untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1936-10-22


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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XLII. NUMBER 254 FOUNDED IN 1894 Entered aa aecond clan natter. April I. IbSC. tl the pott office it CLlcito. lllinoia, under Act ot Uarcb and, I87S. DAILY EXCEIT SUNDAY A call reflection of tLe American torf bj telecrapb. t Putslisned by REGAL PRESS, INC. 441 PLYMOUTH CODET CHICAGO. ILL. 31S W. SBTH SI BEET HEW YORK CITY; if. Y. 12 CALHOUN AVE. HOUSTON, TEXAS 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST TORONTO, ONT. 3134 MIAMI COURT, N. W. KIAHI. FLA. IMS HARRISON ST. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF.. 2107 THIRD ATE. SEATTLE. WASH. "1EI.EIHONK HAllItlSONJSOH For buinfaa and circulation pnrpoees onl7. Thla telephone baa oo connection wltb tbe newa -or editorial deiarueut and cannot be used to communicate wltb them. For trie Ibone Reaulte Call Wo bath 7000. SUltSCRIlTION 11 Y KlIIST CLASS MAIL: J8.S0 IEll MONTH, 12 CO EXTRA FOH SIECIAL DB-LIVKKY. J15.O0 IEll MONTH UY AIR MAIL. J2.C0 EXTRA FOR SIECIAL DELIVERY. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. RACK NUMUEHS OX MAIL. 23 CENTS EACH. To be considered and answered, all qnerlea to Daily Racine Form must be aent OTer tbe foil name and wltb tlie addreta of writer. Tlie namea and addreaiea are subject to a local and foreign, director teat. Addresa all communications, make all remittances and tend all manntcripte to DAILY RACING F.RM 441 Plymouth Couit CMcaro, 111. 22060 Is First Index of 1936

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936102201/drf1936102201_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1936102201_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800