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LONG BRANCH The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Long Branch Wednesday Paid 5530 for 2 TORONTO OUT WEDNESDAY JUNE 13 1934Long Branch 1 mile Seventh and last day Long Branch Racing Association Summer meeting of 7 days Clark Gate used Weatfier clear Presiding Steward W R Norvell Stewards J H Evans and bE Marsh Judges P E Gallon and D A Boyle Starter T Clark Racing Secretary W R Norvell Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures l in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds H723 H723l l FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Sequoia Oct 7 1933 106 2 107 Purse 800 3 V iTrTV yearolds and uoward Foaled in Canada riaiminn Met vaino CMC Index Horses EqtA WtFPSt Str Fin Jockeys Eqniv Odds Strt 300100967542ROSEPATH 97003BALD CREST w4110 9 3 1 1j I1 I1 MadeleyF Erindale Stable 300100 967542ROSEPATH 37010096754ROYAL WB 3 1061 4 5 4J 2k 23 2s YoungS H C Hatch 370100 194510087640SUN 96754ROYAL VINTAGE WB 4 117 58 8l 7J 3k 3 SniderA M JSansone 1945100 87640SUN FASH w 7 109 8 4 3k 4k 44 4 FisherRJ P S Foreman 1850100 96837 UVIRA w 6 112 2 1 2 5 5J 5l WatsonR Mrs C H Conyers = 260100 96754 82010097003eANDYPOT TOE DANCE w 6 108 6 7 6 6 61 6J RermTrdP C J Patchett r 820100 97003eANDYPOT 24001009700CIRCULET v w5l08 7 9 74 81 7 7 FodenN R R Leslie 2400100 9700CIRCULET 115510096923IRISHKID w8110 12 9 9 8s 8 EricksonH J H Black 1155100 96923IRISHKID w3 95 3 6 51 31 9 9SmithJE E F Seagram 1300100 t Time 23 4B 108 Track good goodDAI 2 MTJTUEIB PAID k OFFICIAL BOOKIHQ ODDS DAI 100ROSEPATH S SLD LD n CREST 800 390 300 300100 95100 50 100 ROSEPATH 100ROYAL 395 285 971 100 424 100 ROYAL VINTAGE 860 330100 Winner 330100Winner Ch g by Rockville Lady Vixen by Stanley Fay trained by A E Alexandra bred by Mr J P White 51400WENT Winner entered to be claimed for 51400 WENT TO POST 233 AT POST 12 minutes Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third the same MLDCREST sameMLDCREST took command in the first threesixteenths drew clear and held ROSEPATH safe The latter moved lip fast leaving the back stretch and closed gamely ROYAL VINTAGE saved ground in the last quarter SUN FASH raced well UVIRA was in close quarters early TOE DANCE was outrun CANDY POT was always far back CIRCULET was in close quarters on the far turn IRISH KID quit quitScratched Scratched 96838Ardawn 102 968382Sam Worthy 104 96569 Master Bobbie 108 96569 Taximan 108 Overweight 108Overweight Rosepath 4 pounds Sun Fash 1 Circulet 1 72 6 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Golden Fate Oct 4 1933 111 3 110 Purse 700 3 June13 34 L a yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt JA Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 96283 LADY HOCKBERGER w 106 5 5 2J 2s 1 llk YoungS L Gentry 96839 JERE WB 106 1 3 I1 I1 21 21 VercherT J B Jewell 1660100 97083 MARVELINE w 107 82 71 4lk 35 34 WatsonR W Gould 1025100 1025100968403DISTRIBUTE 968403DISTRIBUTE WB 108 11 9 9 7i 6J 42 RemilrdP Mrs D Melanson 210100 96456 HOURSEND wnl076 4 5k 5k 51 5k DougrtyF A Hullcoat 1240100 97083 STIRRED UP WB 108 26 4k 3 42 61 FodenN W Levy 1030100 97083 GIFT ROMAN WB 106 911 = 11101 T BarnesE S H Sloan J2420100 96368 LITTLE BAR WB 104J 7 10 10i 9i 8 B14 SmithCW R H Heighe 2910100 291010096138ZAKUSKA 96138ZAKUSKA w 106 48 81 82 7 9 MadeleyF J C Fletcher 2620100 96456 FASCINATOR w 107 12 1 62 1T2102 10 MurrayH G B Foley 1260100 96056 CORDUROY w 106 3 7 32 61 II10 11 WallN Mrs B Pomeroy 96135 PLAY SHOOT WB 105 10 12 121212 12 PullianE J E Mason iMufucl field Time 23 49 116 Track good 2 MUTUZtS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LADY ODDSLADY HOCKBERGER 600 385 335 200 100 92J 100 674 100 100JERE JERE 1450 810 625 100 305 100 100MARVELINE MARVELINE 600 200 100 100Winner Winner B f by Chilhowee Pipestem by Hourlcss trained by L Gentry bred by Swincalbng Stable Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 317 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingLADY LADY HOCKBERGER forced the early pace wore down JERE at the eighth post and outlasted the latter in the drive JERE saved ground in the stretch but could not hold the winner MARVELINE moved up steadily leaving the back stretch DISTRIBUTE outrun early closed with a rush STIRRED UP tired in the stretch FASCINATOR tired CORDUROY quit badly after showing early speed Scratched 94768 Muckle Do 108 96838 Ville Crest 104 104Overweight Overweight Jere 2i pounds Marvcline 1 Distribute 1 Hpursend 3 Stirred Up 2 Gift Roman 2 Little Bar 2J QrTOQry THIRD RACE 34 Mile Golden Fate Oct 4 1933 111 3 110 Purse 700 3 50June1334LB 7 4 w j 4 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 June1334LB fourthf 25 Indei Horses EqtA WtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 94453 PROMETHEUS WB 7 115 1 3 4 3J 31 1 WatsonR Mrs W R Padgett 435100 43510097083CHARLES 97083CHARLES J WB 3 107 44 I1 Ii lk 2 YoungS L Gentry 350100 350100967532BUBBLING 967532BUBBLING OUT w 6 115 5 5 2Ik 22 2i 31 DhertyF Four LV Stable 310100 31010096567TRAJECTORY 96567TRAJECTORY WB 5 111 38 61 5 5Ji 4J LennieJ W J Waterman 1950100 97083 GRAND ROCK w 3 110 2 6 31 41 41 51 RemildP J E Mason 3510100 351010097083COLD 97083COLD SPILL WB 3 103 99 8l 6k 61 6rt MadeleyF Miss M J Amirault 1620100 96922 TIMON w 7 112 6 1 71 92 8Bk 71 SniderA A Brent 1060100 106010096922SDARK 96922SDARK WAR w 4 115 77 52 81 71 81 MannF M Keeling 540100 96841 DUNLEY WB 3 1121 8 10 11 71 91 91 FordJ Djermanovch Murphy f2980100 96840 HEREWARD WB 3 99 10 11 101 101102 104 WallN J B Jewell 1170100 97002 LACE SHAWL WB 5 113 11 2 9 11 11 11 BarnesE W F Morrissey tM tMitnrl itnrl field Time 23 48 114 Track good 12 MTJTTJELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PROMETHEUS 1070 590 335 435 100 195 100 67J 100 100CHARLES CHARLES J 410 275 105 100 374 100 100BUBBLING BUBBLING OUT 265 32 100 100Winner Winner B g by Broomstick Princess Pandora by Peter Pan trained by J J OConnor bred by Mr H P Whitney Winner entered to be claimed for 1100 1100WENT WENT TO POST 352 AT POST 7 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same PROMETHEUS moved up fast on the outside and closing with a rush outlasted CHARLES J The latter drew clear in the first quarter increased his lead leaving the back stretch and held on gamely BUBBLING OUT saved ground in the stretch TRAJECTORY worked his way up steadily GRAND ROCK raced close up all slowlyScratched the way COLD SPILL was not a factor HEREWARD unruly at the post was away slowly Scratched 97084 Single A 113 89316 Earthen Jar 104 96839 Wcstys Butler 103 89359 Zahewill 112 94900 Sir Roland 101 Overweight Cold Spill 2 pounds Timon 3 Dunlcy 2 QrrOOO FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Round Table June 7 1934 142 3 104J 7i wOO purse 800 4yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Net value to June1334LB winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtlPst Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 970873MR GAIETY w 10 111 2 3 71 51 41 21 I1 ThomasJ F Fox 1100100 110010096842HAPPY 96842HAPPY HOPES w 4 113 489 9 71 62 21 MannF R S McLaughlin 470100 47010097087REFINER 97087REFINER wa5107 3 1 31 32 3 3 3lk RemildP Mrs J Badame 840100 96757 JUNIAM w 4 109 8 6 22 2 I1 llk 4l WatsonR J E Smallman 210100 21010097087CARHAN 97087CARHAN QUEEN w 4 110 1 2 lk 1 21 41 5k MozerR Mrs D S Renaud 650100 96757 LADY MARNOCK WB 5 107 6 5 41 4lk 5i 52 6s YoungS M Keeling 620100 97087 PAT GAIETY WB 7 108 998 61 62 T 7 FodenN W I Newmarch 840100 84010096842STEP 96842STEP OFF w6108 5 7 6k 8J 84 81 8 MurrayH D Raymond 2610100 97003 ROCHE DOR wB6109 7 4 51 74 9 9 9 MadeleyF Mrs G Hogarth 2270100 2270100Time Time 24 48 1144 141 146 Track good 92 MUTTJELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MR GAIETY 2400 1020 480 1100 100 410 100 140 100 HAPPY 100HAPPY HOPES 555 355 1774 100 77 100 100REFINER REFINER 485 142 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by For Fair Marion Gaiety by Martimas trained by F Fox bred by Mr E Glassco Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 432 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start ood and slow Won ridden out second and third the same sameMR MR GAIETY moved up steadily and going to the outside in the stretch drew into a good lead and held sway to the end HAPPY HOPES an early trailer moved up resolutely in the last quarter closed with a rush and finished fastest REFINER held on gamely JUNIAM much used racing with CARHAN QUEEN drew clear near the stretch but tired thereafter The latter was unable to draw clear and tired at the finish LADY MARNOCK was hard urced PAT GAIETY was not a factor factorScratched Scratched 97161 Rilling 103 97087 Granite Rock 108 108Overweight Overweight Happy Hopes 1 pound Refiner 2 Pat Gaiety 3 FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Khorasan June 14 1933 144 5 110 Maple Leaf i I vti D Handicap Purse 1500 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1100 June1334LB secondf 5250 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses EqtA WtPPst li Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eoniv Odds Strt 96841ROUND TABLE WB 3 106 5 5 32 21 11 I1 I4 BarnesE S W Labrot x 215100 97007 STEALINGAWAY w 4 100 1 1 I1 3i 4 31 2J WallN Mrs N Ray 770100 97007PROJECTILE WB4116 3 4 44 44 3 4 3lk YoungS H C Hatch 140100 96825BLACK TARGET WB 4 113 4 3 21 lk 22 22 41 AbelA Mrs A J Abel 370100 97007FINALIST w6 107 22555 5 5 Watsor WatsonR H Neville 1130100 1130100Time Time 239 48 113 139 146 Track fast 52 MBTUEL8 PAID OFF1C1AI BOOKING ODDS 45100STEALINGAWAY ROUND TABLE 630 475 290 215 100 1374 100 45100 STEALINGAWAY 60100PROJECTILE 815 320 3074 5 100 60100 PROJECTILE I 230 15100 bredby Winner 15100Winner B c by Sir Gallahad III Priscilia Ruley by Ambassador IVj trained by CSuthpin bred by Belair Stud WENT TOPOST 507 AT POST9J mirrutes H Start good and low Woa easily wsecortd arid third driving ROUND TABLE went to the front In the stretch and drew away in th last eighth STEALINGAWAY was restrained when outrun by BLACK TARGET and the winner but closed gamely PROJECTILE in hand for an eighth closed a gap BLACK TARGET tired from forcing the pac FINALIST was outrun outrunScratched Scratched 969252Friend Charley 108 96458 Khorasan 118 118Overweight Overweight Round Table 2 pounds Finalist 5 QT AA SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Khorasan June 14 1933 144 5 110 Purse 700 4 f A TCJ yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 50June1334LB June1334LB fourth 25 i Index Horses EofA WtlPst Str Fin Jockeys Qwnera Equiv Odds Strt 97085SEMESTER WB 5 111 92 2lk I1 llk 11 llk YoungS C N Mooney 515100 96843 DARKLING w 4109 86 7a 41 34 24 21 MadeleyF E Craigie 500100 50010096324SBOOCAP 96324SBOOCAP wB5113 785 2 2 31 34 WalsonR J B Miller 810100 96843 MRS FOSTER w 7107 3 6 6k k 81 6 41 41 DhertyF M Kclling 1000100 100010096840CARYLDON 96840CARYLDON w 5 115 4 7 31 61 45 5 51 FodenN W G Campbell 230100 96927 GAY SPIRIT w 5112 6 9 71 61 6 tcnni J GB Foley 1280100 96758 TRAUMAGNE w 6 108 5 1 4 51 8 Si 71 RemildP G Hardy 2810100 96571 HAYFIRE WB 5 106 3 5 1 3 5l 74 8J BarnesE B A Langmuir 1650100 96220 LONE HAND wn 4 108 1 4 85 71 9 9 9 MozerR C P Lindner 570100 570100Time Time 24 49 115 141 148 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SEMESTER 1230 595 455 515 100 1974 100 127J 100 100DARKLING DARKLING 665 530 232J 100 165 100 100BOOCAP BOOCAP 665 232 100 100Winner Winner B g by Sir Barton Pearl Mesta by Wrack trained by G C Gardner bredby Aud ley Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1 200 200WENT WENT TO POST 549 AT POST 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SEMESTER took the lead on the back stretch and held DARKLING saje Thejatter challenged gamely in the final quarter but was not good enough BOOCAP moved up with a rush in the closing half mile then tired MRS FOSTER slow to start finished stoutly CARYLDQN tired in the last half halfmile mile GAJ SPIRIT closed a gap TRAUMAGNE quit Scratched 96843 Don Taskor112 96924 In India 103 96840 Swagger Stick 115 115Overweight Overweight Hayfire 1 pound QT zt1 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Khorasan June 14 1933 144 5 110 Purse 700 v 4 urtJL 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third thirdJune1334LB June1334LB 50 fourth 25 EqtA WtlPst V V Fin Jockejrs Owners Eqnlv Odds Strt 96924 PEGGY J w 6102 3 4 42 3 3k ° k 3lk 2lk lk DcwescM S Bucklahd 9571100 97086 BELOW COST WB 4 115 63 I2 I1 I1 I2 21 WatsonR Mrs R T Flippen Flippen96924POWDER 180100 96924POWDER MONKEY w5112 9 2 24 2 21 34 34 ThomasJ G Baker Baker96927FORT 890100 96927FORT DEARBORN WB 7 117 4 6 51 54 55 54 42 MadeleyF Erindale Stable 230100 97085 GEORGE DE MAR w 12104 7 5 3 44 41 4k 54 MozerR C S Mitchell 2110100 97085 WHITE THORN WB 4 111 1 9 9l 7 6 6 64 FodenN D Garrity 1250100 96924 PRINCE PETER WB 6 1073 5 10 8 94 81 82 74 WimcrR H Neville 11140100 97002 FRIENDLY WAYS w 5 106 10 7 71 81 74 71 85 BarnesE Mrs S B Crawford 1 15175100 96456 WALTER JR w 4 1061 8 8 10 10 10 10 9 ° MurrayH G Sharpies 14985100 1498510096460BRAD 96460BRAD WB 5 1071 2 1 61 6 94 94 10 DhertyF Mrs R H Heighe 555100 555100Time Time 24 48 114 141 148 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODDSPEGGY PEGGY J 2115 730 550 957 100 265 100 175 100 100BELOW BELOW COST 370 320 85 100 60 100 100POWDER POWDER MONKEY 375 87J 100 100Winner Winner Blk m by Cloister Marjorie McKay by Judge Wright trained by J M Buckland bred by Mr B A Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 800 WENT TO POST 625 AT POST 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePEGGY PEGGY J restrained early moved up on the inside leaving the back stretch and closing gamely Jn the closing eighth won in the final strides BELOW COST outran the others to the first turn was steadied in front but tired in the final strides POWDER MONKEY held on well FORT DEARBORN was unable to reach contention GEORGE DE MAR tired WHITE THORN closed a gap gapScratched Scratched 96840 Belle Fille 111 964602Flying Heels II 102 96573 Pan 108 90753 Bright Day 102 97085 Strongheart 104 96573 Gift o Gab 102 Overweight Prince Peter 3 pounds Friendly Ways 4 Walter Jr 2 Brad 3 QTQ1 1 I EIGHTH RACE 34 Mile Golden Fate Oct 4 1933 111 3 110 Purse 700 J 4 ± JLl2 3yearolds Foaled in Canada Claiming DECLARED OFF