h 524 Sun En Envoy 49h 68 Glittering 52 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 47 All Rowesl09 b 67 Morden 106 b 68 Adamite l03h 610 Mr Pr Presentl04h 64 Contrary 106 b 66 Merry I Freda 108 h 68 Divert 102h 66 Mouthp Mouthpiece l047sb 64 Elcidio 105 b 68 Noahs PridelflS b 65 Fretful l03h 66 Polly Ceel04 h 67 Genipa 105 b 69 Salaam l07b 67 Hasty Ladyl06 b 66 Santander l04h 68 Home Loan 105 b 67 Thistle Lital07 b 39 Homelike 108 h 66 Wild Pigeonl02 h 65 Julia Grant l03h l03hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 610 Axial l16h 68 Hortio Hughl16h 66 Bell Man 119 h 67 Marooned 118 h 67 Beau Tod l17h 64 Princess Pyrel17h 68 CogAir 121 h 68 Sunmclus 120 b 521 Double Nugtl19 h 66 Seth Polantel16h 67 Dark Celt l17h 69 Scotch Peprl17 h 530 Dark Hope113h 67 Triple Threatl 16h 65 Dyak l16h 531 Uncncumbd 117 h 68 Higher 120 h 516 Volo 121 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mils 67 Sassaby 135 d dOne One Mile 68 Carpet 147 h 62 Piety 142h 67 Peedeeque l45h l45hPolish Polish Beau was given an easy trial trialDark Dark Hope was going handily in his good work workPiety Piety still holds her good form LATONIA LATONIAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 68 Balistite 36 h 67 Big Brand 39 b 66 Brg Along 36h 529 Cambril 35 d 429 Bob J 37h 68 Crude 36h 36hBright Bright Rose 36h 69 Camp Cook 38 b 67 Big Gold 38h 69 Clovis 38 b 526 Dusky Lass 39b 66 Len Helker 64 Dancing Boy 39h 528 Lady Mary 68 Dame Grdy 37 h 69 Lawful Miss 517 Exclusive 41h 41hFlorence 65 Misn Clock Florence Lse 42h 64 Afay Mack 67 Forest Ave 39h 68 Miss Sit 68 Pannikins 40h 610 Myrt 64 Flceta Rose 36h 610 Parr Boy 68 Howard 36h 66 Plumage 65 Hour Time 37 h 531 Pete Donnell 68 Jewel Box 38 h 67 Spg Station 69 Joda 354 h 67 Stricken 517 Jane Brush 35h 63 St Jessica 66 Kievette 384 h 526Whare OneHalf Mile 68 Aunt Myrtla 51h 62 Mint Baby48Jih 68 Aunt Modie 51h 68 Oh Dave 53 h 67 Blnche Levy 54h 68 Princs Ivory 52 h 68 Chry Cross 50 h 64 Ridge Blond 50h 66 Chief Prince 49h 68 Sweet Peach 51h 69 Dble Grand 51h 68 Smuggled In 52b 522Fogarty 48h 531 Scotld Buty 49h 66 FlowryLady 49h 62 Sea Eagle 51h 67 Highd Dons 51h 67 Southld Poet 51h 67 Leftover 52h 65 Thistle Bee 49h 66 Lady Patrol 51h 51hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile427Arial 427Arial IM h 64 Moru l06h 610 Blk Babblel06h 531 Mhys Luckl02 h 65 Black Nosel03 b 531 Marie Jean 105 h 530 Ballyhoo 102 h 67 Our Sammy101h 67 Chauvenet l03h 69 Our Gale 106 h 61 Fdreanna Bl04 h 529 Pangloss 105 h 68 Glynhurst 111 h 66 Khn Wattlel03 h 68 Lucky Kate 108 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 65 Bder Firstl20h 68 Gooscflesh l15b 67 Chimy Swpl15h 525 Riff l19h 67 Ding Bin 116 d 68 Tabora l20h 65 Gilbt Elstonl15b 67 Vesee l17h l17hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 68 Contraband l28h 68 Wotan l28h 69 Pony Up 133 h hOne One Mile 62 Abby 154 h 66 Swpg Queenl46d 66 Lky Amelia l47h 62 Simon l45d 62 Monocle 144h 144hDing Ding Bin was under a mild drive driveContraband Contraband and Wotan were together FAIRMOUNT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 66 Alcove 43 b 527 Portcodine 67 Axtien 44b 64 Ribs Girl 40h 319 Beige 41 h 526 Rishi 43b 516 Clinton 39h 61 Specs 42b 42b516Cbines 516Cbines Gdy 40 b 62 Song Hit 42h 65 Darkeye 43 b 67 Sam Megeth 42 b 67 Fountain 39 h 521 Thistle Lcy 39h 69 Judas 42b 68 Terrain 41 h 68 Jimmy Mn 44 b 67 Take Off 407h 58 Kanal 44 b 66 Thelma L 41b 58 Lessing 43b 521 Wishg Star 39h 67 Miss Brwyn 38h 528 Whitharral 40 h hOne One Half Mile 65 Belgrade 53h 67 Route Four 56b 27Cantcron 54b 67 Red Vest 56 b 65 High Pkcts 56b 67 Sweet Gal 56b 526 Judge G 55b 68 Val J 55 b 68 Ogee 53h 62 Wilcher 56 b b529Polaire 529Polaire 54b 54bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 51 Aurica 111 b 65 Greenwald 107 h 67 Ching Sir lK9b 57 Miss Chillalllb 64 Carvel Hall 110 b 68 Popo l08b 66 Dr Parrishl12 b 68 Sun Wshipl08 h h6t5 6t5 Decline 114 b 61 Stabilizer 111 b 68 Gold Tip 107 h 66 Vonnie 114 b 65 Grand Fltl08b Fltl08bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 65 Jolly Pilot 124 h 65 Tonight 123h 68 Modern Lashl24 b bThe holdingthis The track was very heavy and holding this morning DAYTON DAYTONWeather Weather clear track good TnreeEiqhths Mile 517 Dr Potter 43 h 66 Rl Majesty 40h Ebony Torch 39d 516 Swt Lacruse 42 h 58 Emps Kitty 44h 68 Sarane 40d 522 Golden X 42h 519 Thrgh Fairly 38d 67 Lunch Kit 40 h 68 Transmit 42h 528 Miss Dolly 41 h 529 Wd Daughr 39 d 68 Old Honesty 40 h 67 Wander Lou 40 d 62 Perless Lad 40d 40dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 61 Belles Last 53 d 67 Impii Wiiki 52d 63 Cherry Lass 53h 67 Inver Rock 53d 63 Falsehood 55h 67 Little Gertie 55 h 63 Francis Lou 55 d 528 Loyal Louie 53h 62 Fans Choice 53 h 513 Polycron 55h 55 Gay Monde 53h 68 Shaker Maid 55h 67 Hland Fling 53h 528 Silverette 56 b 516 Hukill 55h 518 Vango 57h 66 Ilia Fugit 57h 527 Wild Law 52h 52hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 527 Busy Master107d 67 Moiras Boyl08h 67 Foreword 109 h 65 Silver Wavel10d Wavel10dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 67 Diaquri l26b l26bGay Gay Mode and Inver Rock worked to ¬ gether getherWild Wild Law went handily Sarane was under a hard drive from the barrier LONG BRANCH BRANCHWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 69 Betimes 38 h 68 Listaro 36 h 69 Cantby Rn 36 b 65 Mrs Foster 39 h 529 Foreign Lady 38 b 69 Milestone 39 b bFitz Fitz U 38 h 65 Swagr Stick 37 b 69 Fly Fisher 38 h 53 Taximan 37 h 522 Kingswood 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 64 Craigco 51 d 33 Mary Bane 50 d 68 Conflagration 49d 529 Orphan Patsy 49 d 62 Darksini 50h Stool Pigeon 54 b 67 Energetic By 49h 65 Santa Crest 49 b 529 Frd Charley 50 h 66 Step Off 49 d 67 Hek 54h 67 Treadhaven 51 b 61 Irish Kid49d 65 Trudeer 54 b 61 Jere 54 b 69 Tullihoo 49h 67 Masque Mar 53 b 64 Wstys Butlr 49 h 68 Mthical Lore 50 d 69 Young Kitty 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Vlile Vlile529Deedie 529Deedie 110 b 69 Pan 107 b 523 General Toyl05 h 66 Spartan Lady101b 528Hayfire 105 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 64 Hillsborough 121 h 61 Plain Ben l16b 61 Happy Hopesl17 h 68 Sanzor 118 h 62 Mish Mashl16b 53 War Plane 117 b 68 Masr Bobbie116 h hOne One Mill 64 Darkling 146 b 617 Khorasan 148 b BLUE BONNETS BONNETSWeather Weather cloudy track muddy ThreeEighths Mile 65 Black Anna 38 h 67 Migratory 40 h h520Bolinty 520Bolinty 40 b 67 Noumea 40 h hDon Don Pleven 38 h 520 Our Pal 40 h 66 Jge Direnzo 39 b 531Vennie H 40 h OneHalf Mile 519 Billy Pat 54 h 531Euxint 53 b 69 Dingle Bay S2 h 62 Orkin 54 b 69 Dunsprite 54 h 63 Wee Tdr JI 54 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 63 Asyrn Lad 108 h 67 Moon Scampl08 h 610 Basilica 110 65 Rockvale 111 b 67 Cudchic 109 d 68 Shady Girl 1110 CHARLES TOWN TOWNWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 622Burleigh 37 h 531 Silverdale 37b 37bClaque Claque 38 h 61 Suspicious 38 h 66 Dixie Bee 39 b 69 Tristrap 37b 37b520Justa 520Justa Tcher 39 h Voco 38 b 63 Star Queen 40 b OneHalf Mile 63 Canterchord 54 b 66 Maisonette 49d 67 Duriair 51h 531 Merry Miss 58 b 67 Modn Times 51 h 68 Wderg Jim 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 68 Bonspir 104 b 68 Thorny Lee 104 b 68 Thorny Joe 104 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 67 Old Play 122 b 69 Transtine 119h 69 Tazewell l23b 61 Zipalong l23b l23bOne One Mile 64 Boston Idle 152 b 519 Dainty Bellei48 h AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast 7 ThreeEighths Mile 514 Betoken 36h 66 Palma 52 Erebus 37 h 68 Starfalon 66 Freshair 36h 69 Tea Talk 61 Maddest 36h 61 Thisway 54 My Bonnie 38 h 524 Vicarcss 426 Nandi 36 h 68 Vera Cruz 68 Our Sallie 37 h OneHalf Mile 68 Be There 52 h 68 Ira L 49 h 62 Blondino 51Ir 69 Momo 54 h 66 Chilly 50h 68 Molly 50h 531 Diablesse 48h 63 Orchid 52 h 68 Chce Flower 49 h 64 Pete M 51 h 69 Distracting 52 h 511 Precursor 55 h 65 Fashn Show 49 h 67 The Rake 49h 65 Fortis 50 h 69 Ted Musing 50 li 69 Galon Lad 51h 69 Towson 50 h hHerothor Herothor 52 h 69 Vicar 48 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 63 Black Watchl05 h 527 Miss Firefly 107 h 67 Easiest Way 103 h 67 Sufficient l05h l05hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Milefr9 fr9 Guy Falgon 119 h 69 Mae Falon 119 h 69 Jge Schilling115 h 69 Miss Spray 119 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 62 Changeling l29h 69 Sweet Bud 134 h b1 Dusky PrVsl29h PrVsl29hOne One Mile 68 Cleves 141 d 67 Parity l44h 524 Growler l45h 68 Stone Martinl47 h 6lp Haggerson 142 h 59 Sainted 146 d One and OneEighth Miles 68 Dark Secretl53 h hBELMONT BELMONT PABK PABKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 522 Barcarolla 36 h 69 Larissa 37 h 522 Bocasette 38 h 69 Pantoufle 36h Carabanier 35d 67 Rose Parade 35d 69 Candimate 37 h 67 Song 36K 68 Guiding Lit 36 h 69 Wizard 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 69 Aquarius 51h 69 Nancy C 49h 65 Celiba 49h 69 Pompeius 48h 67 Cakewalker 52 b 68 Romn Punch 49 h 528 Caleb 55 b 68 St Stephens 52 64 Creaky 50h 65 Sonrisa 51h 69 Discovery 46 d 69 Trickling 48d 48dEsposa Esposa 50 h 528 Wilful Miss 52 b 69 Lady Higloss 49h FiveEighths Mile MileBe Be Mine 104 h 66 Ivanoff l05b 64 Black Plane 101J d 68 Lofty Lady 103 h 530 Blosm Againl04 h 69 Mr Khayml05 b 529 Bed Time l04h 531 Ovalette l02h 120 Caloric 105 b 62 PaIamede 102 h 64 Forever Yngl02h 6 3 Village Vampl03 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 66 Blk Grouse 122 b 69 Observant 116 h 64 Blue Again 113h 68 Polycletus 120 h 69 Dreel If5h 68 PeDiam V 1 = 22 b 68 Follow TJirul16h 518 Postscript 117 h 68 Forewarned l16h 67 Stand Pat 116 h 69 Follow On 119 h 65 True Romccl20 h 69 Nipped 114 d 68 White CJoudl19b v vSevenEighths 69 Only One Il9h SevenEighths Mile 69 Chatmoss 130 h hOne One Mile 610 Bubblesome 147 b 69 Nimbus il45 h 68 Black Jamesl47 b 61 Rock Point 145 h 610 Barn Swallwl43 h 66 Swatter l46h 67 Dark W5nterl42 h 64 Sun Tempest 142 h hJAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 519 Bill Looney 38b 6B Gracias 39 b 69 Blind Praise 40 b 514 Lucky Rkct 38b 517Chmed Eyes 36hOneHalf 36h OneHalf Mile 61 Bobby Bton 50h 68 Last Minute 49h 64 Chief A 52 b 68 Night Sprite 50 b 66 Crack Flyer 49b 68 Our Senator 50 h 56 Dont Blush 52b 56 Polytude 50 d 68 Fancy Flight 49h 519 Rhodesia 53 b 65 Glidelia 49 h 67 Sword Craft 54 b 63 Idle Stefen 50 h 65 Transen 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 65 Btled Bbonl04 h 65 Maenora l03d 62 John Wcrrgl06b 64 Paper Pritsl02h 65 Jimmy Sutro10l d 68 Turf Beautyl06 b 69 Miss Subtlel03 d 68 Volomile l02d l02dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 68 Douglas F116 d 6 8 Mint Pgonl16d

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1934061201_28_1
Library of Congress Record: