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CHARLES TOWN CHARLES TOWN W Var Wednesday June 13 1934 Charles Town 34 mile Fifteenth day Shenandoah Valley Jockey Club Summer meeting of 36 days BoyleLynch Stall Gate used Weather clear clearSteward Steward representing the West Virginia Racing Commission MeetingH E J Brennan Stewards of Meeting H G Langdon and A T Watson Judges G Snow G P Miller and F Brook Starter W Mara Rac ¬ ing Secretary E J Brennan BrennanRacing Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 200 p m mQT QT t i FIRST RACE 6 12 Furlongs FurlongsJunelt34CT Junelt34CT Commuter Dec 14 1933 june13 cT 120 5 111 Spencer Purse Purse 250 3yearolds Claiming Net value to vinner 200 second 35 third 15 Eq Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 96930 Scotty Don 113 I2 GodfreyN 320100 96932 Repeal 113 24 SmithE 200100 97090Glisk 109 3i WcirF 390100 969293Jane Porter 103 4 YowellE 330100 97014 Hair Trigger 113 510 WillardC 920100 97089 Idle Sweep 113 6J WisnerV 8280100 97089Evoning Chimes 108 7 PrietoJ 13880100 Time 123 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Scotty Don 840 straight 560 place 320 320show show Repeal 420 place 340 show Glisk 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Scotty Don 320 to 100 straight 180 to 100 place 60 to 100 show Repeal 110 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Glisk 60 to 100 show Winner A Getzs ch c by Scotch Broom Dun workin by Dunlin trained by C Beal bred by Mr C T Grayson Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800Went Went to post 201 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same Scratched 96671 Wise Molliq 108 Overweight Glisk 1 pound Corrected weight Jane Porter 103 QT95zl SECOND RACE 6 12 Furlongs June1334CT tJune1334CT Commuter Dec 14 1933 1205111 Hawks Nest NestPurse Purse Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Claim ing Net value to winner 200 second 35 third 15 Eq Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 97011Busy Ike 116 12J HilleyW 380100 9G591Lampoon 111 2J WcirF 150100 96230Tuleyries Wand 111 3s PalumboS 250100 97094War General 111 4 PrietoJ 1340100 134010096928Laknite 96928Laknite 106 55 DennisE 7470100 96848Fair Jack 111 6 YowellE 700100 96383West End 111 7 MorrisseyW 6520100 Time 122 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Busy Ike 960 straight 400 400place place 260 show Lampoon 320 place 240 show Tuleyries Wand 280 show Equivalent booking odds Busy Ike 380 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Lampoon 60 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Tuleyries Wand 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner J T Harris br g 4 by Chatterton Dolly Higgins by Migraine trained by J T Har ris bred by Mr C Clay Winner entered to be claimed for 500 Went to post 231 At post 10 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving Scratched 97016 Light Action 116 QT QTzlLdL zlLdL THIRD RACE 6 12 Furlongs Junei334cT 1933Junei334cT fnPif fnPifVr Vr Commuter Dec 14 1933 120 5 111 Cabell Purse PursePurse Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 200 second 35 third 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 97010Schlejr Straight97010Schlejr B Ill 14WcirF 120100 120100970102Silver 970102Silver Arch 106 24 YowellE 150100 150100970943Free 970943Free Advice 116 3 PalumboS 520100 96928Luke Connell 111 4s PrietoJ 1870100 96933 Small Change 116 54 WisnerV 2100100 96667 Timber Fire 111 6 HilleyW 4260100 Time 122 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Schley B 440 straight 240 place 220 show Silver Arch 240 place 220 show Free Advice 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Schley B 120 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Silver Arch 20 to 100 place 10 to 100 shovV Free Advice 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner J P Bowmans b g 9 by Chief Flynn Culpeper by Theo Cook trained by D P Brown bred by Mr A S Bowman Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500Went Went to post 305 At post 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 97011 The Gen 116 96230 Fair Clark 111 QrTOl tC FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles MilesJune1334 341476Junel334cT Arab June 4 341476 June1334 Junel334cT T m Chesapeake and Ohio OhioRailroad Railroad Purse Purse 250 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Maidens Claiming Net value to winnec 200 second 35 third 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 96929 Dunstar 111 lCoxD 90100 9010097092True 97092True John 111 2 SteenJ 240100 96934 The Scaup 106 3s BrooksJ 1870100 96931 Bracola 1081 4J LauchH 630100 96929 Boston Idle 106 5 TryonA 1640100 97094 Lightning Rock 116 6 WillardC 1230100 Time 151 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Dunstar 380 straight 260 place 220 show True John 300 place 260 shbw The Scaup 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Dunstar 90 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 10 to 100 show True John 50 to 100 place 30 to 100 show The Scaup 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner P R Campbells b c 3 by Dunlin Star Emerald by Sunstar trained by R Campbell bred by Mr P M Walker Winner entered to be claimed for 600 Went to post 330J At post J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving QT9ztR FIFTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs 1933120June1334CT Commuter Dec 14 1933120 JUM June1334CT 34CT 5m Mjngo Purse Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 200 second 35 fourth 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight96669Dunora 96669Dunora 109 1s WeirF 90100 97015 Flageolet 110 21 DayJ 1840100 96669 Hurry Bye 118 3 JacksonC 630100 63010096929Transcribe 96929Transcribe 113 45 HilleyW 350100 35010097014Rustic 97014Rustic Cuba 113 5 WisnerV 690100 97089Bcndromel 100 6 YowellE 1360100 1360100Time Time 121 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Dunora 380 straight 320 place 260 show Flageolet 1100 place 520 show Hurry Bye 460 show = Equivalent booking odds Dunora 90 to 100 straight 60 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Flageolet 450 to 100 place 160 to 100 show Hurry Bye 130 to 100 show showWinner Winner L E Barnes b f 4 by Dunlin Jose phine Wcidel by Zeus trained by L E Barnes bred by Mrs T H Somerville Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700Went Went to post 355 At post 5 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingOverweight Overweight Dunora 1 pound OT trr SIXTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs iT i Commuter Dec 14 1933 June1334CT 120 5 111 Huntington Ad Advertiser vertiser Purse Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 200 second 35 third 15 Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fm Jockey Straight Straight969342Kingbird 969342Kingbird 111 li WeirF 118Q100 97090 Pink Post 116 2J1 LauchH 1240100 124010096933Captor 96933Captor 116 3 PalumboS 180100 97092 Mazyniata 112 i 4s WisnerV 100100 96765 Post Brigade 116 51 GodfreyN 1020100 97168 Flying Start 116 6 TryonA 3150100 Time 122J Track fast 2 mutuels paid Kingbird 2560 straight 960 place 360 show Pink Post 880 place 420 show Captor 260 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Kingbird 1180 to 100 straight 380 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Pink Post 340 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Captor 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner Mrs A M Halls b g 8 by Star Hawk Pietra by Pietermaritzburg trained by B F Baker bred by Mr A B Hancock Winner en ¬ tered to be claimed for 500 500Went Went to post 420 At post i minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 97009 Muskoday 116 96930 Radial 111 111Ovenveight Ovenveight Mazyniata 1 pounds QT Jft SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Mileshfnfifidr June1334CT 19341476June1334CT hfnfifidr T Arab June 19341476 110 j Hopemont Purse Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 200 second 35 third 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 97016 Royal Lassie 112 Ti WisnerV 580100 58010096934Armageddon 96934Armageddon 109 2Ji WeirF 1050100 97093 Royal Charge 112 31 PalumboS 420100 420100969343Forest 969343Forest Faun 115 4s TrenchdS 330100 33010097094HeIens 97094HeIens Alibi 115 5s PrainA 230100 97094 Concord 112 6 QuatbmC 9520100 970113Serenabit 105 7s PrietoJ 600100 96846 Easter Medal 107 8 MorseyW 29980100 2998010097010Bye 97010Bye and Bye 107 PupYowellE 4120100 4120100Time Time 149 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Royal Lassie 1360 straight 700 place 340 show Armageddon 800 place 400 show Royal Charge 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Royal Lassie 580 to 100 straight 250 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Ar ¬ mageddon 300 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Royal Charge 60 to 100 show showWinner Winner D Grays ch m 5 by Waygood Royal M by Royal Canopy trained by D Gray bred by Mr W B Miller Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500Went Went to post 445J At post 6J minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingOverweight Overweight Royal Lassie 2 pounds Armageddon 2