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jTRAINER GILPIN STILL SEA- I GRAM STABLE TRAINER ... --.4 TORONTO, Ont, April 29. In spite of a well-founded report from Chicago, to the effect that Frank Gilpin has been engaged to succeed Bert S. Michell as trainer of the Mrs. Emil Denemark stable, J. E. Frowde Seagram advised Canadian Sports and Daily Racing Form today that Mr. Gilpins resignation had not been received, although it was known that he had an offer of the Dene-mark position. Mr. Seagram stated that it was his intention to race the string now in Maryland and headed by the good handicap performer. Stand Pat, throughout the Pimlico meeting, after which they would be brought to Woodbine Park for the spring meeting of the Ontario Jockey Club. Mr. Gilpin was in Toronto on Wednesday for a conference with the Seagram brothers, at which time he advised his employers of the Denemark offer, but he had not made up his mind definitely to accept It at the conclusion of that conference.