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LONG BRANCH ENTRIES ENTRIESWeather Weather cloudy track fast Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago daylight time 130 p m For Long Branch Telephone Codes use Post Position number shown im ¬ mediately before the names of all the horses appearing in the entries First Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsMonarch Monarch Purse PursePurse Purse 700 2YcarOlds Maidens and Winners of One Race Foaled in Canada Allowances AllowancesTrack Track Record RecordDonstick Donstick June 8 1934 54 2 109 Index Post Bostat Distance Vt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse Traik Wt Time AgeTod AgeToday ay Price 94252 2 Chickpen Ken 110 55 112 94691 8 Listaro 112 96921 4 Donstick LB 109 54 112 96921s 6 Calico MissM LB 111 54 105 96921 5 Linesman LB 109 55 105 94252 7 Gay SympathyMKen Sympathy MKen 110 56 105 96921 1 Fitz U M LB 109 56 105 3 Lady Gormley GormleyM M 105 9 Wilfrid G M 105 105R R S McLaughlin entry Calico Miss Listaro H C Hatch entry Chickpen Donstick Second Race 34 Mile MileHumber Humber Purse Purse 700 3 and 4YearOIds Maidens Special SpecialWeights Weights Track Record RecordGolden Golden Fate Oct 4 1933 111 3 110 97002 10 True Sentiment NF 108 113 4112 411296298s 96298s 9 Aleeta NF 104 113 4 107X 96368 1 Emmy FishThf 106 114 4 107 96838 3 Purple Gold Wdb 106 114 3 96 94070 8 Rough Waters Ken 104 115 4 107 96298 2 Sass Thf 106 114 3105 96139 4 Puttalong Jam 111 1115 4 107X 96837 5 Betimes LB 104 117 3103 94110 6 Treadhavcn Trp 110 114 3 103 96568 7 Hanover Jean Thf 110 114 4 107X 89124 11 Orphan Patsy Thf 111 l18m 3 103 88944 12 Crimson Rock 3108 96056 13 Corduroy Thf 103 114 3103 96454 14 Malabar Thf 106 116 3 103X 96368 15 Toano Bow 109 115 3 103 96370 16 Gibabie Ken 103 114 3105 3105Third Third Race 34 Mile Purse 700 3 YearOlds and = Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordGolden Golden Fate Oct 4 1933 111 3 110 96567 15 Trajectory Thf 110 113 5 110X 1200 96839 4 Tullihoo Lrl 107 113 3 105X 1200 96753 6 Dornoch Trp 112 112 5110X1200 96753 8 Predict Thf 108 112 5112X1000 961332 5 Seemego NF 108112 4 108X 1200 96368 3 Altsheb NF 112 112 6 107X 1000 96758 1Upset Lad NF 114 113 8 105 1000 89441 2 Visionary Hour NF 109 1 13 5 107X 1000 90374 7 Even Stephen 4 110X 1000 97002 9 Omareen LB 115 114 8 110X 1200 96922 10 Indian Dance NF 113 112 5 107X 1000 94382 11 Inor M Ken 104 115 3 100 1200 96922 12 Playing NF 109 114 5 105X 1000 96568 13 Canny Scot OP 116 113 3 105 1200 97002 14 Lace ShawlDev 107 111 5 105 1000 96840 16 Swagger Stick Thf 113 113 4115X1200 4115X1200Fourth YardsPurse Fourth Race 1 Mije and 70 Yards Purse 800 3YearOIds and Upward Foaled Foaledin in Canada Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordRound Round Table June 7 1934 142 3 104 96138 6 Finesse 3 103 1000 100096570J 97087 14 By the ScaLB 103 145 4 105X 1000 96570J 5 Killing MR 105 146 8 105X 1000 96373 11 Princely Pal Wdb 110 146 5 107X 1000 96138 15 Zakuska Wdb 110 147 3 108X 1000 96923 1 Olivia D M Wdb 115 148 3103 1000 96570 2 Dan McCrim McCrimmon mon Wdb 110 150 5 107 1000 94320 3 Thunder Light LB 114 146 5 107 1000 96838 4 Pewter Crest 3 97X 1000 96754 7 Manotacks 6 102X 1000 96570 8 Mythical Lore LB 96147 6105X1000 97003 9 Pepper Piince 4 107X 1000 96455 10 Royal Rancher RancherM M 5 107 1000 95072 12 Gilded Casino FE 113 144 7 105X 1000 96217 13 Floria Zcl 5105X1000 5105X1000Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsWonder Wonder Purse Purse 800 3 YearOlds and Upward UpwardAllowances Allowances Track Record RecordRound Round Table June 7 1934 142 3 104 968412 6 CROUT AU AUPOT POT LB 105 143 3103 96925 4 Friend Charley LB 112 143 4 108X 108X96756s 96756s 5 Ladfield 5 116X 116X97006s 97006s 2 Shady WellWdb 103 144 5 101X 94364 3 Lconie Pirn 100 144 3103 96925 1 Spey CrestDev 107 145 5 103X 103XSixth Sixth Race 1 316 Miles Purse 700 4Year ClaimingTrack Olds and Upward Claiming Track Record RecordTryon Tryon Oct 7 1933 200 5 109 96843 7 Yellow Metal Ken 109 201 5 108X 1200 96843 6 Darksini 6107X1000 6107X100096758s 96758s 8 Plain Ben 3112X1000 96758 4 Deedie 6110X1000 96924 5 Hillsborough 6 107X 800 96927 2 Blue Damsel LB 115 201 5 110X 1000 96840 1 General Toy LB 110 201 6 110X 1000 96924 3 Egad Pirn 105 203 6 104 X 800 800Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Purse 800 3 YearOlds ClaimingTrack and Upward Claiming Track Record RecordKhorasan Khorasan June 14 1933 144 5 110 96926s 3 Spartan Lady LF 99144 4108X1750 4108X175097005s 97005s 4 Tremolo Pirn 103 152 3 98 1750 96926 6 War Plane Lrl 113 145 5 108X 1750 96926 5 Cacrlcon Hia 108 144 5 112X 1750 96219 1 Barry Thf 110 146 4 112X 1750 97008 2 Chat EagleBow 103 146 4 113X 1750