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4th FairmOlint Out of Chute Purse 400 3 YearOlds amJUp ward Claiming Gay World Oct 14 1933 Mile 11115 3 119 119NOTE NOTE Claiming price 500 Nonwinners of two races in 1934 3yearolds 110 bs older 114 Ibs Nonwinners in 1934 allowed 3 Ibs Index Post rBest at Distancev Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Hovse TrackWt Time AgeToday Pricp 96448 llVal J 1 FP 108 113 4 109 X 500 96980 6Pent House 01111112 4 109X 500 96905 1 Galapan Was 105 114 5109 500 963621 9Dauntless Miss Aur 108 113 3 100X 500 96647 8 War Dimes FP 114 115 4 114V 500 96732 4Dee Tees FP 110 113 4 104 500 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Prica 96817 2Moon Shy Hia 102 112 4101 500 93191 3Bill Lutz = f dn 107 113 6 109X 500 96564 5 Gay Follies Aur 102 14 3 105X 500 96564 7 Fountain Bbg i08 113 4 109X 500 96979 lQRsa Fern M TP 98117 4101 500 Val J X 1 Oid B g4 by Noel Antiquity by Berrilldon BerrilldonJune June 11 FP 12 55hv Trainer A Rogers Owner Mrs W M Cain CainIJate IJate Trk uis Time Con Odds Wt St i Str FInJockey PPCllceSts Best Company CompanyJua Jua 9U342FP 5 f 107 gd 110 SCRATCHED Post P 17 600 12 TryLass HOFoolhardy 106CStemlOO OctlO 33FP 1139 ft 15 1014 5 59i 5 SmithFA 500 8 HonohinailOMaraboul05OurSahdy 110 Sep30336FP 1 142 si 12 106 4 2 24 38 MillsC 500 8 Honohina U5BeCain lllSdBelle 109 Starti 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Won1934record 1933 recrtf 26 = 3 3 2 5 97350 1934record 2 1 0 0 300 Pent House X 1 OQ B 9 4b PolitianrUengai by Sir Jonn jqnnson jqnnsonJune June 5 FP 34 Ii22ft Jv Trainer J G Brown Brownv v Owner Old Gold Stable Jun 9342FP5f 107 gd 9 1155 8 811 8 DyerJ1 600 12 TryLass llOEoolhardy 106CStemlOO May 834Dai j 114 ft 6 116 1 1 11 1 AlIenR1 8QO 6 ThreatlllSeymourlllLsgmePine 111 May 434pal 3 116 si 41 118 4 4 5 5 AIlenR 1000 8 TerryLass 108 AUena 104Threat 113 Man 634QiP 3114 ft 245 111 6 10 ll15 ll18 PelersM8 600 12 WiscEddiellIBufch 116FndJpKn 116 Mac 13426P 3117 si 4740 105 4 3 51 5 PelersM 600 12 ComeAlongliqClpiradoll3GgeKV 112 1933 record 29 67 2 2905 1934 record 7 1 1 0 475 475Galapan Galapan g 1 0 Q Br V 5 b Galetiari Pan Maid by Peter Pan Mav 27 FP 34l17ft LV J Trainer J Cartel Owner J C James Jun 8346FP 5ifl07sl 5i llO 2 2 2i 3s SerioJ4 500 9 ValleylOSSenrSeth 115Whitliarral 110 Juri l344FP5J5fl08ft 7 107 3 1 I1 IMVilsonL 600 7 Tocayall2Monde 112BagdRosesr 107 May30342FP StnXMK 31 105 5 2 22 31 WilsonL1 600 10 AprontelOOGerdeVlOSCoLCiter UO Jun2733Rkm 3 113 ft 22 107 1 1 8 EdJichonL8 lOOO 8 Waydenl06ImaQun 112MostAlwaysl02 May2733Was 3117 hy 19 103 4 5 6 7 DoonisJ1 1500 9 RgWatrlOaCogAirllSUcleHry 118 May24334Was 3 113 ft 5 105 3 4 54i 61 WestropeJ 1500 6 DorisJeanllOGunfire 115SisAgnes 110 1933 record 4 0 0 0 10 r 1934 record 3 1 0 2 350 Dauntless Miss X TOO B f 3 b ColohelVennie Busy Miss by Busy American June lO FP 38 44m Jv Trainer A K Miller Owner Mrs A K Miller Jua 134FP 5i f 107 ft 75 103 2 1 I1 31 ManifoIdHs 800 8 MksPal 103CtSteml03RnsChe 108 MajSO F 3 112 ft 10 103 5 3 42i 4 i DyerJ 800 7 Gulfelano 116 Ogee 116 JWGrant 111 May26344FP 3 113 ft 81 1021 7 8 81S 8S BouciicrJ 800 8 JticeB110BlingKntl07GuIfelao 114 Maj21 345Aur 64 M06 ft 12 107 5 1 11 24TiIdjnR 800 7 Toltec 109 Miss Chilla 104 Cheers 114 Mayl8344Aur 3 112 ft 28 106 5 3 21 341 TildenR1 800 7 WhizzJaesll2MChiIlbl07JimOrt 112 1933 record 8 2 2 1 f 900 1934 rccprd 9 1 1 2 535 War Dimes I A B 9 4 by Jim Gaffney Shawl by Fair Play v vMav Mav 27 FP 12 49ft A t Trainer K Hockenbury Owner Miss M Evans Jun 534FP 3115 ft 4110114 222 lh DyerJ8 500 10 McLeay 114Blake 103NiggerBeck 103 Ma 30344FP 3114 ft 9 1096 3 2 3 ManifoIdH1 i 800 8 DeeTeesl09Poppingl03FriendTpm 108 May2834FP 3 114 ft 10 110 2 3 41 73 ManifoIdH5 800 12 ClaflaglOSEdgarBoy 108UncMitch 115 M y2234TAur 5i f l07 si 23 107 7 6 65i 61 ManifoIdH8 600 10 Irfanchl05ChfDaunt 112GnStorml07 Sep2133LF 3113 ft 63f 10111 Lost riderHelmM11 1200 12 LeBruyerel06Vohvood 106VictQrmlU Augl8332Haw 6 f 120 ft 142 112 12 11 ll1 912 ArcaroE1 lOOO 12 MrsLct 99StrollAIong 1070ndott UO 1933 record 4 1934 record 4 1 0 1 325 325Dee Dee Tees PanJ 1 A B f 4 by Bubbling Over Champagne by Peter Pan J Trainer Hi G Knott Owner H L Platt Jun 634FP 5 fl07ft 165 106 4 3 22 21 WilsonL7 600 10 Lessing 115Tocaya 106Barbarossa 113 Jiin 434FP 5i f 106 ft 225 109 4 2 21 21 WilsonL 500 9 Apronettel04Aurica 109BdyGift 114 M3 30344FP 31d4 ft 1310 109 2 1 1 I2 WilsonL5 800 8 Poppingl03WarDimes 109FdTom 108 May28344FP 3 1 J3 ft 10 110 3 1 I1 21 WilsonL1 800 10 WildLawU5MissGlacel03NigBeck 103 May2134Dal 6 f 120 ft 38 105 4 3 31 44jMartinezP 800 8 BtWjnelOOExtManlOSCsMclqdy 105 Mayl5343Dal 61 f 120 ft 71 107 4 5 741 71 WestropeJ5 1000 10 ThDucel04CfsPridellOi DboIus 118 1933 record 1 1934 record 16 14 0 605 605Moon Moon Shy 101 B f 4 bySt James Maid o the Mist by Pennant PennantJune June 4 FP 12 50ft L 1 Trainer G R Bryson Owner E K Bryson BrysonJun Jun 7342FP 5 fl07ft 16 107 9 7 7 6 SerioJ 500 11 BigBIue 107Alamae 102 DrHappy 112 112Jua Jua 1344FP 5 f 108 ft 95 107 7 7 6s 61 DyerJ1 600 7 Galapan 107 Tocaya 112 Monde 112 112Oct Oct 333Jam 3 113 ft 30 107 11 10 9 l 10C1 JonesR5 1500 11 TheHJienll2HyScot 117CperShipllO JuI31334EmP 5iflQ9ft 30 1017 7 761 74 StoutJ 1700 8 MPray WBannerlOOGTrade I09i Juo3033Rkm 3 113 ft 5 100 8 8 8Ti 7iRoseG 1000 8 1QueenllSCAImgrenlOS GHopes lOb JunJ2733Rkm 3 113 ft 95 93 8 7 6 441 WindleG 1000 8 Vaydenl06 ImaQunll2MostAhyaysl02 1933 record 20 21 4 1450 1934 record 2 2Bill Bill Lutz X 1 OQ Cn 9 6 by Donnacona Holly Leaf by Upset June 9 FP 34 l led JUf Trainer W Lutz Owner W Lutz LutzApe Ape 434JAD wgc 111 ft 85 115 88 7s 74lWallN 1000 8 LerackllOFoftWorth HOCaptRed 115 FcbSS G 3115 ft 48 112 8 9103i94iLoweW 600 10 Surepopll2ForgetNot 112WysFox 117 117Fcb434FG Fcb434FG 1141 ft 8 110 8 8 714 715 LowryJ8 800 9 FrgGiblonl05GetReadyl08Sorcery 110 Jaa31345FG 1 146 sy 1310 110 3 2 3s 5 ManifoIdH 800 9 PChristnl08DHourl08FtRent 105 Jao2834FG 1147 hy 95 1103 1 2k 2i ManifoIdH4 800 12 Ogee 110 Rizla 103 Interior 107 1933 record 38 2 10 5 1590 1934 record 7 1 20 335 335Gay Gay Follies X 1 0 Br f 3 Genie Follies by His Majesty June 3 FP 38 35ft Ju Trainer H Gorham Owner P Hatcher HatcherJua Jua 9342FP 5if l07 gd 105 SCRATCHED Post P 16 600 12 TryLass HOFoolhardy 106CStemlOO 106CStemlOOJun Jun 4346FP 5 f 106 ft 15 100 5 5 61 541 SmithFA4 600 7 GChampn 114Tnywdll3BtMan 118 118Ma Ma Ma3034liFP 3034liFP 3 112 ft 12 103 4 5 51 512 RollinsC 800 7 Gulfelano 116 Ogee 116 JWGrant 111 111Mayl834IAur Mayl834IAur 5 i f 106 ft 4 105 6 4 41 lk KeesterP5 600 11 PoIIyE 109AHens 109FrenchMaid 104 Mayl2 104Mayl2 342Aur 3 113 ft 10 104 6 3 6i 8t5 HnandezJ3 800 12 MksBeIal08Gfelanol08BSmher 108 1933 record 19 1 3 1 785 1934 record 7 1 1 0 J 450 450Fountain Fountain SweepJune X 1 OQ r f 4 bv Black Servant Lightning Sweep by Sweep June 11 FP 38 39hv Jvt Trainer J M Hubbard Owner J M Hubbard HubbardJun Jun 118Jun 4346FP 51 1106 ft 15 113 A 2 3i 641 TildenR1 600 7 GChampn 114Tnywdll3E lMan 118 Jun 1344FP 5 f 108 ft 61 112 1 2 34 561 TildenR5 600 7 Galapan 107 Tocaya 112 Monde 112 Mayl9342Aur 112Mayl9342Aur 3 113 ft 1110 111 2 1 I2 1 TiIderR 800 8 GonStormlllNigrBeckl05vHowtiz 116 Ma 16343Aur 5 f 1K36 ft 71 107 4 2 23 24 TildenR1 600 12 MaMaterl07GulfCrol07Transbird 107 MaylO34Aur 107MaylO34Aur 54fl09 gd 11 109 1 6 610 9 ChUhamR 600 12 Aurica 105 Irfaneh 109 Gallopette 109 OctlO33FP 109OctlO33FP 5ifl06ft 5 110 9 12 ll14 1011 NealE1 600 12 Mcntalityll3Irfaneh 114Thelma L109 1933 record 22 453 1500 1934 record 5 1 1 0 450 450Baga Baga Fern 1 01 ch f 4 M by Ragamuffin Fern Hv by Tchad Mav 31 FP 12 49ft LUJ Trainer A La Blance Owner G Zakaras Jun ZakarasJun 934 3414 gd 48 98 7 5 6J1 6 IoonR4 600 7 Gulfelanoll5 Vladimir 106RiverLeelll Jun 106RiverLeelllJun 534FP 3 115 ft 60 112 8 8 10 10 HahnJW1 00 10 RrLee H7Bag oRosesl07SisLgb 112