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CHICAG NOW ONLY 10 CENTS Those Specials Again AgainTHISTLE THISTLE ACE Regrenfs Detroit PayOff Paid 1400 1400BONNIE BONNIE MARlf A Regrens Arlington PayOff Paid 470 470HOOSIERS HOOSIERS PRIDE Regrens Best Bet Paid 430 430BIG BIG SHOW Regrens Empire City Standout Paid 75 REGREN GAVE FOUR WINNERS AT EMPIRE CITY AND FOUR AT BAINBRIDGE BAINBRIDGECORINNE CORINNE DAILEY 72 BROWN POLLY 900 900GIFT GIFT MAGIC 125 ALL BAYS 780 780BIG BIG SHOW 75 PREFERRED 500 500JUSTJCAP JUSTJCAP 21 MARABOU 540 540McCarty McCarty Continues to Knock Over the Long Shots ShotsMcCarty McCarty lield a heavy score with his good odds picks throughout last week His Friday leader leaderPRETTY PRETTY WISE at Rockingham Paid 3000 GET SET FOR THE FRESH STARTERS AT HAWTHORNE AND SARATOGA SARATOGAThe The Pink Sheet is famous for pointing out FRESH and COM INGTJP HORSES Today Hawthorne and Saratoga open and at the latter track especially there will be many starters that have not been to the post in several weeks Keep an eye on the Horses to Watch and on the Splitting the Seconds work tab column AND BY ALL MEANS FOLLOW YOUR FAVORITE PINK SHEET SELECTOR All selectors are well informed about the training of these fresh starters MONDAYS TWO FREE CODES CODESHAWTHORNE HAWTHORNE Black525948 Black525948D D ETROIT Black466249 To Decipher Above Codes Buy a Pink Sheet SheetCHICAGO CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH TELEGRAPHUl Ul PLYMOUTH CODKT CHICAGO ELL 1350 per Month by First Class Mall 700 per Month by Air Mall