untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-12


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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXX NUMBER 140 FOUNDED IN 1894 1894Entered Entered ns second class matter April 2 1806 at the post office at Chicago Illinois under Act of March 3 J879 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY A dally reflection of the American turf by telegraph Published hy DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILL 118 rOUKTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY N Y 30 RICHMOND STREET EAST TORONTO ONI ONISC5307 SC5307 DECATUR STREET NEW ORLEANS LA S134 riBT AVE N W MIAMI FLA FLAIMS IMS HARRISON ST BAN FRANCISCO CALXT TELEPHONE HARRISON 7508 Tar business and circulation purposes only Thli telephone lute no connection tvlth the neivi or editorial departments and cannot be used to communi ¬ cate Kith them r t tPrte Phone Results Call Wabash 7000 SUBSCRIPTION BY FIRST CLASS MAIL MAILI888 I888 PER MONTH 2fO EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DE DEEITKRY EITKRY 18 0 PER MONTH BY AIR JfAIL 260 EXTRA JOB PJECJAL DELIVERY DELIVERYPATABLE PATABLE IN ADVANCE BACK 3JDMBERS BY HAIL 25 CENTS EACH Ad4r s all coimannierdoM make mil remittance ana anacend cend all manuscripts to toDAILY DAILY HACUTG TOXIC IUBLTSHINQ CO COMX MX Plymouth Conrt Chlcaro IB X be conildered and answered an queries to Dally Baelnjc Form jurist be lent orer tbe fun name ami with tber address f writer The names and addresses or subject to a Iocs and foreign directory test 91105 is First index of 1934

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934061201/drf1934061201_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1934061201_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800