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tATONIA The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Latonia Wednesday Paid 1480 for 2 LATONIA KY WEDNESDAY JUNE 13 1934 Latonia 1 mile Sixteenth day Latonia Jockey Club Inc Summer meeting of 37 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Presiding Steward C F Price Associate Stewards S H McMeekin S Goodpaster and E Hogg Placing Judges L C Bogonschutz H B Lindenberger and F Burton Starter W Hamilton Racing Sec ¬ retary L C Bogcnschutz Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figure in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record recordage age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QT1 QQ FIRST RACE 58 Mile Wise Counsellor June 23 1923 59 2 110 Nasturtium Y Purse Purse S600 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Specfal weights Net value to June1334Lat winner 5459 second 5100 third 35 fourth 15 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PPSt M Sir Fiu Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strtx 96386 OUR BETTIE wl5 5 4 32 32 32 I1 SchutteH Long Run Stable 2350100 96031 LILLIAN UHL w 115 2 2 14 14 11 21 VailS W F Axton 360100 96386 JANE RACHEL w 115 33 2J 2J 22 3 MeyerC J T Hughes 230100 23010096836SMARYT 96836SMARYT wl5 4 7 5k5144 41 LegercE Darnaby Thompson 150100 96965 SCARP w 115 6 5 41 5s 5 5 FjnnertyR J W Parrish 730100 97049 9550100DOUBLE PRETTY SUSAN w 115 11 61 d 6s 62 KernW Mrs R J Murphy 9550100 DOUBLE GRAND 3250100Time vll57 6 111 1 PoolE W B Offutt 3250100 Time 23 48s 101 1019s 9s Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100LILLIAN OUR ODDSOUR BETTIE 4900 1640 880 2350 100 720 100 340 100 100JANE LILLIAN UHL 540 540 170 100 170 100 JANE RACHEL 560 180 100 Winner 100Winner B f by Billy Brush Hullo by Huon trained by W Grater bred by Mr ST Gomes WENT TO POST 214 AT POST 6 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameOUR OUR BETTIE racing well gained fast under urging and wearing down the leaders won drawing out LILLIAN UHL showed good speed setting the early pace shook off JANE RACHEL but could not hold the winner The latter strongly urged to keep up tired MARY T slow to get going did not menace the leaders The others were outrun QT ffeO SECOND RACE 34 Mile out of chute Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 Jr Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to Winner 450 second June1334Lat 100 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses Eqt A VtirPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 968912ODERIC WB6107 7 1 2i I2 1 I4 TaylorD FF Brant BrantWB112 230100 97047OH DAVE WB112 1 2 3l 3J 32 24FowlerG Lair Sparks Sparksw7l2 170100 97046 VALOOSTA w7l2 410 10 61 4 31 SeaboG T Piatt 1450100 96887 SCRIP MONEY w 3 100 3 3 lk 22 21 SoiithG M J Bransfield 420100 96717 PROUD PRINCESS w 4 107 5 7 81 7 55 5 SchutteH I Kort Kort5l 770100 97047 MORLEY FIRTH wn 3 1021 2 8 896885BIG 5l 41 6s 61 ArnoIdG Eyerman Pohlabeln eln 2070100 96885BIG GOLD w 3 100 6 4 9 10 91 7k ClellandP J Spencer Spencer7k 8140100 96303 THISTLE PAR w 3 105 9 6 7k 9h 8 8k CanficldL G Collins 10100100 96191 EORA LINVILLE w 3 103 10 5 4l 5k 7k 9 VailS R L Baker 42170100 97046 DIADORIUS w 3 100 8 9 6 81 10 10 HuelsmanA Mrs J W Donaldson on 11730100 11730100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 MUTTJELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODERIC 100OH 660 300 260 230 100 50 100 30 100 100VALDOSTA OH DAVE 260 240 30 100 20 100 VALDOSTA 100Winner 320 60 100 Winner B g by Sand Mole Yermila by Jack Atkin trained by F F Brant bred by Messrs Black Keene Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 241 AT POST 1 minute Start drivingODERIC good and slow Won easily second and third driving ODERIC raced clear after a quarter drew out thereafter but lost much ground entering the stretch but won in hand OH DAVE closed gamely VALDOSTA gained gradually SCRIP MONEY quit PROUD PRINCESS closed fast on the inside MORLEY FIRTH was outrun LEORA LINVILLE showed early speed The others were outrun Scratched 96967 Flat Rock 112 96885 Equipment 100 96717Dancing Boy 107 94426 Babeson 105 96807 Barbara Carom 100 Overweight Morley Firth 2 pounds Leora Linville 3 Qi79 f THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Mike Hall Oct 20 1927 140 3 103 Purse thirdJune1334Lat J t Aj JL 600 3yearolds Fillies Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third June1334Lat 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1200 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr Odd Strt 937212OLD LADY WB 107 1 2 2 24 I1 I2 1 TaylorD J W Parrish ParrishwllO 90100 96807FAIR CYNTHIA wllO 2 1 I1 3 = 3 3 2k LoumanH G V Barnes BarnesWB 300100 98966 SHIRLEY MAY WB 104 5 4 31 1 2 2k 3 CraigA Chappel Bros Brosw 1630100 96279 LUCKY AMELIA w 104 7 3 5l 52 56 44 4 CanfieldL Mrs R J Murphy Murphyw 3920100 98195 LAURA KIEV w 1031 6 5 65 41 425l ° 5 MeyerC H H Briener Brienerw 400100 96803ABBY w 99 3 6 7 6 6l 62 6 SmithDC J J Griffin 2880100 96502 LADY RENE wa 104 4 7 4J 7 7 7 7 RothM Mrs E M Hutchinns ns 2930100 2930100Time Time 24 49 115 140 145 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS OLD LADY 380 240 240 90 100 20 100 20 100 FAIR 100FAIR CYNTHIA 280 240 40 100 20 100 100SHIRLEY SHIRLEY 100Winner MAY 360 80 100 Winner Ch f by Prince Pal Cousin Lute by Midway trained by J G Goode bred by Mr J W Parrish Winner entered to be claimed for 1 200 200WENT WENT TO POST 309 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start drivingOLD good and slow Won easily second and third driving OLD LADY disposed of SHIRLEY MAY and drew out fast in the closing stages FAIR CYNTHIA chal ¬ lenged gamely but was not good enough SHIRLEY MAY moved up fast but failed to hold the winner LUCKY AMELIA had no mishaps LAURA KIEV showed nothing LADY RENE was placed on the outside at the start and rushed to the leaders after starting slowly Scratched 96721Bright Melody 112 97123 Pharamaid 104 96801 Kathryn Wattle 104 104Overweight Overweight Laura Kiev 2 pounds QTQrfl FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Bradleys Peggy June 27 1927 105 2 115 Purse vJ 35June1334Lat 4 tJ l 600 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 35 June1334Lat fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt A Vj Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 97125LEO B w 107 53 11 TIT I2 TaylorD J S McGinnis 160100 96963 LUCY w 1031 3 2 54 41 21 21 KernW Mrs R J Murphy 150100 96716 IDLEWILD w 105 4 4 3 31 3 3 PottsO F Muth 1360100 96546 MISS JAP WB 105 6 1 21 2 41 4l HaleL Mrs C Grayson 640100 96531 MINT BABY w 109 15 42 5l 5 512 FischerHL J L Carrick 870100 870100SOLDIER SOLDIER BOY w 104 2 6 6666 HuelsmanA T G McKown 2760100 Time 24 49 101 10844 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100LUCY LEO B 520 240 220 160 100 20 100 10 100 100IDLEWILD LUCY 260 240 30 100 20 100 IDLEWILD 340 70 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Leonardo II Lilly B by McGee trained by C R Valentine bred by Xalapa Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 334 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good arid slow Won driving second and third the same sameLEO LEO B raced into command after the start continued with good courage drew out in the stretch and finished under unnecessary punishment to maintain his advantage LUCY slow to get going gained steadily after threeeighths but was no menace for the winner IDLEWILD raced evenly without mishap MISS JAP weakened after forcing the early pace MINT BABY failed to improve her position under punishment SOLDIER BOY was a distant trailer throughout throughoutOverweight Overweight Lucy 2 pounds QryOrkO FIFTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 Clif 7 4 fetflPO ton Purse Purse 600 3yearolds and winnerJune1334Lat upward Claiming Net value to winner June1334Lat 450 second 100 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 Ib Iballowed allowed for each 250 to 1500 Intlrx Horses Knl A Vt IPSt H Str Kin locke 96277OCCULT w3104 41 11 I1 I1 I2 TaylorD M Goldblatt 290100 95195 PREVAIL w 3 107 32 41 3s1 2 2 McDoltL A Dietrich 210100 21010096718SUN 96718SUN BOY WB 3 107 13 2 2 41 31 FinnrtyR W E Hupp 360100 98718 OSWEGO PRINCESS WB 4 111 5 4 3J 44 3k 41 PoolE Meeker Rilcy 960100 96010096718NITUMA 96718NITUMA w 4 111 320100Time 2 5 555 5 MeyerJ P J ONeill 320100 Time 23 47 113 J Track fast 52 MUIOELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ¬ OCCULT 780 360 220 290 100 80 100 10 100 100I I PREVAIL 360 260 80 100 30 100 SUN 100SUN BOY 240 20 100 Winner 100Winner B f by Dis Done Bonnie Witch by Broomstick trained by M Goldblatt bred by Mr C V Whitney Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 4OOJ AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start eood and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingOCCULT OCCULT hustled to the front at once continued gamely and withstanding I PREVAIL drew away in the final stages Thq latter gained steadily but was overmatched SUN BOY tired after forcing the early pace OSWEGO PRINCESS failed to be dangerous under strong pressure NITUMA raced poorly Overweight poorlyOverweight Oswego Princess 2 pounds QrTOflJ SIXTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 winJune1334Lat v I ArfvFTb Hamilton County Handicap Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Net value to win June1334Lat ner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 lex Uon = r Ent A Wf IISt Mr Kin Jorkevs Owners Efiiiv Oddi Strt 96968 LEROS WB 6 llA 2 1 31 3 2 1 ClellandP J C Ellis 510100 51010096968SHEPHERD 96968SHEPHERD BOY w 4 106 54 41 4 3k 2JiFowIerG Laffoon Yeiser 130100 96SJ5FREDRICK wn5110 32 1 I 4 31 FinnrtyR H G Shoemaker Continued on twentyfirst page LATONIA LATONIAContinued Continued from twentieth page 96434 DING BIN WB 3 102 83 21 24 1 45 SouthG F L B Stable 2020100 2020100970485MY 970485MY BLAZE WB 4 111 66 52 54 5 52 ArnoldG M J Conley 840100 96635 ESSENTIAL ws5108 17 72 7 62 62 SeaboG M M Riddle 2000100 200010096506JUMA 96506JUMA w 5 98 7 5 61 62 7 74 CanfieldL Mrs E M Hutchins 9870100 97048 RIDGE MOR WB 3 107 4 8 888 8 SchutteH Ridgeview Stock Fm Sta 2060100 2060100Time Time 22 46 11 2 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID r OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s sLEROS LEROS 1220 560 340 510 100 180 100 70 100 100SHEPHERD SHEPHERD BOY 340 240 70 100 20 100 100FREDRICK FREDRICK 260 30 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Nocturnal Parley by Under Fire trained by 0 Johnson bred by Mr J H Wood ford fordWENT WENT TO POST 424 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLEROS LEROS close up throughout and in close quarters early went to the outside near the stretch and won in the final strides SHEPHERD BOY was saved off the early pace then moved up but was not good enough FREDRICK raced DING BIN into defeat then tired MY BLAZE could not improve his position The others were outrun OrTOfkCT SEVENTH RACE 1 316 Miles Actuary July 4 1924 155 4 123 Purse 600 3 riM yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 35 June1334Lat fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 if for more 1 Ib extra for each 100 to 1200 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vt 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 96966 BOOMS PAL w 3 105 1 6 4h 51 41 21 11 SouthG F L B Stable 730100 730100968072LEN 968072LEN HELKER w 3 100 3 7 64 61 24 lk 2k TaylorD Mrs D Richards 130100 13010097050WHYMASK 97050WHYMASK WB 5 114 5 4 7 7 7 5 31 PoolE Mrs J A Brause 480100 48010096966CAMP 96966CAMP PRINCE WB 6 112 2 1 31 2 lk 34 41 SeaboG T Piatt 1400100 140010096637STORM 96637STORM ANGEL WB 5 114 7 2 22 3l 34 4h 5k FinnertyR H G Shoemaker 480100 48010096966SOUTHLAND 96966SOUTHLAND LAD WB 5 111 65 52 41 54 6s 610 RothM F P Letellier 1160100 116010096636SANDY 96636SANDY JOE ws3107 4 3 141 6k 7 7 SchutteH Greonbrier Stud Stable 1 20100 20100Time Time 24 W5 114 140 154 201 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB BOOMS PAL 1660 640 340 730 100 220 100 70 100 100LEN LEN HELKER 280 240 40 100 20 100 100WHYMASK WHYMASK 300 50 100 100Winner Winner B g by Upset Wiggle Waggle by Chicle trained by H H Battle bred by Mr C V Whitney Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000VENT VENT TO POST 450 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBOOMS BOOMS PAL well handled was taken under reserve during the early racing moved up fast when urged stood a long drive gamely and wore down LEN HELKER in the final stages The latter began slowly gained rapidly after a half mile disposed of CAMP PRINCE in the stretch but failed to withstand the winner WHYMASK forced back sharply rounding the first turn gained gradually thereafter closed strongest and might have been best CAMP PRINCE weakened after racing prominently to the final sixteenth STORM ANGEL quit SOUTHLAND LAD had no excuses SANDY JOE quit after a half mile and was not per ¬ severed with when eliminated eliminatedScratched Scratched 96721 Legality 100 Q7 flft EIGHTH RACE 1 116 Miles Chilhowee Oct 6 1924 142 3 115 Purse 600 thirdJune1334Lat 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third June1334Lat 535 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 v i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiy Odds Strt 969702SCORE w 4 112 74 14 I2 I2 I3 I1 ElstonG 0 Reed 500100 96806 JODIE K w 5 107 2 1 6 64 5 2 23 Schuttel96891SIMON Schuttel I Kort 580100 96891SIMON WB WB4107 4 107 8 6 5 5k 6 31 3s TaylorD C V Whitney 220100 96806 FLOWERY LADY WB 4 107 4 3 4441 31 42 4V SeaboG W F Knebelkamp KnebelkampB 650100 96803SEA EAGLE w3107 3 2 3l 31 41 5B 5s MeyerJ B Combs CombsJ 390100 96551SUREPOP WB5107 1 7 74 74 7s 1s 64 RothM J Neel NeelF 5560100 97051 FIRST REGIMENT WB 4 112 5 8 8 8 8 8 7 FowlerG F P Letellier 2850100 97052 BOB CUSTER WB 5 112 6 5 21 2 2h 6 8 MeverC J McShane 320100 320100Time Time 24 48 114 140 147 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SCORE 1200 580 340 500 100 190 100 70 100 100SIMON JODIE 100JODIE K 580 380 190 100 90 100 SIMON 260 30 100 100Winner Winner B g by Angon Clearing Up by Rochester trained by 0 Reed bred by Mr W S Farish Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 515 AT POST T minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSCORE SCORE took a commanding lead at once continued gamely to the final eighth where he began to tire but responded to strong urging and held JODIE K safe in the drive The latter gained gradually closed strongly but could not overhaul the winner SIMON under pressure after half a mile failed to be danger ¬ ous under punishment FLOWERY LADY raced well SEA EAGLE tired after threequarters SUREPOP was outrun FIRST REGIMENT showed nothing BOB CUSTER quit quitScratched Scratched 96967 Billies Orphan 102 Overweight Sea Eagle 2 pounds OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT LATONIA Wednesday 3 Races 12840 5 Races 16880 8 Races 26640