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The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Washington Park Monday Paid 5026 for 2 HOMEWOOD ILL MONDAY JUNE 11 1934 Washington Park 1 18 miles Sixteenth day Washin ton Park Jockey Club Inc Spring meeting of 27 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission C J FitzGerald Stewards C B Head and R M Sweitzer Judges W H Shellev F Dunne and E A Hileman Starter H Morrissey Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QrrfOO FIRST RACE 58 Mile Jimmy Moran June 3 1929 59 2 116 Purse 800 2 thirdJuneH34Was rVii yearolds Maidens Fillies Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 5125 third JuneH34Was 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index ITorses EqtA WtPPSt 4 Ja Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt 9BS25 VANITA w 110 54 2k 21 22 1 Tinker C Van Dusen 382100 38210096627BOSSIE 96627BOSSIE EYE B 110 3 2 51 4i lk 2J HankaW Brentwood Stable 68100 68100FAIR FAIR COUNTESS v 110 4 5 66 31 31 WintersM Calumet Farm Stable 1288100 98338 DIANE S w 110 1 3 4 51 44 4s CorbettC Albert Sabath 744100 98340 MADAME EXCEL v 110 2 1 lk 34 6 5 BurkeHJ J J Mahoney 2927100 98797 MISS SPITEFUL v 110 66 3s lk 5 6 GroosP Running W Ranch Stable 13327100 95880 MISS QUICK vllO 7 7 Bolted BagurH Blue Ridge Farm Stable 2528100 2528100Time Time 234 48 102 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS VANITA 964 338 266 382 100 69 100 33 100 BOSSIE 100FAIR 100BOSSIE EYE 242 224 21 100 12 100 FAIR COUNTESS 358 79 100 100Winner Winner Br f by Torchilla Five Sixty by Black Toney trained by C E Gross bred by Mr C Yaw Dusen Winner entered to be claimed for 51000 51000WENT WENT TO POST 218i AT POST H minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameVANITA VANITA showed good speed from the start held the lead briefly before BOSSIE EYE moved in the stretch repeatedly impeded the latter in the final eighth won in the closing strides BOSSIE EYE probably best but forced to ease up soon after the start improved her position with a big loss of ground and was bothered by the winner in the drive FAIR COUNTESS slow to start and taken to the inside in the stretch tired after moving up DIANE S had no mishaps MADAME EXCEL showed early speed MISS SPITEFUL quit badly MISS QUICK fractious at the post and away slowly bolted on the turn turnScratched Scratched Queen Helen 115 115Corrected Corrected weight Miss Quick 110 QfTAQQ SECOND RACE 78 Mile out of chute Burning Up June 17 1932 123 4 110 secondJune1134Was V Pue 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second June1134Was 5125 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for foreach each 100 to 1000 Index Horses EatAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 96712ONDOTT Partridge9S4243MARTIE WB 4 110 2 11 61 54 64 21 1 WeitzelD Mrs J B Partridge 889100 9S4243MARTIE FLYNN w 9 112 7 7 3 34 2l 1 21 BagurH S Peabody 95100 96708 BROADSTEP WB 3 111 6 6 14 15 11 3 35 HarbortO J Dine Dine98708JLADY 1251100 98708JLADY LA MARNE WB 3 101 4 10 11 9 71 64 44 HankaW Brentwood Stable f2680100 95524ESCOBILLA w 5 107 3 9 94 74 51 41 5 WestropeJ F Benner 7619100 761910096710MISS 96710MISS FLIP w 3 106 5 5 2h 2 41 51 6 BalaskiL Blue Ridge Stable 774100 96624 TEMPLE DANCER WB 4 107 9 4 101 lQh 9 8 7 KacalaJ R W Hoffman 1855100 95522 POLLYS FOLLY w 6 103 18 54 44 3 74 8s AndersonA J Rakickas 2924100 95712 CURB BIT WB 4 ll4 11 3 8h 81 10 10 93 KingC L Tiffany 854100 96265 CROWNED HEAD WB 6 112 8 1 4 61 84 91 104 BurgerN R Cochran 94473KENTUCKY HELEN w 3 101110 2 7kll 11 11 11 WintersM Calumet Farm Stable 2956100 2956100fMutuel fMutuel field Time 23 47 112 125 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFlCIAi BOOKING ODDS ONDOTT 100MARTIE 1978 448 414 889 100 124 100 107 100 100BROADSTEP MARTIE FLYNN 286 232 43 100 16 100 BROADSTEP 548 174 100 100Winner Winner B g by General Thatcher Sue Steele by Ballot trained by J B Partridge bred by Mr H H Gainos Winner entered to be claimed for 51300 51300WENT WENT TO POST 246 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driing second and third the same sameONDOTT ONDOTT always close up raced wide in the closing half mile then made up ground gradually in the stretch and won in the closing strides MARTIE FLYNN close to the pace took a short lead without urging in the stretch and held on gamely BROADSTEP placed in front under vigorous riding tired in the last eighth LADY LA MARNE closed a gap ESCOBILLA moved up fast on the stretch turn MISS FLIP tired TEMPLE DANCER could not get up POLLYS FOLLY dropped out of it after fiveeighths CURB BIT away fast could not keep up upScratched Scratched 96023 Bag Smasher 107 107Overweight Overweight Pollys Folly 1 pound Kentucky Helen Sj SjCorrected Corrected weight Temple Dancer 107 QTO lfl THIRD RACE 78 Mile out of chute Burning Up June 17 1932 123 4 110 r V Midway Purse Purse 800 3yearolds secJune1134Was Claiming Net value to winner 600 sec June1134Was Ond 125 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 2500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for allowedfor each 250 to 1500 Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt Vt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 95425 GRAYBACK w 110 8 2 61 4 41 3 11 HarbortO Mrs P Kelley 171100 98929 UNKIE TOM w 110 9 6 5 3 2 11 24 PichonL Milk Way Farms Stable 1666100 166610094988NORMAN 94988NORMAN D WB 110 4 5 31 21 1 2s 34 NachelJ J G Goodwin 397100 39710096271THOROUGHFARE 96271THOROUGHFARE w 103 7 7 71 61 54 44 44 KingJ Mrs R Pollard 27477100 274771009S79BLUNA 9S79BLUNA BRIGHT w 102 3 4 41 7 81 5 5 WintersM R T Watts 956100 95610096796COTTON 96796COTTON CLUB WB 105 5 9 8l 8 64 6l 6J HughesH C C Van Meter 362100 36210093875INDIAN 93875INDIAN RED WB 110 1 8 9 9 9 8J 71 CorbettC A B Gallaher 1647100 164710095708POLL 95708POLL PARROT wii 1091 6 1 2 51 74 72 81 FelsB Geneseo Stable 7595100 75951009S708ORLATTA 9S708ORLATTA w 1611100Time 102 2 3 14 11 31 9 9 HankaW H Oots 1611100 Time 23J 46 112 125 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GRAYBACK 542 632 338 171 100 216 100 69 100 100UNKIE UNKIE TOM 1658 510 729 100 155 100 100NORMAN NORMAN D 330 65 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Bright Knight Fascisma by Stefan the Great trained by P Kelley bred by Mr C T Grayson Winner entered to be claimed for 52000 52000WENT WENT TO POST 312 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and thiid the same sameGRAYBACK GRAYBACK racing in his best form and inclined to bear in responded gamely to strong pressure in the stretch and going around the leaders was ready to draw out UNKIE TOM rushed after threesixteenths withstood pressure gamely and wearing down NORMAN D held on well The latter saved ground when taking the lead entering the stretch but tired in the last eiehth THOROUGHFARE raced well LUNA BRIGHT shuffled back could not reach the leaders COTTON CLUB away slowly and in close quarters lacked badlyScratched speed when clear INDIAN RED was outrun ORLATTA quit badly Scratched 94937Royal Leon 112 96957 Flickamaru 104 104Overweight Overweight Poll Parrot 2 pounds Continued on sixteenth page WASHINGTON PARK Continued from third page Q7O4i FOURTH RACE 78 Mile out of chute Burning Up June 17 1932 123 4 110 secondJune1134Was i rWTi Purse 8 ° ° 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second June1134Was 125 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for foreach each 100 to 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 96957 HEIRESS WB4109 9 8 41 I3 Til3 1i WestropeJ Albert Sabath 2001CO 96712 SALUT DAMOUR WB 4 117 11 1 2k 31 31 21 2s BagurH Peconic Stable 333100 WB 4 115 3 7 71 51 4 43 3i BalaskiL W Sachsenmaicr 405100 WB 4 112 1 6 1 21 21 33 41 KacalaJ St Louis Stable 8289100 96795THATCH WB 4 109 7 9 92 61 71 51 5l FelsB C C Miller f3735100 f3735100962653CELTIC 962653CELTIC PRINCE w7107 6 3 62 91 9s 73 61 HenryJH Mrs R B Allen 2941100 294110096622MUST 96622MUST BUCK vn 4 107 2 4 8k 8 81 82 7l HughesH Mrs F Swam 1779100 177910096712HOUR 96712HOUR ZEV WB 4 112 10 2 3k 4 51 6l 8 WinUrsM MrsF M Grabner 1106100 91010 TRY IT wn6114 8 11 102 105 102 11 91 MalanJ G Keeton t t87565TRANSCALL 87565TRANSCALL w3 1jfc 4 10 11 11 11 101 104 Corb ttC Coldstream Stud Stable 1593100 1593100967953OZITI 967953OZITI WB 4 107 5 5 51 71 61 9 11 Strong Baldwin Bros 1415100 1415100fMutuel fMutuel field Time 23 47 112 125 Track fast 2 MUTUZLS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB ODDBHEIRESS HEIRESS 600 370 262 200 100 85 100 31 100 100SALUT SALUT DAMOUR 1 556 372 178 100 86 100 100PULIS PULIS 340 70 100 Winner 100Winner Br f by Bunting Dixie Bird by Vulcain trained by B S Michell bred by Mr T Piatt Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 342 OFF AT ONCE Start drivingHEIRESS good and slow Won handily second and third driving HEIRESS took the lead with a rush approaching the turn maintained her advantage and won handily SALUT DAMOUR restrained on the turn withstood pressure gamely but could not reach the winner PULIS closed a gap and finished icsolutely TRY KING tired in the stretch THATCH held on well CELTIC PRINCE was taken back on the far turn JUST BUCK was far back throughout HOUR ZEV was blocked on the earlyScratched far turn and failed to respond when clear OZITI was done early Scratched 96709 Donna Bettina 96 96Overweight Overweight Thatch 2 pounds Q7O42 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Jimmy Moran June 3 1929 59 2 116 Peonies Pur e secondJune1134Was hnfii wT Purse S800 2year ° lds Fillies Allowances Net value to winner 600 second June1134Was S125 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt 4 i Str Fi j Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 96878NEEDLE WB1Z2 43 I1 I2 1s TlHaiborlO J E Widener WidenerWB 96878POLLY RITA WB 112 2 4 6 51 33 21 HankaW D B Midkiff Midkiffwl2 967112MYRTLE BROOKS BROOKSBLESSED wl2 3 2 31 33 21 34 Wei ropcJ T C Worden Wordenw BLESSED AGAIN w 1G9 11 41 41 54 41 mithJ E R Bradley 92760 IMA GREENOCK 21 23 4 55 CorWtC Rookwood Farm Stable ItGlIOO 96537 WHOAMI w 112 5 5 51 6 6 6 HnrdjL Miss A Morgan 5145100 Time 23 47 100 Track fast S2 MUTUELB PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB NEEDLE 1362 344 234 581100 72100 17100 17100POLLY 100MYRTLE POLLY RITA 254 214 27 100 7 100 MYRTLE BROOKS 252 26 100 Winner 100Winner Br f by Stefan the Great Thread by Gainsborough trained by D E Stewart bred by Mr J E Widencr WidencrWENT WENT TO POST408 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start drivingNEEDLE good and slow Won handily second and third driving NEEDLE displaying keen speed from the start and easily increasing her margin when entering the stretch won with something left POLLY RITA blocked soon after the start and forced to the outside for room gained gradually and was strongest of all in the late stages MYRTLE BROOKS a factor from the start swerved out on the stretch turn and held on fairly well BLESSED AGAIN away fast and on the inside throughout went evenly IMA QREENOCK tired but the effort may benefit her QTrkl O SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles Montanaro June 26 1929 150 4 95 Purse 800 3 50Junen34Was hn ii w yesrolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 Junen34Was fourthf 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPst Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 96884 BLACK FOOL WB 6 115 1 2 14 I3 1 1 I1 Bagurll Mrs J P Miller 220100 96800WIRT G BOWMAN WB 9 107 4 7 21 21 22 24 2 WintersM J D Mikel 183100 96800PLATINUM BLONDE WB 4 102 98 61 5 4k 31 31 KingJ J McNamara 109210Q 9662GSMILITIA wn 4 107 2 1 51 6 64 44 44 WcitzcID J B Partridge 626100 96270 EXCELLENCY w 6 112 6 9 9 9 9 8s 55 WestropcJ A G Tarn 1212100 1212100965415SCANDAL 965415SCANDAL SHEET w 5 107 7 3 8 71 72 71 6 HughcsH Mrs L J Rcmrn 1953100 96799 THE SPANIARD WB 6 112 5 5 45 4l 55 65 71 KacalaJ M J Aycrs 3854100 95337 812910096G28 LITTLE JOYCE WB 3 105 863 34 3J 55 8 CorbcttC C Hunt 8129100 96G28 SIZZLING w 4 107 3 4 7l 8s 81 9 9 Tinker Mrs E A Gross 4846100 Time 24 48 113 140 153 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100WIRT BLACKPOOL 640 352 320 220 100 76 100 60 100 WIRT G BOWMAN 304 240 100PLATINUM 52 100 20 100 PLATINUM BLONDE 470 135 100 Winner 100Winner Blk g by Black Toncy Better Judgment by Nassovian trained by F Watrpus bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 433 AT POST minute minuteStart Start drivingBLACK good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving BLACK FOOL took command quickly drew out into a long lead approaching the second turn and weakening was ridden out WIRT G BOWMAN a strong factor from the start held on gamely PLATI ¬ NUM BLONDE under strong urging after threequarters closed closedresolutely resolutely MILITIA MILITIAmade made up ground on the inside in the stretch EXCELLENCY begarf very slowly SCANDAL SHEET was outrun THE SPANIARD failed to keep up SIZZLING in close quarters soon after the start was never threatened Scratched 96884Fair Billows 110 96623 Scths Ballot 107 96429 Light Mint 112 96800 Dr Louis Hjimman 112 94987Peggy Gal 95 95Overweight Overweight Little Joyce 5 pounds June1134Wa 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 seZond 125 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 EqtA WtlPst 14 Sir Fin Jockeys Eqniv Odds Strt Mrs N Forsha G Ury UryF 96800 SINGLE STRIPE WB 4 112 1 2 I1 I2 I2 2l 3 KacalaL F M Grabncr 2284100 96736 152310096541ANITA HAPPY LAD w 7 112 4 11 11 11 102 6 41 BagurH J F Vaughn 1523100 96541ANITA ORMONT WB 5 102 6 10 61 6 41 4s 5k WintersM W F Axton 1927100 192710096884LEYLAND 375100963435RED 96884LEYLAND WB 9 110 5 9 41 4j 5l 51 62 HughesH J McNamara 375100 963435RED 126910096799AMERICAN BOOT w 4 112 2 1 91 9 81 71 71 HarbortO C M Lewis estate 1269100 96799AMERICAN SMILE WB 4 112 7 8 10 71 71 9 84 BolleroJ M J Beauchamp 488100 96541 91210096800WISE SUBTLETY w 5 107 10 5 54 54 6r 85 95 WcstropeJ P Reilly 912100 96800WISE LEE w 6 107 9 4 71 82 95104 103 HankaW J Driscoll 322100 3221009670SDONACARE 9670SDONACARE WB 3 100 8 7 SilO2 11 11 DobsonJ J J Coughlin t iMutuel field Time 24 483 113 139 153 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS JOHNNY 100ROYAL SHAW 4866 2340 1364 2333 100 1070 100 582 100 100SINGLE ROYAL TREASURE Field 1066 B2Z 433 100 211 100 SINGLE STRIPE 1100 450 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Blind Play Stockinette by Kings Proctor trained by R A Forsha bred by Mr S H Vclie Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 502 AT POST4 minute minuteStart Start drivingJOHNNY good and slow Won easily second and third driving JOHNNY SHAW restrained for threequarters responded to light pressure swerved over forcing back SINGLE STRIPE before drawing clear and won handily ROYAL TREASURE showing speed from the start was forced to osse up as the winner went around him in the stretch and closing well when clear wore down SINGLE STRIPE The latter took command easily recovered quickly from interference but was not good enough HAPPY LAD began slowly ANITA ORMONT challenged gamely on the stretch iurn LEYLAND did not respond to urging RED BOOT was outrun WISE LEE met sharp interference on the first turn Scratched 107Corrected turnScratched 96800 Morpheus 107 96271 Black Joe 105 96799 Le Ministre 107 Corrected weight Happy Lad 112 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT WASHINGTON PARK Monday 3 Races 10308 5 Races 154687 Races 29152