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WASHINGTON PARK NOTES Howard Oots Kentucky owner and breed ¬ er is a visitor He has a large stable here also a strong string at Latonia and a few head at Fairmount Park ParkM M S Skaggs brought jockey D R Stuller here from Fairmount Park to ride Vaga ¬ bond in the sixth race Wednesday Stuller returned to Collinsville Wednesday night nightAdvising Advising Anna Mrs Jack Howards crack filly is back at Washington Park She re ¬ turned Wednesday morning from Latonia where she won the Quickstep Handicap on Saturday j jOn On orders issued by the stewards La Salle was placed on the outside of the field at the start for his race Wednesday Timidity re ¬ sulting from a fall was responsible for the shifting of the gelding which drew the rail position in the draw drawMrs Mrs William E Schmidts Deadeye Dick contracted a mild cough during the night and trainer C E Dale deemed it best to withdraw him from the fourth race Wednes ¬ day dayJoe Joe Kern wired Tom Young that he was shipping Babee and one other horse from Riverside Park to Lincoln Fields FieldsWednesday Wednesday was the final days of a short suspension for rough riding for Eddie Ar caro ThursdayStable and he resumes riding Thursday Stable registration blanks for Arlington Park made their appearance here Wednes ¬ day morning They are being distributed and collected by Francis P Dunne DunneIn In preparation for the Francis S Peabody Memorial Handicap 6 be renewed at Wash ¬ ington Park Saturday W F Axtons Robert M Sweitzer handicap winner Frank Or mont worked a mile and oneeighth which is a furlong under the Peabody Memorial distance in 159 159Pot Pot aii Broomsf owned by W Sachseri maier and also expected to participate in Saturdays race breezed a mile about the same time Frank Ormont was working In 145 The track was fast with a deep cushion