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CLAUDE WILLIAMS WILLIAMSCatering Catering to a Better Clientele Information Direct from the Grounds STRICTLY ONE HORSE A DAY TERMS 5 DAILY SATURDAYS ONE HORSE PANCOAST 386 280 2nd INFORMATION THAT STANDS THE ACID TEST TESTEnormous Enormous PROFITS and big WINNINGS each and every week I am personally on the ground and attend to every detail connected with each and every release Please note my new address addressA A WINNER FOR HAWTHORNES OPENING OPENINGI I shall try and inaugurate the Hawthorne meeting with a winner at sensational odds I strongly urge all readers to positively get this information I am sure that nothing but the rankest kind of bad luck can possibly defeat me Monday Each and every angle has been protected and nothing has been left to chance By all means subscribe subscribeRUSH RUSH TO YOUR NEAREST TELEGRAPH OFFICE OFFICEand and wire 5 at once by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and get this bigpriced winner Address all subscriptions to CLAUDE WILLIAMS Cicero III