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JOCKEY GREGORY 7GREGORY 3 i MALLWOOD MALLWOODRACING 7 RACING WEEKLY WEEKLYFOR FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDSPRICE 35e SATURDAYS GREGORY PARLAY PARLAYCANDY CANDY PRINCE 1390 WON WONLADFIELD LADFIELD 880 WON WONFRIDAYS FRIDAYS GREGORY PARLAY BRILLIANT DUKE 2642 WON HOOSIERS WONHOOSIERS PRIDE 430 WON WONTHURSDAYS THURSDAYS GREGORY PARLAY DANCING DOLL 2050 WON WONUPTODATE UPTODATE 440 WON WONWEDNESDAYS WEDNESDAYS GREGORY PARLAY BLACK WONIN HAND 1700 WON IN MOTION 440 WON WONJOCKEY JOCKEY GREGORY PARLAY SERVICE Terms 3 Daily 10 Weekly WeeklyDont Dont forget that this is a jockey service We know when and how owners and trainers operate We rode for them and know their methods It is for that reason that we are able to offer you this superlative service Were you to pay ten times the amount w ask you could not obtain better information Act now and save regrets when results are published Sub ¬ scribe at once MONDAYS FREE CODE DETROIT Harry46724054 MONDAYS SMALLWOOD CODES DETROIT Fator4tM5846 D ETROIT Hunter4g524847 Hunter4g524847GREGORY GREGORY SMALLWOOD 149 N DEARBORN ST CHICAGO ILL