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TERMS 5 WEEKLY TWOHORSE PARLAY DAILY HORSES GIVEN OUT IN CODE DAILY DAILYYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS LLOYD PARLAY I PREVAIL 620 360 2ND MABEL KRASA 502 330 2ND This is a winning1 service We pay for and get real live dependable information Get these horses each and every day as the day you miss is the day you lose Do not wait or edelay Send 5 at once and get this bg parlay Upon receipt of your remittance we will immediately rush you a code card good for six consecutive days service Subscribe now YESTERDAYS PRIVATE ONEHORSE RELEASE HYMAN 1298 WON Tuesdays Private OneHorse Release Mondays Private OneHorse Release ReleaseFAIR FAIR DUCHESS 1020 WON ONDOTT 1978 WON WONTerms Terms for this ultraselect service are 5 weekly Codes are advertised in these columns daily When subscribing please mention FOR PRIVATE ONEHORSE RELEASE TODAYS CODE PARLAY WASHINGTON Reo28183232 WASHINGTON Pontiac15343225 PRIVATE ONEHORSE RELEASE LATONIA Georgia54973752 Georgia54973752LLOYD LLOYD CO 109 N Dearborn St Suite 907 Chicago III