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Y RACING FORM VOLUME XXXX NUMBER 181 FOUNDED IN 1894 1894Rutered Rutered as second class natter A ril 2 1896 at the post fflc at Chicago Illinois under Act of March 3 187 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY A dally reflection of the American turf by telegraph Published by DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PITMOVTH COURX CHICAGO ILL ILLMS MS W 86TH STREET NEW TOKK CITY Y YM M RICHMOND STBEET EAST TOBONTO O T T3C8317 3C8317 DECATUB 8TBEEX NEW OBLEAN8 LA SIM TIBET AYE N W MIAMI FLA FLAlltt lltt HABBIBON ST BAB FBANCISCO CALIF TELEPHONE BAURISON 7508 r Free Plione llesnltx Call Wabatli 7000 7000Ifor Ifor bualnpi and circulation purposes only This telephone dai no connection with the new or editorial departments and cannot be used to communi ¬ cate with tbvm SUBSCRIPTION BY FIRST CLASS MAIL 850PER MONTU 260 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DE ¬ LIVERY HJfiO PER MONTH UY AIR MAIL 200 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY DELIVERYPAYABLE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BACK NUMRERS BY MAIL 25 CENTS EACH To tw considered and atisirered all queries to Dally Racing Form must he ant over the full name and with tb address of writer The names and addressea are subject to a local and foreicn directory test Atdnaa all coBBonicationi make all remittance ad adsemd semd all Bianuscripts to toDAILY DAILY BACINO FOB PUBLISHING CO 41 Plymouth Coert Chicago HI 91105 is First Index of 1934