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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXX NUMBER 142 FOUNDED IN 1894 1894Entered Entered as second class matter April 2 1896 at the post office at Chicago Illinois under Act of March 8 1878 vi BAIL EXCEPT SUNDAY A dally reflection of the American turf by telegraph Published ty DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 7ZTMOUTH COTJBT CHICAGO HX HXUS US OFOURTH AVENUE NEW XOBK CIH 3f T ilCHHOND ST2EET EAST TORONTO ONT S05SQ7 JJECATtra STREET SEW ORLEANS XA XAsw sw HIST AVE s w MIAMI FIA 1145 GARRISON ST BAN FRANCISCO CAXJF TELEPHONE HAHR1SON 7508 For buslneia and clrculitlon parpoecc only Thb telephone La no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot lie used to communi ¬ cate witb them Tier Free Thcne Results C H Wabast 7000 SUBSCRIPTION B FIRST CLASS MAIL f W fXn MONTH I2CO EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DE DEIHYERY IHYERY 11950 PER JtlOKTB BY AIR MAIL 2 0 ZXTHH TOR SP1EGIA7L DELIVERY DELIVERYPAYABLE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL 25 CENTS EACH Address U communications mttlie All remittances ad send H manuscripts to toDAHY DAHY RACING TORM JTOBUSHIHG CO 441 Plymouth Court Chie r HI To be considered and answered ell qneries to Daily Racing form must be sent orer the frill name and with the address of irrlter The name and addrenea are subject to a local and foreign directory test 91105 is First Index of 1934