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Best of the Day DayWASHINGTON WASHINGTON PARK 3rd LILLIAN Z ZLATONIA LATONIA 8th PLUMAGE PLUMAGEDETROIT DETROIT 6th ELECTRIC GAFF GAFFFAIRMOUNT FAIRMOUNT PARK 6th ABE FURST AQUEDUCT 4th BURGOO KING WASHINGTON PARK PARKOutstanding Trackman L G PLAUT Outstanding selections appear in bold type Weather clear track fast TRACKMAN if DICK WELLES CONSENSUS LongBit Le Miserable Le Miserable LongBit Le Miserable MiserableLongBit Erech Le Miserable 38 Le Miserable Saracen Maid Erech Le Miserable LongBit Le ErechLe Miserable MiserableLongBit Long Bit 24 Flickamaru LongBit Fire Star Erech LongBitErech Erech LongBit Erech 16 Skip It ItCommandant Commandant Skip It Our Prince Skip It Our Prince Skiplt32 Commandant Prince John Prince John Skip It Spanish Lad Skip It Our Prince 24 Our Prince Our Prince Our Prince Commandant Our Prince Prince John Commandant 14 Polly Diskin LfflainZ T fllianZ Lillian Z Lillian Z Lillian Z Lillian Z 44 44Baboo Lillian 2 Baboo Baboo Baboo Baboo Bag Smasher Baboo 18 Bag Smasher Black Joe Black Joe Dusty Lane Black Joe Baboo Polly Diskin 8 Gold Signet Gold Signet Gold Signet AgaRay Secret Tryst AgaRay Gold Signet 32 Secret Tryst AgaRay Secret Tryst Bay Servant Gold Signet Gold Signet Aga Ray 28 AgaRay Bay Servant AgaRay Secret Tryst AgaRay Secret Tryst Secret Tryst 20 Chance Line Chance Line Chance Line Bright Shadow Chance Line Chance Line Chance Line 42 Bright Shadow Falrsickle Prince Pompey Dusky Devil Dusky Devil Bright Shadow Bright Shadw 16 Prince Pomp ey Prince Pompey Dust Girl Chance Line Navanod Prince Pompey Prince Ppey 10 Wacoche WacocheGaillardia Bedight BedightCabezo Bedight BedightCabezo Bedight BedightGaillardia Bedight Gaillardia Bedight44 GaillardiaBedight Gaillardia Cabezo CabezoGaillardia Cabezo GaillardiaCabezo Gaillardia Gaillardia Bedight BedightCabezo GaillardiaBedight Gaillardia 24 Bedight Gaillardia Gaillardia Cabezo Mr Joe Cabezo Cabezo 12 I SayOscillation Say Oscillation ISay ISayWhite FairBillows FairBillows ISay ISay 26 26Fair Oscillation White Legs White Legs White Legs White Legs Fair ISayFair Billows BillowsOscillation Fair Billows 22 22White Uncommon Gold Fair Bellows Uncommon Gold Enro Oscillation Oscillation White Legs 16 LATONIA LATONIAOutstanding Trackman W G RODERICK Outstanding selections appear In bold type Weather clear track fast TRACKMAN DICK WELLES CONSENSUS Cayuga CayugaKnockaway Knockaway KnockawayCayuga Pantaloons PantaloonsCayuga Cayuga Cayuga Cayuga Cayuga 42 KnockawayPantaloons Knockaway CayugaPantaloons Cayuga CayugaDewhurst Cayuga Pantaloons CayugaPantaloons Pantaloons CayugaPantaloons Pantaloons Pantaloons24 Pantaloons Pantaloons Dewhurst Scotland Beauty Fallen PantaloonsKnockaway Knockaway Knockaway 14 Exponent ExponentCrude Nightingale ExponentPharamaid Exponent Nightingale Exponent Pharamaid Exponent 32 CrudePharamaid Crude Pharamaid PharamaidExponent Pharamaid PharamaidNightingale Annuity ExponentNightingale Nightingale NightingalePharamaid Exponent Nightingale 24 Pharamaid Exponent Nightingale Fair Wanda Pharamaid ExponentNightingale Nightingale Pharamaid 20 Roulade Roulade Ridge Blond BlondRoulade Sabre Slash Roulade Roulade Roulade 38 Busy Jay Broadcaster RouladeBroadcaster Roulade Broadcaster Broadcaster Ridge Blond Broadcaster 18 Broadcaster Sabre Slash Broadcaster Roulade Sabre Slash Broadcaster Ridge Blond 12 Riff RiffWild RiffWild Riff Riff Wild Gus Wild Gus GusRiff Riff Riff 40 Wild GUB Wild Gus Wild Gus LeoB LeoBRiff Riff LeoB Wild Gus 30 Imigert LeoB LeoB Riff RiffImigert Imigert Wild Gus LeoB 12 Red Forage Red Forage War Pledge Camp Cook Howard Camp Cook Camp Cook 22 War Pledge War Pledge Prince Doo Howard War Pledge Howard War Pledge 22 Prince Doo Camp Cook Camp Cook Prince Doo Camp Cook War Pledge Red Forage 16 First Note FirstNote Joda JodaFirst Gobet Joda Gobet Joda 26 I Joda Lady Laura First Note Joda Gobet GobetFirstNote FirstNote Gobet 26 Gobet Gobet Gobet Lady Laura Empress Wu Joda First Note 24 Spring Station Spring Station Spring Station StationBrustigert Hoosiers Pride Spring Station Chauvinism Spring Station 40 1 Red Basil Red Basil Brustigert BrustigertChauvinism Chauvinism Hoosiers Pride Spring Station Chauvinism 20 Chauvinism Chauvinism Chauvinism Spring Station Chauvinism Hoosiers Pride Hosiers Pride 14 1 I Plumage Plumage PlumageChauvenet Plumage PlumageTwill Twill TwillPlumage Plumage Plumage Plumage 46 46Twill PlumageUpon PlumageTwill Twill ChauvenetUpon Chauvenet Twill TwillUpon Plumage UponTwill Upon Twill Twill 24 Upon Upon Upon Murpheys Luck Twill Upon Upon 12 DETROIT DETROITOutstanding Trackman P G McCANN Outstanding selections appear In bold type Weather clear track fast TRACKMAN DICK WELLES CONSENSUS Creole Bird Hammel Black Song Creole Bird Creole Bird Creole Bird Creole Bird 42 James Boy Creole Bird Creole Bird Fair Duchess Hammel Hammel Hammel 18 Hammel Fair Duchess Fair Duchess Black Song Black Song Fair Duchess Black Song 12 Miss Purray Don Romiro RomiroBetty Don Romiro Betty Wee Betty Wee Capitalist Don Romiro 34 Don Romiro Betty Wee Ladino Don Romiro Don Romiro Don Romiro Betty Wee 24 Full Tilt Capitalist Betty Wee Miss Purray Ladino Betty Wee Capitalist 10 Playing On The Point The Point The Point The Point Playing On The Point 40 Playful Martha Playing On Playing On Playing On Playing On The Point Playing On 32 The Point Playful Martha Playful Martha Playful Martha Plavfui Martha Playful Martha Playful Mtha 14 Polly Hundred Polly Hundred Up and Up Up and Up UpPolly Pollv Hundred HundredUp Air Squadron Polly Hundrd 36 Up and Up Air Squadron Polly Hundred Polly Hundred Up and Up Up and Up Up and Up 24 Air Squadron Up and Up Skippy McGee Skippy McGee Air Squadron Polly Hundred Air Squadron 16 Old Depot DepotManya Old Depot DepotManya Manya Manya Old Depot DepotManya Manya Manya 38 ManyaBiff Manya Manya ManyaSandwrack Old Depot Old Depot ManyaBiff Manya Sandwrack Old Depot 34 Biff Sandwrack Sandwrack Sandwrack Biff Old Depot Sandwrack 10 Electric Gaff Electric Gaff Electric Gaff Dawn Mist Electric Gaff Tarnish Electric Gaff 44 Sweeperman Tarnish Dawn Mist Electric Gaff Dawn Mist Electric Gaff Dawn Mist 20 Bell Man Dawn Mist Pertinacious Tarnish Bell Man Dawn Mist Tarnish 14 Catwalk CatwalkMouthpiece Catwalk Catwalk Mouthpiece Mouthpiece Mouthpiece v Mouthpiece 36 36Catwalk MouthpieceDivert Mouthpiece Mouthpiece Mouthpiece Catwalk Six Bells Catwalk Catwalk 34 34Six Divert Six Bells Six Bells Six Bells Catwalk Six Bells Six Bells 12 FAIRMOUNT PARK PARKOutstanding Trackman E A MILLER Outstanding selections appear In bold type Weather cloudy track heavy TRACKMAN DICK WELLES CONSENSUS Screech High Pockets Aurica Aurica Aurica Sun Worship Aurica 32 32Aurica High Pockets Aurica Philwex High Pockets High Pockets Aurica High Pockets 20 20Philwex Take Off Take Off Sun Worship Screech Whitharral Philwex Screech 10 Song Hit Song Hit Song Hit Song Hit Song Hit Song Hit Song Hit 50 Jimmy Moran Jimmy Moran Jimmy Moran Jimmy Moran Shift Bay Angon Jimmy Moran 18 Penchant Shift Shift Shift Old Bill Jimmy Moran Shift 10 I Barashkova Barashkova GallopetteBarashkova Gallopette Doctor Happy HappyGallopette Gallopette GallopetteSolus Gallopette Gallopette 38 Solus SolusGallopette Gallopette Barashkova BarashkovaSolus Gallopette GallopetteSolus Solus Belgrade GallopetteBelgrade Barashkova 22 BelgradeSolus Gallopette Doctor Happy Solus Solus Salesring Solus Solus 14 Moon Shy ValJ Dee Tees Dauntless Miss Dee Tees Galapan Dee Tees 20 Dee Tees Pent House Galapan Gay Follies Galapan ValJ GalapanValJ ValJ 18 Val J Galapan Fountain ValJ ValJ Pent ValJPent House Galapan 18 Canteron Sunny Bob Who Win Sunny Bob BobJohn Bad News Who Win Sunny Bob 18 John Mill MillWho John Mill Bad News John Mill Dr Billy John Mill Who Win 18 Who Win Dr Billy Gold Tip Bad News John Mill Dr Billy John Mill 18 Abe Furst Abe Furst Abe Furst Abe Furst Abe Furst Abe Furst Abe Furst 50 Allegretto Allegretto Santa Cruz Allegretto Santa Cruz Greenwald Allegretto 14 Blind Hills Running Water Greenwald Haramzada Allegretto Hold Hard Santa Cruz 8 Bag o Roses Fairyman Monnie Jolly Pilot Monnie Senator Seth Monnie 20 Senator Seth Monnie Senator Seth Fairyman Bag o Roses Showcase Fairyman 18 Fairyman Bag o Roses Fairyman Senator Seth Fairyman Miss Chilla Senator Seth 18 AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTOutstanding Trackman C J CONNORS Outstanding selections appear in bold type Weather clear track fast TRACKMAN DICK WELLES CONSENSUS Be Mine Canterboy Be Mine Pete M MCanterboy This Way WayMaddest Candimate Canterboy 21 Canterboy Tea Talk Canterboy Canterboy Maddest Canterboy Be Mine 16 CanterboyDemonstration MaddestCandimatt Collector Al Bright Banner Bright Banner Demonstration Candimatt Tea Talk Candimate 10 Poppyman Poppyman Poppyman Ghost Dancer DancerLavisby Poppyman Poppyman Poppyman 42 Reason Why Election Day Election Day Lavisby Reason Why Election Day Election Day 16 Election Day Lavisby Apple Fool LavisbyPoppyman Poppyman Election Day Apple Fool Ghost Dancer 8 Miss Snow Aileen C Laurel Miss Miss Snow Glidelia Glidelia Miss Snow 22 Aileen C Creaky Miss Snow Creaky Aileen C Mint de Mie Glidelia 20 Glidelia Laurel Miss Glidelia Mint de Mie Miss Snow Silver Moon Aileen C 16 Burgoo King KingFaireno Burgoo King Burgoo King Burgoo King Burgoo King Burgoo King Burgoo King 60 Faireno Tick On Tick On Tick On Tick On Tick On Tick On 16 Kievex Faireno Kievex Kievex Faireno Faireno Faireno 10 Marcasite Peacock Alley AlleyPending Sky Haven Marcasite Marcasits Marcasite Marcasite 34 Peacock Alley Pending PendingMarcasite Pending Royal Durbar Sky Havea Pending Peacock Alley 14 Sky Haven Marcasite Royal Durbar Peacock Alley Celiba Royal Durbar Sky Haven 14 Portfolio PortfolioTetraDomino Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio 48 TetraDomino TetraDominoFiery Tetra Domino Bright Toney PortfolioFiery Fiery Bright Toney Tetra Domino Tetra Domino 16 Fiery Lanadler Tetra Domino Tetra Domino Acrobatic Bright Toney Bright Toney 10