Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1934-06-14

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WORKOUTS Date left of horse name te test workout Letters following time indicate indicateb b breezing d driving e eaaUy h handily e aO oat sulked imninl vp Fastest vpFastest Time at Each DMuoe Shows In Black Face Type WEDNESDAY JUNE 13 WASHINGTON PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 67 Blonde Belle 37b 611 Ryl Blunder zSSh 69 Bay Sister 37b 68 Race Craft fd 611 Cloud DOr 35h 531 Stay 34h 611 Chicasha 40 b 611 Vahce 35h 35h6lOEscobarcss 6lOEscobarcss 39 b 610 Wise Dauter 39 b 516 Gunfire 38h 66 Wise Player 36h 36h610Mucia 610Mucia 36h 611 Watonga 36 h hM M J Brcnn 41 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 64 Copain 544 b 610 Mighty Atom 53 b 610 Chirac 53b 612 Pornella 51 h 610 Coldwater 48d 611 Regardless 50h 67 Clarify 50b 69 Risky Gal 49 h 67 Cf Cherokee 52b 61 Sportg Pearl 52 b 67 Dartle 52b 610 Sun Captor 48J b 67 Durga 49 h 612 Sad Knight 53 b 67 Miss Quick 51 h 610 Wee Lukie 51 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 610 Boiling Pointl03b 69 Legal Gamblel02 d 610 Bny Sexton 05 b 69 Mrs Fabl04b Fabl04b610Beginrs 610Beginrs Baitl03b 69 Miss Kievl04h 66 Circus Daysl057 h 66 Pr Suliemanl05 b 66 Canbe Made 105 h 69 Peggy Gall02h Gall02hG11 G11 Drole Folly 100d 611 Paul T l01d 69 Dna Bettinal04 h 68 Sister Maryl03 h 612 Knave l03h 610 Shan 104 b 610 Kashgar 103 h 67 Star Play l04b l04b529Longus 529Longus l07 b 69 Texas Maid l04b 610 Luke Comnl05h Comnl05hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 610 AIbuquerquol18 b 528 Mr James 117 b 610 Be Shy 1 14h 612 Our Admirall23 b 64 Black Miss l1745h 610 Red Whisk 117 b 528 Culloden l20b 611 Strait Jacketl14d 69 Cp Douglas l17h 68 Westko l17b 69 Indian Salutcl15 d dSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 610 Bcdo l30b 66 Tony Joe l34b 610 Lady Va Val30 b bOne One Mile 65 Billowy Wavel55 b 69 Pot au Brmsl45 b 612 Dis Dat 146 b 69 TomToolery 150 b 67 Genl Parth 142 h hOne One and OneEighth Miles 612 Frk Ormontl59y3h Ormontl59y3hStay Stay and Race Craft showed good speed speedDrole Drole Polly showed a good effort effortIndian Indian Salute and Strait Jacket were to ether LINCOLN FIELDS FIELDSWeather Weather clear track fast T TOneQuarter OneQuarter Mile MilePanic Panic Blues 24 h ThreeEighths Mile 65 Brown Sinner 41 b 610 Mumsie 35 d 68 KaiFinn 37 h 66 Tar Water 36h FiveEighths Mile 68 Wster Saucel03 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 610 Brd Mdows120 b 67 Home Work 123 b bOne One Mile 612Edith A l44h LATONIA Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 612 Big Rod 38h 68 Miss Ctrary 36h 68 Blue Time 36 h 427 Prince Pan 39 b 61 Dorothy Dale 37h 519 Quidam 36h 531 Gden Thrne 36h 69 Rosa Dear 36h 5221 Pass 36h 66 Sweep Like 37 h 530 Jge Barkley 39h 63 Tulip Time 36h 526Mning Fair 36 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile525Bbara 525Bbara Crm 51 b 612 Mikes Pal 50h 67 Byrdine 48h 530 Playsickle 49h 49hBlanche Blanche C 50 = fh 69 Prince Doo AQfth 610 Emil Pasha 0h 64 Stall Man 51 h 67 Green 50h 68 Scrambola 50u 67 Grand Poise 52b 610 Tripcnny 50h 69 Hard Cash White Tops 53h 611 Lady Patrol 514 h 519 Ziska 53 h 67 Mary Nell 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 65 Bill Bleiwssl03h 610 Prince Fluzl07h 531 Charlie Jrl03h 514 Panalong l08b 68 Cactus Rose l03b 612 Rolanda l04b 612Jawapa l02h 611 Sweet Peachl05 h 610 Kin Cicero l07h 68 Saginaw l08h 612 Landovor 106 h 64 Tripp Up 101h 65 Moa lK3h 610 Yantis 106 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 66 Baboson 119 a 64 Little ConIyl23b 526 Cousin Bessl164fh 611 Marie Jcanl20b 526 Cherry Timel14b 610 Miss Marge l16d 69 Collection 120 h 68 Prince PineM4d PineM4d6llDcing 6llDcing Boyl21b Serene 127 b 69 Final Fling l16d 66 Upsets Lassiel18h 6llFIecta Rosel16h 610 Vcston l17d l17dOne One Mile 56 Buddy Apsl47h 61 Monks Star142J h Duvay Lass 148 h 69 Rally Rbundl43h 67 Donna Woodl47d 66 Royal Sport l47b 517Gibbys Chol53hOne Chol53h One and OneEighth Miles 612 New Deal l51d l51dCherry Cherry Time Prince Pine Byrdine all went from the gate Tripp Up showed speed Now Deals work was a standout BLUE BONETS BONETSWeather Weather cloudy track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 430 Foxy Quillcr 38 b 69 Ming Sun 40 h hImagale Imagale 42 b Popcorn 40 b b519Imadud 519Imadud 39 d 610 Pce Westend 40 b 610 Jug of Gold 37 b 68 W MGregor 39 h 514 Loggia 37 h 610 William C 43 d dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 526 Caterer 55 b 611 Vennie H 49d 49d551Chipola 551Chipola 53 h 520 Unlawful 55 d Hot Springs 53h 53hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 611 Basilica 109 d 610 Justold 106 h h6llDunsprite 6llDunsprite 105 h 610 Julius J Rl06 d 611 Dingle Bay 105 h 610 Wood River 107 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 610Snclboc 120 h hOne One Mile 519 Chrysmute VOne 150 b V One and OneEighth Miles 68 Investor 210 b X DETROIT DETROITWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 519 Come Seven 37 t 67 Love Sick 36 h hDedication Dedication 39 h 68 Morgil 37b 37b6llDokos 6llDokos 37 h 611 Miss Elegce 36h 610 Green Lotus 38 h 69 Oddesa May 36h 68 Gden Camp 37b 69 Oddesa Star 36 h 64 Gene D 38 h 62 Red Rod 38 h 610 Honey Bear 36h 611 Ral Lineage 36h 69 Impl Betsy 37h 610 Savenay 39 h 610 Kings Mtrel 35h Vee Eight 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 67 Apple Frter 49h 69 Mhigan Lad 55 h 64 Blackstrap 50b 611 Merry Freda 54 h 69 Dark Zeni 49 b 64 Miss Pal 50 h 67 Dozana 48h 66 Morsel 49h 64 Devilish 57 b 68 Night Serge 49 b 518 Doeskin 50 h 523 Pillnita 54 b 610 Fair Peter 52 b 54 Princeton 50 h 61 Genl Pulaski 50h 65 Pacheco 52h 69 Hhest Point 51 b 43 Royal Phase 57 b 68 Hilltown 49 b 69 Royal Dhess 49h 64 JimsX 50 h 69 Spdy Skippy 0h 62 Lanier 50h 610 Sycygy 52 b 69 Long Count 49h 611 Unencbcred 51h 67 Mry Chatter 51h 517 Volwood 49 h 612Myman 49h 66 Watch Tower 54 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 611 All Rowesl03h 69 Merrily On 101 h 69 Blue Dusk 104 h 69 Muslet 106 b b610BrindIe 610BrindIe l03h 69 My MyersonlOl h 611 Chokee Sall05h 67 Mid Vtorianl02 b 69 Englewood 105 h 67 Phildia 104 b 612Hoptoit l03d 52 Quiver 106 b 66 Injustice l01h 611 Soeur Blchel05 b 64 Kumhere l06h 611 Sassaby l02h 65 Lough Portl02b 61 Sand Cloud l02b 68 Lucky Bill 105 h 66 Some KnightlK3h 610 Liberty Oak 107 h 61 Try Symphyl03h 610 Ltle DoggielK3h 67 Thgh Omondl05 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 528 AI Jolson Millefiore Tl18b 69 Betty Mariel19b 612 Mr Spongel17 d 428 Blind Luck 119 h 69 Miscalculatel26 b 61 Ctine Lassl17 b 69 Mocker l23b 611 Cuirassier l15h 65 Noelwood 120 b 610 Captain Edl18h 66 On Sir l20h 610 Curacao 115 b 530 Polyp 114h 66 Desert Calll16h 68 Stroll Along 118 b 612 Eddy Lee l19h 610 Star Brook 119 h 68 Flying Sailorl18b 612 Salaam l21b 68 Lepawee 121 b 62 The Dreaml20 h 526 Lacquer l20b Trailer l15h 529 Merely l23b 64 Vishnu 122 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 612 Bob Dozer l30h 69 Pompoleon 132 b 68 Good Pofitianl30h 68 Prefer 130 h hOne One Mile 68 Big Beau 147 h 526 Scimitar 145 h 611 Gertc Readcl43h 62 Lemon 144 h 610 Silent Shot143J h 67 Tug o War 147 b Mid Victorian has her speed Miney Myerson and Merrily On worked together togetherDesert Desert Call and Prefer came from the bar ¬ rier rierInjustice Injustice and Cuirassier both worked han ¬ dily FAIKMOUNT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track good ThreeEighths Mile 610AJivata 38b 48 Monkey She 39 b b6llAxtien 6llAxtien 40b 69 Mt Washn 37h 67 Bonnie Bard 40b 58 Macks Pal 40 b 612 Curly Head 37h 57 Nowski 43 b 65 Catch On 37 h 610 Radiation 37 h 68 Dczan 37h 612 Sea Lassie 38 h 69 External 38h 67 Sthlnd Toy 39 b 66 Kentky Grn 37 h Tom Mar 40 b b520Lugen 520Lugen Luge 38h 611 Thelma L 39b 67 Morvim 37h 64 Wise Eddie 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 62 Abstain 50b 515 Mayreen 52b 69 Annie N 51 h My Surprise 52 h 32 Adrian 49h 67 Main Event 50h 50hBuds Buds Chce 51h 518 McLeay 52 h 58 Baby Sweep 49h 528 Miss N Cn 50h 67 Billie Birck 53b 66 Megai 52h 53 Doctor Hpy 51h 65 Northern Sir 50h 67 Daisy Cutter 49h 66 Run On 4 b 66 Equation 52h 427 Ruth Jelinck 50h 69 Farmer Bob 51 h 611 Sam Megeth 49h 54 Green Wve 50 h 510 Sym Jack 51h 65 Jimmy N 51 h 528 Sun Way 52h 67 Luck Piece 55b 611 Wilcher 52 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 68 Aunt Marie l03h 64 Phm Rockl054b 67 Clamp l04h 65 Shaker LadlK6b 63 Flying Don 105 b 69 The Judge l04b 526 Grand Unionl03h 612 Title Star 103 h hHourls Hourls Werl08 b 64 Volture l04h l04hManipulator Manipulator l03h 67 Wild Drmsl05h 527 My Desire l04h 611 Wishg Starl09b 67 Mac Moon l09b l09bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 611 Alcove 124 b 61 Minnequa 117 h 66 Anne L l18b 67 Rntgolgist 120 b 69 Baritone l17h 67 Royal Rock 120 b 69 Big Lady l19b 66 Royal Seel18 b 66 Htfd Girll17h 69 Seta l19b l19bOne One Mile 69 Bright Winel53 b 53l Mokan l45 h 69 My Dandy 143 b My Dandy was only breezing Daisy Cutter and Sam Megeth worked from the gate AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track sloppy ThreeEighths Mile 610 Blue Bubble 37 h 610 Pat Baldy 38h 611 Molly 37 h 65 Texas Tmy 38h 67 Mountain Elk 37 h hflneHalf flneHalf Mile 527 Dunbar 0 h 612 Impromptu 53 h 69 Effervescent 49 h 69 My Selection 49 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 611 Be There 103 h 69 Gift Magic 102 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 612 Blue Brooms116h 69 Pennate 117 h 610 Broadsword 117 h 611 The Rake 117 h 69 Chain 120 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 69 Thundcrtone 130 h hOne One Mile 612 Bahadur 144 h BELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track slow ThreeEighths Mile 528 Air Line 37h 610 NVr Change 37 h 68 Bonanza 36 h 68 Proud Girl 38 h 69 Bder Knight 37h 611 Polycletus 37h 69 Candy Prince 36d 524 Sastar 38 h 66 Exhibit 39 b 611 True Rance 37h 68 Get Ready 38 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 612 Any Chance 49h 612 Progandist 50 h hAlefar Alefar 50 h 611 Pompeius 49h 49hChicotta Chicotta 49 h 68 Rebel Yell 51h 610 Character 50h 68 Rose Cross 48 d 67 Gittap 51h 67 Shng Jewell 49 h 610 Jolly Saint 50 h 64 Tophorn 53b 66 Jesting 51h 611 Vage Vamp 51h 611 Ly Higloss 51h 51hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileAlberta Alberta 104 h 524 Ilikarose 106 b 611 Bed Time 106 b 611 Ivanoff 105 h 525 Corne Daileyl07 b 520 Little Argol07 b 611 Caloric 106 b 612 Shred Lady 101 d 610 Dark Lawl01d Lawl01dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 611 Black Grousel19h 610 Olamay l19h 610 Cycle 117 h 68 Okay Wchelll23 b 67 Koterito 115h 66 Sun Clothingl21 h 63 Longford 119 h 610 Sning Woodl18 h 612 Maine Chncel20 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 612 God OWar l31h 68 Gden Way129 h hOne One Mile 610 Black Buddyl48 h 512 Coat Tails 148 h 610 Burgoo King139d 62 Sun Vestal l43d 610 Black Falconl45 h 69 Swcepstone l43d l43dOne One and OneEighth Miles 610 Inlander 157 d 69 Time Clock 157 h hOne One and OneQuarter Miles 610 Cavalcade 214 b bJAMAICA JAMAICA Weather clear track muddy ThreeEighths Mile 69 Collector Al 36d 610 Sky Haven 38y5b 38y5bDcnon Dcnon 387sb 611 Turf Beauty 36 d 68 Laura Gal 38 b 65 Trsury Key 36d 611 Miss Subtle 36d 36dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 610 Angelic 50 h 56 Quorum 53b 611 Gracias 54 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 69 Dinner Coatl05b 65 Overstimute 105 b 610 Macadam 105 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 611 Lcky Racketl18 d 69 Union 118 d dSevenEighths SevenEighths Mils 69 Euclid 135 b 611 Idle Stefanl35 b bDAYTON DAYTON DAYTONWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 68 Anna I 40d 510 Marymount 41 h 67 Becky Ppet 40 h 611 Old Honesty 39d 67 Easter Boy 41h 528 Pr cess Elsie 41h 517 Fair Lily 38h 518 Pauline H 40 h 527 Go Easy 40 h 68 Salve 40 h 63 Ingle Nook 43 h 611 Silver Wave 40h 513 June G 39d 611 Transmit 38 d 63 Kitty Lee 38d Try Come 37d 67 Lucky K 39 d 527 T Frh Rose 40h 40hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 66 Mally Maria 53h 513 Shoteur 53h 66 Prairie View 53 h 515 The Abbot 53h 69 Spot Pot 52h 52hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile6llEress 6llEress Kittyl10d 611 Silverette 110 h 530 Lee Highwayl07 d 65 Wielander l08d 67 Penang 106d 106dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 612 Bn Oderkkl21d 612 Conestoga l21h LONG BRANCH BRANCHWeather Weather cloudy track slow ThreeEighths Mile 67 Andiron 36d 69 Light Bourne 37 d 527Diamd Digr 39 h 611 Mrs Foster 39 h 517 Fire Reel 38b 65 Sir Welland 38 h 69 Herowin 36h 66 Worthing 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 528 Boom Time 51h 611 Foreign Lady 54b 68 Crap Shooter 54 h 611 Hek 54 h 611 Conflagration 55 b 6J2 Young Kitty 55 b FiveEighths Mile 62 Calchas 104 b 67 Meloy 105 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 67 Butter Beans116 h 68 March Stepl20b 68 Candy Feastl24 h 611 Pan l21h l21h6llEngetic 6llEngetic Boyl24 h Revonah l17h 69 Hernando 121 b 69 Strenuous l18b l18bOne One Mile 511 In India 148 h 67 Live One 152 b CHARLES TOWN TOWNWeather Weather clear track good ThreeEighths Mile MileAufoin Aufoin 39 h 69 Ghost Story 39 h 68 Aske 39 h 611 Star Queen 39 h 65 Curling 39 b 611 Silverdale 38b 38bGiggley Giggley Ann 38 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile6llDunair 6llDunair 51d 68 Sisko 58 b 65 Morocen 51 h 61 2 Water L d 50h ThreeQuarters Mils 611 Claque 121 h Vero 154 h 69 Golden Castlel2 b

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1934061401_28_2
Library of Congress Record: