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SPANISH WAY EARNS PURSE j Accounts for Best Race on Aqueduct Card Big Crowd Out Third Race on OffDay Program Only Romp for Changeling Track Improves Rapidly NEW YORK N Y June 13 With a pro ¬ gram of overnight events and two of them f for maidens the race that had the feature I position on the program at Aquduct to ¬ d day was a mile and a sixteenth contest f for cheap ones It went to Marion Mc C Gonigles Spanish Way when he led home C G C Winfreys Stone Martin and S S Sands WardinChancery saved third from I Haggerson the only other starter starterAfter After the disagreeable weather of Tues ¬ d day bright skies and delightful conditions i prevailed for the sport that brought out a a big crowd The track was still a bit off f from the drenching it received the day be ¬ f fore but it had improved more than was e expected expectedIn In the claiming race that fell to Spanish Way Stone Martin was the one to set the j pace and Spanish Way raced after him c close up while Haggerson was showing the way to WardinChancery which was taken I back right after the start by Sammy Renick a and he waited back of the pace until there was no chance to catch the winner winnerIt It was after turning into the stretch that Spanish Way moved up to Stone Martin and z as he went to the lead under a drive he c crossed the Winfrey plater sharply and Mer i ritt was forced to go to the outside By t this time Haggerson had been displaced in t third place by WardinChancery and he was r moving up steadily but on his own courage f for Renick had riot asked him to fully ex ¬ t tend himself himselfRainey Rainey on Spanish Way took no chances s and drove his mount out smartly though his winning margin was two and a half lengths Stone Martin had only saved second place f from WardinChancery by a head and an c earlier effort on the part of Renick would 1 have reversed that placing and it is pos ¬ s sible the Sands plater might have been win ¬ r ner with more energetic handling handlingIt It was expected that lerritt would lodge s a complaint against Rainey for the manner i in which he had been crossed in the stretch I but no claim was made and the stewards did r not disturb the order of the finish finishTwoyearold Twoyearold platers furnished a thrill iri t the opening five furlongs dash when Dis ¬ t tracting from the Wheatley Stable R R 1 Ashbrookes Back Fence Mrs Paul J Fox I Dunfox and Jobakheta crossed the line all 1 lapped in the order named namedAlanova Alanova and Back Fence were the ones t to set the pace until well around the turn E and shortly thereafter Alanova tired but I Back Fence held his lead as Dunfox and I Distracting came into the picture It was t a close finish and Distracting proved best when he was past the line winner by a half 1 length