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ROCKINGHAM PARK SALEM, N. H., WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1934— Rockingham Park 1 mile. Sixteenth day. New Hampshire Breeders Association. Summer meeting of 31 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, M. Nathanson. Associate Stewards, T. Thorpe and H. G. Reynolds. Steward representing New Hampshire Racing Commission, C. B. Stickney. Judges, H. D. Monroe, T. Brown and J. Acker-man. Starter, J. F. Milton. Racing Secretary, H. D. Monroe. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. QQQQC FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Silver Cord, Sept. 23, 1933— :59%— 6— 193. Purse 08. 2-aOadU year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. July-11-34-Rkm Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 5 lbs. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt % % str Fin Jockeys Owners Bquiv. Odds Strt 98646*UNLAWFUL wb 111 14 31 3* 1" 1" PetersM E B Townsend 270 100 98645*GRANDPAS BOY wb 112 11 7 8* 81 31 21 SaundersW Misses D _ S Knight 5*5 100 98796*GREAT MASTER w 107 10 6 6- 61 2* 31 HughesH W F Phelan 415 100 98795 LEALETTE wb 104 3 10 9* 9i 7- 41 MaschekF H L Straus 6820 100 98795 TIPPO TIP wb 113 8 9 10s 10s 84 51 BenhamE Mrs L A Livingston 1145 100 9864TSTRANGE TIMES w 100 7 5 5» 5* 61 6 LynchJ D Miller ■ 530 100 98333*JAY D. w 106 5 1 2* 2i 41 71! KingT J D Mikel 1520 100 98795 INDIAN NEWS wb 109 6 2 4i 41 9* 81 KsingerC Mrs J H Whitney 1200 100 JOE JAY w 107 9 11 11 11 11 921 HainesG W H Gallagher 2805 100 98333 CANOBIE LAKE wb 108 4 3 l1 ll 51 101 YowellE W G Merion 1565 100 96893*DOUBLETON w 106 2 8 74 7-101! 11 SageP Mrs F M Watts 5220 100 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:00%. Track fast. , — Bnrrrjfxs paid — » --official booking odds — UNLAWFUL .40 .30 $ 2 JO 270—100 115—100 45—109 GRANDPAS BOY 6.99 3.80 200—100 90—100 GREAT MASTER 3.19 55—109 Winner — B. g, by Constitution — Immernoch, by Upset trained by E. B. Townsend; bred by Mr. L. H. Drcnnan. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 2:31. AT POST— 9 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. UNLAWFUL, prominently placed from the start, wore down CANOBIE LAKE and, opening up a good lead, had to be ridden out to hold GRANDPAS BOY. The latter, outrun for three-eighths, closed with a rush through the strew h. GREAT MASTER worked his way up steadily. LEALETTE closed a biff cap in the final quarter. TIPPO TIP finished stoutly. JAY D. had early speed. CANOBIE LAKE quit badly. Scratched— 98795 Home Loan, 102; 97929 Little Cynic, 116. Overweight — Tippo Tip, 2 pounds ; Strange Times, 1 ; Doubleton, 4. QQQO- SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Gold Step, Sept. 26, 1933— 1:10%— 6— 112. Purse 00. 3-•~ C JP,** • year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; July-11-34-Rkm fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,900. Index Horses BqtAWtPPSt Vk % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bqulv. Odds Strt 987252*RHODIUS w 4 112 3 8 4- 4* 31 l- PetersM Merryland Farms Stable 540 100 98647*LAMP BLACK w 7 112 10 7 2* 3l 4* 2" KingT J D Mikel 405 100 98726*VACILLATE wb 7 107 5 4 3* 1* fl 34 MaschekF Miss L C White 380 100 92725**PARTIES w 5 103 11 1 8* 8* 74 41 HughesH Mrs E McCuan 850 100 98575 YANCEY wb 5 113 2 9 7k 71 5* 5» KnessiH Miss K McMann 10615100 98649*ORAL wb 4 112 4 5 1 24 2* 6* WeirF P S P Randolph 255 100 9t725*SHOO wb 5 103 6 3 6» 51 6* 74 HanfordC Mrs C Turner 1715 100 98725*LE FLORE wb 8 108 8 2 94 94 84 84 RollinsC T J DeBord 4230 100 97761 THE DOCTOR w 8 113 9 10 10 10 9 9* HainesG L Haymaker 4085 100 98334 GOOD JEST wb 6 113 1 6 51 6" 10 10 AllenCE Mrs A R Smith 4070-100 92986 MIXED PARTY w 3 1021 7 Withdrawn. KsingerC W H Gallagher 3530 100 Time, ™3, :46%, 1:12%. Track fast. , 1» -TJTUEI.8 PAID , , OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS RHODIUS 2.80 .79 .70 540—100 185—109 85—100 LAMP BLACK 4.90 3.40 145—100 70—100 VACILLATE 3.30 65—100 Winner— B. g, by Happy Argo — Salvestra, by Watervaie trained by H. E. Brown; bred by Mr. Wm. Garth. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:12. AT POST— 0 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. RHODIUS went to the outside of the leaders in the stretch and, closing with a rush, won in the final strides. LAMP BLACK, close up early, dropped back, but came again through the stretch. VACILLATE took a good lead after leaving the back stretch, only to tire in the final twenty yards. PARTIES, slow to start, closed a big gap. YANCEY saved ground in the stretch. ORAL quit badly in the final eighth. LE FLORE was never prominent. MIXED PARTY fell at the post and the others were sent away without her, all waeers standing. Scratched— 98575*Conventional, 108 ; 98647 Grace Bunting, 107. Overweight — Mixed Party, 2£ pounds. QCQ9C THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Bonanza, Sept. 23, 1933— 1:94%— 2— 116. Purse 90. *7C »— OC » 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, July-11-34-Rkm ; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500. Index Horses BqtaWtPFSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bqolv. Odds Strl 98492s*INFORMAL wb 3 94 5 2 1* l1 1* ll HelmM Mrs A R Smith 770 100 98337*KHAMSEEN wb 3 99 1 3 24 2* _• 21 PetersM S W Labrot 465 100 98576*WISE COUNT wb 5 106 8 6 4* 44 34 3* SageP R P Watts 560100 98725*HASTY PETER wb 4 109 4 5 6* 5* 4~ 44 LynchJ Mrs S H Fairbanks 295 100 9872TSTRENUOUS w 4 101 9 1 3* 3" 54 5* MaschekF Miss L C White 319a 100 98727i*CORRYMEELA wb 4 1031 6 7 7* T 61 6 HughesH R Parr 270 100 98576»LUCK IN w 3 102 3 4 5* 6* 7* 74 HainesG G L Arvin 1560 100 906952HAPPY MESSAGE wb 3 104 7 9 9 81 8 8* YowellE D McVey 2255 IOC 978872YAP wb 3 103 28 8»99 9 ReidC Mrs P A Shaw 5345 100 Time, 22%. :46%, 1:05%. Track fast. . 8t _BTV__8 PAID , , OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS informal 7.40 .30 .90 770—190 265—109 145—100 k::amseen 5.99 5.99 195—199 159—100 wise count 4.39 115—100 Winner— Ch. f, by Infinite — Nellie Kelly, by His Majesty trained by O. L. Foster; bred by Mr. J. W. Frye. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:47. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. INFORMAL went to the front in the first three sixteenths, drew clear and, bearing out in the stretch, drew away in the final eighth. KHAMSEEN, closest to the winner throughout, held on resolutely. WISE COUNT was shuffled back at the start, then moved up on the outside and held on gamely. HASTY PETER, unable to keep pace early, closed a gap. STRENUOUS tired in the final eighth. CORRYMEELA was not a factor. LUCK IN quit. Scratched— 96649 Forewarned, 111; 98492 Merovech, 109; 98649 Poly fon, 109. Overweight — Corrymecla, 2£ pounds; Yap, 4. QfiQQQ FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Bonanza, Sept. 23, 1933— 1:84%— 2— 118. Lawrence y,°. fZ **y Telegram Purse. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; July-11-34-Rkm second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses E« t A Wt PPSt % % btr rin Jockey* Owner* BqulT. Odd* Itrt 01720 STAR CHASE w 106* 3 3 1* li 14 1" ParkeM Merrvland Farms Stable 575 100 98574SUN ANTIOCH w 110 4 7 4* ii 2T 2J WallsP W S Kilmer 75-100 98143 BANK HOLIDAY wb 108 5 2 2i 21 ZH 31! YowellE C P Lindner 505100 98728 JOBAKHETA w 108 1 5 61 6i 4 4J SageP Mrs R Herman 1715 100 93919 TOOLBOX »i 103 2 6 7 5* 51 5" Hue,hesH S W Labrot 1385 100 97810 HIGH IMAGE w 108 7 1 51 7 7 61 SaundersW C H Miller 2945 100 98401 MIGRATE «i 115 6 4 3 41 61 7 PctersM Mrs P A Shaw 1130 100 Time, :23, :46*s, 1:06%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKIHG ODDS — - STAR CHASE 3.50 .10 .80 575—100 105—100 40—100 SUN ANTIOCH 3.00 2.50 50—100 25—100 BANK HOLIDAY 2.90 45—100 Winner — Ch. f, by Purchase — Sparkle Star, by Star Spangled trained by H. E. Brown; bred by Mr. B. S. Cutler. WENT TO POST— 4:21. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. STAR CHASE, away fast and restrained while making the pace, held on stubbornly in the drive and outlasted SUN ANTIOCH. The latter was sent up on the outside and closed gamely in the stretch. BANK HOLIDAY forced the early pace and held on well. JOBAKHETA saved ground and closed a gap in the stretch. TOOLBOX was not a factor. HIGH IMAGE and MIGRATE met interference early. Overweight — Star Chase, 1£ pounds; Sun Antioch, 2. QQQ 4A FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Bonanza, Sept. 23, 1933— 1:04%— 2— 116. First Running OjJ*V HARVARD HANDICAP. ,500 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner July-11-34-Rkm ,920; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 00. Index Horse* BqtA WtPPBt hi. % Str Fin Jockey* Owner* Equir. Odds Str t 98495BLACK HAND w 3 103 7 2 3 3* 31 *■ HainesG P Ratti 1680-100 98799FLYING SAILOR wb 4 104 4 7 7 6i 41 2,k PetersM Mrs A A Baroni 460 100 982703TRUMPERY wb 3 117 2 5 2* 2*1 2* 3* WorkmanR C V Whitney 105-100 98270:CHINESE EMPRESS wb 3 108 6 1 l1 l1 VI 41 SaeeP A Bartelstein 305100 98548 SLAPDASH wb 3 102 3 4 51 5* 5s 5* KsineerC Wheatley Stable 1175-100 98648,GOLD STEP wb 7 102 1 3 4» 4-* 6i 6» Kinef J D Mikel 2200 100 98336 OLD BALDY wb 4 100 5 6 6 7 7 7 LynchJ Mrs S H Fairbanks 4945 100 Time, :22%, :46%, 1:05. Track fast. . S3 MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 BLACK HAND 5.60 9.00 .30 1680—100 850—100 165—100 FLYING SAILOR 5.40 2.90 170—100 45—100 TRUMPERY 2.70 35—100 Winner — Br. c, by Flying Ebony — Manicurist, by Ultimus trained by P. J. Matthews; bred by Mr. M. L. Schwartz. WENT TO POST— 4:51 J. AT POST— | minute. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. BLACK HAND, close up from the start, went to the outside of the leaders and, closing with a rush, won just at the end. FLYING SAILOR moved up on the outside and closed with a rush. TRUMPERY, close to the pace of CHINESE EMPRESS, tired in the stretch. CHINESE EMPRESS was unable to withstand the leaders. SLAPDASH was outrun. GOLD STEP tired. OLD BALDY was outrun. Scratched— 98495 Tcralice, 108; 97843High Glee, 111; 90957 Waylayer, 100. Overweight — Old Baldy. 5 pounds. E~ : QCQ/|-| SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Dark Hope, July 1, 1933— 1:37%— 4— 108. Windham Handicap. "OJH:l Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; July-11-34-Rkm thjrd M; fourth, 0. Index Horse* E i"t A Wt lIst % % % Str Pin Jockeys Owner* Eqnlv. Odd* Btrt 98495TERALICE wb 4 110 3 3 31 3l 2k 1* l1 SageP A Bartelstein 335-100 98495 ROUSTABOUT wb 3 103 2 1 44 41 3k 3" 2* SaundersW C V Whitney 370 100 98496=SARADA w 4 118 4 4 5 5 41 2* 3* AllenCE F A Griffith 200 100 98495 UNIVERSE wb 5 108 1 2 11 1* 1* 4» 44 HuehesH T M Cassidy 475-100 98729STAR FIRE - wb 5 107 5 5 21 24 5 5 5 HainesG W H Gallagher 490 100 Time, :23J4, :46%. 1:12£, 1:37% new track record. Track fast. , OS MUTXTELB PAIS , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . TERALICE .70 .40 .90 335—100 120—100 45—100 ROUSTABOUT 4.90 3.00 145—100 50—100 SARADA 2.40 20—100 Winner — B. c, by Terry — Alice Harris, by Ambassador IV. trained by H. Unna; bred by Mr. S. H. Harris. WENT TO POST— 5:22L AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. TERALICE, saved for half a mile, saved ground in the stretch and took command when UNIVERSE began to tire. ROUSTABOUT, in close quarters on the first turn, moved up in the last three-eighths and finished well. SARADA was forced to lose ground leaving the back stretch. UNIVERSE set a fast pace. STAR FIRE forced the early pace, then tired. Scratched— 98496 Sunador, 102; 984% Dark Winter, 113. QQQ/1* SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. Teralice, July 11, 1934— 1:37%— 4— 110. Purse ,000. 3-*0€7j*A* year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, July-11-34-Rkm 5. fourtn 5. Claiming price, ,000. index Horse* IqlA HlHISt hi hi 8ti Kin Jockey* Owners BqoIt. Odd* 8trt 98651**CALOME wb 7 113 2 1 5-* 41 2* 1* 1* PetersM A A Baroni 505-100 98727*BROWN WISDOM wb 9 113 5 3 l* l4 Is 2* 2*1 SageP A Bartelstein 135 100 98651**BABOO w 6 113 1 2 2s 24 31 34 3* HughesH Miss M West 385 -100 98144J*PLUMAGE w 6 104 6 7 44 31 4* 4» 4* HelmM D J McAuliffe 335 -100 98S51TALGARY KAY w 8 109 4 4 31 5* 5* 54 5» LvnchJ Mrs B E Chapman 2805 100 9701SISKO w 4 104 3 5 61 6 6 7 64 ReidC Mrs A W Koivula 2740-100 98731WILD DREAMS wb 6 109 7 6 7 7 7 6k 7 KingT Mrs J Burks 4070100 Time, :23%. :47%. 1:13%, 1:40. Track fast. . S3 KGTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CALOME 2.10 .40 .80 505—100 120—100 40—100 BROWN WISDOM 3.60 2.50 80—100 25—100 BABOO 2.60 30—100 Winner — Ch. g, by Gnome — Calistoga, by Friar Rock trained by A. A. Baroni; bred by Mr. R. Riley. Winner enteied to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:51 J. AT POST— 2J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third the same. CALOME, rushed up after half a mile, wore down BROWN WISDOM in the stretch and won handily. The latter continued well to the finish, but was overmatched. BABOO went prominently from the start and had no mishaps. PLUMAGE, unable to reach the leaders, held on well. CALGARY KAY was unable to move into contention. The others were outrun. Scratched— 98580Southard, 114; 98400 Black Dreams, 109. QOQ JQ EIGHTH RACE— 1 1 16 Miles. Sarada, June 30, 1934— 1:44%— 4— 110. Purse ,000. •-JOetJiO 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, July-11-34-Rkm 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,250, allowed 4 lbs. Index Horse* BqtA WtlPSt hi tt % Str Pin Jockey* Owners DquiT. Odds Strt 98497KINDACORN wb 4 108 3 2 5 5 2* 14 1" HainesG A Papa 195 100 98499,#GALLIC w 4 104 2 5 1** 14 I* 21 2* MaschekF T F Swords 560 100 98730**LAURETTA NASH wb 3 99 1 1 24 2* 34 3* 3" LynchJ . Miss M Knessi 495 100 98650PRINCE TOKALON wb 7 108 6 4 4* 41 41 4* 4* KineT J D Mikel 220100 98649 THATCH wb 4 109 4 6 6 6 6 6 5* FelsB C C Miller 2760 100 9865DKIBITZER wb 5 117 5 3 31 31 54 5* 6 WattersE S D Miller 790 100 Time, :24, :48%, 1:1 3 s. 1:40%, 1:46%. Track fast. , S3 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS KINDACORN .90 .70 .80 195—100 85—100 40—100 GALLIC 5.00 3.70 150— IN 85—100 LAURETTA NASH 3.10 55—100 Winner — B. f, by Prince of Bourbon — Mercia, by Sweep trained by D. P. Veneziano; bred by Xalapa Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 6:24. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. KINDACORN found clear sailing on the inside when making his effort leaving the back stretch, took a good lead in the stretch, but had to be hard ridden at the end to stave off GALLIC. The latter drew into a good lead while under steadying restraint, bore out badly, but came again out in the center of the track and just failed to be up in time. LAURETTA NASH, carried wide at the stretch turn when GALLIC bore out, closed with good energy. PRINCE TOKALON, hard ridden, never could seriously threaten the leaders. KIBITZER faltered in the last quarter mile. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT ROCKINGHAM PARK Wednesday — 3 Races, 06.10; 5 Races, 05.80; 8 Races, 84.30