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4th Latonia Purse 600 2YearOIds Claiming Wise Counsellor Mile June 23 1923 59 2 110 NOTE Claiming price 4000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 250 to 2500 Weight 118 Ibs Nonwinners since May 25 allowed 3 Ibs Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Index Post Best at Distance Wt Ciairr CiairrNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Pric 96193 6 RIFF CD 112 l02sy 111 3000 969651 4 Wild Gus M Lat 115 l02sy 113X 4000 96888 lLeo B Lat 103 102 104 2500 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 96631 2 John Marcum MarcumM M CD 115 101 109 3000 3 In Chancery ChanceryM M 107 2500 5 Imigert M 113 4000 Vctuary Myrtle Caldwell by Boots and Saddle Dale Irk Dis Time Con Odds Wt St Str FinJockey IMClPceSts IJest Company May30344Lat CompanyMay30344Lat 1 101 ft 245 115 6 5 44i 4 TaylorD5 Allw 7 WiseBessal07HrTimell5RsHope 107 May26344Lat 1 101 ft 51 112 4 2 3Ji 3 ElstonG1 Allw 7 FirstEntryl HrTimel PcePine 112 M3yl4344CD 1 100 sy 6 112 1 3 3T 3 HphriesL 3000 5 HEternal lllPPrincellOBPrince 110 May 934CD 4 f 55 ft 8 115 211 1 FinnertyR Maid 9 Celebrantll5 JohnMarcumll5Sula 115 May 334sCD 4 f 54 ft 56 115 7 5 6T 51 FinnertyR Maid 12 FortSpringsll5 ElwawallS Almac 115 Apt3034CD 4 f 54 ft 133 115 4 9 9U 71 FinnertyR Maid 12 Top Dog 115 Stay 115 Leelarious lit Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Woti 1934 record 6 1 0 2 535 Wild Gus X 1 1 B c 2 M by Republic Wildairs Daughter by Wildair WildairJune June 8 Lat 38 37ft tl Trainer G Harris Owner G Simone Jun SimoneJun 934JLat 1K2 sy 15 115 2 4 43i 2J LoumanH1 Maid 8 PrincePinell5BBleiweissll5ScarP 112 1934 record 1 0 1 0 100 Leo B 1 OA B 2 by Leonardo II Lilly B by McGee McGeeJune June 5 Lat 12 484 fft Trainer C R Valentine Owner J S McGinnis Jun 8344Lat 1 1K1 ft 6i 103 234 41 TaylorD 1000 8 PoetPrincellOGobet 105TuIipTimel07 Jun l34JLat 5 1 109 ft 15 11510 9 1010 II12 RobinsonL11 1000 11 GnThronellOTooBusyllOChlieJr 110 May 234HO a4 f 56 ft 1 118 3i ReevesR Alhv 7 Playsickle lll Maco 112EIdredL 113 113Apr3034HO Apr3034HO a4Jf 59 ft 5 118 1i ReevcsR Maid 8 Panoramicll5BWalshll8MDelba 115 1934 record 4 1 0 1 255 John 3Iarcnm 1 OQ Ch g 2 M by Lee 0 Cotner Guaranteed by Hilarious HilariousJune June 9 Lat 58 l04sv Trainer J J Troxler Owner W f Knebelkamp KnebelkampJun Jun 534Lat S ± f 108 sy 8 115 8 7 T8 6 MeyerC5 Maid 10 Ramrodll5PrincePinell5TrippUp 115 Mayl934CD 100 ft 51 115 5 4 41 6T1 PoolE Maid 9 FtEntry HSEhvawa 115WeTime 115 Ma Ma1534ICD 1534ICD 1 103 m 3110 115 8 6 610 41 SchutteH Maid 8 HrTimell5FirstEntry 115Pr John 115 May 934CD 4 f 55 ft 71 115 623 3 KernW Maid 9 Riff 115 Celebrant 115 Sula 115 May 334CD 4 f 54 ft 42 11510 7 11 11 KernW Maid 12 FortSpringsll5 ElwawallS Almac 115 1934 record 5 00 50 In Chancery 1 07 Br 9 2 M by Chance Play Let Her Fly by Pataud PataudJune June 9 Lat 38 38sv Trainer H Oots Owner H Dots DotsFirst First start Imigert 1 1 Q Ch c 2 M by Nassak Angleplane by Honeywood HoneywoodJune June 10 Lat 34125m JL Trainer T F Devereaux Owner Devereaux Bros Jun 8344Lat 1 1K1 ft 100 SCRATCHED Post P 8 1000 8 PoetPrincellOGobet 105TulipTimel07i