Long Branch, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-12


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LONG BRANCH The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Long Branch Monday Paid 1060 for 2 TORONTO OUT MONDAY JUNE 11 1934 Long Branch I mile Fifth day Long Branch Racing Association Summer meeting of 7 days Clark Gate used Weather cloudy Presiding Steward W R Norvell Stewards J H Evans and L E Marsh Judges P E Callen and D A Boyle Starter T Clark Racing Secretary W R Norvell Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QTACj FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Donstick June 8 1934 54 2 109 Purse800 2 June11 44 B yearolds Foaled in Canada Claiming Net value to winner 5625 second 100 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 96921 DAINTY ROSE w 1081 2 2 2wn06 33 2k pj WirnmerR Mrs H L Munson 7265100 95921PRIMSWEEP wn06 3 3 3WB108 ri 7265100ri 11 2i ThomasJ H C Hatch 110 100 94895LIPTON WB108 5 4 4w03 4 4s 3lk BarnesE R H New 130100 S63692ROCK JUG w03 1 1 1w08 31 3i 4f MadeleyF Erindalc Stable 425100 96369 ILLUMINERA w08 4 5 555 FodenN W I Newmarch 2800100 Time 23 48 55j Track fast S2 MUTUE1S PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100PRIMSWEEP DAINTY ROSE 14730 2290 450 7265 100 1045 100 125 100 100LIPTRN PRIMSWEEP 315 245 574 100 22 100 LIPTRN 22f100Winner 245 22f100 Winner Br f by Roselyon Dcntaria by Vulcain trained by H L Munson bred by Mr H L Munson Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 235 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start drivingDAINTY good and slow Won ridden put second and third driving DAINTY ROSE away fast lacked speed in the early stages but went to the outside in the stretch closed gamely and wore down PRIMSWEEP and won going away The latter under punishment to take the lead drew away fast but tired in the closing sixteenth LIPTON away slowly closed gamely in the final eighth ROCK JUG quit badly through the stretch ILLUMINERA was not a factor Scratched factorScratched 96921 Desweep 107 Overweight Dainty Rose 1 pounds Primsweep 1 1Corrected Corrected weight Lipton 108 OND RACE 58 Mile Brannon June 6 1934 59 2 112 112i i Union Purse Purse 700 2yearolds Maidens Special weights Net value to winner 525 second June1134LB 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA AVtllSt Str fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 96752BANK HOLIDAY WB 112 6 1 24 2l 24 I4 DougrtyF C P Lindner 205100 93527 REE w 112 3 3 32 3l 34 21 EricksonH A Hullcoat 1810100 1810100BRANDY BRANDY SNAP WB 112 1 2 14 P Pi 31 MannF R H McLaughlin 110100 96054 TOLLMATA i470100HOLSTER w 112 4 6 64 62 4lk 42 BarnesE S W LaKrot i470100 HOLSTER WB 112 24 5 5 52 54 YoungS H C Hatch 980100 96752 KING BONNY w 112 5 5 7 7 6 6 WatsonR J E Mason 4940100 COLORIST 4940100COLORIST WB 112 77 41 4 7 7 RcmilrdP S W Labrot f iCoupled as S W Labrot entry entryTime Time 23 U 100 Track fast 12 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100REE BANK HOLIDAY 610 375 230 205 100 87 100 15 100 REE 1090 435 445 100 1174 100 100BRANDY BRANDY SNAP 270 35 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by Upset Ladoga by Stefan the Great trained by A L Briegs bred by Llangollen Stablol StablolWENT WENT TO POST 3074 AT POST 34 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBANK BANK HOLIDAY away fast but outrun to the stretch responded gamely in the final eighth and drew away REE was shuffled back near the far turn but came again and closed gamely BRANDY SNAP had good speed but tired in the drive TOLLMATA slow to get going closed gamely HOLSTER was not a factor COLORIST tired tiredScratched Scratched 95001Happy Find 112 95001 Candy Store 112 95001Broadway Miss 112 94626 Church Call 112 QrrfkOO THIRD RACE 34 Mile Golden Fate Oct 4 1933 111 3 110 Purse 700 3 3i June1134LB i iKr D yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA Vtrrst V Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 96839SPARKY w 111 69 5s 24 2 P DhertyF R H Heighe HeigheL 125100 96285 CHARLES J WB 107 4 3 24 lk lk 24 YoungH L Gentry GentryMiss 350100 350100t 96572 COLD SPILL WB 103110 4 84 51 3 32 MadeleyF Miss M J Amirault AmiraultJ t 505100 95067 GRAND ROCK w 113 5 2 3k 4 44 42 WatsonR J E Mason MasonW 1890100 96571 STIRRED UP WB 108 86 4lk 32 54 5k BarnesE W Levy LevyW 960100 96839 MARVELINE w 108 1 7 74 64 6l 64 FodenN W Gould GouldS 990100 96460 GIFT ROMAN WB 104 3 8 9k 82 72 72 WestH S H Sloan SloanMrs 9210100 96571 IDLE TALK wB103 710 1010 9s 81 DeweseM Mrs N Ray RayD 2390100 96216 LADY JUSTICE WB 102 25 I1 9 8 9 WallN D S Renaud RenaudR 9580100 96298 SVELTE w 108 91 6l 71 10 10 MurrayH R E Leslie 7240100 Time 23f 48 113 Track fast S MUTT7EL8 PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD3 SPARKY iM 450 270 230 230CHARLES 125 100 35 100 15 100 CHARLES J 340 280 280COLD 70 100 40100 COLD SPILL 300 300Winnei 50 100 100A Winnei B J by JurbarJL Jfenia by Sweeper trained by 3 A Boniface bred 6y MrsRlL v lleighe Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 WENT TO POST 3421 AT POST 31 minutes s Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SPARKY shuffled back at the start worked her way up gradually on the inside and finishing gamely gamelydisposed disposed of CHARLES J in the closing eighth The latter raced LADY JUSTICE into defeat but could not notkeep keep pace with the winner COLD SPILL slow to start moved up gamely GRAND ROCK raced evenly evenlySTIRRED STIRRED UP tired in the final quarter MARVELINE was not a factor LADY JUSTICE quit badly after aftershowing showing early speed speedScratched Scratched 96840 Hereward 104 96138sZakuska 106 106OVirwejgtit OVirwejgtit Cold Spill li pounds Marvoline 1 Idle Talk 1 Svelte 3 OrTAG1 FOURTH RACE RACEr34 r34 Mile Golden Fate Oct 4 1933 1j1 3 110 Pursa 700 3 OrvOrt yearolds and upward Claiming Net Value to winner 525 second 100 third June1134LB 50 fourth 25 Ind i Horses EntA WfPPSt V tfStt Fin Jocktrs OWtiora Equiv Odds Strt 96755 INDIANTOWN wB lll 5 4 Pk 2l Pk P YoungS L Gentry 340100 89644 NEWGRO AvB51114 5 61 51 4k 2 WatsonR J B Miller 1455rlQO 1455rlQO96567FRED 96567FRED ALMY w 5 115 6 3 51 41 52 34 WattersE Miss L C White 585100 96922 = SINGLE A wB5lll 32 21 34 31 42 ErickshH A Cremcn 520100 96755 CANTERBURY RAIN w 4 113 86 31 11 25 5k GceL J G Fair 1130100 113010096300JCRAP 96300JCRAP SHOOTER WB 4 114 1 7 71 V 64 6 PrnickiG L Cloud 275100 96300 ALLANAH w7109 71 4 647s 74 MadeleyF Erindqle Stable 450100 96753 EN AVANT WB 5 111 2 8 8888 LennieJ G Hardy 8775100 8775100Time Time 23 48 113 Track fast r 2 MUTXTELS PAID r OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS INDIANTOWN 880 490 360 340 100 145 100 80 100 100NEWGRO NEWGRO 1165 695 482i 1DO 2474 100 100FRED FRED ALMY 375 87 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Trojan Galatia by Trompe la Mori trained by L Gentry bred by Mr J E Davis Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 WENT TO POST417i AT POST 8 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same INDIANTOWN a fonrard factor fronl the start lost command to CANTERBURY RAIN again went to the front when latter began weakening and just lasted NEWGRO restrained early came to the outside in the stretch and closing with a rush just missed FRED ALMY reserved early closed with good energy and was going strongly at the end SINGLE A had good speed from the start but weakened in the closing test CANTERBURY RAIN displayed good speed for the first half mile but weakened through the stretch CRAP SHOOTER was never a factor ALLANAH well up early quit badly after rounding the far turn turnScratched Scratched 968402Caryldon 115 96755Bran Muffin 113 967532Bubbling Out 111 96926 Caerleon 115 96839 Hidden Lore 101 101Overweight Overweight En Avant 2 pounds QryVOR FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Round Table June 7 1934 142 3 1044 secondJune1134LB 7 4 VrOtf Purse 700 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second June1134LB 100 third 50 fourth 25 EqtA WtlPst Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 97008 MERIDIAN QUEEN w 8107 7 4 P 11 lk 1 1 WatsonR R E Leslie = 1630100 1630100969272DARK 969272DARK MISSION w5112 33 22 21 24 2 24 YoungS L Gentry 130100 130100965582SEMESTER 965582SEMESTER WB 5 111 98 4 3k 3 34 3k MozerR CNMooney 1450100 145010096843BUSHMAN 96843BUSHMAN w6114 42 61 7 7 4 41 DhertyF N J Damato 820100 820100896003GEORGE 896003GEORGE DE MAR w 12 103 2 9 71 85 64 5l 54WallN C S Mitchell 11120JOO 11120JOO965712HERNANDO 965712HERNANDO WB 4 114 6 5 31 44 4Bk62 6s WattersE Mrs L C White 300100 96927 FIELD GOLD WB 4114 879 5lk 51 7 74 MadeleyF Erindale Stable 590100 96843 WHITE THORN WB 4 108 1 1 8k 9 9 8s 8 FodenN D Garrity 1600100 89015 STRONGHEART WB 9 103 5 6 51 62 81 9 9 DeweseM Mrs H Pyne 3790100 3790100Time Time 23 48 113 139 1449 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MERIDIAN QUEEN 3460 1030 670 1630 100 415 100 235 100 100DARK DARK MISSION 305 265 52J 100 324 100 100SEMESTER SEMESTER 695 2474100 2474100Winner Winner B m by Meridian Queen Bashti by Burgomaster trained by J A Smith bred by Mrs L Garth Winner entered to be claimed for 1100 WENT TO POST 4574 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same MERIDIAN QUEEN drew clear on the back stretch and held oh stubbornly to outlast DARK MISSION The latter steadied close to the pace tired after moving tip on the outside SEMESTER raced close iip all the way BUSHMAN dropped back after the first turn GEORGE DE MAR finished with a rush HERNANDO tired FIELD GOAL was unable to menace the leaders leadersScratched Scratched 96219 Barry 111 96217 Floria Zel 96 964563Jane Ellen 108 QrrrkOO SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Khorasan June 14 1933 144 5 110 Purse 700 thirdJune1134LB OO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third June1134LB 50 fourth S25 Index Horses A Str Fin Jockeyi Equiv Odds Strt 96926 BOSCOBEL w 5 111 4 3 24 2l Pi P 1 WatsonR J E Smallman 2371100 96840 FRUMPER WB 7 109 66 54 4 31 24 2s DcweseM Mrs H Pyne 380100 380100geSlsniNCOVERED geSlsniNCOVERED WB 5109 3 4 Pi Pi 21 34 3l EricksnH A Hullcoat 310100 96567 POETS DREAM w 5 109 5 5 6 6 54 4l 4l FodenN D Garrity 1090100 97008 BELOW COST WB 4 112 1 2 3 3 41 5l 51 SnidcrA Mrs R T Flippen 490100 96926 BRANDON PRINCE WB 5 113 2 1 41 5k 6 6 6 LennieJ W Waterman 600100 600100Time Time 23 48 113 139 146 Track fast J2 MUTTJELB PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BOSCOBEL 675 360 250 237 100 80 100 25 100 100FRUMPER FRUMPER 515 320 157 100 60 100 100UNCOVERED UNCOVERED 285 42J 100 Winner 100Winner B m by Sir Greysteel Shireoaks by Yolta trained by G Alexandra bred by Mr S W Labrot Winner entuied to be claimed for 1750 1750WENT WENT TO POST 532 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same sameBOSCOBEL BOSCOBEL steadied along close to the pace took command and drew out as if much the best FRUMPER moved up steadily on the outside UNCOVERED tired in the drive POETS DREAM was unable to reach the leaders BELOW COST tired BRANDON PRINCE dropped back after threeeighths QTfCT SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Khorasan June 14 1933 144 5 110 Purse 800 625June1134LB r Mf i 4yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Net value to winner 625 June1134LB second 100 third 50 fourth 25 index Horses EqtA WtlPst Str Fin Jorteys Eqmv Odds Strt 96840 CARHAN QUEEN w 4 108 4 3 Pi P Pi Pi Pi MozerR Mrs D S Renaud 96842REFINER w 7 108 2 1 4 5442 21 RemildP Mrs J Badame 490100 95757 MR GAIETY w 10 108 5 9 71 6 52 3 3 ThomasJ F Fox 650100 65010096373CUDGELDOE 96373CUDGELDOE w 5 106 7 7 5rt 34 31 5i 44 BarnesE R Brownlee 1260100 97003 PENSWEEP w 4 112 65 24 21 21 4i 5s YoungS H C Hatch 1970100 96570 LINDSAY WB 8 107 10 8 104 94 8 73 64 MadeleyF H Dirks 5480100 548010096757PAT 96757PAT GAIETY w 7 108 11 11 94 82 6i 6l 71 FodenN W I Newmarch 350100 96842 GRANITE ROCK w7112 3 4 8k 7U 9s 9 85 DhertyF Four Ls Stable 2920100 96842 BY THE SEA w 4 103 1 2 62 4 7 8 9s DcweseM Thorncliffc Stable 5570100 96299 STAR CREST w 7 105 86 3 10106 104 10 WestH Hastings Stable 170100 17010096842TABSON 96842TABSON w5108 91011111111 11 MurrayH J G Fair f 1 fMutuel field Time 24J 49 1142 141 1481 Track fast 12 MUTJELB PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB CARHAN 100REFINER QUEEN Field 3080 1065 595 1440 100 4324 100 1974 100 REFINER 630 395 215 100 971 100 MR 100MR GAIETY 420 110 100 Winner 100Winner Br f by Nepperhan Carabosse by Fairy King trained by D S Renaud bred by Mr W G Stcdman Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 6024 AT POST 5 minutes Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third the same sameCARHAN CARHAN QUEEN took command in the run to the first turn dominated the running throughout and was never seriously threatened though ridden out sharply at the end REFINER rated within striking distance of the pace moved up on the outside and closed with good courage though unable to reach the winner MR GAIETY worked his way up gradually and closed stoutly on the inside through the stretch CUDGELDOE unseated her rider while at the post moved up stoutly on the back stretch but weakened in the stretch run PENSWEEP forced the pace of the winner but faltered when the real racing began PAT GAIETY was never prominent STAR CREST had early speed but quit badly Scratched 96754 Candy Man 105 96215 Doer 109 109Overweight Overweight Carhan Queen 1 pound Refiner 1 Pat Gaiety 3 Tabson 4

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934061201/drf1934061201_29_1
Local Identifier: drf1934061201_29_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800