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WASHINGTON PARK The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Washington Park Wednesday Paid 3600 for 2 HOMEWOOD ILL WEDNESDAY JUNE 13 1934 Washington Park 1 18 miles Eighteenth day Wash ¬ ington Park Jockey Club Inc Spring meeting of 27 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission C J FitzGerald Stewards C B Head and R M Sweitzer Judges W H Shellev F Dunne and E A Hilcman Starter H Morrissev Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds OrTj O FIRST RACE 34 Mile Bedight Oct 14 1933 111 3 110 Purse 800 3yearolds ti fourthJune1334Was if ar d upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth June1334Was 525 Claiming price 1200 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1000 Irnlei Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vj Str Fin Jock Jockeys Owners E iulr Odds Strt 96951HYMAN WSB 6 112 31 4 5s 21 llk SmithJ Superior Stable 549100 549100J 96624LAMP BLACK w7113 12 21 2k 11 21 KingT J D Mikel 90100 90100Running 96884 KUVERA WB5114 2 25 5 5w5105 5 411 5s 34 GroosP Running W Ranch Stable 1196100 96337JALLENS w5105 5 3 3WB8107 14 11 41 4 HughesH Glen Erol Stable 824100 96624HOT SHOT WB8107 6 4 4ws6112 34 3l 3k 5 WintersM C E Davison 611100 96879 LA SALLE ws6112 7 7 7w4107 7 7 6 6s TinkerH Mrs C M Stihvell 1589100 96622NURSES BOY w4107 4 6 64 61 7 7 StrongJ S Simpack 21194100 Time 23 474 112 Track fast 2 MUXUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS HYMAN 1298 426 336 549 100 113 100 68 100 100LAMP LAMP BLACK 278 272 39 100 36 100 100KUVERA KUVERA 398 99 100 100Winner Winner B g by Bud Lerner Delphine by Vulcain trained by C E Dale bred by Mr H F Sin ¬ clair Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 217 AT POST 1 minute Start gc d and slow Won driving second and third the same HYMAN away fast but outrun early went to the outside in the stretch was carried out badly by LAMP BLACK in the closing eighth but overcame the loss of ground and won in the final strides LAMP BLACK on the inside early but taken back on the far turn was bearing out as he worked his way to the front in the stretch and tired badly near the end KUVERA probably best followed the leaders out in the stretch and was blocked entering the final eighth but finished fastest ALLENS saved ground all the way hut tired badly in the closing eighth HOT SHOT tired LA SALLE was outrun j Overweight Aliens 3 pounds QrTf QO SECOND RACE 58 Mile Jimmy Moran June 3 1929 59 2 116 Purse 800 secondJune1334Was 4 lCFO 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Special weights Net value to winner 600 second June1334Was 125 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt BLACK HELEN wl5 7 2 2wl5 2l 2l 1J I4 SmithJ E R Bradley 183100 SPANISH BABE BABE96625DIAVOLESS wl5 6 6 6WB115 3 3 3 24 BalaskiL Mrs F M Grabner 243100 243100I1 96625DIAVOLESS WB115 1 1 1wl5 I1 I1 24 3 PfchonL Milky Way Farms Stable 394100 3941005t LULU LITE wl5 4 5 5w 5t y 41 4e WintersM Calumet Farm Stable 845100 GRAND WAY w 115 23 23wl5 41 64 61 5 HardyL L De Carlo 1268100 97038 MISS SPITEFUL w wl5 115 5 57 7 7wl5 75 T 7s 55 Groosp Running W Ranch Stable 9392100 9392100QUINTAL QUINTAL w wl5 115 8 88 8 61 41 54 7J HarbortO H C McConnell 4805100 4805100BONNIE BONNIE PAN w 115 3 4 888 8888 8 BagurH S M Look 6860100 6860100Time Time 23 47 100 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BLACK HELEN 556 372 260 183 100 86 100 30 100 100SPANISH SPANISH BABE 1 424 298 112 100 49 100 100DIAVOLESS DIAVOLESS 268 34 100 100Winner Winner B f by Black Tonev La Troienne by Teddy trained by W Hurley bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Co CoWENT WENT TO POST 247 AT POST 4 minutes Start good and slow for all but Quintal Won easily second and third driving drivingBLACK BLACK HELEN reached a forward position under strong riding in the first threesixteenths was stead ¬ ied around the stretch turn quickly disposed of DIAVOLESS and won handily SPANISH BABE closed a gap early saved ground thereafter and held on well DIAVOLESS away fast had good speed but tired badly in the final eighth LULU LITE was not a factor GRAND WAY fractious at the post began fast but could not keep up QUINTAL away poorly closed a gap in the first threeeighths then tired Scratched Miss Kiev 115 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Bedight Oct 14 1933 111 3 110 Purse 800 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 June1334Was fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 if for less 1 IbJ allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 966221BROOMSHOT W38106 8 5 5WB4107 2l 2J 21 I1 HankaW W F Axton 595 00 96623VICTORIUM WB4107 6 8 8WB5114 8 6 41 2 HughesH Camp Bell Stable 808100 9696DRENAISSANCE WB5114 1 1 1WB7111 41 34 3 34 BagurH E Schwartz 356100 356100T 96879IPOLYFON WB7111 2 6 6w T 8 51 44 KingT J D Mikel 209100 96795FLAG BEARER w 8 109 4 4 4w4107 14 I1 1 54 KineJ Jones George 387100 944895WAYWARD LAD w4107 5 2 2WB3107 6 51 64 64 WintersM M S Skaggs 4451100 96833 SHERRON WB3107 7 7 51 41 74 7 CorbettC Rookwood Farm Stable 2297100 89867 ALMA S w 4 111 3 3 31 74 8 8 MannJ B Endovina 22917100 22917100Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BROOMSHOT 1390 718 496 595 100 259 100 148 100 100VICTORIUM VICTORIUM 706 454 253 100 127 100 100RENAISSANCE RENAISSANCE 600 200 100 100Winner Winner Br m by Whisk Broom II Centre Shot by Sain trained by W Lewis bred by Messrs Gallaher Bros Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 316i AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBROOMSHOT BROOMSHOT raced a trifle wide throughout but slowly wore down FLAG BEARER and won without need of strong pressure but had little left VICTORIUM away slowly and remaining out of it for half a mile moved up and outlasted RENAISSANCE The latter given a hustling ride held on stubbornly POLYFON takeji back repeatedly went to the outside in the stretch but could not get up FLAG BEARER tired ALMA S showed early speed speedOverweight Overweight Alma S 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Wayward Lad 107 QfTiQer FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Jimmy Moran June 3 1929 59 2 116 Purse 300 2 tr i L 7 J yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 June1334Was Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 250 to 1500 Index Horses Eot A WtllSt U Ve Kir Fin Jockeys 96797COUNTESS BINA w05 7 3 3w 14 14 I2 1s KingJ 96538 MABEL KRASA w 109 6 2 2w04 2 34 21 2l WestropeJ 96880LADY LOUELLA LOUELLAWINDER w04 2 7 7wBllO 7 7 4 3 HughesH WINDER WINDER96878BRILLIANT wBllO 5 6 6w 5 51 5r 41 AndersonA AndersonA3s 96878BRILLIANT DEE w 104 3 1 1w 3s 21 3 5 KingT 96711 NAPOLEON W w 1081 1 5 5w 61 61 61 6 HardyL 96955PROPOSING w 110 4 4 41 4 7 7 TinkerH Time 23 47 100 Track fast Continued on sixteenth page WASHINGTON PARK PARKContinued Continued from third page J2 MUTUELS PAID r OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODDSCOUNTESS COUNTESS BINA 810 370 276 305 100 85 100 38 100 100MABEL MABEL KRASA 330 274 65100 37100 37100LADY LADY LOUELLA 300 50 100 100Winner Winner B f by Cherokee Kitty Maude by Hessian or The Finn trained by R A Forsha bred by Mr J S Mullins Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 345 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingCOUNTESS COUNTESS BINA took command quickly came away under vigorous riding entering the final eighth and appeared to have little in reserve MABEL KRASA showing speed from the start shook off BRILLIANT DEE in the stretch and weakened but outstayed LADY LOUELLA The latter away slowly and slow to respond to urging passed tired horses in the stretch WINDER had no mishaps BRILLIANT DEE quit PROPOSING dropped out ot it on the stretch turn turnScratched Scratched 96538Deadeye Dick 115 96955 Ybor City 107 107Overweight Overweight Winder 1 pound Napoleon W 1 OVI Qi FIFTH RACE 1 Mile out of chute Gallant Knight June 21 1932 135 5 122 7 4 JL 7O Blackstone Hotel Purse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value valueJune1334Was June1334Was to winner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 3200 if for formore1 more1 Ib extra for each 200 to 3800 EqtA WtPPst Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 96450BURNING UP WB 6 112 31 31 45 33 21 1 KingT J D Mikel 241100 241100964263SLAPPED 964263SLAPPED w 4 112 6 2 44 21 14 14 23 WestropeJ T C Worden 239100 23910096962CHARTRES 96962CHARTRES WB 4 114 577 61 53 43 31 HardyL Mrs J Grossman 775100 77510096883MENS 96883MENS SON WB 3 102 25 I2 I1 24 32 42 WintersM L M Severson 506100 50610093670GLYNSON 93670GLYNSON w 4 110 13 2 3k 44 55 5s HankaW A B Gallaher 1435100 143510096188PRINCE 96188PRINCE PEST WB 6 107 7 4 64 51 6s 62 64 NachelJ Mrs J M Irwin 10105100 1010510096422HOOPS 96422HOOPS WB 5 114 4 6 54 7 7 7 7 BagurH Peconic Stable 677100 Time 23 47 1122 137 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s sBURNING BURNING UP 682 416 326 241 100 108 100 63 100 100SLAPPED SLAPPED 338 306 69 100 53 100 100CHARTRES CHARTRES 456 128 100 100Winner Winner B g by Black Toney Beach Talk by Sundridge trained by J D Mikel bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 380Q 380QWENT WENT TO POST 413 AT POSTH minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBURNING BURNING UP saved behind the pacemaker responded to mild pressure and wore down SLAPPED in a hard drive The latter in hand early took command near the stretch and held on stubbornly CHARTRES was allowed to drop out of it and forced to race wide in the closing half mile closed a gap with a rush in the stretch and outlasted JENS SON The latter showed the most speed saved ground but tired in the drive GLYNSON failed to keep up HOOPS lacked his customary late speed Qrfg QfT SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles Montanaro June 26 1929 150 4 95 Purse 800 3 tf t JLtf 4 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 100 third 50 50June1334Was June1334Was fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPst Vt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 94783VAGABOND w 7 115 4 1 21 22 23 24 P StulerDR L J Pope 96884 GOLDEN WORDS w 4 112 22 14 14 I1 14 2 LaidleyO J Gengler 96341TRY FAIR w 3 103 38 34 33 34 34 34 KingT C Hunt 364100 36410096800MORPHEUS 96800MORPHEUS w 6 107 10 3 9 9 64 44 4s NachelJ Glen Erol Stable 855100 85510096623P1LLAGE 96623P1LLAGE WB 4 105 7 5 4k 5 42 54 52 WintersM J Walsb 2202100 220210096884PEACE 96884PEACE LADY wB6105 6 7 84 7k 8s 7l 61 KingJ H Herendeen 1962100 196210096958CAPTAIN 96958CAPTAIN DANGER w 5 115 5 9 7 82 71 61 74 HarbbrtO P Kelley 311100 31110096799KING 96799KING PIN w 7 110 9 4 61 63 54 81 8s BremerD Mrs A Klein 5430100 96958 JODHPUR w 7 112 1 10 10 10 10 10 9 SmithJ J J Hogan 1869100 96800 DR LOUIS HAMMANw 6 115 8 6 51 4k 910 93 10 AnrsonA B Johnson 1269100 1269100Time Time 24 48 114 140 153 Track fast 12 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS VAGABOND 1156 540 390 478 100 170 100 95 100 100GOLDEN GOLDEN WORDS 13186 592 593 100 196 100 100TRY TRY FAIR 442 121100 121100Winner Winner B g by Volta Georgette II by Radium trained by M S Skaggs bred by Nevada Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT SjwinutesStart TO POST 440 AT POST Sjwinutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameVAGABOND VAGABOND away fast and kept close up was vigorously shaken up at the far turn and again on the stretch turn held on with determination under severe pressure in the final eighth and was up in the closing strides GOLDEN WORDS sent to the front was well rated but Weakened after a mile TRY FAIR well up from the start swerved out entering the stretch and closed resolutely MORPHEUS began slowly PILLAGE had no mishaps CAPTAIN DANGER was never a factor DR LOUIS HAMMAN placed on the outside at the start was through after a half mile mileCorrected Corrected weight Vagabond 115 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third June1334Was 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Dorses EqtA WtlPst Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 968002BLAMELESS w 7 105 4 2 11 11 14 14 14 HankaW Mrs R Sullivan 292100 96956 TUT TUT w4112 1 6 41 41 3k 24 24 Smith J L J Johnson 2249100 96799EVELINE F w 7 108 6 8 61 51 54 44 34 McCrayK Mrs K ONeil 264100 B7044ANITA ORMONT WB 5 102 2 5 2 2i 2i 3 4 KingT W F Axton 1010100 1010100WB8107 86799FRANK D WB8107 7 4 3 31 4s 5 5s WintersM A Warner 12088100 12088100w 87045 RED BOOT w 4 112 8 7 84 8k 8 71 6 BagurH C M Lewis estate 1409100 1409100WB4115 948l9DODIODO WB4115 9 9 74 64 62 62 72 BolleroJ L Dilger 656100 656100w4112 96506 TROFORD w4112 5 3 51 T 71 8s 8k HardyL W Troeger 10634100 10634100w 86189 TIEMPO w 5 107 3 1 9 9 9 9 9 BalaskiL W Sachscnmaier 422100 Time 25 50 115J 1403 154 Track fast J2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100TUT BLAMELESS 784 484 314 292 100 142 100 57 100 TUT 100EVELINE TUT 1234 452 517 100 126 100 EVELINE F 296 48100 48100Winner Winner B m by Black Servant Miss Ronald by Bay Ronald trained by M Haller bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 511 J AT POST 4J minutes minutesStart Start drivingBLAMELESS gopd and slow Won handily second and third driving BLAMELESS having speed from the start and restrained until reaching the last fivesixteenths came way slowly and swerving in the final eighth was not ridden out TUT TUT well up from the start rallied to punishment and made a game bid but could not get to the winner EVELINE F under strong restraint for threequarters mSde up some ground entering the stretch but hung in the late stages yet outstayed ANITA ORMONT The latter saved ground throughout FRANK D weakened DODIODO was placed on the outside at the start TIEMPO acted sore and was badly outrun Scratched 97044 American Smil 112 112Overweight Overweight Eveline P 1 pound OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT WASHINGTON PARK Wednesday 3 Races 9560 5 Races 14444 7 Races 22514